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As the shadows approached, everyone finally saw clearly.

That’s a giant ape with a head over 30 meters! The black mane stands upright like a steel needle! Muscle explosions are rocky and angular! Sharp claw fangs are like swords of war!

Such a giant ape, with more than 10000 heads, rushed at a rapid speed, and the surrounding grass and soil were crushed by them, and even the earth was shaking!

“It’s over… the strength of these monsters is too terrifying…”

The Void Son swallowed madly, shivering coldly: “These all apes are 3–Star Heavenly Immortal realm! Besieged with 10000 heads together is enough to make us die without a burial site…”

“not only that……”

Twilight night face deathly pale, the pupils contracted, howling and sighed: “They are not only powerful but also wildly talented! The defensive power has a large bonus in lethality! Even if I use the night god to attack with full strength, they will also be attacked by them Suppress in an instant!”

Obviously, Twilight Night’s Primordial Spirit Battle Axe is a 3–Star Heavenly Immortal device, the most powerful offensive Magical Artifact among the crowd.

However, these too-virtual apes have a very strong wild talent, blessed on Cultivation, they can be invincible at the same level.

That is to say, even if Chenchen Chen shot with all her strength, she would not be able to fight any atrocious ape.

At this moment, there are 10000 apes that are too violent!

In this situation, everyone simply has any chance of winning!


Heng Yongxu took a breath of breath: “The enemy’s Cultivation is not less than 3–Star Heavenly Immortal level, Brother Bei’s Yin and Yang life and death ring will not work… this battle will die…”

At the same time, both Ling Taiji and Long Xiehuo have been frightened and their hearts tightened, cold sweats furious, shrinking behind Chen Xiaobei, the atmosphere dare not take a breath.

Undoubtedly, in their view, this is a battle with absolutely no suspense.

Of course, they have long known that the dangers in the Supreme Void Universe may take their lives at any time.

At this moment, this worry is finally becoming a reality.

Faced with the power of absolute crushing, they could do nothing but wait for death.

Even if you kneel and beg for mercy!

Because Ape Race is too violent and bloodthirsty, once the battle is started, it must be irreconcilable. They will never ask for surrender and will not accept the enemy to surrender!

For Twilight Night and the others, death has come to their heads.

Unable to avoid, unable to resist, can do nothing but wait for death.

However, just when they were almost desperate and died in silence, Chen Xiaobei and Song Qingcheng had serene expressions on their faces, calm as before, and did not even fluctuate at all.

It seems that there is no danger around simply!

“Earth Dragon Spikes!!!”

In the next moment, only Six-Eared Macaque loudly shouts can be heard.


The dark brown fairy quickly spread from Six-Eared Macaque and merged into the surrounding earth.

“Sa! Sa! Sa…”

Then, one after another several dozen meters long rock cone thorns, as if springing up, emerged from the ground at a rapid speed, and inserted straight into the air.

“Bah! Bah! Bah…”

Who dares to think that the speed and power of these cones and thorns are far above the too violent apes from the surroundings!

In the blink of an eye, the 10000 vain ape, like a skewer, was directly penetrated by a straight cone thorn, all hanging in the air!

I saw that the 3–Star Heavenly Immortal-level Physique’s too vain ape, the body was completely penetrated, the plasma viscera spewed out along the wound, and the Combat Force was lost in an instant.

What’s more, the black-brown special fairy is blessed in these cone thorns, so that all the primordial spirits of the too violent apes cannot escape.

As a result, they can only be penetrated by the body, hung in the air by cones and thorns, watching their blood run out, waiting for the exhaustion of Spiritual Power, and the spirit of Primordial Spirit will disappear.

That’s right!

In this blink of an eye, Six-Eared Macaque directly wiped out all the violent apes that had been killed!

“My mother…this…this…this…”

Seeing the scene in front of me, Twilight Night and the others, the heart almost flew out of his throat and eyes, and even the soul was almost scared.

They did not know the core of Six-Eared Macaque’s ability.

I thought Six-Eared Macaque had just become the Emperor Earth Dragon King, but I never dreamed that Six-Eared Macaque also had Cultivation of the Emperor Earth Dragon King!

One move to destroy 10000 apes is too violent, this scene is simply shocking and terrifying!

At this moment, Twilight Night and the others looked towards Six-Eared Macaque’s eyes were already filled with infinite awe, as if looking at an extremely terrifying superpower.

Against the sky! Super strength! A single thought can bring everyone back to heaven from death netherworld!


Everyone was convinced by Six-Eared Macaque!

Of course, when I think about it, everyone’s admiration and admiration for Chen Xiaobei suddenly soared to an unprecedented height!

Because no matter how powerful Six-Eared Macaque is, he is working for Chen Xiaobei.

Moreover, the power of Six-Eared Macaque is entirely thanks to the accomplishment of Chen Xiaobei.

In the final analysis, Chen Xiaobei is the most bullish person!

Originally, Mu Chenye and the others were threatened by “Demon God Robbery” before they had to follow Chen Xiaobei.

But at this moment, their ideas have begun to change. Following Chen Xiaobei may be a huge opportunity for them, and may bring them a very good future.

All of a sudden, Mu Chenye and the others began to surrender to Chen Xiaobei from the heart.

Even without the threat of “Demon God”, they will not betray Chen Xiaobei.

This is the role of power!

As long as you have absolute power, it is enough to deter all enemies, let them willingly surrender, and willingly be a running dog!

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei deliberately didn’t tell them the power of Six-Eared Macaque, that is, to let them feel the greatest shock at the time of life and death, shake their moods, and change their ideas, and then they will surrender from the heart!

“Ao! Oh oh oh…”

At this moment, above the mountain in front, the horrible ape howling broke out again.

“hong long long ……hong long long ……”

At the same time, a huge sensation began to erupt throughout the forest.

“Brother Bei, why don’t you go to Xumi space first!”

Although Six-Eared Macaque won a game, he did not dare to relax at all: “Once the too-violent ape starts a war, it must be irreconcilable! The roar just now came from the black blood ape king! This is the signal to start a national war!”

“National War!?” Chen Xiaobei expression froze.


Six-Eared Macaque said abruptly: “At the order of the King of the Apes, all the too vain apes on this planet will rush over, either round me up or be completely slaughtered by me! The scene will be very chaotic, so I suggest You avoid it!”


Chen Xiaobei shook the head, decisively said: “I will use other methods to deal with this matter!”

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