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Four people shot at the same time to maximize the power of the Heavenly Immortal device, surrounded by four directions from front, back, left and right.

In this situation, even if it is a real 3鈥揝tar Heavenly Immortal, it will definitely suffer a big loss.

but! Chen Xiaobei was calm, and did not even consider this horrifying siege as dangerous.

“Yin and Yang together! i will control Life and Death! Die!”

Chen Xiaobei’s thumb gently twisted the Yin-Yang life-and-death ring. There was no move at all, and there was no need to inject Spirit Qi or True Yuan.


In the next moment, the Yin-Yang birth and death ring automatically burns a large number of internal life forces to urge death ability.

Half of the ring black, rays of light shine, with the power of 3鈥揝tar Heavenly Immortal level, began to forcefully draw the life force of 4 enemies.

Although at this moment, the dark red battle axe of Twilight Night is 3鈥揝tar Heavenly Immortal, Ling Taiji鈥檚 platinum war spear is 2鈥揝tar Peak Stage Heavenly Immortal device, and the red Akira Heavenly Dragon bead of dragon evil fire is 2鈥揝tar Heavenly Immortal Late Stage, the Purple and Blue Sword of the Void is also 2鈥揝tar Heavenly Immortal Late Stage!

If we talk about the overall power, the combined power of these Heavenly Immortal devices is definitely far better than the Yin and Yang life and death ring.


The goal of the Yin-Yang life and death ring is not these Heavenly Immortal devices at all, but the masters of these Heavenly Immortal devices! That is the 4 enemies who want Chen Xiaobei’s life!

“What’s going on? Our cents are losing a lot…No! More than that! Physical strength and Spiritual Power are also passing by…”

The four people had already issued unimaginable exclamations before they even attacked Chen Xiaobei.

If they are 3鈥揝tar Heavenly Immortal, they can resist the ability of Yin and Yang鈥檚 life and death ring by protecting the fairy, but unfortunately, among them, the strongest Twilight Night is only 2鈥揝tar Heavenly Immortal Peak Stage realm.

Although they have a powerful Heavenly Immortal device, they can’t block the ability of Yin and Yang life and death ring.

All of a sudden, the life force of the four of them couldn’t be controlled at a rapid rate!

The rate of loss is so fast that they are terrified and scalp numb, so they have to stop attacking and want to protect themselves.

It’s a pity that Force of Death is invisible and invisible. They can’t defend even if they want to defend, and they can’t escape even if they want to escape.

The Yin-Yang life-death ring is like a black hole that never knows satisfaction. If you don’t suck the four of them alive, you will never give up.

“Boom! Boom!”

Ziqing’s two swords fell to the ground, and Cultivation’s weakest void was so weak that he couldn’t even hold the sword.

鈥減u pass!鈥?/p>

Void Son knelt down and cried with a wailing cry: “Young Master… Oh no! Senior spares! Senior spare my life please… Yes I have eyes and no beads… Yes I have eyes but fail to recognise Mount Tai …… Bless Senior Rao I am one…”

“Want to live? Yes!”

Chen Xiaobei smiled wickedly and said, “Open your mind, I will bury a curse seed within you within the body! From then on, you will be a running dog under my feet!”

“Be obedient and obey, you can live! Otherwise, even if you just have a hint of rebellion, the power of the curse will immediately explode, completely destroying your Primordial Spirit!”

Obviously, what Chen Xiaobei said was the “Demon God Robbery” taught by Mo Luo Wutian before!

This Cultivation Technique is similar to dog food and can be used to control others.

The advantage of dog food is that once taken, the enemy will be 100% loyal. The disadvantage is that it cannot be used on enemies above 2鈥揝tar Heavenly Immortal.

The disadvantage of “Demon God Robbery” is that the enemies will not be 100% loyal, they will be afraid, timid, and will escape. But the advantage is that the life and death of the enemy is entirely within Chen Xiaobei’s thoughts, and it has an effect on the enemies below God Rank!

“Okay! I am willing…I am willing to be Senior’s running dog…as long as I can survive…I will do anything!”

The Void Son is so weak that he feels that he may breathe one’s last at any time.

Moreover, not only the death of the Fleshy body, but once the Spirit Power is exhausted, even the Nascent Soul Primordial Spirit will die together.

You know, he lived here for countless years, in the final analysis, because of fear of death.

At this moment, if he doesn’t want to die, he has only one way to go, that is, to give his life to Chen Xiaobei.


Void Son opens his heart, allowing Chen Xiaobei’s power to penetrate directly into his Primordial Spirit.


Chen Xiaobei immediately ran the “Demon God Robbery” and planted a spell seed within the Primordial Spirit of the Void.


At the same time, the Yin and Yang Ring of Life and Death no longer absorbs the Spiritual Power of the Void.

He instantly fell to the ground like mud on the beach, panting heavily, his face full of expressions like amnesty, and expressions of awe at Chen Xiaobei.

From this moment on, as long as he dares to make Chen Xiaobei uncomfortable, Chen Xiaobei a single thought, he can kill him.

As long as he is scared enough to die, he can only be a good dog of Chen Xiaobei for a lifetime.

“Smelly Brat! Want Lao’zi to be your dog? Absolutely impossible!”

Seeing the scene in front of him, Long Xiehuo roared with great disdain: “Void Son! You softie! Boneless genius! And you are called the 4 great genius, Lao’zi feels ashamed!”

“Stupid big fellow, save some effort!”

Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently: “You 4 want my life, but it falls into my hands! a debtor must pay his debt, right and proper! Your life must be returned to me! Either die or become My dog! Hard bones have to pay the debt!”

“Boy! The pride of genius! Not death can be threatened!”

Ling Taiji’s eyes narrowed and said very firmly: “Fireball head! This time, as you think, even if you die, you will never succumb to this kid! Anyway, he can’t live even if we die!”

“What do you mean?” Chen Xiaobei expression started slightly.

“Don’t you know yet?”

Twilight night gave a sneer and said aloud: “This space is the final level of the assessment! The essence is a powerful seal of 3鈥揝tar Heavenly Immortal Late Stage! Only the seal can be broken to pass the level!”

“If you kill 4 of us, with your own strength, you will definitely be trapped here forever! On the contrary! If you don’t kill us and join us, it is possible to break the seal and regain freedom!”


This is the threat of red fruit!

dare kill my, you will be trapped here! Only with us can we have a glimmer of survival!

Long Xiehuo’s stupid big fellow didn’t understand the stakes.

However, Mu Chenye and Ling Taiji knew very well that as long as Chen Xiaobei wanted to break through the seal, he could never kill them.

Because of this, they are not afraid at all now, and they are easily accepted under the control of Demon God Robbery!

“3鈥揝tar Tianxian Late Stage? Sounds very difficult to deal with!”

Chen Xiaobei smiled indifferently and said, “Large your dog’s eyes and see clearly. Your so-called genius pride is worthless in my eyes!”

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