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I want to know who are you?


Kneel on the ground and beg me, I will tell you!

At this moment, Chen Xiaobei is like a sovereign emperor who controls the whole world. Each word is like a sacred word. Only accepting the look and worship, never allow any doubt!

Arrogant! overbearing! Extremely arrogant!


Twilight night’s expression was stiff, her mouth twitched uncontrollably, and her eyes were even colder: “you brat don’t be unsatisfied! Don’t think that you can act on your head and act wilfully!”

“Oh, since you don’t kneel, then I will hit you on your knees!” Chen Xiaobei’s eyes were cold, his black eyes were gray, and he was pressing outward, as if exuding something that was enough to be depraved.

“Okay! Very good! You are the only one in this life who dare to talk to me like this!” Mu Chenye’s expression gradually became dire, and his eyes showed a dark red color, and the whole person’s aura was so gloomy to the extreme .

With his talent, status, heritage, ability, no matter where he goes, aloof and remote are looked up to!

It’s too late for other people to stoop to please, let alone let him kneel, no one would dare even offend him a little bit!

It is conceivable that at this moment, Chen Xiaobei’s words have touched the reverse scale of Mu Chenye!

Oh no!

Not touched!

It’s trample the evening scale of twilight night! I even want to completely crush these reverse scales!

dragon has a reverse scale, kill it if you know it! If the reverse scale is trampled by someone, what a terrible rage!

There is no doubt that Mu Chenye is now immersed in the violent wrath unprecedented in his life!

Twilight night felt an unprecedented shame, and even felt dignity provoked by the worst!

If it had been before, Mu Chenye had already shot out, completely abolished Chen Xiaobei, and then tried every means to torture Chen Xiaobei. Until Chen Xiaobei wailed, begged for mercy, and repented, he would end Chen Xiaobei’s extremely painful life.


At this moment, despite the unprecedented rage, Mu Chenye not at all shot!

That’s right!

Although Chen Chenbei was calm on the surface, in fact, he was also shocked by Chen Xiaobei’s coercion!

To put it bluntly, he did not dare to rush!

He dignified a prince Immortal Emperor, known as the super genius with Divine Emperor talent, was actually scared by Chen Xiaobei!

Thanks to the threat he kept on saying Chen Xiaobei, in fact, he was afraid of Chen Xiaobei.

This is really ironic!

“pa !pa! ”

I saw that Twilight Night waved 2 immortals, and turned into 2 dark red palm prints, which were heavily drawn on the faces of Long Xiehuo and Ling Taiji.


Two extremely loud slaps, finally awakening Dragon Evil Fire and Ling Taiji from a dull state.

“What… what’s going on? How can we kneel on the ground?”

Long Xiehuo and Ling Taiji touched their swollen cheeks, all of which were bold and bold, and they didn’t even remember the kneeling process!

It is conceivable that the coercion of Chen Xiaobei just broke their state of mind! They even made fragments of their thinking!

If it wasn’t for Twilight Night to wake them up, I’m afraid they didn’t know how to die!

“Get up! Stop kneeling!”

Twilight Night Fury shouted: “Shoot with me! We, 4, join hands to abolish this little boy!”

Obviously, Mu Chenye’s heart was really afraid of Chen Xiaobei, so that he did not dare to shoot himself, and he had to join forces with three other people to dare to fight Chen Xiaobei.

“Shooting together?”

Void Child frowned slightly, and said disdainfully: “Yu Ye, are you cracking a joke? Dealing with a trifling ant, would it be necessary for us 4 to shoot together?”

Obviously, the void is not the target of Chen Xiaobei’s coercion. Although shocked in his heart, he did not really feel the horror of Chen Xiaobei.

From the point of view of the void, Chen Xiaobei has the origins of Golden Dragon and Fire Phoenix, but these two distinct things have no ability and power, so don’t be afraid!

“You are not afraid, then you can do it yourself!”

The next second, Twilight Night, Dragon Evil Fire, Ling Taiji, 3 people and 3 mouths spoke the same sentence almost simultaneously.


The Void are stupid, and they didn’t expect to dream, and the three gangsters expressed their attitudes in unison.

You know, Void is the weakest among the 4 people, and normally he is a man with a tail in his tail.

At the moment, the three big guys dare not play Chen Xiaobei alone, but I want to know with my butt, Chen Xiaobei is definitely not simple.

“Uh…then, let’s take the action together with four people…”

Void Son counseled on the spot, swallowed saliva and said, accusing him: “Although I’m not afraid of this kid, but since it means what Master Ye meant, I will naturally follow suit!”

“What nonsense!?”

Mu Chenye impatiently said: “Give Lao’zi every effort! Don’t have any reservation! You must smash the kid!”

I have to say that Mu Chenye is really afraid of Chen Xiaobei, so he gave a death order as soon as he came up, and the four people joined forces. Moreover, no reservations are allowed, and Chen Xiaobei must be exhausted as much as possible!

“My god… am I dreaming…”

Heng Yongxu swallowed madly, even unable to bear pinched himself: “It hurts! This is not a dream! 4 big super genius, actually want to join forces to deal with Brother Bei! Too much fuck 呲啦……”


In the next moment, these 4 super genius showed their strongest cards at the same time, and used their strongest power.

Void Son takes out his purple and blue swords, both of which are 2–Star Late Stage Heavenly Immortal appliances.

A red Heavenly Dragon bead spit out of the dragon evil fire mouth, which has been refined into a 2–Star Peak Stage Heavenly Immortal device.

Ling Taiji took out a platinum chopping sky spear, also a 2–Star Peak Stage Heavenly Immortal device, and killing intent was far superior to Chiming Heavenly Dragon beads.

Twilight night took out a dark red battle axe, which was actually a 3–Star Heavenly Immortal device, with coercion and arrogance, and exuded a vicious atmosphere, extremely terrifying.

Obviously, the four of them are trapped here. Without Spirit Qi cultivation, Cultivation has stopped. The Heavenly Immortal device in their hands is far superior to their Cultivation, and they are the strongest cards in their hands.

“Little bastard! Your death is here!”

Twilight night gave a furious roar.

At the same time, the powers of the four Heavenly Immortal devices have been formed, and four horrible fairy symbols are transformed into Chen Xiaobei at any time.

“Oh, at first, I’ll call you 4 people together, and now I’m finally getting it!”

Chen Xiaobei’s icy smile, gray eyes, flashed with a spine-like charm: “I can only get the most benefit from you 4 together!”

“Benefits!? Are you dead now, still daydreaming?”

Dragon evil fire angrily roared: “brothers! Let’s go together! Kill this rampant ignorant little bastard!!!”

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