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Under the influence of Yuqing divine light, Chen Xiaobei directly perceives the hidden mystery among those huge stone carvings!

It turned out that inside each stone carving, there was a small “hidden array” hidden, so that outsiders could not perceive the spirituality inside the stone carving.

On the stone carving, the one after another seemed to be carved out of the chaotic traces, all of which were left by fierce fighting.

Through the Yuqing divine light, Chen Xiaobei can see every trace, what weapon was injured, and even know what attribute True Yuan was injured.

That’s right!

The biggest function of Yuqing divine light is insight!

Insight into all mysteries that are invisible to the naked eye, like Yang Jian’s 3rd column, like Brother Hou’s genuine Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes.

The Yuqing divine light comes from the interpretation of the secret art, on the level, even higher than the third vertical head and Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes.

Even “Hidden Array” can be seen through, it can be seen how great the Yuqing divine light is.

“It turns out that this is a stone battlefield Ancient Battlefield! Want to go to a lower level of space, than to pass the test here!”

Chen Xiaobei finally wanted to understand the whole thing.

The remains of this Earth Palace may have many layers. Only after passing the test of this layer can we go to the next layer.

The location of Jun Moyue should be the bottom of the multi-layer space.

The Earth Immortal streamer can only escape the ground and cannot penetrate the space, so Chen Xiaobei has been trapped in this layer.

“If that’s the case, let’s get started!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed, his fists clenched in an instant, and he directly hit a stone sculpture beside Zhou.

“bang! !!”

At this moment, Chen Xiaobei’s Physique strength has reached 2–Star Heavenly Immortal Late Stage, even if there is no blessing of the fairy, punched out power has already exceeded 2–Star Heavenly Immortal Initial Stage.

The huge power, directly crushed, instantly caused the meteorite to hit the general destructive power.

The stone carving exploded, breaking into countless stones and splashing towards all directions.


Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised, said: “The owner of Earth Palace should be a Great Desolate, the powerful True Immortal before the continent broke! The test of the 1st floor actually reached the level of 1–Star Heavenly Immortal! !”

Obviously, the stone carving that Chen Xiaobei hit with a punch, defensive power has reached the level of 1–Star Heavenly Immortal.

In Realm of Earthly Immortals, such a stone carving is almost equal to an invincible existence. Even if the top ten Peak Stage giants came with a 1–Star Heavenly Immortal device, it was difficult to destroy casually.

“Ka…ka ka ka…”

At this moment, there were more than 10000 stone carvings all around.

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei used Yuqing divine light to see that these stone statues are not mortals, so as long as one of them is attacked, all the stone statues can be activated.

I saw that the stone carvings stretched out as if the giants were awake.

One Zun stood up and became 10000 Boulder Warriors.

Obviously, they not only have 1–Star Heavenly Immortal level defensive power, but also 1–Star Heavenly Immortal level destructive power.

In other words, at this moment, there are 10000 1–Star Heavenly Immortal surrounding Chen Xiaobei.


“En? Who touched the battlefield of Stone Soldiers?”

At the same time, in the corner of this space, a pair of eyes opened violently, as if awakened by Chen Xiaobei’s punch just now.

100 lines of sight on foot, looking towards Chen Xiaobei.

“Look at it! There is a newcomer!”

“How many years have passed? trillions of millions of years? Or trillions of years? Can anyone find this place?”

“Why are you so excited? A trifling 8–Star Earth Immortal, the waste of trivial ant, is it possible that can pass the assessment?”

“Yes, trifling 8–Star Earth Immortal, Primordial Spirit can’t do it, if you die, it will be completely over! Even you are not qualified to be friends with us!”

“Sleep! Continue to sleep! Anyway, it will end soon!”

In the corner of the space, there were only 100 people excited for a little while, and then they all fell silent again.

Do not!

To be precise, they are not human!

Instead, there are 100 Heavenly Immortal Primordial Spirits!

No fleshy body, no dharma body, no Nascent Soul, no soul.

They have been sleeping here, and they have forgotten how long time has passed.

In their eyes, Chen Xiaobei is a ants that wakes them up to sleep, and is a ants about to die without a burial site.

They even looked at Chen Xiaobei much lazily.


At this moment, there was a wave of spirituality in the sky, and a series of words appeared.

‘Yunyi Immortal Palace, selected by successors! ‘

“Successor selection!?”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes lit up: “The multi-layered space of feelings is a selection test specially designed by the owner of Immortal Palace? Who can pass the customs, who can become the heir of Yunyi Immortal Palace?”

“1 – Star Heavenly Immortal is an entry level. This means that the original owner of Immortal Palace must have a very high Cultivation and status. Under Heavenly Immortal, they are not eligible to participate in his selection!”

Obviously, Realm of Earthly Immortals is impossible in Heavenly Immortal.

Therefore, this assessment space must have existed since the last innumerable disaster.

And the ability to create this space, and allow many people to take risks to participate in the assessment, indicating that the former owner of Yunyi Immortal Palace must be extremely powerful!

He is at least a high-level Heavenly Immortal, maybe even the existence of God Rank!


Then, in the sky, the second column of text emerged.

‘first test, if you stick to it for ten minutes, you will be passed! Loser, take responsibility for the consequences! ‘

“This is the assessment rule!”

Chen Xiaobei’s expression changed slightly and looked towards the 10000 boulder soldiers around him again.

“People who take part in the assessment must stay under the siege of these giant stone warriors for ten minutes! And, take responsibility for the consequences! This shows that some people may be seriously injured here or even die!”

This is not only a simple test, but also a brutal test of survival.

Chen Xiaobei can even imagine that many people would enter this space together. After the fierce fighting, many people died here,

Some of them may help each other, and some may plot against each other, but no matter how, only those who have survived for ten minutes can complete the Danger Land survival and can enter the second test.

“Shua … shua …”

In the next moment, 2 columns of text are disillusioned at the same time.

“hong long long ……hong long long ……”

Immediately afterwards, around 10000 boulder soldiers suddenly moved towards Chen Xiaobei to launch a charge.

The defensive power, destructive power, and speed of these boulder soldiers have reached 1–Star Heavenly Immortal Initial Stage level.

On the 10000 soldiers running and charging together, the huge sensation even made the whole space tremble, as if Hundred Thousand Great Mountains moved towards Chen Xiaobei pressed down, terrifying and suffocating!

“ten minutes……”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly, and could not help but sighed: “It’s a waste of time! I’m too much in ten seconds!”

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