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Yuan Tiangang: Isn’t 500 million another company’s bid? We can’t add more on our side…

Chen Xiaobei: No need to add, at the price of 500 million, I have ten to trade!

Yuan Tiangang: If you don’t increase the price, we want it here! I will report immediately!

Chen Xiaobei: Good! Then I wait for your good news!

Subsequently, Chen Xiaobei immediately entered Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd.

After finding Futian Xin’er, Chen Xiaobei asked her to help and ripened ten or five Blood Bodhi fruits at once.

For this, Chen Xiaobei paid 40000 5000 low grade spirit jade.

At the same time, there were 333 fruits on the Divine Tree in the beginning.

Chen Xiaobei ripened 3 capsules for the first time and 2 capsules for the second. After eating 2 capsules, 8 capsules remained.

With just ten or five, there are 5 Blood Bodhi fruits in hand.

And there are 305 fruits left in the book.

Bringing the harvest, Chen Xiaobei immediately left Emperor Qing’s Immortal Gourd.

First of all, Chen Xiaobei sent ten Blood Bodhi fruits to Mo Luo Wu Tian. After all, he may have to trade in the future, so Chen Xiaobei cannot cheat Mo Luo Wu Tian.

Red Envelope is sent, and the transaction here is completed.

On the other side, Yuan Tiangang also sent a reply.

His superior expressed his willingness to accept a price of 500 million.

Ding-Congratulations! I grabbed Red Envelope who was afraid of staying in the sun and got 5,000,000,000 low grade spirit jade, which has been deposited in Treasure Chest!

“Fear of staying grandson!?”

Chen Xiaobei expression started a little bit: “It turns out that the superior in Yuan Tiangang’s mouth was actually afraid of leaving Sun Sun!”

Chen Xiaobei knew long ago that Fearing Sun and the Monster Race mysterious giant colluded.

It was no surprise that I received Red Envelope who was afraid of staying at this moment.

Subsequently, Chen Xiaobei sent ten Blood Bodhi fruits to Reduve Sun with Red Envelope.

After all, Wu Xiao Holy Mother and Yuan Tiangang are still under the other’s hands, and Chen Xiaobei can’t lie to each other.

In this way, 2 big transactions have been completed one after another!

Because of the mobile phone, this auction was played to a new height by Chen Xiaobei and a new realm!

Be aware that in general auction, there will only be one winner with the highest bid.

At this time, both parties participated in the auction, regardless of the outcome, and they all bought things at the highest price.

It seems that everyone is happy, but in fact, Chen Xiaobei is the biggest beneficiary.

A full 10,000,000,000 low grade spirit jade is credited, just thinking about it, Chen Xiaobei has a scalp tingling, for fear of dreaming.

In addition, Chen Xiaobei also tried out the highest price of Blood Bodhi.

No need to auction in the future, anyone who wants to buy, Chen Xiaobei will offer 500 million low grade spirit jade.

Buy if you can afford it, and roll if you can’t, Chen Xiaobei doesn’t worry about selling anyway!

“It’s cool!”

Sensing 100100000000 2410000 3200 low grade spirit jade in the space ring with spiritality, Chen Xiaobei feels that he is almost refreshing in the sky.

In Hongmeng Monster Realm, he was also worried about the spirit jade, and almost died because of lack of energy.

At this moment, it directly became a 100 100000000 millionaire.

This is simply fantastic!


After instant wealth, Chen Xiaobei’s confidence has been unprecedentedly enhanced.

Immediately began to prepare, intending to enter Carcks of the Great Void.

Of course, before entering Carcks of the Great Void, Chen Xiaobei still needs to do one more thing.

That is to help Hongmeng Monster Ancestor Jun Moyue lift the seal.

In this matter, Chen Xiaobei promised to Jun Moyue, but also promised to Cang Tianao. In any case, Chen Xiaobei must also do it.


With a move of heart, Chen Xiaobei uses spirituality to communicate with Hongmeng Yaohuo.

This trace of monstrous demon fire allows Chen Xiaobei to get in touch with Jun Moyue.

“God… Young Master by the wind! You finally contacted me…”

Soon, Chen Xiaobei’s mind heard Jun Moyue’s anxious voice.

The long wait has already made her anxious.

She even suspected that Chen Xiaobei would never contact her again. The whole person was immersed in despair for a long time.

“I promised you something, I will do it naturally!”

Chen Xiaobei said indifferently: “Tell me where you are, I will go now and help you lift the seal!”

“Really? Very good!”

Jun Moyue said: “I am now on the seabed of the Realm of Earthly Immortals Eastern Sea! There is a remains of the Ancient Immortal Earth Palace! Don’t cut off the communication of spirituality, I will show you the direction!”

“Okay! I’m leaving now!” Chen Xiaobei without the slightest hesitation immediately went to Eastern Sea through Transmission Formation.

Right now, there are 3 days left before the March deadline for saving Fairy Maiden Cháng’é.

Chen Xiaobei must seize every minute and every second.

Fortunately, the entire Realm of Earthly Immortals has already belonged to Chen Xiaobei. There are no obstacles along the way. All Transmission Formation can be used. It takes a few minutes to reach the Eastern Sea.


Chen Xiaobei quickly infiltrated the seabed according to Jun Moyue’s guidance.

With Water Repelling Bead plus Physique of 2–Star Heavenly Immortal Late Stage, Chen Xiaobei quickly went to seabed and successfully found the remains of Earth Palace that Jun Moyue said.

Last time, Chen Xiaobei Tearing the Void took Futian Xin’er to escape the seal space. At the same time, Jun Moyue’s seal stone ball also fell into the space turbulence.

It is not surprising that it appears in the remains of this Earth Palace at this moment.

But what makes Chen Xiaobei a little confused is that this ruin is very special.

The entrance to Earth Palace is just under the seabed rocks.

But after entering it, it seems to enter a huge space, there is no longer sea water around, but there are many strange stone carvings.

According to Jun Moyue’s guidance, her seal stone ball should be under this huge space.

However, Chen Xiaobei searched for a long time, but did not find a downward channel.

What makes Chen Xiaobei unexpected is that in this special space, the Earth Immortal streamer can’t be used!

It seems that the ground beneath your feet is the lowest space wall, and you can’t go down any further.

“This is very contradictory…”

Chen Xiaobei frowned, and silently calculated: “According to Jun Moyue’s guidance, I still have to go down a long distance to see the seal stone ball, but now, there is no way to go…”

After a moment of silence, Chen Xiaobei’s eyes turned to the surrounding stone carvings.

Within this space, there are between 1000 and 10000 strangely shaped stone carvings. From a distance, they look like giants of each and everyone, and from close up there is a trace of one after another.

But these traces are very messy and there is no pattern at all.

If it were before, Chen Xiaobei might be helpless, unable to move a single step.

But it is different now.

“Yuqing divine light!”

Just listen to Chen Xiaobei whisper, a little cyan-green rays of light suddenly appeared in the eyebrows, it looks like Yang Jian opened the third Divine Eyes.

That’s right, this is exactly what Shen Gongbao went to Heavenly Realm to do his best to give Chen Xiaobei’s wedding gift.


In the next moment, Chen Xiaobei looked towards those huge stone carvings, and as a result, it was completely different!

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