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Undoubtedly, the sudden loss of control of the array completely disrupted Chen Xiaobei’s plan and gave Ling Shence a chance to breathe.

The Platinum War Phoenix dharma comes out of the body, and also has 9–Star Heavenly Immortal-level Combat Force and defensive power.

The only loss of Ling Shence is that it cannot be turned into a prototype of the platinum war phoenix.

apart from this, his strength can be said without any loss, is still a strong 9–Star Heavenly Immortal!

More importantly, after eating a big loss, if you want to cheat Lingshence again, it is simply impossible!

He will no longer be fond of enemies, and he will not even care about any other circumstances. His eyes are locked on Chen Xiaobei, and he has identified an undoubted target in his heart!

Kill Chen Xiaobei! at all costs!


The phoenix originally existed at the same level as the phoenix, and the platinum battle phoenix is ​​a special kind of phoenix.

A roar, accompanied by the desolate vicissitudes of life, and the reincarnation of life and time, as if innumerable living beings were as small as dust,

“Ka … Ka …”

At the same time, the space wall that had just been hit by the giant force had already cracked, as if it would crack at any time.

There is no doubt that at this time, Ling Shence will do his utmost to perform a more terrifying and deadly blow than before.

As for what the cave will eventually become, Ling Shence doesn’t care at all.

At this moment, he has only one goal in his heart!

That is to kill Chen Xiaobei completely!

“War Phoenix Olympic Wing!!!”

I saw that the pair of white Golden Feather wings of Ling Shen’s law-making body suddenly spread out!

The ultimate fairy that Cultivation can excite is bursting out completely!

His wings instantly became like countless platinum swords, wielding direct, endless word intent like a river, pouring out, as if it could fill All Heavens Myriad Realms!

“Brother Bei!!!”

Yan Lingshi screamed and looked at the horrific offensive, her heart had been completely tightened, cold sweat like rain, madness!

At this moment, she even felt that the countless swords were already in front of her. As long as Ling Shence a single thought, she would be chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, and turned into flesh, even from flesh. Cut into something finer than dust.

9–Star Heavenly Immortal, endless sword intent, terrifying!

“God… so powerful…”

Compared to Yan Lingshi’s nervousness, Xia Yilian showed her fanaticism instead, as if she saw something she desperately desires and dreamed of wanting to have.

That’s right!

Then strength!

Xia Yilian has an incomparable gigantic ambition, and to support her ambition, she must have enough strength.

It stands to reason that what is shown at the moment is entirely the power of Ling Shence’s individual and has nothing to do with her Xia Yilian.

However, Xia Yilian’s expression seems to have gained this power, excited! excitement! Even ecstatic!


Ling Shence roared, and her wings fluttered suddenly.

Endless sword intent turned into 2 platinum rivers, grandiose swallowed the world, directly moved towards Chen Xiaobei and Yan Lingshi rolled down.

It was first played like a monkey, and then was destroyed by plot against the fleshy body.

At this moment, Ling Shence’s anger has reached an unprecedented extreme. He didn’t even care about Yan Lingshi’s life and death. He had stolen all the power, and he had to put Chen Xiaobei to death!


At this moment, Chen Xiaobei ran out of “North Xuan prisoner sky map” backhand.

Originally, Chen Xiaobei wanted to use “Bei Xuan Prison Sky Map” to flick Ling Shen Ce. When Ling Shen Ce relaxed his guard, he suddenly used Five Elements to defeat Ling Shen Ce.


At this moment, Ling Shence doesn’t even care about Yan Lingshi’s life and death. Where else will he care what Magical Artifact Chen Xiaobei took out?

The prior plot against is already invalid, Chen Xiaobei can only give it a go!

“Five Elements Avenue! The Power of Extreme Fire!!!”

Chen Xiaobei gave a full battle roar in an imposing manner, although the outcome was unpredictable.

But the mood, aura, and imposing manner cannot be lost to Ling Shence! This is the perseverance of Dao Xin, and will never go backwards!

“Ao bang!!!!”

In the next moment, the violent flame exploded from the “Bei Xuan prisoner sky map”, the horrible sound wave, as if a roar of the ancient Divine Dragon, fiercely shocked the entire space.

After the previous preparations, this True Yuan from Hongmeng Fire has reached the level of 9–Star Heavenly Immortal.


At the last moment, Chen Xiaobei, working on the result of the smashing of the sea crystals, forcibly completed an additional Five Elements cycle.

In other words, Chen Xiaobei strengthened this power by 9% at the cost of a 2-Star Heavenly Immortal-level sea crystal.

This is an extremely risky gamble!

If during the last cycle, the sea crystal breaks down in advance, all the efforts of Chen Xiaobei will be in vain!


Chen Xiaobei’s luck is good enough!

The sea crystals didn’t break apart suddenly until the mighty power was excited.

In other words, the power of Five Elements at the moment is actually 2% stronger than Ling Shence’s Combat Force!

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang …”

I saw that the pillar of fire like the ancient dragon was directly crushed, and the endless sword intent in the 2 platinum rivers was actually defeated and even defeated!

“Have you won!?”

Yan Lingshi beautiful eyes couldn’t believe his eyes!

I thought that this match would end in a draw. Didn’t expect, Chen Xiaobei shot, and actually got the upper hand immediately!

“Win? Dreaming!!!”

However, at this moment, Ling Shence gave a loud roar.


I saw that on top of his dharma body, Bai Jinling Yujian actually exuded a strong spiritual power that directly blessed Ling Shence.

“Not good! We forgot his Magical Artifact!”

Yan Lingshi took a breath in a moment, and his body shook violently: “Platinum Lingyu Sword is also a 9-Star Heavenly Immortal device, resonating with Ling Shence’s Primordial Spirit, which can directly increase him into 2 Combat Force!”


The words did not fall, the 2 platinum rivers suddenly became surging, forcibly withstanding the crush of Five Elements!

“This guy is really powerful…”

Chen Xiaobei frowned slightly, and could not help but sigh.

I have done my best and all kinds of plot against have also worked.

However, Ling Shence still had no choice but to end.

Obviously, this is the power gap.

In the face of absolute power, any hole cards, plot against, layout, will only appear pale and weak.

“Smelly Brat! Will you not die this time?”

Ling Shence roared violently, saying: “As long as I use up your power, you will die without a burial site!”

“Ling Shence… tell you the bad news!”

However, at this moment, Xia Yilian gave a sneer: “You have no chance to shoot again!”

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