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With Chen Xiaobei’s roar of tyrannical battle, he slammed Primal Chaos Blood Sword out.

At this moment, Primal Chaos Blood Sword 9–Star Peak Stage Heavenly Immortal-level spirituality and coercion have been brought to the extreme.

Yan Lingshi and Xia Yilian were both scared to face deathly pale, their pupils contracted, their hearts beat wildly, and they almost suffocated and comatose.

As strong as Ling Shence, he has already felt a trembling state of mind at this moment, and has even messed up.

“Heavenly Sovereign Emperor Slash!!!”

Facing the offensive of 9–Star Peak Stage Heavenly Immortal device, Ling Shence did not dare to be careless, nor hesitated.

Almost out of instinct, Ling Shence exhausted her maximum power, blessed the ultimate fairy on the platinum feather feather sword, and suddenly cut a sword at an unprecedented speed!

“Zheng! zheng! zheng! Zheng…”

At the next moment, as if ten fingers slammed the ancient zither, the Bailing Lingyu sword made a noisy 10000 1000 clang.

With the sound of those clanking sounds, countless platinum Lingyu sword energy burst out, like a terrifying wind and rain, moved towards Primal Chaos Blood Sword rolling over.

“bang! bang! Bang… ”

Every drop of’rainwater’ in this torrential rain is a horrible sword energy containing the power of 9–Star Heavenly Immortal.

These sword energy, strikes on the Primal Chaos Blood Sword, immediately erupted the ultimate strong aftershock, and the sharp wind that cut the iron.

All around, the entire cave was violently and extremely impacted.

I saw that the thick stone wall, like the tofu, was cut 7 zero 8 drops, and even the space wall was exposed!

Even more unimaginable, Primal Chaos Blood Sword had no resistance at all, and was directly bombarded back and forth, and was finally suppressed by countless platinum Lingyu sword energy on the space wall.

“Ka … Ka …”

Countless 9–The power of Star Heavenly Immortal, crazy strikes, makes the space avoidance all cracks, as if it may break at any time.

However, Primal Chaos Blood Sword was still suppressed, and he didn’t see any trace of wanting to fight back.

“Not good! I won!!!!”

Ling Shence froze for a while, and suddenly found something wrong: “That bloody long sword, there is no energy at all, the kid just inspired the might and spiritality to do what he does! His real trick is elsewhere!!! “

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei simply has no extra energy to stimulate the power of Primal Chaos Blood Sword, let alone the power of 9–Star Peak Stage Heavenly Immortal.

Just now, it was pure bluff!

Chen Xiaobei just inspired the spirituality and coercion of Primal Chaos Blood Sword to the extreme. He also shouted very much and said, “I have a sword, I can punish the gods.”

In fact, within Primal Chaos Blood Sword, there is no half power, just to deter Lingshen.

Needless to say, Chen Xiaobei’s Bossau operation is really a realm!

Ling Shence was frightened on the spot. Due to the high level of tension, she didn’t observe carefully, and instinctively blasted the strongest offensive.


Ling Shence has only now discovered that Primal Chaos Blood Sword is nothing more than a target that Chen Xiaobei deliberately threw at him.

Chen Xiaobei’s real trick is actually in another place!

That’s right!

This is another trick to lured the tiger away from the mountain!

At this moment, Ling Shence put all the strength and all attention on the sword just now.

Even if he wants to make the second sword again, it will take time to brew.

However, he had just been stunned for a moment, and when he discovered the mid-meter, everything was too late.

“Give me waste!”

Chen Xiaobei grinned, and the tricks broke out.

“Hong long long!!!!!!”

With a terrifying explosion, the underground 9-Star Heavenly Immortal-level array suddenly inspired the ultimate power.

Just like a volcanic eruption, a crimson’s fairy was ejected from the ground and directly blasted on the unprepared Ling Shence!

This crimson fairy is 9–Star Heavenly Immortal level, the same level as Ling Shence’s Cultivation!

However, at this moment, Ling Shence was too late to run the body protector, even without any precautions.


This scarlet fairy suddenly blasted on Ling Shence’s Qi Sea Dantian, and all the power was completely poured into his within the body.

Ling Shence suddenly spurt a mouthful of blood, his face became very ugly.


Qi Sea Dantian’s position came from the extreme pain of knife-cutting fire.

Ling Shence looked down, the white Golden Feather coat on her body had been torn.

Qi Sea Dantian’s location is torn skin and gaping flesh. The blood flows horizontally, and even the internal organs can be seen. Moreover, the internal organs have been seriously injured, cracked, displaced, and a lot of bleeding.

It is no exaggeration to say that after this blow, Ling Shence’s internal organs have basically been scrapped, and the fleshy body can no longer be used.

You know, Ling Shence is a platinum war phoenix demon body. Once it is turned back into the prototype, Combat Force can be greatly improved.

Unfortunately, he didn’t even have the chance to transform, and Physique was completely abandoned by Chen Xiaobei.

“Brother Bei! Handsome!!”

Yan Lingshi saw the scene in front of him, excited and indescribable, impatient shouted: “Quick! Come to the second time again, abolishing Ling Shence’s dharma body, we will win!”

The energy contained in the Earth Immortal array can release exactly 2 powers.

In fact, without Yan Lingshi’s reminder, Chen Xiaobei’s plan was to give Ling Shence a wave of 2 combos.

“Come back!!!”

Chen Xiaobei was equally excited.

Louly roared, want to stimulate the power of the second array.


This time, the underground array has nothing to do.

“what happened!?”

Chen Xiaobei startled: “How come the control of the array suddenly disappeared!?”

In an instant, Chen Xiaobei’s plan was completely disrupted.

That’s right!

This is exactly Xia Yilian’s secret plot against!

This woman gave Chen Xiaobei array control for the first time, just to use Chen Xiaobei’s hand to smooth the Lingshen policy.

And this second time, he regained control. It was because after Chen Xiaobei completely killed Ling Shence, she would change hands with Xia Yilian.

Therefore, if Xia Yilian wanted to survive, she could not let Chen Xiaobei win.

“Uh oh!!!”

At this moment of hesitation, Ling Shence has already eased up.

With a roar that shook the space, his platinum war phoenix body, abandoned the fleshy body, and flew directly to the scene!


Platinum Lingyu sword flew back like a crown, suspended above the head of the Platinum War Phoenix dharma body.

this moment.

Although Ling Shence did not have Fleshy Body, the Dharma Body was intact.

His actual Combat Force, not at all, was somewhat damaged.

“Little bastard! You abolish my fleshy body! I want you to live without pain!!!”

Ling Shence gave a hysterical roar, anger, killing intent, anger, and at this moment, all soared to the extreme.

He has never been so angry in his life!

Obviously, the real decisive battle!

It’s just now!

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