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Obviously, Chen Xiaobei and Emperor Jiang had speculated early on where the White Bone Spirit Lair might appear.

The speed of the Lord of the Crows allowed Chen Xiaobei to reach the Life Wheel Island early.

The concealment of the night-walk ghost clothing made Chen Xiaobei ignore the enemy’s Primordial Spirit realm.

In other words, Chen Xiaobei had logged on to Life Wheel Island a long time ago and searched the whole island to finally lock this waterfall.

After Qingding Tiānpéng and Deng Chanyu were in the cave, Chen Xiaobei sent a text message, lured the tiger away from the mountain to lead White Bone Spirit.

The ensuing events were completely under the control of Chen Xiaobei, instantly killed three reincarnated ancient demon, and came to Tiānpéng and Deng Chanyu easily.


Chen Xiaobei immediately tore off the Magic Talisman on Tiānpéng’s forehead, then turned True Qi into a silver needle, and applied needles to several major acupoints in Tiānpéng, which soon made him wake up.

“Um… what is this place… What about White Bone Spirit? What about other reincarnated ancient demon?”

Tiānpéng’s eyes opened dizzily, and suddenly his eyes lit up, saying: “Xiaobei! Why are you here? I thought I would never see you again!”

Chen Xiaobei grinned and said, “Don’t be nervous! White Bone Spirit was led away by me, and her subordinates were all taken away by me. Second Senior Apprentice Brother You can put your heart in your belly!”

“Fast! Let’s go!”

Tiānpéng shook his chubby head to make him more awake: “There is a terrible array on this island! Once activated, the whole island will be completely destroyed!”

“it is good!”

Chen Xiaobei nodded, and Deng Chanyu will be included in Xumi Space.

After all, Deng Chanyu is the enemy’s reincarnated Ancient Immortal, and Chen Xiaobei does not intend to wake her up for the time being.


However, White Bone Spirit is not stupid. When Chen Xiaobei was not seen at the appointed place, he immediately killed him back into the cave and collided with Chen Xiaobei.

White Bone Spirit expression was stunned, and countless thoughts came out of his head. He even screamed, “Husband, why are you here…”

“WTF…so disgusting…”

A row of black lines popped behind Chen Xiaobei’s head, and goose bumps appeared all over his body: “Dugu Zangxian never called me that way! I know you are White Bone Spirit, you don’t have to pretend!”

“Xiaobei! You’re a real cow! Seeing demonic girl in no time!”

Tiānpéng gave a thumbs up and couldn’t help saying: “A few days ago, she became Fairy Maiden Cháng’é to seduce me. I was obsessed for a while before I was caught…”

“Later, she checked my mobile phone message and found that Deng Chanyu was very important to us, and then caught Deng Chanyu over!”

“It’s such a nerd…” Chen Xiaobei said disgustedly: “How can Fairy Maiden Cháng’é come to Human Realm to lure you with her toes? Unless she takes the wrong medicine!”

“Uh…” Tiānpéng confessed: “I drank too much that day…I didn’t think so much at all…”


At the same time, White Bone Spirit’s face rose for a while, and Gugu Qi qi, Dugu Zangxian’s face disappeared, revealing her terrifying skull.

“Chen Zhufeng! You really are very difficult to deal with!”

White Bone Spirit coldly said: “I think the layout is perfect and seamless, didn’t expect you can actually find my hiding place, get paid at the bottom of the kettle, and save the hostages! It’s so surprising!”

“Don’t talk nonsense! Do you want to play against me? Or do you want to kneel to admit defeat?” Chen Xiaobei curl one’s lip, said: “Don’t think you are Banshee, I will show mercy!”

“Hmph! you brat really looks like Monkey Sun!” White Bone Spirit unable to bear vomited: “When I became an old man and a young girl, he didn’t blink in the eye and killed me 3 times!”

“What’s wrong with Brother Hou? Thank you for complimenting me!”

Chen Xiaobei shrugged, said: “Unfortunately, my Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes level is too low, otherwise, your Appearance Changing Technique will never try to deceive me!”

“It doesn’t need to be forever! Today will be your death!” White Bone Spirit said indifferently: “Don’t you want to ask, why am I becoming Dugu Zangxian?”

“Oh, I don’t need to ask.”

Chen Xiaobei grinned and said, “Your 3 teasers have already leaked your old background! Xian’er is not in your hands at all, she disappeared in the war! I naturally go back to find her, don’t bother you !”

“This…” White Bone Spirit expression was stunned, almost spitting out an old blood of anger: “These three wastes that do not have enough successes! The hostages can’t help but ruin my card! It’s abominable! !”

Chen Xiaobei shrugged, said: “You can’t blame them all, only my luck is too good, just happened to hear their conversation!”

“Cause-and-effect cycle, misfortune and blessings depend on each other, Destiny rises and falls, all of which are full of variables! You brat impossible forever lucky!”

White Bone Spirit hated his teeth, coldly said: “Things must be reversed, prosperity must be decayed! When Destiny runs out and falls into a trough, what you are waiting for will be an unprecedented death and disaster!”

“Well, you are right!” Chen Xiaobei shrugged, said: “But I also know that extreme sorrow turns to joy! As long as the crossing tribulation is difficult, there will be a blessing! This is a cycle of days, endless life! You worry about me!”

“Is it?”

White Bone Spirit’s eyes showed a cold color, and he took out a piece of white jade symbol: “Your little life has been held in my hand. Do you want me to worry?”

Seeing the scene in front of him, Tiānpéng immediately became nervous: “Xiaobei! That jade rune is the Magical Artifact used to start “Fate of the Dead”! White Bone Spirit moved, and I will definitely die here!”

“Second Senior Apprentice Brother, you are in the middle of Xu Mi space!” Chen Xiaobei shrugged, with a cynical smile: “I naturally have a way to clean up this demonic girl!”

“But…” Tiānpéng was very worried, but Chen Xiaobei didn’t give him a chance to speak, and he was directly included in the Sumiya space.

“Chen Zhufeng, don’t you think it’s safe to hide in Xumi space?”

White Bone Spirit said with a sneer: “Once this “Life Wheel” is launched, the entire island will be destroyed, including your Xuya space will be destroyed, everyone in the space, only the dead end!”

“Let’s talk nonsense! Hurry up and start the array!” Chen Xiaobei’s expression didn’t matter.

“You are courting death!” White Bone Spirit is almost mad at Chen Xiaobei. This kid is completely uneasy and common sense, does he really want to die?


White Bone Spirit’s heart moved directly to activate Jade Fu ability.

After all, her task is to get rid of Chen Xiaobei at all costs, even perish together.

“hong long long ……hong long long ……”

Soon, the entire Life Wheel Island began to tremble violently.

The cave began to crack and collapse, and huge amounts of river water poured in, and it would soon be completely engulfed here.

“The array has started?” Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised, smiled like a charm: “I’m leaving first, you are slowly waiting to die here!”

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