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“Madam is too cautious!”

Squirrel demon curl one’s lip, jumped in 3 2 steps, sat on the throne, tilted a 2 lang legs, and said disdainfully: “No matter how powerful Chen Zhufeng is, it’s just trifling a mortal, today’s death, He is absolutely impossible to break anyway!”

“Squirrel! You brat be honest!” Feng Monster Wolf said solemnly: “That’s the lady’s position, and she saw you sitting there, you brat is afraid to peel off!”

“Relax! White Bone Spirit just left, how could it be possible to come back?”

Squirrel demon said with a sneer: “Besides, several of our contract masters are not the same as her contract master! And, our contract master has let us beware of her already! Do you still defend her? Silly, right? ?”

Feng Monster Wolf frowns saying: “The host does let us beware of White Bone Spirit, but also said that we should listen to her and assist her in her mission!”

“Don’t argue!”

The lizard demon said impatiently: “You two would rather squabble here, it is better to think about it, after the task is completed, what should we do to win the best benefit of the Sect Leader!”

“This is what the master will tell you, we don’t need to worry about it!”

Feng Monster Wolf said solemnly: “even more how, White Bone Spirit this trip may not be able to 100% settle Chen Zhufeng, 10000 what to do if a mission fails? This is what we should consider!”

“Are you stupid?”

Squirrel demon sneered and said, “Tiānpéng and Deng Chanyu are in our hands, White Bone Spirit will let Chen Zhufeng abandon Cultivation as soon as he meets, and hand over all the cards. Five Fingers Mountain?”

“10000 Yi Chen Zhufeng regardless of the life and death of Tiānpéng and Deng Chanyu, what do you say?” Feng Monster Wolf asked.

“Are you really stupid! Didn’t you see White Bone Spirit just become Dugu Zangxian?”

The Squirrel demon grinned and said, “Even if Chen Zhufeng does not care about Tiānpéng and Deng Chanyu, but as long as White Bone Spirit threatens with Dugu Zangxian, Chen Zhufeng can only give in!”

“10000 Yi Chen Zhufeng doesn’t even care about Dugu Zangxian’s life and death?” Feng Monster Wolf is very careful.

“Even heroes have a weakness for the charms of a beauty! Even more how, Chen Zhufeng and Dugu Zangxian are unmarried couples, he is absolutely impossible regardless of Dugu Zangxian!” said the Squirrel Demon.

Obviously, they conducted some investigations on Chen Xiaobei.

In order to tie Chen Xiaobei to his warship, Dugu Zangxian publicly announced that he was Chen Xiaobei’s fiancee.

The essence of this matter is false, but the entire Realm of Earthly Immortals is already taken seriously.

White Bone Spirit This group of people naturally thinks that Dugu Zangxian is really Chen Xiaobei’s fiancee.

Therefore, White Bone Spirit became the appearance of Dugu Zangxian, in order to attack the heart and make Chen Xiaobei scruples deeper, only obediently obedient.

“However, Dugu Zangxian is not in our hands! Chen Zhufeng may not believe White Bone Spirit!” Feng Monster Wolf questioned.

“Dugu Zangxian is indeed not in our hands, but the North Club Reed Continent has undergone great changes! Dragon God Palace sneak attack 9 Youtai, Dugu Zangxian disappeared in the war, and 9 Youtai Army began to retreat!”

Squirrel demon said with a malicious smile: “At this point, as long as Chen Zufeng can’t contact Dugu Zangxian, White Bone Spirit can casually flicker, saying that Dugu Zangxian is in our hands, Chen Zufeng also has to believe!”

“I agree with Squirrel!”

The lizard demon was shrugged and said calmly: “Chen Zhufeng is a mortal after all, absolutely impossible to be omniscient! As long as White Bone Spirit flickers with him, he can firmly grasp the initiative!”

“Even more how, this island still has “Life Wheel Extinction”, which is not good, we can also perish with Chen Zhufeng, and it is considered to have completed the task!”

Obviously, in this action today, the White Bone Spirit group has already plotted perfectly clear, and even made plans to join Chen Xiaobei perish together.


Feng Monster Wolf sighed, helplessly said: “I hope your judgment is correct, as long as it can kill Chen Zhufeng, no matter what the price is paid, I will not hesitate!”

“bang! !!”

The wind Monster Wolf tone barely fell, with a bang, it burst out from behind him.

I saw that a purple-gold fire column sprayed from in the sky, completely covering the wind Monster Wolf.

“Uh ah…help… ah…”

In the next moment, the screams of extreme pain erupted, and Monster Wolf slammed in the flame of Purple Gold.

His Peak Stage Earth Immortal’s Physique, which had no resistance at all, was burned to the point of scorching and blacking.

It took only a few seconds for his fleshy body to turn to ashes.

Even more frightening, his dharma body and Nascent Soul were not spared.

Within 3 seconds, the dharma body completely collapsed, Nascent Soul quickly disappeared, and in the scream of fright, the soul flew away and scattered completely.

“This… what the hell is going on!? The Purple Gold flame instantly burned the wind wolf, at least reaching the level of 1–Star Heavenly Immortal power… this… wouldn’t this be a dream?”

Seeing the scene in front of me, the squirrel demon and the lizard demon both showed unimaginable expressions, and they felt like hell, and even wondered if this was a dream?

“A group of idiots, actually want to kill me? Really naive!”

Then, where the Purple Gold flame appeared, a ghost face and black shadow gradually appeared.

After removing the ghost mask, Chen Xiaobei’s true face is revealed.

“Night ghost costume!? You… you are Chen Zhufeng!? The flame just now is… Shamanic Dragon’s Exotic Flame!?”

Squirrel demon and lizard demon took a breath, their pupils contracted uncontrollably, and even the scalp became numb, trembling, and almost scared to pee.

This scene is really ironic!

Before the appearance of Chen Xiaobei, the squirrel was most confident. Keep on saying that Chen Xiaobei is just a mortal, absolutely impossible. Lizards also agree with it. I never thought Chen Xiaobei would appear here.

However, as soon as Chen Xiaobei appeared, the two guys were instantly scared and lost their souls. They were like two Little Ji cubs, who couldn’t afford to fight intent at all.

Chen Xiaobei’s prestige has already shaken Realm of Earthly Immortals. Enemies can only rely on plot plot against dare to fight Chen Xiaobei. In a confrontation like the present, with their 1 billion courage, they would not dare to face the battle head-on.

Of course, even if they have such guts, Chen Xiaobei will not give them a chance!

“bang! bang!”

Without half a word of nonsense, Chen Xiaobei’s eyes suddenly burst out two Shamanic Dragon’s Exotic Flames, slamming into the squirrel demon and lizard demon.

There is no suspense. The power of Heavenly Immortal-level Shamanic Dragon’s Exotic Flame is something that these two guys can’t resist anyway.

The flames fell, and the ending of the two of them was exactly the same as that of Monster Wolf. They were instantly burned to the extinct form, the soul flew away and scattered.

Chen Xiaobei didn’t stay at all and rushed to Tiānpéng and Deng Chanyu immediately.

They must be rescued before White Bone Spirit notices it!

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