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“Master! You… what’s wrong with you?”

The dead Ghost King looked at Chen Xiaobei stunned.

In the impression of Ghost King in the past, Chen Xiaobei’s powerful terrifying state of mind is the kind of super bull who never changes and is not panicking.

But at this moment, Chen Xiaobei showed an extremely shocked expression!

More than that, Chen Xiaobei and even the whole person were as if they were in petrochemical magic, stiff in place, and couldn’t even move a finger.

“It shouldn’t be a problem…”

Nalan Yonghe was also very puzzled and quickly ran over and took some lake water to drink: “It feels the same as it was at that time, not at all what is abnormal… What is wrong with his master…”

Chen Xiaobei did not respond at all and remained stiff in place.

Ghost King and Naran Yonghe died in a panic.


However, at this moment, Chen Xiaobei suddenly evoked a strong True Yuan.

Moreover, this True Yuan shines with 7 colors of light, as if it were a fusion of 7 attributes.

Like a rainbow, one end is connected to the Qi Sea Dantian of Chen Xiaobei, and the other is spanning several hundred meters, directly connected to the center of the lake.

“My God… this… what’s going on?” Nalan Yonghe was stunned, and his limited experience made him completely unaware of what was happening in the scene before him.

Even the dead Ghost King who lived 100000000 10000 years ago was full of doubts: “This lake seems to have spirituality… It is communicating with the owner’s spirituality… But it seems that there is no spirituality. It is the owner’s True Yuan that caused the fluctuation…”

Naran Yonghe was very worried: “Master! Master, can you hear us? Don’t scare us!”

However, Chen Xiaobei still didn’t respond, as if he didn’t hear Nalan Yonghe talking at all.

“Don’t panic!”

Ghost King said in the past: “The owner’s life force is very strong, breath, heartbeat, and very stable! Visible, not at all what danger! Let’s calm down and observe carefully before we talk!”

Nalan Yonghe had no other choice but to nodded and concentrate on Chen Xiaobei’s situation.


After quieting down, the wind around all became particularly clear.

Wherever the wind passed, the lake was turbulent.

Wave after wave, infinite cycle.

From the wave to the wave, the back wave pushes the front wave and continues to cycle.

After a few minutes, the originally calm lake surface actually rolled up the stormy sea.

“bang! bang! Bang… ”

At the same time, in the Qi Sea Dantian of Chen Xiaobei, around the Golden Core, it was originally calm and peaceful. At this moment, True Wave fluctuations broke out one after another.

It’s like a water wave turning into a wind wave and finally becoming a giant wave.

Chen Xiaobei’s True Yuan is also from weak to strong, wave after wave of swinging, wave is more powerful than wave!

Around Chen Xiaobei, the strong wind was rolling and the roaring swept!

The grass was crushed into a circular depression, and the red maple was rolled into a scarlet tornado!

“Oh my God……”

Naranyong and Cultivation were average, and were backed up by the strong wind.

Even the dead Ghost King was shocked: “What is the master doing? Why can it induce such a natural phenomenon in the world? Is it possible that, what great opportunity is hidden in this lake?”

“If there is a great opportunity, why doesn’t it work for me?” Nalan Yonghe frowned. “Could it be that this opportunity is for the master?”

“No…” Ghost King shook the head, said solemnly: “Heaven and Earth Destiny, will never be prepared for someone! It will only be activated because someone has something specific!”

“You mean…” Nalan Yonghe realized: “There is a special object on the host that can activate the opportunity here?”

“It must be so!” Ghost King said solemnly: “Keep watching… I can feel that True Yuan’s fluctuations on the master are getting stronger and stronger… This opportunity will inevitably improve the master!”

Naranyong and nodded, no more to say.

“bang! bang! Bang… ”

As the past Ghost King said, Chen Xiaobei’s True Yuan, issued from the Golden Core, was originally the same as usual, but, because of the infinite cycle, fueling the waves and becoming more and more powerful!

The outermost True Yuan has even exceeded the strength of True Yuan that Chen Xiaobei’s current realm should have!


at last!

True Yuan strength reaches its limit!

The rainbow-colored 7-color True Yuan connecting Chen Xiaobei and the lake suddenly sucked back to Qi Xiao Dani of Chen Xiaobei!

Even more strange is that after True Yuan sucked back, he continued to draw a mysterious 7-color spiritual power from the lake into Qi Xiao Dani of Chen Xiaobei!

Just like a giant whale sucking water, the mysterious 7-color spiritual power continuously flows into the Qi Sea Dantian of Chen Xiaobei and waters on the Golden Core of Chen Xiaobei.

As if getting baptism, Chen Xiaobei’s Golden Core has essentially changed!

“Ka … Ka …”

As the lake gradually dimmed, the 7-color spiritual power also became less and less!

Just then, Chen Xiaobei’s Golden Core suddenly made a sound of hard objects cracking!

The round and golden core of the original perfect and without blemish cracked a gap, and then, just like a spider web, densely packed split more cracks!


Suddenly, the entire Golden Core collapsed directly and shattered into countless golden waste residues!

Golden Core is the final carrier of Immortal Cultivator True Yuan. Golden Core collapses, there are only 2 possibilities!

First, Cultivation is exhausted!

2 is the birth of a baby!

Obviously, Chen Xiaobei belongs to the latter!

In the cracked Golden Core, Ran Ran was angry with a small fire.


Immediately afterwards, the slag of Golden Core melted into a liquid state, and then evaporated into a gaseous state.

The steam of golden was absorbed by the little fire, which made the little fire grow up quickly.

Originally, the small fire was just like sunflower seeds, and gradually became the size of broad beans.

It is as if the baby is gradually forming in the mother’s abdomen. The upper end of the little broad bean turns into a head, the front end turns into a hand between the head and the chest cavity, and the lower end turns into legs, curling tightly.

Further back, the little broad bean spreads out, and his head, body, and limbs become particularly clear and become a thumb-sized villain!

After a while, the villain continued to grow to a palm size, and the appearance became more and more clear, just like a reduced version of Chen Xiaobei!

The appearance, body shape, and even muscle lines are exactly the same as Chen Xiaobei!

Engraved entirely in a mold!

That’s right!

This villain is Nascent Soul of Chen Xiaobei!

Golden Core is broken! Nascent Soul was born!

Chen Xiaobei’s Cultivation great realm, this breakthrough, 4–Star Nascent Soul Realm world!

“hu ……”

Finally, Chen Xiaobei exhaled for a long time, his dull eyes recovered, and the whole person became energetic.

“My God… the master is actually broken…”

The dead Ghost King and Naran Yonghe were stunned, and they were shocked.

Chen Xiaobei raised his lips, slightly smiled: “I also didn’t expect, it was broken! And this time, the improvement is really not small!”

Ding-Cultivation: Nascent Soul Initial Stage, lifespan: …

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