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Into the abyss, all around is a darkness.

Fortunately, there was no deviation in the position remembered by Naran Yonghe.

Of course, the dead Ghost King and Vajra did not dare to fly too fast, and kept an optimal distance from Chen Xiaobei.

10000 Chen Xiaobei can evacuate whenever he is in danger.


Continue down, all around began to hear waves like ghosts and howl like wolves.

“What is that voice?” Chen Xiaobei asked.

“I’m not sure, it may be that the ghost Ghost exists around…”

Nalan Yonghe said: “However, the owner can rest assured! The space above the red maple forest is not dangerous! As long as we go straight up and down, without falling out of this cylindrical space, we can safely fall into the red maple forest!”

“Okay!” Chen Xiaobei settled down: “Living! Speed ​​up!”

“As you bid!” Ghost King complied in the past, rushed down immediately.

“Master…” Vajra, the demon, flew back to Chen Xiaobei and said: “The task of pathfinding will be handed over to the survivors. I will protect the master!”

“Counseling!” Chen Xiaobei looked disgusted: “Hunting Soul Gu put it on your within the body, it is a waste of resources!”

The demon Vajra said excitedly: “If the master takes out the Hunting Soul Gu, let me have a way of life… I will remember this kindness forever!”

Chen Xiaobei thought for a while and said, “Well, as long as you help me find someone! After that, I will take out Hunting Soul Gu and give you freedom!”

“no problem!”

Immortal Vajra’s eyes lit up, and the excitement was not necessary: ​​”As long as the owner does not let me enter this dark Black Dragon mound, let alone find someone, do anything else, I will!”

“it is good!”

Chen Xiaobei nodded, said: “You go to Beiju Reed Continent and help me find someone named Taiyi!”

“Taiyi? Haven’t heard of it…”

Vajra frowns saying: “Beijing Reed Continent is so big, where should I find him?”

“The northern tip of Reed Continent in Beiju has a deserted 10000 ancient ice sheet!” Chen Xiaobei said.

“10000 ancient ice sheet?”

Vajra’s brow furrowed and said, “The bird in that ghost’s place doesn’t shit, there is no human beings, and Spirit Qi is scarce, and no one can run over! Master, aren’t you wrong?”

“Nothing wrong!”

Chen Xiaobei said: “I can perceive the position of Taiyi, which is the most central position of the 10000 ancient ice field! After you get there, if you don’t see him, yell Brother Bei to find you, and he will naturally show up to see you! “

“So mysterious?”

Vajra was surprised, and said, “Master! I promise to go to the 10000 ancient ice field, but if the person you are looking for is not there, then it’s no wonder that I am!”

“Relax, he must be there when you go!” Chen Xiaobei said: “You only need to bring him over, and I will help you take out Hunting Soul Gu and give you freedom!”

“Okay! That’s it!” Vajra was nodded heavily.

Chen Xiaobei added another sentence: “When you come to Beiju Reed Continent, if you are in trouble, you can go to Dugu Zangxian! Just say I let her help!”

“Dark Seal Holy Lord?” Vajra swallowed saliva and said, said: “I understand! Master, rest assured!”

After speaking, the demon Vajra flew straight up and exited the dark abyss.

“Master… do you really believe this demon Vajra?” Naran Yong and frowns saying: “After all, he is not 100% loyal…”

Chen Xiaobei said with a smile: “He is not 100% loyal, but he is 100% afraid of death! Such a timid person, I hold his life, I am not afraid that he will fly out of my palm!”

“However, when he goes to trillions of millions of miles, can the master still control his life and death?” Nalan Yonghe wondered.

“Of course!” Chen Xiaobei said with a smile: “Hunting Soul Gu’s predecessor was Matchless Louse Ox, this Little Brat is 100% loyal to me, and the spirituality is extremely strong! The demon Vajra dares to move his brain, Hunting Soul will naturally Pack him up!”

“So that’s how it is…” Naranyong and nodded were relieved.

Chen Xiaobei affirmed: “Vajra is not 100% loyal, and he is timid and afraid of death. If he is in a dark Black Dragon mound, if he is in a fatal danger, he will probably be bad, so I decided to transfer him temporarily!”

“It’s the owner’s thoughtful thoughts!” Naran Yonghe suddenly realized: “The dark Black Dragon mound is dangerous for 10000 points. Bringing an unfaithful guy around is not stable!”

“Let’s go! Let’s speed up!” Chen Xiaobei settled down and continued to speed down.

After a while.

Dark Abyss, who didn’t reach 5 fingers, appeared light!

What’s even more strange is that the further down the flight, the more intense the light, and it gradually becomes like daylight, almost the same as daytime on land.

After continuing to descend, penetrating a layer of colorless and invisible barriers, the scene in front of me changed dramatically.

If it wasn’t for my own eyes, I’m afraid no one could believe that under the desolate Black Mountain, there was actually a magnificent flaming red maple forest.

Counting 100000000 10000 maple trees, endlessly arranged in the space.

The fiery red maple leaves are gorgeous, beautiful, and picturesque.

The wind blew, and the scattered leaves twirled up like fireworks! Flutteringly fell to the ground, and then spread out a fluffy soft red carpet!

The ghost Ghost King was stupid and stayed in the same place for a long time: “We shouldn’t be in the wrong place… how could this be the dark Black Dragon mound? It should be hidden land of peace and prosperity!”

“Come with me, there is a more beautiful lake!”

Nalan Yonghe switched to the front to lead the way and said, “I guess this maple forest may be a corner in the dark Black Dragon mound, just like an oasis in the desert. As long as you go out, you will encounter mortal danger!” “

Chen Xiaobei said: “If you remember correctly, in addition to the beauty of the lake, the water in the lake also has the effect of detoxification?”


Nalan Yonghe said: “I was chased and killed by a poisonous bat. After being poisoned, I fell to the lake. The lake water can not only detoxify, but also heal! After I fully recovered, I fled here!”

“Is there still such a magical lake?” The dead Ghost King couldn’t believe it.

The entire group hastened its pace.

After passing through a lush maple forest, the legendary lake caught everyone’s eyes.

Like a pearl in the blazing fire sea, the lake is really bright and shining, nothing more beautiful can be imagined.

“Why didn’t I see, what’s so special about this lake?” Ghost King’s life was puzzled.

“Of course you can’t see it. Drink a sip of the lake water and you will know its mysterious!” Nalan Yonghe said.

“Okay! Let me try!”

Chen Xiaobei was full of curiosity and walked over, holding some lake water in his hand, and took it to his mouth to take a sip.

Suddenly, Chen Xiaobei’s face changed dramatically and was shocked!

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