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Lu Bu squinted, coldly said: “Come on! I like to play against someone who thinks I am capable! I hope you can challenge me a little bit!”

“Hmph! Although you have superior strength, but you want to beat me Lu Mingjun, I am afraid it is a fool’s dream!” Lu Mingjun is full of confidence in his strength.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Chen Xiaobei was in hiding and couldn’t help but worry: “2 Tigers fighting, there must be a wound! It’s the best to hurt Lu Mingjun, but what if Lu Bu is hurt?”

“It’s going to war…fast…we’re going back…”

At the same time, all the people around subconsciously retreated back to the outside, and fought against the two Earth Immortal, avoiding it.

However, on the occasion of the two evil tigers with swords drawn and bows bent, Ji Xiong stood still, motionless.

“Retreat!” Lu Bu said flatly.

Obviously, Cultivation is extremely low, at the core of the storm, and it must be affected.

Ke Jixiong said with a smile: “In this battle, there is no need to fight at all! As long as the misunderstanding is opened!”


As soon as this statement came out, Lu Bu, Lu Mingjun, and all the expressions around them were started.

Even Chen Xiaobei’s eyebrows rose tightly, secretly worrying: “Well! Lu Bu is a tiger general, brave and innocent! But the murderer is a wise man, and thoughtful! If the misunderstanding by the murderer is solved, this battle Not only will they not fight, they are likely to turn their enemies into friends and deal with me in partnership!”

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaobei immediately retreated and turned out of the wall of the Lu Mansion.

“Ji Xiong must die! Otherwise, it will cause no end of trouble!”

Chen Xiaobei immediately took out the cursed figures and Spirit Artifact with 7 arrows.


Drawing a bow and arrow, Chen Xiaobei 2 said nothing, and shot an arrow directly at the head of the grass man.

However, the anticipated special changes, not at all, appear without even the energy fluctuations.

“What’s going on? The method of use is to shoot directly after finishing! Why didn’t you respond at all? Try another arrow!”

Chen Xiaobei was very puzzled. He pulled the bow and put another arrow.


The arrow directly penetrated the heart of Caoren, but the result was the same as before, and there was no change in Caoren.

“It’s strange… Didn’t Old Wang finish the seal? 10000000 Don’t pit me…” Chen Xiaobei frowned.

This is no joke!

In 3 days, we will start elite hunts, and not kill Jixi. How can Chen Xiaobei play happily?

“sou! sou! sou! sou! ”

Chen Xiaobei settled down and put four arrows in a row, shooting at the grassman’s arms and legs.

“WTF! Still no response! This is to make trouble please…” Chen Xiaobei Khan was down.

When Golden Gaze Fiery Eyes was turned on, the courtyard wall was directly seen through, and the situation inside was reflected in Chen Xiaobei’s eyes.

At this time, Ji Xiong had already begun to explain the misunderstanding to the Lú Family.

“I just thought about it carefully. The assassin you said is very likely, it is Chen Xiaobei!” Ji fierce said indifferently.

“What do you mean?” Lu Bu and Lu Mingjun looked at the same surprise.

“Brother Lu and I arrived at a position that was already plot against, Chen Xiaobei must be near here!”

Ji Xiong scanned the Lú Family indifferently, explaining: “And Brother Lu and I were here, surrounded by your brigade, which shows that you are and the others!”

“However, Chen Xiaobei impossible knew that Brother Lu and I would show up! So, this is not Chen Xiaobei’s trap, and you are not the rescuers invited by Chen Xiaobei!”

“In other words, the person you are waiting for may be Chen Xiaobei! At the same time, because he came here, Brother Lu and I will appear here!”

As soon as this statement came out, everyone around was confused.

Only Lu Bu understood the truth and frowned, “I think of it! Chen Xiaobei has night walk ghost clothes! He must have sneaked in here just now, but we can’t see it! That is to say, Chen Xiaobei is the assassin! “

Outside the courtyard wall, Chen Xiaobei heard these words, and the whole person was nervous: “This is not simple, the analysis is completely correct, no wonder Shen Gongbao has to work hard to get him out of the Netherworld!”

“The last arrow! Must gave me success, otherwise there will be a major event!” Chen Xiaobei was very nervous, buckling the seventh arrow to the bow string.


Bow and arrow!

The seventh arrow, unbiased, was nailed to the Qi Sea Dantian of the Caoren.

“What the hell are you two talking about? Who is Chen Xiaobei? Why is he an assassin?” Lu Mingjun narrowed his eyes and asked.

If someone else said this, Lu Mingjun would definitely not believe it, but Lu Bu has super strength and there is no need to fabricate lies.

Therefore, Lu Mingjun wants to hear them explain clearly.

“I said Chen Xiaobei, maybe you don’t know, but if I say another name of him, you should not be strange!”

Ji Xiong grinned and looked at the expression of found mystery, said indifferently: “Chen Xiaobei, there is another name, called Chen…… Er……”

Obviously, as soon as Ji Xiong said the three words of Chen Zhufeng, Lu Changwei and Zhu Dachang would immediately know who it was.

However, before Ji Xiong’s words were finished, there was a painful wailing in his throat, and he couldn’t say half a word.

“What’s wrong with you! Ji fierce! What’s wrong with you?” Lu Bu was anxious, and there was a trace of terror in the open a pair of tiger eyes.

“pu! pu! pu… ”

I saw that the fierce forehead, heart, arms, legs, Qi Sea Dantian, a total of 7 positions, unexpectedly ejected 7 blood arrows without warning!


Fortunately, the last one second was the end of the fierce murder. This second stiffly fell to the ground, breathe one’s last, and I didn’t know how I died to death!

“This… what is going on here?”

Seeing the scene in front of me, all the people around me were stunned with bold faces, including Lu Mingjun and the core members of Lú Family, all of them were shocked.

“Chen Xiaobei! Chen Xiaobei, you come out to me! Come out!!!” The others are unknown, so Lu Bu knows that this must be Chen Xiaobei’s masterpiece.

“Go to sou! See if there are any suspicious characters near here, all caught up!” Lu Mingjun loudly shouted.

Everyone around immediately acted.

Outside the courtyard wall.

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes fixed on the grass man, terrified look.

I saw that the 7 arrows on the grass man issued blood light at the same time! When rays of light are connected, they form a nail head 7 arrows seal!

Even more bizarre is that the position of the arrow in the grassman’s body actually shed red blood!

“Taiyin True Immortal, sincerely don’t deceive me! This shot shot from the air was really overbearing!” Chen Xiaobei let out a breath, but his heart was not lifted.

In the courtyard wall.

Lu Mingjun asked: “Mr. Lu, just what your friend said, Chen Xiaobei has another name, what is it?”

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