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no doubt.

The comers are Ji Xiu and Lu Bu.

6 days ago, Ji Men solemnly vowed assured Shen Gongbao that within 3 to 5 days, Chen Xiaobei could be cursed.

But it’s good, 5 days have passed, nothing happened.

Therefore, according to Lu Bu’s request, the two of them were sent to the location of Chen Xiaobei, and Lu Bu had an additional Immortal Grade, Dualbladed Halberd!

“Lying on a big grass! Shen Gongbao actually brought them to me! Fortunately, I was not in a space to avoid the world, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable!”

Chen Xiaobei remained in a hidden state, sighing in his heart for a while.

“Catch the assassin…claw assassin…”

At this moment, the entire Lú Family mansion, like a fryer, countless voices burst out at the same moment.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Changwei and the others rushed out of the house directly. All directions and a large number of Lú Family guards surrounded this place.

Obviously, Zhu Da often designed a strategy to pull a snake from its hole, and naturally has already deployed inescapable net, ready to catch people at any time.

After a while, even Lu Mingjun and a group of core members of Lú Family came out one after another.

So, Lu Bu and Ji Xun instantly became scapegoats for Chen Xiaobei classmates.

“Dwarf oil! Now there is a good show!”

Chen Xiaobei originally planned to leave, but at this moment he simply drew into the corner, holding hands to watch the drama, if there were cola and popcorn, it would be even more enjoyable.

“Wait 6 days and 6 nights! You finally appeared! Dog Assassin!”

Lu Changwei pointed at Lu Bu and Ji Xun and yelled: “I will immediately hand over the secret key of Lin Hai, otherwise, This Young Master will definitely cut you up and feed the dog!”

Obviously, Lu Changwei not at all saw Chen Xiaobei’s face that night, so it was only at this moment that the people who broke into Lu House must be the associates of Linghu Frost that day.

“What calf are you pulling?” Lu Bu complexion sank, shouted angrily: “You are the rescuers invited by Chen Xiaobei? Lao’zi limits you to 3 seconds to hand over Chen Xiaobei, otherwise, kill without mercy!”

“What Chen Xiaobei Chen Little Nan’s! You dog assassin, don’t pretend to be crazy and sell silly here!”

Lu Changwei loudly shouted, said: “Come here! Catch them for me, first abolish Cultivation, and then enter the dungeon. This Young Master will use the most cruel torture to make them regret what they have done!”

“As you bid!”

For a while, at least ten elite guards from Lú Family walked out.

Chen Xiaobei scanned the past with Nether Eye of Strife. These people are all Celestial Manifestation Realm powerhouse above 70000 Combat Force.

For others, this is definitely a terrible Combat Force, but for Lu Bu, this is just a group of ants that’s all.

Lu Bu didn’t even bother to take out Dualbladed Halberd, the tiger’s eyes widened and said, “Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!”

As soon as this remark came out, the ten Lú Family guards not only did not fear, but chuckled.

“Hmph! You dog assassin! It’s really arrogant! This is our Lú Family’s territory! How can you impudent!”

“Kneel down, let us abandon your Cultivation, or else, have your good fruit to eat!”

“Dog Assassin! Why are you still there? Won’t we be scared by us! Hahaha…”

The ten guards didn’t seem to know the strength of the assassins, and each and everyone thought Lu Bu was afraid of them before they dared to act.

At the same time, Lu Mingjun, Lu Changwei, the core members of the higher Cultivation Lú Family, instead stood silently, carefully watching Lu Bu’s every move.

Obviously, Lu Mingjun, Lu Changwei and the others know that the assassin has the strength to stun Lu Changwei, but how specific the strength is, he can’t know.

Because of this, Lu Changwei simply did not tell the guards how strong the assassin’s strength is. To put it plainly, it was to let these guards be cannon fodder to find out the details of Lu Bu.

In order to know yourself and know your enemy, use ten lives to make cannon fodder!

This Lu Changwei, really cruel! Vicious enough!

The ten guards didn’t even know that they were the lambs sent to the tiger’s mouth, and happily prepared to abandon Lu Bu and Jixiu, and received credit.

“Chen Xiaobei! I counted to 3! You won’t come out again! I’m going to kill!”

Lu Bu fixed his gaze and issued an ultimatum.

In hiding, Chen Xiaobei almost burst into laughter and shouted loudly in his heart: “Kill it, kill it, just kill it all!”

“One! 2! 3!!!”

Lu Bu uttered a roar outrageously, and the whole person looked like a evil tiger with a ready head. After a short charge, an unimaginable impact erupted.


Just listening to the strong wind roaring, Lu Bu’s figure flashed out directly, originally a few meters away from the ten guards, but it was almost instantaneous.


With a roar, Lu Bu pointed directly at the knife and swept forward.

Without any fancy moves, even without running True Yuan, it is a simple and unpretentious hand-held knife that actually cut out an invisible Blade Qi out of thin air!

“Bah! Bah! Bah…”

In the blink of an eye, all ten human heads rolled down to the ground as if they were being harvested by a lawn mower.

The benefit of Blade Qi cut the necks of ten people as smooth as a mirror!

That Blade Qi is fast, after being cut off, there are no headless corpses, and it still stands in place!

The strength of Blade Qi, after slashing ten people, Yu Wei was not dispersed, and slashing 5 people in the back, seriously wounding a dozen others! Going further, even the house behind is directly cut through the waist and collapsed directly!

“My God…this… what kind of power…”

In a flash, the audience was shocked.

Such a terrifying blow turned out to be just the effect of Lu Bu’s easy wave.

Imagine if Lu Bu put True Yuan to its limits, and then borrowed Great Power of the World, with the same knife, I am afraid that he can even out the whole house of Lu?

“Too terrifying it…this…who are you…”

“I don’t know… I’ve never heard of such a powerhouse in Yinyu planet…”

“What exactly is he Cultivation? We can’t see his movements at all…it’s too terrifying…”

For a moment, everyone in Lú Family was like hell, screaming in excitement, and subconsciously stepping backward.

There is no doubt that Lu Bu’s strong blow just now brought an incomparable gigantic impact to the hearts of everyone present.

“It’s Earth Immortal!”

At this moment, Lu Mingjun’s words even surprised everyone present.

Hearing this, Lu Bu turned his eyes to Lu Mingjun and said aloud: “Since you have seen my Cultivation, then I will say it one last time and surrender Chen Xiaobei, otherwise, I will definitely open the killing ring!”

“I don’t know who Chen Xiaobei is!”

Lu Mingjun’s complexion sank, even without fear, responded strongly: “If your lord wants to fight, my Lu Mingjun will accompany me!”

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