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“I…I don’t know who hit it…”

Lu Changwei clutched his cheeks, with an expression of brutality. Until now, his brain was still buzzing, and the whole person was dull.

“Fool! I don’t know who was beaten! I lost all of L煤 Family’s face!” Lu Mingjun was shouted angrily: “You give me good thoughts! This hatred is not reported, and outsiders think I am L煤 Family so bully! “

“Yes…I…I think…”

Lu Changwei swallowed saliva and said, frowns saying: “I remember, a bitch woman wanted to assassinate me last night, but she was subdued by me! Then, I heard something moving behind me… I just saw it when I turned around A purple-gold palm was drawn towards me… I… I was stunned…”

“Purple-gold!?” Lu Mingjun frowned, “What is True Yuan under this? Why haven’t I heard of it before?”

“I don’t know… It’s only a moment, I simply didn’t see clearly…” Lu Changwei said in a humble way.

“What about the woman?” Lu Mingjun asked again.


Lu Changwei quickly explained: “At that time, Zhu Dachang rushed in to save me… Zhu Dachang said that he only saw the woman, but not at all the second assassin. The point is that the woman seemed to disappear from the air, and she got rid of it instantly. Zhu Dachang’s pursuit!”

“Waste! Even a woman can’t catch it! It’s all waste!” Lu Mingjun scolded in exasperation: “I’ve told you to be less ganged with those gang of scoundrels! Something went wrong, and no one used it!”

“Yes… what my father learned is…” Lu Changwei repeatedly nodded, and the atmosphere dared not breathe.

“Fortunately, you are not injured, otherwise, how can you compete for the ranking after the elite hunt after 9 days!” Lu Mingjun narrowed his eyes towards Lu Changwei, but suddenly his brow furrowed and said, “What about your storage bracelet?”

“Bracelet? What about my bracelet?” Lu Changwei was shocked and jumped up directly from the bed. Looking around for 4 times, he could no longer find his storage bracelet.

“Don’t tell me, you lost it!” Lu Mingjun complexion sank exuded the fierce coercion like a evil tiger.

The people around L煤 Family also changed their faces.

From their reaction alone, it is not difficult to see that there must be something extremely important in the storage bracelet.

Lu Changwei’s face was pale and cold sweat dripped out: “Stolen… My storage bracelet must have been stolen by that cheap woman!”

“Stupid! Waste! Mentally retarded! I really shouldn’t give you the key to the’Lin Hai Mi Zang’ in advance!” Lu Mingjun flustered and exasperated, like a roaring tiger, cursing Lu Changwei.

“I know wrong… Father! I know wrong… You are angry…” Lu Changwei immediately knelt on the ground, his face pale.

“You know what’s wrong? You know what else is wrong now!”

Lu Mingjun was extremely angry: “This’Linhai Treasure’ is the treasure buried by the’Linhai Aristocrat’ 500 years ago! I’ve tried all my stuffer untold hardships to find the key to the treasure, which is for you to offer during the elite hunt For 9 Young Master, buy your future!”

“Half a month ago, I told you to stay at home and prepare for the elite hunt! You can do well, eat and drink with the gang of scoundrels all day long, and now it is even better! Actually lost the keys! This is simply Self-destructive future! Extremely stupid!”

As soon as this remark came out, Lu Changwei’s forehead, vest, and palms were all soaked in cold sweat, and he knelt on the ground and dared not let a fart go.

“Speak! You waste! It’s about time, do you even have a little responsibility!” Lu Mingjun’s angry eyes almost burst into flames.

“I…” Lu Changwei took a breath of breath and hurriedly said: “I’ll go to the Yinyu Duwei Mansion to borrow troops… the whole city is hunting!”

“Idiot! Is this your way?” Lu Mingjun angrily roared: “If you stole the key, you will stay in Yinyu City, waiting to be arrested?”

“This…” Lu Changwei’s tears came down. In memory, although his father was severe, he could flies into a rage like this time, it was the first time.

It can be seen how important that key is!

“Lu Uncle is furious, and the little nephew has a record that can lead the assassin!” Just then, Fatty, a fat man, stood up.

Lu Mingjun was on his head, squinting at Fatty, disdainful: “what thing are you? Also deserve to call me Uncle?”

Fatty face doesn’t change, said indifferently: “Little nephew Zhu Dachang is the first heir to Zhu Family in Chengxi. In your eyes, he is not worth mentioning! However, the little nephew and Wei Shao have very good personal relations, look at him If it is difficult, we must help us!”

Hearing this, Lu Mingjun moved slightly, indifferently said: “Give you ten seconds, leave if you can’t tell!”

Zhu Da always had a good heart and said, “If the young nephew is right, the specific location of’Lin Hai Mi Zang’ is still a secret that is unknown to outsiders!”

“That is to say, although the assassin got the key, he simply didn’t know what key it was!”

“As long as we let out the wind and say that’Lin Hai Mi Zang’ has been discovered by L煤 Family, the map of the Mi Zang is inside the Lu Mansion! The assassin is most likely to steal the map!”

“At that time, we can come to catch a turtle in a jar! At the moment, the key will naturally return to us!”

As soon as this remark came out, everyone around them nodded, thinking that Zhu Dachang said something reasonable.

Lu Mingjun squinted for a moment, and even showed a smile, and praised: “Virtuous nephew! Good plan! Uncle was dizzy, and his speech was too much. I hope you don鈥檛 be surprised. In the future, you need to help Changwei. !”

“Lu Uncle is assured that my little nephew treats Wei Shao as a big brother and will definitely do his best to help him!” Zhu Da often flattered said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lu Mingjun immediately made a decision and said: “Okay! This matter, do what you want! Just grab the assassin, you are my own L煤 Family!”

“My nephew must spare no effort!” Zhu Dachang said seriously.


Escaping space.

Chen Xiaobei formed a nail head 7 arrows seal, because the energy is overdrawn, the whole person has been groggy.

Anyway, I had to sleep, Chen Xiaobei simply called Xiao’er.

“Brother Bei! Why did you call me at this time? I’m not awake yet!” Xiao’er muttered.

“Look at these Three Spirit Artifacts!”

Chen Xiaobei directly extracted Lu Changwei’s Three Spirit Artifacts from the space ring and asked, “If I had eaten them, how long would I sleep?”

“En!? 2 pieces of 5鈥揝tar Spiritual Artifact, and one piece of 7鈥揝tar Spiritual Artifact!鈥?Xiao’er suddenly opened his eyes and said: 鈥淭his is a rare delicacy!鈥?/p>

“You snack bar! Answer my question quickly, and you will be in a moment!” Chen Xiaobei said.


Xiao’er happily said: 鈥淲ith Brother Bei鈥檚 current culture, a 5鈥揝tar Spiritual Artifact can increase the intensity of 3000 Physique and have to sleep for 3 days! 7鈥揝tar Spiritual Artifact can increase the intensity of 2 10000 Physique and need to sleep. 20 days!”

“Well, 9 days later, the elite will be martial arts. It seems that I can only eat 2 pieces of 5鈥揝tar first!” Chen Xiaobei eyebrow raised and immediately took action.

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