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Chen Xiaobei first took out 7 spells, and then injected Spirit Qi of 7000 low grade Spirit Stone into it!

“go with!”

Chen Xiaobei’s heart moved, 7 Magic Talisman infused with a lot of Spirit Artifact, immediately psychic, and automatically flew to the grassman who had already been pierced.

It was posted on the head of Caoren, hands, legs, heart, and Qi Sea Dantian in 7 places.


Chen Xiaobei issued an order again.

The 7 spells immediately burned up on their own, and the flame appeared as a scarlet. Although it burned in flames, it didn’t hurt the grassman.

When the 7 sheets of paper run out, the Cauldron will light up with 7 blood spots, and the spots will be connected to each other to form a blood spell mark!

Afterwards, Chen Xiaobei took out 7 more spells and repeated the same action as before. Another spell mark was formed, which was combined with the previous spell mark 2 and the bloody rays of light above the spell mark immediately deepened. Minute.

The same movement continues until the 49 spells are all used up, and 7 spell seals merge with each other.


Visible to the naked eye, bursts of blood-colored energy, fluctuations and turbulence, gradually integrated into the Cao Ren within the body.

“It is!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes were fixed, and Xin happily said: “The nail head with 7 arrows and a big seal is officially formed! After 3 days, it is the death of Jixiu!”



Inside a 5–Star hotel in Dragon City.

Lu Bu frowned, walking back and forth in the room, sitting uneasy: “Shen Gongbao didn’t reply? He doesn’t calculate Chen Xiaobei’s position, how do we do it?”

Ji Xiong leaned on the sofa, said indifferently with a smile: “Shen Exalted Immortal hasn’t replied there yet, but I cursed Chen Xiaobei again this morning, and within 3 or 5 days, he will meet again. big trouble!”

“Your curse is useless at all!” Lu Bu said ill-humoredly: “The last such killing was rushed by Chen Xiaobei, what trouble can take his life!”

“Oh, Brother Lu believes that I am okay, as long as Shen Exalted Immortal can trust me!”

Ji Xiongchengzhu was in the chest and said: “I dare to assert that this time task, Chen Xiaobei must have died under my curse. Brother Lu can wait for the good news. I will use facts to prove that Shen Exalted Immortal did not choose the wrong person!”

“I’m curious, what benefits Shen Gongbao gave you, you have to sell his life for him, and still protect him like this!” Lu Bu asked frowning.

“Frankly, Exalted Immortal grants me an Earth Immortal status!”

Chi Xiong said with a smile: “As long as Chen Xiaobei is solved, I can come to Realm of Earthly Immortals! In time, I will build another Heavenly Immortal position, when the time comes, my Chi Xiong is also a Heavenly Realm fairy! Just think about it, you’re happy! hahaha…”

“Shen Gongbao base and shameless, you suck self-seeking, it really is jackals of the same tribe!” Lu Bu said disdainfully.

“Oh, I and Shen Exalted Immortal are jackals of the same tribe. Can Brother Lu get away? In the eyes of outsiders, you and I are self-seeking villains!” Jifen said with a smile : “The only difference is that I can benefit, but you cannot!”

“I don’t need to benefit, as long as I can save my Diao Chan!” Lu Bu’s brow furrowed and his tone was solemn.

In order to save Diao Chan, he spared his infamy!

No matter whether he is born with a bone, or a wolf, his ambition is not bad. With his true love for Diao Chan alone, he will not be so bad.

Unlike Ji Xiong, for the benefit of Shen Gongbao’s promise, he gave up the principle and gave up the bottom line, this kind of person, damn it!

“En! Shin Exalted Immortal wrote back! Let’s go into the group yourself!” Ji Xiong said with a smile.

Afterwards, Ji Xiu and Lu Bu both picked up their phones, and they 2 and Shen Gongbao were in a small group to facilitate the communication of task progress at any time.

Shen Gongbao: Chen Xiaobei’s position, I have calculated it! He is on a planet called Silver Feather. Later, I will find a way to send you over!

Ji Xiong: Actually, it is not necessary to go to the past. I just cursed Chen Xiaobei this morning, and within 3 to 5 days, he must be in for a big disaster!

Lu Bu: I disagree! I must go to the Silver Feather planet in person, and only I can make sure that 10000 is foolproof!

Shen Gongbao: Jixiong, you can really guarantee that Chen Xiaobei will be in trouble within 3 to 5 days.

Jixi: Of course! The villain dare to swear by three immortal souls and seven mortal souls. If he can’t do it, he will be called the soul flew away and scattered, and never be born!

Lu Bu: Stop blowing! You said the same thing last time, but the result has not been resolved by Chen Xiaobei!

Jixiu: Hehe, I just said that Brother Lu believed or not that I didn’t matter, as long as I applied for Exalted Immortal to believe me.

Lu Bu: Shen Exalted Immortal is so wise, how can I believe you!

Shen Gongbao: I believe! Of course I believe! It took me a lot of hard work to get rid of it from Netherworld! I don’t believe in Jixiong. Am I beating my own face?

Ji fierce: Thank you Shen Exalted Immortal trust, I will not insult the mission!

Shen Gongbao: Good performance. If Chen Xiaobei dies within 3 to 5 days, I will give you an additional reward in addition to the Earth Immortal status!

Jixi: Haha! The villain thanked Shen Exalted Immortal first! (proud)

Lu Bu: What if Ji Xiong can’t do it?

Shen Gongbao: If Ji Xiong can’t do it, I will immediately open Space Crack and send you to Yinyu planet!

Lu Bu: I have another request!

Shen Gongbao: You said.

Lu Bu: By Chen Xiaobei, there is an expert protection stronger than me. I want you to send my Dualbladed Halberd!

Shen Gongbao: Your Dualbladed Halberd? This may be difficult!

Lu Bu: I know that my Dualbladed Halberd has been refined into 7–Star Immortal Grade. The formidable power is too huge and will affect the balance of Human Realm. You can seal a part of the power and send it over again!

Shen Gongbao: Yes! If Ji Xiu misses, I will give you Dualbladed Halberd, let you go to Chen Xiaobei!

Lu Bu: Good! That’s it!

Jixiu: I will not miss! (Hehe)


Silver feather planet.

Inside the Lú Family mansion.

“Wei Shao wakes up! Wei Shao wakes up!” an old Chinese doctor shouted excitedly.

Afterwards, everyone from Lú Family went to the bed, shouting and asking for warmth.

“Changwei! Is it better?”

“Changwei, did you drink too much last night? How could you be stunned!”

“Who hit you? The strength is too strong?”

“How about the strength? Dare to fight Changwei, this is the face of my Lú Family! No matter who he is, we Lú Family must make him die well!”


Just then, a calm voice came from the door: “Everyone is quiet, Patriarch is here!”

As soon as the words came out, the people in the room immediately closed their mouths and stood on the 2 sides in a proper manner.

Subsequently, a gaseous and majestic middle-aged man stepped in, dragon walk, tiger steps, the gas field is powerful and daunting.

This person is the current Patriarch of Lú Family, Lu Mingjun!

“What the hell happened? Who hit you?” Lu Mingjun’s tone was deep and penetrating.

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