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At this juncture, even the giant beast was stunned for a while, why did it appear to be a person, and, dare to stand behind the sir, is this not courting death?

“Who are you… Hey! What are you doing!”

The senior man was about to look back, and suddenly he felt that his feet were empty, and he was erected by an invisible and invisible force.

“This… what is going on here? Clearly there are fluctuations in True Astral, why can’t I see the form of True Astral?”

At this moment, the senior man can clearly feel that he is put up by the more powerful True Astral.

However, the senior man has never seen it, or even heard of it. Which True Astral is invisible and invisible in this world!

And the scene that happened next, made the senior man unimaginable to the extreme.


True Astral with a sergeant, suddenly struck! Just like a big invisible hand, throwing a shot put, throwing the entire senior man directly to the rear.

“Ah? Ah…”

With a startled scream, the sergeant was thrown out of 100 meters and fell heavily on the ground.

The senior man has a True Astral body protector, but he has not suffered any injuries, but the expression has been dumbfounded, and his eyes flickered towards the front.

“Then… that is a’Silver Feather Star’?”

The jungle squinted, and the senior man could not see the situation ahead.

Can only guess, said: “The Senior has at least 90000 Combat Force …… None of the foreign Northern Waste Warriors have this strength! He must be one of the “Silver Feather Stars”! True didn’t expect, the nobles will also rescue me …”


On the front end, the war is on the verge.

“Where’s Smelly Brat? How dare you spoil this King! This King wants to burn you to ashes!”

The silver giant beast contains a giant Fireball, and the tone is already uncomfortable.

“If you want to burn, burn, why do you say so much nonsense? Anyway, I also want to play with your beast core, if you are kneeling and begging for mercy, I really can’t stop.

I saw, a youngster in his early 20s, facing the giant beast, but still serene, face doesn’t change.

He owns the True Astral, which is invisible and invisible, but does not have the combat suit of the Northern Arakan Warrior.

His name is almost ready.

“Pu… Play with this King’s beast core? Also want This King to kneel and beg for mercy? You mental illness!” Baiyin giant beast simply wanted to vomit blood.

As a silver giant beast that has made countless northern warriors frightened by the wind, its favorite picture is that humans kneel at their feet and cry desperately for mercy.

It would be good, first of all, a senior man, not afraid of death, hit his face with life.

The youngster in his early 20s is arrogant, don’t want it, but actually asks him to kneel and beg for mercy, but also to play its beast core!

This fuck is not a face! Instead, directly press the giant beast of killing people like scything flax on the ground and step on the face!

Can’t bear it! Can’t bear it!

“Go to death! This King doesn’t show his power, do you think This King is a 4-legged snake?”

The giant beast suddenly roared with rage.

Just against the senior man, the giant beast has been brewing 100% strength.

But now, in order to defend his face, it even uses all one’s strength to stimulate its potential and forcibly explodes 120% strength!

“Bang! Rumble …”

The bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl suddenly opened if it was torn, and the long-brewed Fireball burst out directly.

That Fireball is not a True Astral phantom form!

But the ability of demonic beast, is a real demonic beast fire!

Just like the Red Sun Flame Heart Python of Land of Nine Nether, it is a talent that has been born since birth!

The huge fire in front of this giant beast has extreme heat! Moreover, there is further blessing of the Celestial Manifestation of Fire!

Fireball has not yet landed, with Chen Xiaobei as the center, and the range of ten meters in the square, has been burnt by the heat wave! The plants are yellow and scorched black, and even the earth and rocks are hot and cracked!

Moreover, not only the temperature is high, but the speed of Fireball is also extremely fast, human beings of the same level can’t even hide.

“bang! !!”

Just listening to the popping sound, Fireball is hitting Chen Xiaobei’s head!

In an instant, all around The earth shook and the mountain quivered, the fire sea spread.

The earth was cracked by the impact of Fireball, the wood and stone were incinerated by the high temperature of Fireball, and the whole space seemed to be a world of purgatory, terrifying.

“Death!!! Spicy chicken! Waste! Just because you dare to pretend to be in front of This King! Die die!”

The giant beast raised his head and gave a roaring roar, as if he was showing off his heroic merits to the entire world.


However, at this moment, a silhouette burst out of the fire sea! Like a sharp sword, pierce the giant beast’s chest directly!

“En!? You’re fine! How is this possible?”

giant beast’s eyes widened violently.

I didn’t expect to dream, and I tried my best to hit even one of Chen Xiaobei’s hair.


Seeing Chen Xiaobei rushing over, giant beast didn’t dare to carelessly, head rushing forward, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl with 2 rows of giant cone-like fangs, fiercely biting Chen Xiaobei!

This time, if you bite the weak, you can instantly bite True Astral and take a few shots of that person’s body.

However, Chen Xiaobei is not among the weak!


Chen Xiaobei stepped on the fire and waved with a volley.

At a glance, Chen Xiaobei’s palm is as small as dust compared to the giant beast.

However, the invisible and phaseless True Astral is spread out secretly, forming an invisible hand with a square five meters! At the same time, there is also Celestial Manifestation blessing, which makes the formidable power and speed increase at the same time!

“pa !!!”

With only one loud noise, this palm was directly drawn on the left face of giant beast.

“ao ……”

The giant beast with a height of 20 meters directly made a wailing noise, and the huge body forcibly flew out sideways, instantly crushing the jungle of that square dozens of meters to the ground in an instant.


The giant beast spurted blood suddenly, and the giant cone-like fangs shattered most of them, falling straight out.

If it is a human being, it is absolutely impossible to stand up after being drawn by this slap.

But demonic beast extraordinary natural talent, Physique is extremely powerful, although difficult, but still stands forcibly.

“Roar! Little thief! How dare you hurt this King!” Giant beast stood there, screaming loudly.

“Huh?” Chen Xiaobei expression started slightly, said curiously: “Your strength is so low, don’t you plan to kneel down and beg for mercy?”

“Begging for mercy? This King is the king of the Silver Feather Orcs! If you dare to kill This King, you will surely attract endless “beast seas”! My clan Sovereign will personally shoot and lead the “beast sea” to engulf the entire Silver Feather City! Up and down, even chicken and dog doesn’t remain!”

giant beast emotionally roared: “It’s not scaring you, not even Silver Feather City Lord dare kill my! You deserve…”


The giant beast’s voice has not dropped yet, and a black glow has suddenly burst out.

Chen Xiaobei face doesn’t change: “It’s you who kills!”

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