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“No… did they march at this speed? I only started 2 hours late, and I couldn’t even see the shadow of the team…”

Chen Xiaobei was flying Nimbus, and looking down from above, he could not see the trace of the troop convoy.

“They just started in this direction…I didn’t go wrong… It seems that I have a chance to upgrade Flying Nimbus!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and some eggs hurt: “Now Yu Chen will definitely tell me their specific location! If I can’t keep up, I will suffer a lot!”


Just when Chen Xiaobei was worried that he could not find Ning Yuchen, a loud noise suddenly broke out at the far end.

Probably what a large facility exploded, the fire was so high, it was extremely terrifying!

“That’s over there! Never wrong!”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyes narrowed, and he immediately drove Flying Nimbus, rushing towards it.


2 people from the 3000nd column came out.

A total of 30 large troop carriers, lined up in a row, drove into the primitive forest away from the main city at a rapid speed.

“Captain, you said how strong a demonic beast will appear at this time? Even the chief has come out, is it possible that there will be a silver giant beast?”

On the last troop-carrying vehicle, Liu Cheng sat next to Ning Yuchen and asked worriedly.

“Orange, don’t be afraid!”

Ning Yuchen placated and said: “If there is a silver-level giant beast, the sir can’t handle it alone, and he will definitely join other columns to act together! A few vertical Captain officials join forces, and they are not afraid of the silver-level giant beast!”

“But I always have some unpredictable feelings… I can’t tell why, I just feel like something is going wrong…” Liu Cheng said worriedly.

“Relax, even if the sky collapses, it will first hit Hu Ben and me, right?” Ning Yuchen smiled jokingly said.

“Okay… I hope my hunch is all wrong…” Liu Cheng nodded.

“bang! !!”

However, Liu Orange’s words did not fall, and the front-most troop transporter suddenly exploded!

A violent explosion, the flames rushed to the sky, the rays of light shone so that everyone could not open their eyes, and the hot wind rushed from the front, scraping everyone’s skin, making them both physically and mentally trembling.

“What’s going on… what happened… what happened in the end…”

In the next moment, the soldiers on the troop transport commotioned like they were awake at first, wanting to know what happened.

But it was too far away from the explosion site to see anything at all.


At this time, the loudspeaker inside the troop carrier sounded, and the voice of the sergeant was heard: “Enemies attack red alarm! Silver giant beast leads the massive raid of the beast tide!”

“All follow-up vehicles, all withdraw! The farther the better, the better! Perform the command immediately! This is not a drill! This is not a play!”


With only a brief sound, the senior man probably threw the intercom in his hand and personally entered the battle.

You know, if the silver-level giant beast raid, if he is not a personal leader, everyone behind him will be wiped out!

“Silver-level giant beast… really silver-level giant beast… The sir can’t cope with it alone, and after a long time, he will die!”

Liu Cheng clenched his fists in a hurry, his silver teeth bit his lip, and his breath was quick.

“There is really no way… except for the sir, none of us can overcome the edge of the silver giant beast! Even if we don’t retreat, we won’t be able to do anything!”

Ning Yuchen quickly appeased the orange.

So far, the 3000 people of Grandiose can only retreat this way, and they have to pray for the senior man to hold on for a while.

If the sergeant loses too early, most of these 3000 people will probably die here!

“I don’t want the chief to die… Although he is strict, he usually takes care of us…”

The orange has a sour nose and his eyes suddenly turn red.

At the same level of human beings, impossible is the opponent of demonic beast, which is as everyone knows.

Liu Cheng and everyone are very clear in their hearts. The sir is actually using his life to fight for the retreat time for these 3000 people!

“No one wants to see the death of the sir…but…the gap in power is in front of us, unless someone can smooth the silver giant beast…otherwise, everything is pale and weak…”

Ning Yuchen was not in the mood, and her mood was extremely low.

However, this is the case with this World, weak are prey to the strong, powerhouse is respected, and power is the eternal rule of iron!

In the face of absolute power, the weak only succumb!

No matter how much you succumb, you have to be obedient, this is surrender!

As of this moment, none of the remaining 29 troop carriers hoped that the chief would die.

It’s a pity that even if they don’t want to, they can only retreat obediently.

Because, they are too weak.


“roar! !!”

The trembling beast roar constantly erupted, just at the location where the explosion just happened, a terrifying giant beast is wantonly showing his fierce power.

I saw that it was a giant beast with a posture characteristic much like the ancient Hegemon King dragon! 20 meters tall, with skin like rock!

The head is huge, and the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl is open, revealing 2 rows of sharp fangs.

It is the same as the common demonic beast, without True Astral, but its physical physique extraordinary natural talent, defensive power attack power are stronger than humans of the same level.

The most important thing is that the giant beast that reaches the silver level, like humans, has the ability to borrow Celestial Manifestation!

Under the premise of the same Combat Force, human beings are absolutely impossible to defeat it!


At this time, Captain Officer 2 stood in giant beast up ahead, with one hand covering his chest and bloodshot eyes hanging.

Obviously, he was traumatized in a confrontation with giant beast just now.

The injury is not fatal, he still has the strength to escape.

However, in order to protect the evacuation of the soldiers below, he persisted with injuries and continued to fight against the giant beast of this terrifying matchless!


Suddenly, giant beast slammed down, bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl gathered in a group of raging flames!

At the same time, all the elements of fire in the space were mobilized, and the Celestial Manifestation of fire immediately blessed the flames.

Looking at this posture, giant beast intends to use this move to obliterate the senior man, and then rushes up to chase the troop convoy.

“Fool! Stop calling!”

The chief man’s eyes were fixed, coldly said: “I am ready to die, and want to kill the soldiers under my hands, I must cross over my body!”


The fierce light appeared in the giant beast’s eyes, and the Fireball intensified in his mouth!

Obviously, the tough attitude of the senior man makes it very uncomfortable. It wants to use the strongest blow to wipe out this fiercely man who refuses to succumb!

“Farewell…Warriors…” The senior man is also aware of his ending, and only runs the True Astral Celestial Manifestation to the extreme, which can last an extra second, which is one second.

“You are a good sir, don’t have to die here!”

Just then, a very dull voice came from behind the senior man.

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