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“Just in your bedroom!”

The huge lungs were lowly laughed like a wolf, saying: “I tell you! This pair of beauties is a rare top grade! One is the charming young lady with a protruding back and the other is the beautiful and beautiful little Luoli! It’s a perfect match!”

“So what are you waiting for? Let’s go quickly! Just relax after a busy day!” The giant bird just put on a formidable person posture, and just after hearing the beauty, he immediately showed the same virtue as his younger brother.

It can be seen that neither of these two goods is a good thing!

“Walking! Let’s fight until dawn! Hehehe…” Ju Lian’s face laughed lowly, but his footsteps hadn’t taken off yet, but he was stunned.

“Unfortunately, your plan may be overwhelmed, because you probably don’t see the dawn!”

With the voice of a serene, Chen Xiaobei walked slowly out of the villa door.

“Aren’t you the kid with Hu Ben?”

With an unimaginable expression on the face of the giant lung, surprisedly said: “Drinking my Ecstasy, how could you wake up so quickly!”

“Hu Ben? It’s the guy who hurt you last time?” The giant bird narrowed his eyes, his face suddenly gloomy.

“Yes!” Nodded, said: “Hubei’s group of 5 people, I got it with Ecstasy. I don’t know why this kid is all right?”

“Hmph! It’s the same for everything! Dare to stand in front of my giant bird, today is his death!”

The giant bird disdainfully ordered: “Come here! Give me this boy, throw it into the pen, and feed my sabertooth beast!”

“Don’t worry, I want to hear more about Lú Family!” Chen Xiaobei smiled harmless to humans and animals.

Zhennan Lú Family!

Chen Xiaobei is no stranger to this title.

In Atlantis, Chen Xiaobei could have passed through Transmission Formation without incident.

It was precisely because a slut named Lu Tianbi found fault that it triggered a series of conflicts.

And because of a slut named Lu Gang, who indulged his son Lu Tianbi to bully men and dominate women, Chen Xiaobei was forced to a dead end.

Finally detonated the battle that destroyed Atlantis.

That battle, the demon fox died, Lu Tianbi and Lu Gang can be said to be the culprit!

Although I don’t know if the father and son are dead or alive, but with Chen Xiaobei’s character, this account must be counted!

Lú Family’s downfall is not enough!

Chen Xiaobei wants their family to die!

Of course, Chen Xiaobei was interested in this, not just for revenge. Staying in the mysterious block 1 also attracted Chen Xiaobei.

Staying there is equivalent to the semi-noble of the Silver Feather planet, which is equivalent to standing firm.

When the time comes to take over relatives and friends, most of the time they can feel at ease in the evacuation space and can enter the city for leisure and entertainment.

At the same time, they can also have the social status of semi-nobles, and they can be respected and recognized by most people, with a quality life and a face.

This is what Chen Xiaobei wants to see most.

Rather than simply putting family and friends in a sheltered place without leaving home, what is the difference from jail?

“Lú Family’s things? Have you heard all?” The giant bird’s face showed a gloom.

“Hear it!” Chen Xiaobei shrugged, said: “I woke up a long time ago, and I took the time to turn around in the house! Don’t say, there is no feeling outside, Spiritual Qi in the house is really abundant!”

“You woke up long ago?” The giant bird coldly said: “Then I can’t keep you anymore! Brothers! Give me!”

“Shua! Shua! Shua!”

With the order of the giant bird, dozens of cosmic hooligans who had gathered together long ago, directed towards Chen Xiaobei and surrounded them.

These guys are all Black Iron 3 to 5–Star, and it is really good among the unemployed wanderers in the outer city of Yinyu.

Unfortunately, they are not worth mentioning in front of Chen Xiaobei.

“Little bastard! Go to hell!”

The green hair hooligan rushed to the front, True Astral condense a ghost claw, directly stroked the black tiger to attack Chen Xiaobei.

This move is very fierce. Obviously, I want to win first and perform well in front of the giant bird.

“Green hair! Not bad! Cultivation is good, almost black iron 6-Star, right?”

The giant bird narrowed its eyes and said appreciatively: “Put down that kid, I will allow you to enter the training room and take a full day of spiritual Qi!”

“Thank you, Brother Big Bird!” Lumao was overjoyed, forcing a mouthful of True Qi to strengthen the offensive.

Hearing this, the hooligans around showed their envy, and each and everyone clenched their teeth to make all one’s strength attack Chen Xiaobei.


But in the next moment, the entire portrait of Lumao was bombarded by shells and flew out suddenly.

True Astral shattered instantly, waving at Chen Xiaobei’s arm, from finger to shoulder, all skeletons were shattered!

“Beng Bengbeng!”

Moreover, it is not just green hair. The three people who rushed behind the green hair were hit by the flying green hair, and True Astral shattered together!

That is to say, the impulse of green hair flying backwards has crushed the Combat Force of their three people.

One can imagine how terrifying the power blasting on Lumao is!


Lumao and three bad luck ghosts flew out a dozen meters away, smashing the courtyard walls, buried under the bricks, and their lives were unknown.

“This… what is going on here?”

The remaining dozen hooligans around were instantly dumbfounded.

This horrible scene not only crushed True Astral, but also crushed their state of mind, and caused their fighting intent to collapse completely, which was 1000 miles away!

“Brother… did you see what happened just now?” the giant lung had hidden behind the giant bird, trembling with fear asked.

“Not clear …”

The giant bird frowned shouted: “Boy! What the hell did you do!”

“What did I do, wouldn’t you understood it if you came over and try it?” Chen Xiaobei looked at Serene’s expression.

In fact, Chen Xiaobei was just a simple punch just now, and was banging on the green paw.

It’s just that Chen Xiaobei’s speed is too fast. With the cultivation of these people around, she simply can’t see Chen Xiaobei’s movements, so naturally she doesn’t know what happened.


The giant bird hesitated and asked, “What grade are you?”

“Rank?” Chen Xiaobei smiled: “They said that I was sporadic, and I didn’t even give me a combat uniform.”

“Fart!” the giant bird said angrily: “You’re an idiot when you’re Lao’zi! How could the black iron sporadic have your boldness!”

“So what do you think I am Cultivation?” Chen Xiaobei asked rhetorically.

“Look at me…”

The giant bird narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, “You must be a sporadic bronze! You deliberately said that you are a black iron, and want to make me underestimate, so that you can play the pig to eat the tiger! Don’t dream! I’m not that good cheat!”

“I’m going short oil! You are so smart!” Chen Xiaobei almost smiled and barely endured, said resolutely: “Then do you dare to fight my bronze sporadic battle?”

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