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“Chasing the wind! Don’t…”

Ning Yuchen was shocked and wanted to stop Chen Xiaobei, but the wine added with Ecstasy was already consumed by Chen Xiaobei.

“For the safety of Sister Hua, drink it…”

Chen Xiaobei said weakly and directly took out the performance of the Oscar Shadow Emperor level. Once he was soft, he fainted at the table.

“This kid is a person who knows the current affairs!”

Giant lung grinned at his sausage mouth and said angrily: “Give you 3 seconds, if you don’t drink, don’t blame me for a few knives on your flower sister’s face!”

When he had finished, he drew a dagger and dangled around Huai’s fair face.

“No! Me Hah! I am Hah now!”

Hu Ben is of course sincere to Sister Hua, even if he knows the consequences of drinking this bowl of wine, he does not intend to hesitate anymore!

Hu Ben drank the wine in the bowl with a sip, the huge body shook twice, and finally glanced at Sister Hua, then he collapsed to the ground.

“Fool…” Sister Hua shuddered, her eyes red.

“Captain, what shall we do?” Liu Cheng was completely panicked. If she did not drink, the safety of Sister Hua could not be guaranteed. If you drink, she would fall into the claws of the giant lung!

Regardless of the choice, it is difficult for Orange to accept.


Ning Yuchen hesitated for a moment and said: “So many people in the pub just now may have heard the news back to the camp. The sir will come to save us… But if you don’t drink, chase the wind, Sister Hua, Hu Ben, they are all in danger! “

I have to say that Ning Yuchen, a Captain, is still very competent. He made a wise choice when he was in danger.

“Okay…” Liu Cheng was not stupid, of course, he knew what Ning Yuchen said.

After all, although Ning Yuchen is strong, he does not have Three Heads Six Arms.

Really fighting, Ning Yuchen had no time to take care of Chen Xiaobei and Hu Ben, let alone Huajie was still held hostage, with the kind temperament of Ning Yuchen, he would definitely not be able to fight with all his strength.

The situation is already very clear. Ning Yuchen and Liu Cheng each took a bowl of wine. After drinking, they fell into a coma.

“Okay! It’s all done!”

Giant Lung grinned, with a small man intoxicated by success expression on his face: “Bring them all back to me! The men and women are separated!”

“What about this woman? She also has 30000 Combat Force. Is her subordinate personally guarding it?” asked hooligan who pressed Huaihua.

“Guard a fart! Give her a bowl of ecstasy too! I will invite my brother to enjoy it later. What’s the matter with you next?” Giant Lung said angrily.

“Yes, yes… The subordinates understand!” That hooligan nodded again and again, said with a smile: “Please also say hello to the’Giant Bird Hall Master’ on my behalf!”

“What a nonsense! Hurry up and do things!” Giant Lung said angrily.

The giant bird in Hooligan’s mouth is the big brother of the giant lung. Cultivation reaches Bronze 3–Star, which is 43000 Combat Force, and is one of the hosts of the Black Cloud Society.

It is precisely because of such a big brother, the giant lung of trifling 30000 Combat Force, that he can bring a group of younger brothers stronger than him, 4 tyrannize.


Outer city, block 66.

There is a small villa with a garden in the front and a swimming pool in the back. Although it is not comparable to the inner city silver star house, in the outer city area, it is definitely a Top Grade mansion.

This is the residence of the giant bird and giant lung, and the base of the giant bird’s entrance.

4 flying cars stopped.

The giant lung walked to the front and entered the villa, and there was a bunch of hooligan around him, lighting up cigarettes and asking for help.

And the people who followed, confined Ning Yuchen, Chen Xiaobei, and Hu Ben to a room.

Sister Hua and Orange were sent to the bedroom of the giant bird on the second floor.

“Did my brother come back?” Giant Lung asked with a cigar in his mouth.


A green-haired guy said: “It seems that the main bird is visiting the array master in block 1! He is going to improve the array here, and strive to absorb some Spirit Qi from the ground!”

“Suck Spirit Qi? Is it for cultivation again?”

Giant Lunge shook the head and said, “I really don’t know what my brother thinks? They have already resigned as soldiers. Why are they still desperately cultivation? In five years, we will be forced to leave. Is it fun to fight like this? “

“Are you saying it interesting?”

Just then, a majestic voice came from behind.

It was a man with five organs and giant lungs that looked alike, but the giant lung was a big fatty, but the man was very strong and covered with muscles!

“Brother!” Giant Lung swallowed saliva and said, quickly greeted the past.

“If I don’t desperately cultivate, can you live in such a good house? Can you take a vote every day to bully men and women?” Giant Bird asked.

“Uh… that certainly can’t!” Jufei immediately changed his mouth and said, “If there is no big brother your fist, our brother is still suffering in the slum!”

“Just know it!” Giant bird said solemnly: “There are still 3 years left. If we can live in block 1, we will not only be forced to leave, but also get semi-noble treatment!”

“Live… live in block 1? How is this possible?” Giant lung expression stunned.

“You all retreat!”

The giant bird swung back around the crowd before saying, “The Black Dragon will fall back against the mountain! There will be new noble forces rising and replacing it!”

Giant Lung asked incredulously: “The backer of the Black Dragon is the Lú Family in Zhennan? They are inheritance’s Great Family for 100 years! And they are so important to the City Lord, how can they fall?”

“Lú Family has a major event!”

The giant bird said: “The’Zhennan Star Hall’ in Earth was destroyed into a ruin! The Transmission Formation, which cost a lot of resources, collapsed completely! Lú Family was not well defended and should bear the main responsibility!”

“This… how is this possible…”

The giant lung hearing this, the startled eyes are coming out: “Earth is a low-level Star Domain, why destroy the Zhennan Star Temple? It can actually destroy the Transmission Formation that the temple can build by hand? This… this is incredible!”

“It’s not just you! The people of Star Domain in Northern Wilds feel incredible! But this thing is 1000 true 10000 true!”

The giant bird said: “The high level of the Silver Feather City is shaking! The Lú Family’s downfall is not far away! As for the specific situation, it may be necessary to rebuild the Transmission Formation to find out.”

“However, the specific situation doesn’t make any sense to me!” Ju Nianhua Feng replied: “What I really care about is the new noble forces that will replace Lú Family!”

“As the saying goes, the emperor and the courtier, the new forces will not support the Black Dragon Club cultivated by Lú Family! They will additionally support their own confidant forces!”

“If I can seize the opportunity and get support from new forces, then I will be the next Black Dragon president!”

“When the time comes, our brother and I will be able to stay in block 1 and become the semi-noble of the Silver Feather planet! Just thinking about it is awkward!”

Hearing this, Giant Lung was also excited: “Brother is mighty! Brother is domineering! younger brother I have prepared 2 beauties and gave it to brother, it is to celebrate in advance!”

“Beauty? Where?” The giant bird narrowed his eyes and chuckled.

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