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“What… what do you mean? What responsibility is this emperor responsible for?”

Nishikawa Universe’s face is abrupt, his tone is very unnatural, and he seems very unsound.

“Oh, His Majesty the Emperor, who has always been strong, can also act stupid?”

Gui Yu coldly said: “Although I am an agent of the Aegis Bureau of the United States, before then, I was the Direct Disciple of Great God Tian Zhao! If your transaction with my Master cannot be fulfilled, you will lose that opportunity forever!”

“This…” Nichikawa Universe’s face suddenly turned green, apparently struck by the ghost rain’s words!

This transaction, Azure Dragon Xuan Ren also knows, said solemnly: “Your Majesty the Emperor, in my opinion, Chen Xiaobei’s death, you should not report it to the United States! As long as we don’t say, no one will know the truth!”


Vermilion Bird conciliated and said: “The immediate priority now is to make the Crown Prince recover completely as soon as possible to ensure that the big marriage is held as scheduled.”

Nichikawa Cosmos thought for a while and said: “Okay! Chen Xiaobei’s death, the emperor can not report, but you must help the emperor to find a way together! If the big marriage cannot be held normally, the emperor will let you and the emperor together cry!”

dīng líng líng ——

Just then, Gui Yu’s cell phone rang.

Gui Yu wanted to hang up, but when she looked at the word’grandfather’ 2 on the screen, she connected the phone again.

After two simple sentences, Guiyu complexion slightly changed, and then hung up the phone and said, “There is something wrong at home, I have to go back.”

“You wait!” Hiroshikawa said quickly: “What time is this! Are you still in control of other things?”

“Grandfather raises me up, I can ignore anything in the world, but I must control my grandfather!”

Gui Yu only said one word, and left the hospital after mentioning the Dragon Seizing Demonic Black Blade.

“What’s the matter with it being so late?” Vermilion Bird wondered sternly.

Nichikawa Universe squinted and thought for a moment, then immediately said: “You immediately follow the ghost rain back! The emperor immediately went to dispatch troops!”

“What do you mean?” Azure Dragon said stubbornly: “Are you a sceptical ghost lord?”

“Azure Dragon Xuan Ren! Calm down! Do you dare to say that Gui Yu insists on going back to be undoubted?”

Nichikawa Universe said solemnly: “It is an extraordinary period now, be bold in doubt, and carefully verify. If my suspicion is wrong, we will withdraw it again, and there will be no harm! Is it?”

“Azure Dragon, His Majesty the Emperor really said something!”

Vermilion Bird Xuan Ren said solemnly: “Don’t forget, Master Guiyu’s identity, there is a huge particularity! I have to guard against it! I thought that if it wasn’t poisoned by the “God Emperor”, Guiyu might not be willing to come to us Under the sky!”

Hearing this, Azure Dragon’s Xuan Ren’s eyebrows wrinkled tightly: “That thing in the past, only Fushi Shihuo knew that he had been holding back for more than ten years, and he should not say it at this time!”

Vermilion Bird Xuan Ren said: “Now is a very special time! Guo Shi Chihuo knows what was going on, and will definitely guard us! Maybe he will expose his old background!”

“That’s 10000 10000 is not enough!” Azure Dragon’s Xuan Ren’s complexion changed suddenly, and he immediately said: “Vermilion Bird, you and me will follow immediately! Your Majesty the Emperor, your side is also ready, wait for our signal to act again!”


Sensoji Temple.

Gui Yu entered the temple gate, looted the magic dragon, took off his shoes, and barely had a pair of white and tender little feet, and then went in.

“What about grandfather? Call me back, but he is gone…”

Gui Yu found a circle in the main hall and front yard, and walked to the back garden.

Although it is already early in the morning, grandfather is a very old-fashioned person who will not let his granddaughter go to the bedroom to talk.

So there is only the back garden.

The green tender grass covered the ground, just like a feather rug, soft and neat.

A 100-year-old cherry tree with luxuriant branches is like a huge pink umbrella cover. Under the white moonlight, it emits a faint pink halo, which makes the whole space full of aura.

Obviously, such a scene is most suitable for lovers to gather and talk to each other.

But as soon as he got there, Gui Yu raised his hands to cover his head and knelt in pain on the ground.

“Uh… what’s going on…Why hasn’t this gold hoop yet failed…pain…pain…”

The golden hoop on Ghost Rain’s head flashed golden light, which brought her an incomparable pain.

“Hard… Isn’t Chen Xiaobei still dead? Uh… that’s impossible… how could he escape from the hands of Python King… hiss… hurt uh…”

Gui Yu covered his head and knelt on the ground, his inner emotions were extremely complicated.

Yu Gong, with her mission, must capture Chen Xiaobei alive.

Yu Gu, recalling the young man who left the black blade to her, but carried the strange python frenzy alone, her heart was unable to bear tingling. She knew that the teenager really regarded her as a friend!

In public or in private, Gui Yu doesn’t want Chen Xiaobei to die.

However, the Chiyang Yanxin Python King is so powerful, let alone a Chen Xiaobei. If the Python King stayed for more than half a minute at that time, Gui Yu and the Nishikawa Universe, the lives of their five people, all had to explain there!

Because of this, although the headache that was tortured by the gold hoop at the moment was about to break, Gui Yu could not believe it anyway, Chen Xiaobei was still alive!

however! The screen that appears in the next second, but the ghost rain can not forget in his life!

“Chen Caicai! Didn’t expect can we meet again?”

I only heard a familiar voice ringing behind Gui Yu, but there was a cold evil spirit in the voice!

“Chen Xiaobei? Is it you? Ah…”

Ghost Rain was shocked. As soon as he turned around, he was directly pushed down by two rude big hands, and he was crushed on the grass.

“Yes! It’s me!”

Chen Xiaobei’s big pair of hands pressed the ghost Yuxuebai’s wrist.

Spread your legs and ride directly on Guiyu, looking at her from the top.

“You… you are still alive…”

Ghost Rain was completely stunned, and the heart turned over the river and the sea, as if it had knocked over 5 flavor bottles, the taste was very complicated.

The mess in the small head even forgot the physical contact.

“Oh, of course I’m alive! And I live very well!”

Chen Xiaobei leaned down, and there was an evil spirit in his eyes, coldly said: “Do you know how I want to retaliate against you?”

“Revenge?” Ghost rain expression stunned, and quickly asked: “How about my grandfather? How are you doing him!”

“Relax! I am a person with gratitude and grudges are clear, Old Master is now sleeping in the bedroom!” Chen Xiaobei directly realized with the wonderful sound, learning the voice of Wushi Shihonghuo, said.

“This… how is this possible…” Gui Yu stunned. “It was you who called me just now?”

“Let’s talk nonsense! It’s time for you to betray me!” Chen Xiaobei coldly said.

“If I say, I haven’t betrayed you, you believe or not?” Gui Yuxiu’s eyebrows are deeply locked, although she is an enemy with Chen Xiaobei, but she really feels wronged.

“You said I believe or not?” Chen Xiaobei asked back.

“You don’t believe it!” Gui Yu suddenly exerted force, and freed her hands suddenly.

But she did not fight back and did not get up. She was still lying on the grass, her hands raised, and she directly tore away her collar.

In an instant, the two plump and full, white and tender Great Snow Mountain were directly exposed.

“You…what are you doing…” Chen Xiaobei sweated down, how didn’t expect, there will be such a scene.

At such a distance, the girl’s body fragrance lingers in her nose, and the beautiful scenery is taking in the entire scene. The power of Great Desolate can’t be suppressed in an instant.

“What you owe you now!” Ging Yu cold Bingbing said.

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