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“Are you clear?”

After a while, Chen Xiaobei asked.

Jiang Ziya put down his phone, his face was very ugly: “Thunderclap Seed confirmed, things are the same as you said…”

Chen Xiaobei said solemnly: “So, you have to recognize the reality, Heavenly Realm, you are most likely to be unable to go back! Think about it, mix with me later!”

“No, even if Primeval Lord of Heaven is really furious, he really reprimanded Empress Empress, but that doesn’t mean that the old man can’t go back to Heavenly Realm!”

Jiang Ziya said: “The old man is ready to go back and ask for guilt. Unless the Primeval Lord of Heaven expels the old man from teaching, the old man will never betray Sect!”

Chen Xiaobei nodded, said: “I like people who are righteous and will respect your decision! As for the result, let time be checked! I will protect your safety until your destination is determined!”

“It’s not necessary!” Jiang Ziya said: “You only need to send the old man back to China! The old man has no enemies, what dangers can there be?”

“Sometimes, the danger comes from’one’s own’!” Chen Xiaobei reminded.

“Impossible! Primeval Lord of Heaven No matter how angry he is, after all, he is the master of the old man!”

Jiang Ziya insisted: “The old man is ready, and the worst result is being expelled from the teacher! There is no other way to revenge! You brat Don’t try to provoke the separation, the old man will not be fooled by you!”

“I’m fair!” Six-Eared Macaque curl one’s lip, said: “With the urinary nature of teaching, it is really possible to kill your own hands!”

“Splashing monkey! Are you kidding me!” Jiang Ziya said angrily.

“Hehe, I just want to fight! If you have the ability to fight, let me take a look!” Six-Eared Macaque said indifferently: “Don’t forget, you don’t have Divine Beating Whip in your hand now, just a mortal boy that’s all!”

“Even if the old man does not have Divine Beating Whip, you will not be allowed to slander the teaching! Otherwise, the old man will still fight with you!” Jiang Ziya was very angry and said that he didn’t believe anything, and his Sect would kill himself!

“Okay! Old Jiang, don’t be angry! Stop here for this!”

Chen Xiaobei narrowed his eyes and said, “After all, I’m just guessing. No one knows what will happen before things happen!”

“You still know humility! Otherwise, you must be beaten! Master of the old man, can the old man not understand?” Jiang Ziya coldly snorted and walked away.

“Jiang Ziya is really an elm head!”

Six-Eared Macaque said angrily: “He didn’t want to think about it, explaining what the teacher did! Just saying a few words of benevolence and morality based on the original old man, is there really benevolence and morality?”

“Only a distant road tests the strength of a horse, seeing people for a long time! Time will give the most real answer sooner or later!”

Chen Xiaobei said solemnly: “Don’t yell at Old Jiang, you still have to protect him!”

Six-Eared Macaque nodded, said: “I understand, don’t you just want to take Old Jiang under your command? I will protect him!”

“That’s good.” Chen Xiaobei assured.

“Do you need me to do something? Force Jiang Old Jiang?” Six-Eared Macaque licked his mouth.

“No need to.”

Chen Xiaobei faintly smiled, as if he had seen through everything: “As you said, to explain the urinary nature of teaching, we don’t need to do anything, they will force Old Jiang away!”

Six-Eared Macaque hearing this, just a smile, so I won’t say much.

“Okay, I have to leave again. If you have any questions, call me!”

Chen Xiaobei was talking and called Flying Nimbus.


Seeing that Chen Xiaobei was leaving, Li Xiang hurried over and asked, “Where are you going this evening? Our actions have not been discussed yet!”

“You don’t know anything about God’s religion, I have to find my own way! Rest assured, promise you, I will definitely do it!”

Chen Xiaobei explained briefly, then set foot on Flying Nimbus and rushed directly into the dark night sky.


Imperial Family Hospital on the island.

A few minutes ago, White Tiger Xuan Ren had just been brought in and immediately entered the operating room.

Outside the operating room, Ghost Rain and the others are finally relaxed.

“It’s so dangerous today, White Tiger is really lucky, and finally picked up a life, but Black Tortoise never came back…” Vermilion Bird leaned against the wall, look pale, and the whole person was very decadent.

“Who said no?” Azure Dragon Xuan Ren sighed: “If you don’t see it with your own eyes, who dares to imagine that there is such a terrible demonic beast in the world!”

“Now is not the time to say this!”

Nichikawa Cosmos coldly said: “Chen Xiaobei is dead, the Poseidon plan failed completely! Without the research results of Lin Court Academecian, I can’t explain to the United States!”

Vermilion Bird Xuan Ren said angrily: “What’s wrong with the country of rice? It’s just to give you some economic sanctions so that you don’t hurt your bones! Our Tianzhao branch 4 Xuan Ren, one death and one serious injury, can this be compared!”

“Hmph! You may not know it yet!”

Nichikawa Universe coldly snorted and said: “Your ghost rain master is an agent of SHIELD! It is her sole responsibility to arrest Chen Xiaobei! Now that Chen Xiaobei is dead, she must be prosecuted, and she will be punished, and she will be punished. !”

“Is this… is this true?” Vermilion Bird stunned for a while, looked at the ghost rain, and then looked at Azure Dragon stoic, it seemed very dazed.

“It’s true…” Azure Dragon Xuan Ren said solemnly: “This matter involves the state secrets of the United States. At my level, it has never been passed down! The plan of Poseidon was actually planned by the United States. of!”

“Why is this?” Vermilion Bird said with great tolerance: “The U.S. Navy has dominated the 4 seas all year round, and the ten aircraft carrier battle groups are unparalleled in the world. Coupled with the help of many allies, why do you have any plans for Poseidon?”

“You do not understand……”

Azure Dragon Xuan Ren shook the head and said, “The Chinese navy has developed rapidly in recent years. There have been 2 aircraft carriers launched and 3 are under construction! If you add the research results of Lin Court Academecian, the throne of the ocean overlord may be necessary. Change the master!”

“Lin Court Academecian’s research results are really so powerful?” Vermilion Bird Xuan Ren could not believe it.

Nichikawa Cosmic Road: “Lin Court Academecian is studying a coating of superconducting material, which is immune to radar detection! As long as it is coated on the battleship submarine fighter, it is equivalent to being completely “invisible”!”

“You think about it, the radar can’t detect it at all. When we see it with naked eyes, they have hit our door. Are you saying that?”

Hearing this, Vermilion Bird’s complexion suddenly changed.

As the saying goes, last-minute preparation, it’s not bright but also light.

But if the enemy finds himself at the door of the house, then there is no chance of last-minute preparation!

Think of it this way, Lin Court Academecian’s research results are simply an unreasonable’plug-in’, no wonder that the United States wants to get it through all the hard work!

“It goes without saying that Chen Xiaobei’s death caused the Poseidon plan to fail. This is my responsibility. I will go back to SHIELD and ask for sin!”

At this time, the ghost rain that has been silent finally spoke, “However, if you think about the Hirakawa Universe, can you afford the responsibility of Tianzhao?”

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