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“Brother Bei! Don’t hesitate, withdraw quickly! As soon as the Red Sun Flame Heart Python King arrives, we will die!”

Galoran issued a serious warning: “When it sneak attacked me, it was just True Astral Peak Stage, but after a long time, its strength is very likely to reach the Late Stage in the Celestial Manifestation, and then use the talent ability, must be strong terrifying !”

“Chen Xiaobei! Let’s withdraw first! It’s not too late to wait until my True Qi recovers!” Gui Yu frowned deeply, and there was also a fear in his heart.

“No! Even if your True Qi is restored, we can’t come back!”

Galoran said solemnly: “Even when you are in full condition, you are not an opponent of Red Sun Flame Heart Python King!”

“This…” Ghost Rain expression froze, but did not deny the words of Galoran.

You know, if the Red Sun Flame Heart Python King reaches the power of Late Stage in the Celestial Manifestation Realm, it can reach about 110000 Combat Force.

Coupled with the ability to turn against the sky, the ghost rain is only a tortured child.

“hong long long ……hong long long ……”

At the far end, the earthquake was trembling, and the sky and the dust could be seen clearly at a very long distance.

There is no doubt that the Python King has already set off, to come to vent his own snake sons and grandchildren!


Chiyang Yanxin Python, which had a lot of different pythons, all lowered his head and crawled quietly on the ground to greet their king.

“Let’s go…”

Chen Xiaobei’s eyebrows and frowns are tight. Although he is full of unwillingness, retreating is undoubtedly the most stable and calm choice.

“Chen Xiaobei! Where else do you want to go? Obediently surrender!”

At this moment, the 5 Daoist shadows from behind rushed to the ground and pointed at Chen Xiaobei.

“en! ?”

Seeing the five people who rushed over, Chen Xiaobei burst into anger.

Chen Xiaobei knows these five people, it is the Hichikawa Universe and the 5 Daxuanren.

However, Chen Xiaobei’s anger was detonated by another person.

Sweeping his eyes toward Guiyu, Chen Xiaobei asked in a cold tone: “I will give you Potion of Hundred Herbs to restore you to True Qi! I will spare my life and carry the anaconda madness! You will betray me instead! Will it be so cold-blooded?”

“I … I didn’t …”

The ghost rain expression was stunned and said innocently: “I don’t know why they found it here…”

” Needless to say!”

Chen Xiaobei directly interrupted the ghost rain, and the deep black eyes became hollow, without a trace of emotion, killing intent said abruptly: “Since all have come, then we will make a break here!”

Obviously, Gui Yu’s’selling’ completely angered Chen Xiaobei.

Originally Chen Xiaobei didn’t want to fight the enemy in an all-round way, but at this moment, Chen Xiaobei had made up his mind and must have made a break with the enemy here!

“Brother Bei! Wouldn’t you want to fight them hard?” Galuran asked anxiously.

At this moment, it can be said that it is extremely dangerous and complicated, and it will be signed to eternal damnation with little care.

“Take me to the treasure house first!” Chen Xiaobei became angry, but his mind remained calm.

Wanting to be completely cut off from these enemies, Chen Xiaobei’s cards and resources at hand cannot guarantee a stable win.

If you can get another 10000 Spirit Stone, the odds will be greatly improved.

“No… we can’t get into the inner area at all…” Galuran shook his head in frustration.

The different python frenzy is difficult to penetrate, let alone a terrifying python king!

“I said yes, all right!”

Chen Xiaobei took out the Ghost Raising Cage and said in an overbearing way: “You go back first, I penetrated the different python frenzy, and then let you out!”

“This…” Galuran was hesitant, but he could clearly feel the undoubtedly overbearing pressure on Chen Xiaobei.

Galuran didn’t dare to say more, and returned to Ghost Raising Cage according to Chen Xiaobei’s order.

“Chen Xiaobei! Don’t mess up! You are impossible through the anaconda wave!”

Seeing the ghost rain, the anxious persuaded: “Come with me! Withdrawing from here is your only choice, I promise not to hurt you!”

“Catch you next time, I will pick your clothes by hand!” Chen Xiaobei was angry, staring coldly at Ghost Rain, turning his head and rushing directly to the anaconda frenzy!


Gui Yu screamed in shock, wanting to stop Chen Xiaobei, but how could Chen Xiaobei listen to her?

“Master Guiyu, are you okay?”

Azure Dragon Xuan Ren rushed first, stopped and asked, “How come you came here with Chen Xiaobei?”


The ghost rain expression was a little bit startled. After all, he was still a person in the sky. He pointed to it with frustration and the gold hoop on his head said, “I was calculated by Chen Xiaobei. This thing can kill me! I can only follow him. !

“But…” Azure Dragon Xuan Ren questioned: “Why do you seem to care about Chen Xiaobei?”


Gui Yu said angrily: “Chen Xiaobei is our mission target, he went to courting death, can I not stop it? This is not about him! It is about our mission!”

“Yes! The subordinates understand, and the subordinates will chase him!” Azure Dragon nodded heavily and continued to rush towards Chen Xiaobei.

In these two sentences, Black Tortoise Xuan Ren and White Tiger Xuan Ren have rushed to the front, getting closer and closer to Chen Xiaobei.

“Little bastard! You stand for Lao’zi!”

Black Tortoise Xuan Ren angrily roared: “The last time you killed all the people of our branch of Tianzhao, and fled from my hands again, this time, you will never have such good luck again!”

“Yes!” White Tiger Xuan Ren echoed: “This time, even if you Chen Xiaobei put on your wings, don’t want to slip away from me!”

The last time I intercepted Chen Xiaobei under the Asakusa Mountain, the ghost rain sent Black Tortoise Xuan Ren to fight, and White Tiger Xuan Ren pressed.

As a result, the No. 100 people were chopped to death by Chen Xiaobei in a square inch thunder pool, but their 2 Daxuanren didn’t even hurt Chen Xiaobei’s hair.

It was definitely a battle of shame.

If Chen Xiaobei could not be caught today to make a contribution to crime, even if they are not punished, they will always bear this stain.

So at this moment, they 2 are extraordinarily hard working, almost using all one’s strength, to catch Chen Xiaobei alive!

“You two slow down! There seems to be danger ahead!”

Vermilion Bird Xuanren and Hichikawa Universe behind them have noticed the huge agitation of up ahead, and immediately issued a reminder.

“What are you afraid of? Chen Xiaobei dares to rush forward, what are we afraid of?”

Black Tortoise Xuan Ren and White Tiger Xuan Ren have killed their red eyes and rushed forward.

Their Cultivation was originally higher than Chen Xiaobei, naturally faster, closer and closer, watching Chen Xiaobei has entered the range of attack.


Black Tortoise Xuan Ni and White Tiger Xuan Ni appeared on True Astral, and attracted the Celestial Manifestation of the water and the Celestial Manifestation of the gold respectively.


Almost at the same time, in Chen Xiaobei’s up ahead, Chiyang Yanxin Python King also launched an attack on Chen Xiaobei!

At an interval of about 300 metres, the huge python king stood up!

The audience was shocked!

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