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“Chen Xiaobei! Be careful!”

Ghost rain could not bear to scream.

Seeing Chen Xiaobei besieged by 8 Chiyang Flame Heart Pythons, Gui Yu’s heart suddenly burst into despair.

As I have seen just now, Chen Xiaobei’s Combat Force is around 48000. Even with the help of the dive bow, he can only shoot one of the Red Sun Flame Pythons.

In this way, the remaining 7 Red Sun Flame Heart Pythons will all fall on Chen Xiaobei.

Once Chen Xiaobei is entangled in a python or bitten by fangs, there is only a dead end.

In the eyes of Guiyu, Chen Xiaobei is almost dead! In any case, there is no chance to survive under the siege of 8 Red Sun Flame Heart Pythons!

All of a sudden, a guilty guilty rushed into Gui Yu’s heart. If he knew this would happen, don’t listen to Chen Xiaobei. Instead, he should rush to rescue him right now!

“Brother Bei!!!”

Galoran also screamed with anxiety.

For the judgment of the situation, Galuran did not lose to Guiyu, and naturally knew that Chen Xiaobei was already in a desperate situation, and death was almost at the next moment.

“Oh, look at your point! Brother can’t die!”

However, under such a dangerous situation, Chen Xiaobei not only did not have any fear, but also raised a sly smile on the corner of his mouth.

In fact, Chen Xiaobei has enough cards in his hand, Shamanic Dragon’s Nine Transformations, Primal Chaos Blood Sword, Quicksand Bottle Gourd, sword rent divine runes…

There are many ways to deal with the red Yangyan Heart Python around Chen Chenbei.

However, these methods must consume Chen Xiaobei’s painstakingly accumulated resources, and he will not use it as a last resort.

Even more how, just at the moment of being crashed, Chen Xiaobei found the same, no need to consume resources!

“Reverse scale, kill!”

Chen Xiaobei’s heart moved, and Primal Chaos Blood Sword flew back in the palm of his hand.

In the next moment, Chen Xiaobei’s steps shifted, from the soles of the feet, to the legs, to the waist and abdomen, to the chest and shoulders, all the muscles in the body were exerted counterclockwise!

The power finally converges on the arm holding the sword!


Chen Xiaobei’s full body strength, his arm lifted Primal Chaos Blood Sword, and with the rotation, he cut a 360掳 No-Dead-Angle bloody arc!


At the same time, a sharp dragon roar was issued on the sword edge!

Even stranger, just outside the bloody arc, a white dragon phantom emerged.

The bloody arc covered Chen Xiaobei’s surroundings, and the white dragon phantom swept across the necks of the 8 Red Sun Flame Heart Pythons!

Next moment!

Eight huge python heads broke directly from the neck. The cross-section is smooth like a mirror, obviously all cut off with a sword!

“Bah! Bah! Bah…”

8 python heads, 8 corpses of pythons, fell to the ground weakly, and blood spattered instantly.

Chen Xiaobei carried Primal Chaos Blood Sword, wearing a war dragon reverse scale armor, standing proudly in the center of the 8 squares.

He was covered in python blood, but he remained motionless.

Indifferent eyes, without a touch of emotion, like a bloody War God, arrogant, tyrant, gazing at the weak ants in front of him.


At this moment, the vast red Yangyan Python completely stopped the momentum of the charge, stopped at the same place, spit the snake letter, and re-observed Chen Xiaobei.

The instincts of animals can be seen from their eyes, that is a strong fear!

weak are prey to the strong, fear of powerhouse!

Seeing Chen Xiaobei wipe out 8 pioneers with his own eyes, the rest of the Red Sun Flame Python has no doubt regarded Chen Xiaobei as a powerhouse.

At this time, they are really scared.

“This… how is this possible…”

At the same time, Galuran and Guiyu were dumbfounded.

In the first second, they thought Chen Xiaobei would die. This second, Chen Xiaobei used a stunning sword to counterattack perfectly.

The eight fierce red Yang flame heart pythons, all in different places, crawling under Chen Xiaobei’s feet.

This unimaginable scene directly caused a strong impact of the level of nuclear explosion on the inside of Guiyu and Galuran.

evildoer! Unusual!

In Gui Yu’s mind, the previous definition of Chen Xiaobei emerged again!

This year is only in the early 20s of Hua Xia Shao, and once again used the performance of unimaginable, let ghost rain impossible to bear began to doubt life.

“It’s incredible…”

Even Galuran, who was born in Tianren, was shocked. Don鈥檛 forget: 鈥淏rother Bei鈥檚 sword, regardless of strength and speed, exceeded his limit Combat Force! How did he do it?鈥?/p>

“I don’t know…” Gui Yu shook the head blankly, speculated: “Is it related to the white dragon phantom?”

“It’s possible…” Galuran was nodded, but couldn’t see through the truth.

In fact, they guessed right.

The reason why Chen Xiaobei was able to cut the perfect counterattack was to get a blessing of power from outside himself!

That is the power of War Dragon reverse scale armor!

This Battle Armor, from Zhao Yun鈥檚 Red Envelope, is a Spiritual Artifact of not low level.

As the saying goes, dragon has a reverse scale, it will kill if you know it!

In general, War Dragon reverse scale A does not have any ability.

However, when the armor itself is impacted, the ability will be activated, creating a force of “Dragon Fury”!

This power can be used directly, just like the sword that Chen Xiaobei just used, phantomized the white dragon phantom, which greatly increased the sword edge formidable power!

But if you don’t use’Dragon Fury Power’, this power can accumulate up to 9 times!

By that time, the one-time use of ‘9 strength of Dragon’ can even urge ultimate ability and reverse scale to kill!

It is not difficult to see that this set of war dragon reverse scale A was born to fight against the war.

In the face of adversity, more frustration and courage! have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly, 9 Dragon Counterattack!

It was precisely because of the magical use of the war dragon reverse scale armor that Chen Xiaobei had the confidence to carry the different python craze without using the accumulated resources!

might of a single sword, deter group pythons! It’s crazy to drag the sky!

However, Chen Xiaobei not at all continued to attack, but stood proudly and confronted the group pythons.

Because, the power of War Dragon reverse scale armor only blesses one attack, if you want the next power blessing, you must bear an attack yourself.

To put it bluntly, this is a strategy that hurts the enemy by 1000 and damages by 800.

If the number of enemies is small, you can fight a wave.

But there are so many enemies in front of us, 800 in damage, and 8,000 in enemies, which is obviously unscientific.

Chen Xiaobei can only delay time until the ghost rain joins the battle, and then has the opportunity to kill this strange python frenzy.

“roar! !!”

But just then, a violent roar broke out deep in the space.

The roar is incomparable gigantic, as if the whole space trembles.

“Python King! That’s the roar of Chiyang Yanxin Python King!”

Galoran cry out in surprise: “Isn’t it shocked? Brother Bei! We must retreat first! This battle cannot be fought!”


Chen Xiaobei’s eyes were dignified, and his black eyes were full of unwillingness.

Obviously, he did not want to retreat!

At the same time, there are 5 people entering from the entrance.

He can’t retreat!

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