Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 859: How far is the distance from Diao Min to Your Excellency

The two arrived on the [Guang] field, and immediately saw that there was no one on the [Guang] field. All the soldiers and horses who were stationed on the [Guang] field had disappeared.

The city guards who only left a few places were spinning around, listlessly tearing down some tents.

On the ground not far away, some messy **** was piled up." It can be proved that an army was stationed not long ago.

Claudia looked at it and couldn't help but screamed. The whole body was weak, if it weren't for Lorraine to support her, she would almost collapse to the ground.

Claudia looked at the **** in that place bitterly and cursed herself.

He*, what is this?

The dignified prince didn't pay for the show. Pat **** and ran away. However, our common people are also reasonable people, knowing that he went to hunt down the big evil thief who killed a thousand swords, so they didn't care about him.

Although it is said that "the people do not fight against the officials", we ordinary people have to live, right?

After thinking about it, I finally decided to ask him for money the next day.

I didn't sleep well all night last night. I kept tossing and turning over and over again. I wanted to see how I talked to people when I was talking. I thought about each sentence several times, for fear that it might have made the prince unhappy.

I gave up my sleep and stayed up all night.

Even the dark circles under the eyes are coming out, maybe there will be some scary small acne. There may be scars left in the future.

In the end, I made up my mind, eliminated all difficulties, and paid so much effort, but let's take a look.

They "... they all run away like a mother!"

Who do you call for money now?

These dozens of people are all waiting for food with their mouths open, let alone those lions, tigers, bears, "Xiaobai, these big stomach kings who don't have enough to eat."

This is driving people to death n!

Could it be that... Could it be that "This **** **** sees himself eating the grass, so he is extremely annoyed, is he really going to kill himself?

Claudia was furious for a while, and she cursed a few "Damn, words."

"Lorraine saw that situation" beside him was a little surprised.

After all, they stationed cavalry in a division last night, but looking at the current situation, their remaining garbage is only the size of a squadron.

What happened to the remaining people? Can they not eat or drink or urinate? Even if people can bear it, what about those horses?

This infers the size of the army based on the rubbish, but their place has existed more than two thousand years ago, and Lorraine has also experienced many battles in the past two years.” He also has full confidence in this. He is quite convinced that he is absolutely not. Will estimate errors.

But now this happened, which made Lorraine very suspicious. He knew in his heart that there must be an unknown secret in it!

For a while," he was silent.

At this moment, Claudia yelled several times regardless of her identity, but when she saw the strange glances from the soldiers passing by, she could only stop making a sound in anguish.

She saw Lorraine next to him still thinking about what to pay." She sighed and said: "Forget it, let's go" What are you waiting for here. It's just that I was bitten by a dog."

She paused, thinking that such a large sum of money is gone," she couldn't help but feel a little annoyed, and then said: "*, saved so much money, buy medicine for his grandma! "

After cursing," I felt some pain and unwillingness again, and couldn't help but sigh, and said frustratedly: "Now I have to stick to the old book again. The dowry has shrunk a lot in the future. "

After I finished speaking, I suddenly realized that something was wrong, and my heart jumped. "I hurriedly covered my bright cherry net. I was scared for a while: How could I be so careless and tell the truth all at once?

She glanced at Lorraine and saw that he still looked thoughtful, "as if he didn't care at all." Then she gave a light pat in relief. 2 Let go of your heart.

This is not surprising. In Thunder Flash, like the custom in other places, there is a kind of evil that makes all the creatures at the top of the human food chain——

All mother-in-laws have to retreat from the custom of three feet.

Girls get married, but they all have to accompany the dowry.

Moreover, the amount of dowry, whether it is expensive or not, these are also related to the future status of the woman in the man's home.

You have to stop walking around and let the other party know. Even if you don't say it, you will inevitably have a grudge.

If you meet someone who is more cautious, you might be divorced. From now on, the girl will only have the life of the Buddha after fighting!

Claudia turned her eyes, and saw that Lorraine was still innocent, and she couldn't help but wonder: What happened to him, he hasn't spoken since just now?

She immediately yanked hard, and said disheartenedly: "I'm gone, what are you still standing here for. No one is giving money."

After speaking, he turned around and walked back, but immediately felt that he was pulled abruptly. She couldn't help turning her head back to look.

But there was a strange smile on Lorraine's face.

Claudia was taken aback for a moment, and then said with concern: "What's wrong with you? Are you stupid?" As she said, she stretched out her thin hand and leaned towards Lorraine's forehead.

Lorraine slapped her little hand away, and said: "Okay, stop making trouble. Didn't they go? It doesn't matter, we still hum a place where we can get money." Claudia was startled. After a while, he said: "Where?" Lorraine pointed to the Fengzheng Hall not far away. "There. "Claudia turned her head and glanced, then looked at Lorraine again, nodding seriously"

Said: "It seems that you are indeed very sick!" Lorraine couldn't help getting angry, this woman was really unreasonable*.

He also knew that to reason with a woman is simply a very unreasonable thing. "Therefore," he didn't say much, but he forced Claudia." He said categorically, "You are the other one." Don't worry, just follow me and leave. "Claudia was staggered by him" cried, "Wait a minute, wait a minute...",",

But then it turned out that Lorraine didn't listen at all, and pulled herself forward. She sighed helplessly, "My life is still suffering~!

Then, I had to follow up.

After walking a few steps, seeing Lorraine really walking towards the city hall, she couldn't help but become worried, and said, "White-headed man, don't you really want to go to the city hall to ask the city guard for money?"

Seeing Lorraine nodded, she immediately stomped her feet and said: "Are you really anxious and stupid? The money is owed by His Royal Highness. It has nothing to do with him. You ask Master Cheng Shou for it. Money, be careful that he caught you and put you in prison."

Claudia paused and saw Lorraine still pulling herself, walking forward "I couldn't help but get anxious" and pulled him back vigorously, saying: "I know, you are also anxious for the circus.

But, but this is really not a solution, wake up. Let's go back, huh? "

The tone was full of begging, "and even coaxing children.

But Lorraine turned a deaf ear, and pulled her to continue striding towards the city hall.

Claudia couldn't help but sighed, this ruffian really planned to play with it!

At the same time, there is something sweet in his heart: he doesn't care about it, but it's all for himself.

But at this time, there was only less than ten steps left from the city hall. And the guards guarding the door have noticed both of them.

Claudia was shocked when she saw the two brightly armored guards: these officials are all evil dogs that cannibalize people and do not spit out bones. They are far from the wandering circus that can provoke them. of.

Every time I deal with, I have to be compelled, and I have to prepare for heavy bleeding.

You can't hide in normal times, how can he send it to the door like this?

And still have to pay. Is this government account so good?

If they can come out," they would have already gone bankrupt.

What else do those dog officials eat and drink?

She turned her beautiful eyes, and then pulled Lorraine tightly, biting her scalp, "Quickly: 12..."...Let's go back. Really, I don't need this money. Go back soon. As long as you are willing to go back, in the future, no matter what you want to do, I will listen to you. Isn't this OK? "

After speaking, a very yellow, very violent and seldom inappropriate scene suddenly popped out of his mind, and her pretty face suddenly blushed.

Lorraine felt the scorching temperature coming from her, couldn't help but stop, and turned to look at Claudia's pretty face." There was a sudden yearning in his heart: Whatever you want to do n! Which man would not? Like it?

He immediately Longyan Dayue said: "Are you telling the truth?"

Claudia saw his squint squint..., the scorching gaze, and suddenly became ashamed. She hurriedly lowered her head, shyly twisting her toes, and trembling: "Go back, huh? I beg You are. Really, I am you."

While talking in a low voice, she raised her bright eyes, and took a quick look at Lorraine, only to see that he was still looking at herself, she couldn't help but panic again, and hurriedly lowered her head. He almost dropped his head to the ground.

The girl's shy and charming amorous feelings made the two guards next to him look at it, and they couldn't help but feel dull. The face of dementia showed all over his face.

But Lorraine laughed. Although Claudia did not answer directly, she did not refuse." She just kept softly begging, which means that when Lord Luo thought of the situation, his nosebleeds almost did not flow out. He couldn't help but get his nose, and said in his heart: It's too dry for the past two days, the fire is a bit big! Uh, it must be like this.

Then, he pulled hard, and in the midst of Claudia's unexplained exclaim, he had pulled her into his arms, and then he put his arms around her slender waist, leaned over her ears, and laughed in a low voice. Said: "This person does whatever he wants, of course I want it. And I also want to set the money."

Claudia paused, struggling in annoyance, just about to speak.

At this moment, Lorraine saw her crystal ears and let out a soft breath as a prank.

Claudia felt a numb all over her body, and then came out from deep in her throat, screaming, "shēn" the whole body felt hot, and her mind went blank.

When she reacted, she found that she had fallen into Lorraine's arms. It seems that he doesn't even have the strength to lift his little finger.

At this moment, the guard next to him looked at it and couldn't help being extremely annoyed: what age is this, this dead white-headed guy has no money, no rights, and bad clothes. At first glance, he was a poor ghost, and he was still playing with a pear. a. Such a difficult effort to press Haitang.

*, Niu let him get in. There is no way for people like us to survive n!

This alone" is enough to kill him for 30 minutes~!

The two looked at each other, and they all saw the anger in each other's eyes.

Immediately, the younger soldier on the left stepped forward, and then cried out loudly: "Hi" Hi, Hi. What are you two doing? This hall is crowded, pay attention to the impact.

This is the city hall, not the firewood stack in the country. It's not even the mill warehouse..."This is not the place where you flirt and curse n!"

Claudia couldn't help but blushed when she heard him, and she almost felt ashamed. She could only hide in Lorraine's arms and didn't dare to face her.

But at the same time, "they stretched out a slender jade finger, pinched a piece of nèn meat on Lorraine's waist, and then twisted it hard, whispering: let you make me foolish."

However, the two guards next to her watched her lean in Lorraine's arms, and their anger immediately increased.

This dead white-headed guy, at such an age, actually still picks up girls. Moreover, she was so young and beautiful, and it made people be cautious about it.

*, the dead white-headed guy is not afraid of losing his kidney to death!

We are so young and promising, we have to bachelor. This is really hateful n!

The young guard immediately snorted and said, "You two don't stand in the way here, okay? Is there anything? If it's okay, don't show affection here. Isn't this annoying?

Hurry and leave. Go away, go away..."

Saying "waves" and drove the two.

Claudia was even more ashamed when she heard it. She was shrunk in Lorraine’s arms and she didn’t dare to look up, but at the same time, the hand that pinched Lorraine increased her strength: it’s all weird. This dead bastard" made himself embarrassed in the hall. In case, if 1ù comes forward, people will be recognized" after the scandal goes out, you won’t have to live in the future!

Lorraine couldn't help but bark his teeth in pain, but he managed to endure the pain and smiled and said, "This brother, I want to see Lord Cheng Shou.",

The guard suddenly became furious, pressed his sword with his hand, and shouted angrily: "You bastard, you are a dead commoner, the city guardian manages everything every day, you are a dead commoner who wants to see you...",

He had just said this, and immediately saw Lorraine's fingers swayed. "A yellow gold coin has been drawn out in front of him.

The guard straightened his eyes, but couldn't say the rest. It was a gold coin, enough to cover most of his salary.

The slightly older guard next to him glanced at the gold coin, and secretly cursed his teammate for being too unpromising. But it is a reminder that the general coughed slightly, then looked at Lorraine, with a serious face: "We adults are very busy and keep our feet on the ground. I don't know what you have to do. If it is not important, it is better to Don't bother him for the good of the old man."

Lorraine listened to him deliberately chanting the words "not important," he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: These veterans are indeed much harder than those rookies. A gold coin is not. Look in the eyes.

However, the good news is that after a gold coin was taken out, his identity instantly rose from a dead commoner to your position.

He smiled, then took another gold coin from his arms.

But the guard's eyes were a little straight, even Claudia's eyes were a little straight.

This dead white-headed guy, take a gold coin for a while, and a gold coin for a while. Paying for gold coins is the same as paying for potatoes. From this point of view, he hasn't kept the money for the room less!

However, she couldn't help being a little strange: when he first met this white-headed guy, although he did not look poor, he did not look like a rich man. Where did he get the money?

At this time, Lorraine held the two gold coins on his index finger and thumb, and then lightly touched them.

Immediately, there was a clear sound of gold coin knocking. The sound was extremely long and beautiful, showing the purity of the two gold coins.

The elder guard listened, nodded in satisfaction, and smiled: "It seems" Your Excellency does have something important. Our city guard has always been diligent and loving the people. You are here waiting for "I will go in and report."

As he said, he arched his hand slightly.

At this time, Lorraine had thrown those two gold coins over to the Throne of God Seal.

The guard also used an extremely sophisticated technique, before he was silent, he had already collected the two gold coins. Put it in..., uh, put it in your pocket.

Immediately, he turned and left.

The slightly young soldier next to him realized that his hands were not fast enough, so he could only watch his back leave with a slightly melancholy gaze.

Then the soldier thought of something, and turned his head again, his eyes gleaming, looking at Lorraine hopefully.

Lorraine couldn't help but shrugged, then spread his hands: *, I'm not being taken advantage of.

"According to the unspoken rules of the world," the door bag gave two gold coins to be the highest specification, and I also want to let the uncle bloodlett. This is clearly to want the uncle to destroy the world financial order and encourage inflation.

Oh, it’s so high now, the people of this world are already living in the deep waters, I definitely can’t just sit back and watch!

When the guard saw this, he could only smile wryly, and withdrew his gaze sullily.

After a while, the guard has returned quickly.

He smiled and looked at the two Lorraine" and said: "The two "we adults were already busy." There is no time to meet the two I have some relatives with him." For some reason, finally, He looked at my face, and then agreed."

He paused, then turned to the side and said: "Please, please." Lorraine looked at the door of the black hole, and immediately LaClaudia strode in.

The guard hurriedly stepped forward two more steps" leading them both.

Lorraine, led by the guard, came to a luxuriously decorated office inside.

I saw a big fat man with gorgeous clothes, a fat body and a ruddy and white face sitting behind the table. "A thick and vulgar gold chain hung around his neck.

He looked at Lorraine and said, "What's the matter with the two of you?" Lorraine smiled, and briefly explained what happened.

The fat man suddenly became furious and slapped the table hard," he said sharply, "Asshole. The prince watched you acting and didn’t pay me.” But you came to me for money. Isn’t there any reason for this? It’s really a bunch of unreasonable people. Come, come, let me arrest them all. ! ", a.

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