Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 858: Overlord play and seducing the enemy

Xiaobai watched Claudia crying with a headache, and was stunned for a moment. Then he stepped forward two steps with concern, stretched his nose, and hummed softly while gently stroking her show.

This trick, it saw the boss's boss used to those women. It seems that it never fails to work once.

Obviously this time, "the effect of it is not bad. Claudia is crying" suddenly felt someone pat her back, and immediately raised her head with tears, looking at Xiaobai's clear and transparent His big eyes were not stained with a trace of dust, then he stood up and reached out and hugged his big head.

Then he continued to cry.

Xiaobai stunned, and patted Claudia's back lightly, and patted twice again. Seeing that she was still crying, she couldn't help but feel helpless for a while. This seems to be different from the boss's boss.

According to the situation of the boss, under normal circumstances, at this time, even though he cried a few more times, he should break his tears into a smile immediately, then slap twice, and finally, he would give a lot of delicious food with a smile. Things come over.

But it's your turn now, so why don't you just cry and don't send good food?

And being hugged like this, it also felt a little unused. He wanted to pull Claudia away, but he didn't dare.

Immediately, its eyes lit up and saw that there was a good wallet in Claudia's right pocket. "Although it knows it shouldn't be, it can't be corrected once it develops.

It rolled its eyes, and immediately spied its nose, and went to Claudia's purse to the Throne of God Seal. The wallet had just been half taken out of Claudia's pocket, and it had not had time to be happy.

Immediately listened, and a clear sound rang out.

Xiao Bai felt a pain in his nose and was immediately startled. When I look again in a blink of an eye," I saw that Claudia had her hands on her hips, her eyebrows furrowed, and she glared at herself. Although there are still crystal tears in her beautiful eyes, the angry **** in her eyes is like a raging fire. Generally flaming.

Claudia glared at it fiercely" and then gritted her teeth and cursed: "You little

Bai, dare to take advantage of my wallet~! "

Xiaobai was caught and grinned guilty, and then turned around and ran away.

Claudia watched it dangle its huge ass, and ran away in a panic. "While running", she turned her head from time to time and glanced at herself. She suddenly couldn't help but chucked and giggled. stand up.

Although there were still tears in the corners of her eyes, she was laughing forward and backward. Hua's branches trembled, and finally she bent down with a smile while holding her smooth belly with her hands. My stomach hurts.

While smiling, she gritted her teeth and cursed: "This... this **** Xiaobai, oops, my stomach, can't laugh anymore "..."

At this moment, there was a familiar voice coming from a short distance away, saying: "Why is it so happy to laugh?"

Claudia heard the voice change suddenly, and jumped up from the ground all of a sudden, then turned her head angrily while pulling her sleeves, and cursed viciously: "You bastard, die. Do you still know how to come back? Why not just die outside...",

As he said, he rushed to the Throne of Shenyin with a fragrant wind. Pounced into that person's arms" There was a flurry of powder punches in his mouth.

Lorraine looked at it and hurriedly reached out to hold her hands and said: "You are crazy. Why did you hit someone suddenly?"

Claudia struck a few vigorously "but found that her fist was tightly held by his big hand." She couldn't move at all, but she was annoyed, and the fire in her stomach didn't escape, so she didn't stop. , Immediately twisted his body, opened a small cherry mouth, and bit towards Lorraine on the throne of God Seal.

Lorraine hurriedly flashed away, and immediately heard the distinctive sound of teeth colliding nearby. Lorraine couldn't help being horrified, this girl was really crazy. Just by listening to this sound," she knew that she didn't have much strength. If this is bitten, she must be bitten off.

At this moment, Claudia still did not stop, twisting her body, and continued to bite towards Lorraine.

Lorraine sighed, then pulled her back, and said, "Say, what's the matter? Just knowing to take me out?"

Claudia stared at him angrily, and said: "Nonsense" You are my boyfriend, I don't take you out, who do you take? I want to use others to evade "Do you dare?"

Lorraine couldn't help but pause, and sighed in his heart: This reason is really strong. And logically, there is no slightest mistaken!

Whoever puts on such a girlfriend is bad luck.

At this time Claudia twisted her slender waist, turned her wrists, and struggled unceasingly, trying to break free from Lorraine's control. At the same time, "still gritted her teeth and cried out: "No. It's not enough to take a bite. "

Lorraine thought for a while" and then said: "You can't bite, but I can warn you, I haven't taken a shower for several days. The body is very dirty. When you bite, you broke your stomach. "So don't blame me?"

After finishing speaking, he let go of his hands, then closed his eyes, slightly a side of his face, put on a brave expression, and said: "Okay, bite!"

Claudia looked at his appearance, couldn't help but lag, and then opened her mouth, wanting to rush to the Throne of God Seal and bite one on Lorraine's shoulder. 2 But after trying it several times, looking at Lorraine's appearance, he felt reluctant to give up again. Finally, he threw a "wow" into his arms and started crying again.

Lorraine couldn't help sighing, stretched out his hand and gently patted her back, and said, "Okay, let's talk about it." What is going on? "

Claudia wiped her tears, and then whispered: "They ran away without paying." Her voice was extremely low, with a nasal tone. Lorraine couldn't hear clearly and couldn't help but say: "What did you say? "

Claudia sniffed again, and then said: "The prince who killed today" ran away without paying. "

Lorraine stunned, and immediately cursed: "*, what kind of world is this~! There used to be Bawang’s meals and some who lived in Bawang’s shop" but they were all dead and poor. Unexpectedly, now the prince with a white face and thick eyebrows and eyes had also betrayed his class and actually watched the Overlord Opera.

And also the **** group came to watch the Overlord Play?

Does this still make sense?

Look at our **** Dia. The eyes are about to cry like pandas. "

Claudia couldn't help being ashamed and angry when she heard it, and finally let out a laugh.

Angrily thumped in front of his ng," and then said: "You bastard, you are so careful! "

Lorraine immediately stretched out her hand, gently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said: "Okay" stop crying. Isn't it just that they watched the show and "don't give me money? A trivial matter" and left after asking them. "

Claudia's eyes widened in surprise, and said: "I want..., want..., want money?"

Lorraine naturally said: "Yes. They watched the show, don't they pay the money? They are not the fat translators of Guizi."

Claudia said: "Yes, but, but, that is the prince. It is a character like the devil in the sky, we..., the people of us," How..., how dare to ask them for money?

They..., if they don't ask us for money, I'm already thankful.

Now if you run to find..., ask them for money. In case... in case..., in case, if they become angry, they will arrest us, or even decapitate""

The more she talked, the more frightened she became, and in the end she didn't even dare to go on.

Lorraine sighed and asked tentatively, "Then let's not want it?"

Claudia suddenly frowned again and frowned. Now the economy is in recession.” And there was the Lorraine who killed a thousand swords following behind to make trouble. The circus had never performed well.

This has not been earned for many days. And to maintain the operation of the circus, a large sum of money is required every day.

Although the big guy didn't say "but she knew that many of them hadn't eaten meat for many days. And looking at it like this, if you can't make any more money", it won't be possible.

In case this person loses his heart," this team is not easy to lead.

Moreover, the prince’s palace was boasted of Haikou, and so many people came, that’s a lot of money.

I really want it, it hurts just thinking about it.

Claudia couldn't help but hesitate to think about this.

Lorraine looked at her frowning for such a sum of money, which was extremely affectionate. He couldn't help laughing. "This is the one who lives.

Lorraine gave her a slender waist and said, "You know? You look the cutest."

Claudia listened. "I couldn't help but glared at him. Then he made up his mind and said, "Tomorrow, tomorrow morning." Let's go to the prince and mention this to him. "If he is true If you don't want to give it, let's forget it.

This has been saying since ancient times that "the people do not fight against the officials."

Even if we lose, we will recognize it. But we can't just recognize it so quietly. "Lorraine laughed and said, "That's right. Tomorrow, I will accompany you. "

Claudia was overjoyed. There was a man behind her, and it felt different. Although the matter is still that one thing, but in this heart is a lot more at ease.

She immediately obediently agreed, "Then she looked happy, leaning against Lorraine like a little bird.

Lorraine gently hugged her, but at the same time, he passed through the tent not far away and looked at the dark night sky in the distance. I was quite worried.

Adele and Vera both go to perform this U enemy's mission, and don't know what will happen?

Although he also clearly knew that Adele was as cunning and changeable as a vixen, and Vera was a little stupid, but her strength was in this big six. "Although she can't walk sideways, she is more than enough to use her own protection.

But he still couldn't help being worried.

And again and again

At this moment, in the dark woods outside the city, two slender figures were quickly passing through the Divine Seal Throne from the forest path.

Although in the forest full of roots and branches, their behavior is still elegant and smart, without any obstacles at all. Like the elves of the night.

Behind them, the sound of horseshoes could be faintly heard, and the rush of horseshoes was like a thunder from the sky before the storm came.

But their faces were all smug smiles.

No matter how tightly organized the cavalry, no matter how carpeted the search, let alone this dark night, even during the day" they entered this dense forest, it was difficult for them to move forward and the two walked forward quickly. Then I felt my eyes lit up.

The infinite night sky suddenly appeared in front of him.

The countless stars are shining in the sky, exuding the cool brilliance. "It is extremely mysterious and beautiful. Taobao women's clothing Tmall Taobao mall Taobao women's winter jacket m.

Adele looked at the night sky of the beautiful Taobao women's clothing Tmall Taobao store Taobao women's winter coat m, and she couldn't help but whispered. Muttered: "This is so beautiful."

Vera also put her hands on her back next to her, looking at the starry sky, and murmured: "Yes, yeah."

Adele turned her head and glanced at her, just about to say something more, but then she realized that even though Vera was also looking at the starry sky, there was a big "gold coin symbol" in her bright blue eyes.

Adele couldn't help but lag.

At this time, I heard Vera sighed happily, and then said: "If these stars are all jewels and gold coins, how nice it would be n!

When I look back, if I have money, I must fill my hole with jewels and gold coins, and arrange it like a starry sky.” Then I lie in it every day to sleep. How good would it be.” She said, Some yearning, he folded his hands and gently placed it on the left side of Qiao Lian. God with a happy face. The eyes of those beautiful Taobao women's clothing Tmall Taobao mall Taobao women's winter coat m have narrowed into the shape of a crescent moon.

Adele was dizzy, Haoxuan did not fall to the ground. She glanced at Vera, and sighed in her heart: I heard Lorraine say that this poor child was taken away by a dragon since he was a child. He had to wash clothes, cook, clean up his stools, clean up his stools, all dirty work every day. dry.

Moreover, the dragon was extremely vicious and ran to her netbsp "in the middle of the night"; learned how to call a chicken and asked her to start netbsp; originally I thought this story was made up by Lorraine, but now, from Vera’s performance Judging from it, this is absolutely pure gold. Weier must have been brainwashed by that dragon since childhood.

In this world, no girl can think of gold coins and jewelry when they see the stars. Moreover, caves pop up from time to time. This is obviously the habit of the dragon clan!

Thinking of this, "she couldn't help but pity Vera even more" and gently pulled Vera into her arms" and rubbed her show lovingly.

Vera blinked her eyes inexplicably, but immediately felt the warmth from Adele." She couldn't help but squinted comfortably.

At this moment,” I heard the sound of horses’ hoofs rumbling again in the distance. The sound like thunder broke the dark silence.

Both of them felt a slight vibration on the ground under their feet. Obviously, because the cavalry did not find the target, they have now expanded their range and are getting closer and closer.

Adele patted Vera's head lightly, and then exhaled a mouthful of white mist before she whispered, "Okay, let's go."

With that, she took up Vera's little hand" and walked forward.

After they walked for more than ten steps, they heard a rush of water in front of them.

Immediately I saw a bright band of pure white sè appeared in front of him. "It is a small river. On the other side of the river, a carriage can be vaguely parked there.

Adele couldn't help but smile.

But at this time, Vera had already waved Bai Nèn's little hand again, and immediately saw a blue light flashing.

A magic cannon with a metallic sheen all over has appeared in front of her. The muzzle of the black hole pointed at the distant city.

Vera glanced at Adele, but she nodded her head. "With a slender hand, she saw a red light emitting from her hand.

Immediately afterwards, Vera had already patted her hand on a specific position of the Magic Cannon.

Immediately" I saw a little bit of starlight appeared in the air around the muzzle of the Magic Cannon. Those lights flickered and flew towards the muzzle. It was a kind of materialization of magical elements. which performed.

In the next second, a bowl-sized fireball had emerged from the muzzle of that magic cannon.

Then, with a loud bang.

The fireball had already flown out from the muzzle of the magical cannon."It became bigger in an instant, the size of a basin, and then, like a meteor, it flew across the night sky and flew away.

After a few seconds, I saw a faint flash of fire in the night sky. At that moment, the sky was shining crimson, but the flame disappeared immediately.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a muffled sound from a distance.

Adele and the two looked at each other, and then remained motionless" listening carefully to the distant sound.

Sure enough, a loud horn sounded from a distance.

After that, the sound of rolling horseshoes resounded like thunder in the sky, rushing toward this side quickly. At the same time, you can see countless red lights shining in the distance.

Although the light appeared at once, it was easy to misunderstand that it was the starlight in the sky, but both Adele knew that it was not a starlight" but the light emitted by the cavalry with torches.

Those torches gathered together and formed several long dragons, rushing towards this side.

Seeing U's success, Vera immediately cheered, and then quickly put away the magic cannon.

Immediately, the two came to the river in a few steps, then jumped up, flew up, and easily flew to the opposite bank of the river, and then they fell.

The two of them jumped into the carriage" and immediately after they had already hit the horse and whip and left.

Not long after, thunderous iron hoofs roared.

When the cavalry came to the river, it was very timely." Through the sky, you could faintly see a carriage on the other side rushing away.

But they saw the river in front of them" but they all hurriedly stopped their horses.

Although the river is not wide, it is not something that knights like them can jump over. And looking like this, the river is obviously not shallow. People like myself are all wearing armors. Once they get stuck, they can only be changed to Chen (Shen) like the monk Tang who crossed the Tianhe River.

But these cavalry were all well-trained. Before the superiors ordered them, they had been divided into several strands, some of them went upstream, and some went downstream, looking for bridges and crossing the river.

And again and again

Early the next morning, Claudia had already gotten up from the netg early, and then pulled Lorraine to the [Guangzhou] field. But when he saw the situation in front of him, he couldn't help being surprised. a.

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