Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 824:  Fang hate less

Someone nearby followed the direction indicated by Lorraine and looked at the Throne of God Seal.

I saw a huge lake on the ground not far ahead.

The lake is blue and green, and it is not bottomless at first glance.

The lake surface reflects the clouds in the sky, and the scale-like waves reflect the sunlight in the sky.

On the surface of the lake, there are still countless messy aquatic plants, but they are already withered and yellow, and they are very messy.

Farther away, you can see several small islands in the lake.

Those small islands are not big, the smallest is smaller than a war fortress, and it has been desolate for a long time, and the islands are extinct. A bleak look.

There are countless vegetation and plants growing on it. What is particularly conspicuous is that the pine trees in it are all extremely thick and tall, each of which is ten meters high. No one bothers them, these plants grow vigorously.

The elven ranger Valentin glanced, but he didn't see any caves or the like on the islands, which could be used to hide the behemoths like the war fortress. There is not even a large enough bag.

He immediately frowned and asked Lorraine, "Where are we stopping? There seems to be no suitable place nearby."

Lorraine smiled and pointed to Na Mou Dahu, and said: "We are hiding here." Ballentin couldn't help feeling strange, but then he suddenly woke up. Stuttering: " mean, we are hiding in...the lake?"

Lester also slapped his forehead next to him, and suddenly realized.

In the past, I was misled by inertial thinking. I just wanted to hide in ravines, caves and other places like that fellow mountain leopard who is engaged in a promising bandit career to prevent people from being spotted.

I have to admit that doing bad things is contagious. After Leo set the magnificent professional goal of bandit robbers, and unswervingly implemented it, these old guys now all believe that "robbing is the most glorious".

Since starting to rob the war fortress, Lester and the others have robbed Is 凵 more and more, wishing to yell "The enemy is ashamed, I will take off her clothes", and then rushed into the Semitic chassis to grab the special grab.

Grab the underwear of the undead master and the dark wizards.

But they never thought that ours is a fortress of war, and it's not something like a watch. There is no "waterproof, handle with care, and no overlap" label on it.

War fortresses are not afraid of water. Naturally, you can hide in the water. But the people who opened the war fortress and went out to fight would not be okay to stop this thing in the water, no one expected this.

Naturally, it is very difficult to maneuver the fortress underwater, but this can't stop the two great magisters.

This water is the most natural camouflage.

Lester had lost his secret way. If he had understood it earlier, the incomplete war fortress might have been potentially used as an ornament in my backyard after crossing the ocean.

He didn't think that there was only the skeleton left in the war fortress. How could this be so complete, the parts in it had been damaged long ago, and it was not impossible to sneak, but Lester would be soaked in the water.

At this time, Ballentin still said: "But... but this war fortress is hidden in the water, does it really matter? Will there be a problem? And...we...what shall we do?" Already dancing and shouting loudly: "Dive, dive. I'll take care of anything. Don't worry. This thing is not afraid of flooding."

Valentin looked at the azure blue water surface, and couldn't help feeling frustrated. What would happen if the water really entered?

At this time, someone next to him had already understood, and then asked with a skeptical look: "Balundin, you are not afraid of water, are you?"

Valentin was shocked immediately and shouted: "Who...who is afraid of water. Did I say I'm afraid of water? I...I'm not at all afraid of...", but then, Seeing everyone's weird gazes, he took a long breath and said in anger, "Well, I'm a little afraid of water. It's been five hundred years, and when I was young, I almost fell into the water and drowned. So Some are afraid of water, which is also normal."

Everyone was speechless for a while. What can you say about the elves who were children five hundred years ago? This guy is obviously showing off, hate it~!

At this time Osheed also smiled and said: "Don't worry, let's all go to the power room for a while. I have studied it carefully. I guarantee it with my reputation. The defensive barrier there can definitely block the water. Others in the war fortress The place, it’s okay if you don’t seal it in with some water, it’s all made of stone, it won’t break.” There are two great magisters talking, why are you still hesitating? As soon as his words fell, everyone had already made a noise. Ran towards the power room located on the lower level of the fortress.

What's a joke, in such a cold day, once you get water on your body, you still have to freeze it into a popsicle?

Also go to the power room to grab a good position, this is the truth!

At this time, the war fortress was already under command, and it fell sharply downward. After a few breaths, it was already on the surface of the water, and then suddenly stagnated and almost stopped.

Immediately afterwards, Lester and Osheed flew out of the war fort at the same time.

They saw that there were already four doors open in the war fortress, and all doors and windows were left open as far as possible. Nodded with satisfaction immediately.

Then, under the control of the war fortress, it slowly, little by little, fell into the water.

The sinking degree of the war fortress makes people feel a little worried.

But at the same time, Lester watched the war fortress slowly submerging below the water, and still remained stable without any problems, but he couldn't help but admire Lorraine in his heart.

How did the ruffian's brain grow? Can actually foresee such a small problem in advance. Even when this war fortress dives in, it will stir up waves.

The war fortress was submerged in the water, although it was huge, but under the command, it was like sticking a wooden root straight into the water. It was not above the water, causing any movement, but leaving a circle. Swinging water waves.

In just one minute, the whole has already dived into the water. After entering the water, the war fortress speeded up and dived deep into the water.

Soon after he plunged into the green lake, Lester glanced down. "Looking down from the surface of the water, you can hardly see the shadow of the war fortress. If you carefully distinguish, then you can vaguely see under the water. A black shadow, but the outline" is not much different from the reef under the water.

It's not the mental power to know in advance that there is a war fortress, and there is absolutely no difference.

Lester looked around, and no one was paying attention to the situation here. They immediately turned around in the air, flew into the pine forest not far away, and quickly lurked.

This is also Lorraine's backup plan.

In case you really got bad luck here, the war fortress was discovered by the undead.” Just take advantage of them while hovering on the water, let these two tall old guys knock their sap from behind the velvet. They were caught off guard, and then surfaced under the cover of the war fortress, and they all ran away together. They ran all the way "as far as they could escape, and then thought of other ways."

After the two of Lester hid them, they confirmed that there were no flaws, and they waited patiently.

About one more cup of tea, and then I saw a sharp howling in the sky. That is the unique sound of the undead when they are flying.

The undead finally received the news, and then all rushed over!

Calculate time" Their actions can be considered quite fast.

Lester and the two immediately looked at each other, then gathered the mana of their whole body, and hid their bodies tightly in the depths of the bushes, even if they passed by, they would not be seen.

Immediately afterwards, more than twenty undead liches wearing black robes were screaming and flying over from the sky.

They are like a group of ominous crows, with black smoke all over their bodies, exuding a frightening breath of death. That is the effect when they use their full force of mana.

Although there are only more than twenty, their figures are already like dark clouds, covering the entire sky. A gloomy projection was left on the ground, "like dusk.

Lester looked at their green and phosphorous eyes, and then quietly shrank into the depths of the bush. Although Uncle Lester is a forbidden curse wizard, he is also a very righteous figure above Big 6. But with so many liches coming together, his old man can only flee with his tail sandwiched.

Lester missed the time when he used to bully others with fewer people. "If I had 30 teachers in my hands, I would be so **** hard to recognize them.

The liches came to the surface of the lake, only hurriedly glanced at the forest bushes below them, and found that there was no movement, and then they chased them away again.

He didn't even look at the calm lake.

The two of Lester looked at each other immediately, first nodded together, and then shook their heads with a wry smile.

So this year's youth is really as expected. Even they have to admire it. Then follow his instructions.

This is why after the victory of the War of Defending the Saints, among the Three Saints, although there were powerful and invincible wizards and highly anticipated priests, only that knight established a powerful Ruman Empire.

Because the full-time mages are engaged in magic research, and the full-time priests are playing magic tricks. Only the knight's specialty is to command operations. This is the so-called management talent.

This kind of talent is the most powerful. They work hard to take risks, and they are waiting for the fruits of victory. A bad job means poor execution, and a good job leads to effective leadership. Just take advantage of it and not lose money, which means that everyone has to be a politician after breaking their heads.

Although the group of liches had already flown past the Throne of God Seal, the two of them were still lying under the tree out of caution, and waited for a while, until it did come true. There was no other movement, Lester turned towards Ou. Sid nodded, and then he grew up, shaking off the dead branches and leaves, and flew to the direction of the war fort alone.

Since they have to hide here for a period of time, as the two of them are the strongest output in the team, they naturally have to be divided into two classes. Stand guard here and stay vigilant at all times. Liches are not easy to fool, especially the return of the undead high priest, to deal with them with 120,000 points.

Lester chanted a few spells, then looked at the cold water, gritted his teeth, and got in with a "boom," he said.

Although there is magical protection, the lake can be separated from the body, but at the same time, the cold air produced by the cold lake can still penetrate the magical space and hit his body.

Like falling into an ice hole, Lester couldn't help cursing a few words lowly, and then sweared in his heart "I knew that there would be this situation today. I should have chosen water magic at the beginning. It's a magic spell. When Fang hates less n!

He quickly sinks and swims in the water like a flexible fish. After a few breaths, he has seen the war fortress that has sunk to the bottom.

Looking down from the surface of the water, the dark and angular body of the war fortress was lying quietly underwater.

A little sunlight shone through the swaying water surface, forming a beautiful beating band of light on the head of the war fort.

There were a lot of water weeds swaying nearby, and some fish that had been frightened at this time also forgot to be afraid, boldly, swimming back and forth in the war fortress and curiously looking at the intruder.

It seemed that this war fortress had not just dived into the water, but had been sleeping in the water for an unknown number of years.

Lester couldn't help feeling the vicissitudes of time in his heart. But then he shook his head vigorously, and threw the strange thought out of his mind.

Then along a wide open window, came to the inside of the war fortress.

At this time, there was pitch darkness in the war fortress. He had to fumble, swimming along the path in memory towards the power room.

When he turned a bend, he saw a yellow light coming through in front of him. That is the light projected from the barriers of the war fort power room.

Lester was overjoyed at once, then speeded up and swam forward.

He came to the door, and then looked inside through the barrier.

I saw that the people inside seemed to be in a yellow glass cabinet, isolated from the lake, and then leisurely glared at the outside scene.

Especially the fish in the water were attracted by the light and all swam over. I kept spinning around the protective cover, and bumped into it from time to time to experience it. Almost everyone watching was dizzy.

This feeling is very strange.

This is understandable. Although these people have become famous heroes, they have not done much to go up to the mountains and the sea, but a few people have seen this kind of wonder. It can be called a miracle.

Even in Lorraine's era, although it was known as the information explosion, the people were well-informed, but they still happily went to the underground passage of some ocean park to see the marine life through the glass window.

Especially Xiaobai and Leo both had their eyes wider than the other, and their mouths opened in awe of the boss.

Then always stick out his nose, concubine's paws, trying to catch fish swimming outside. But the solid barrier in the middle made Xiaobai touch the dust of his nose to the bottom.

Lester looked at it, and his angry nose was almost not crooked. I was frightened outside, blowing a small breeze like a small knife, and now it was freezing in the water, but these guys hid here as a tourist.

Lester knocked **** the solid barrier at the door, and everyone reacted... under Lorraine's command, they all leaned towards the middle of the Throne of God Seal.

At the same time, Adele was also manipulating the magic circle, shrinking the protective barrier to a minimum, and suddenly there were countless spaces in Nuo Da's room.

Not waiting for the lake to fill in. Lester had already waved the magic in his hand, propped up a pale blue space. The space was filled up, and the protective barrier was also wrapped in.

Immediately afterwards, Adele shut down the entire protective cover at once.

Taking this opportunity, Lester hurriedly stepped into the scope of the protective cover.

Shrinking one sheet, it shows the skill and power of Lester's magic master.

Immediately, Adele restarted the protective cover. The yellow barrier rose up suddenly, covering everyone again.

At this time, Lester was already standing in the protective cover.

Outside, the water-blocking spell Lester had lost control and collapsed in an instant.

The lake water suddenly poured in, but only a few blisters appeared, and then disappeared.

Lester shook his sleeves immediately and looked at the fishes outside that were a little panicked due to the changes in the current. Suddenly looking at the Throne of God Seal from this angle, the fishes were indeed pleasing to the eye.

Especially his old friend, Osheed was still blowing a cool breeze like a knife outside, and Gu, in order to avoid attracting attention, didn’t dare to create a magic or a bonfire, so he could only use it. When that handful of old bones stood firm, his mood improved.

He reached up to Lorraine, coughed softly, and then said: "They have passed the Throne of God Seal from the top of their heads. There are more than twenty."

Everyone sighed after listening.

Twenty liches, that is equivalent to the strength of a powerful legion. If it is enough to sweep a small country in peacetime.

However, although they dispatched so many people, they didn't even touch the sides of them!

He can only stare angrily and yell.

Everyone even saw the appearance of those liches violently violently, and they couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Lorraine thought about but took out a map. Then I found my position on it, and looked around again, and found that there were still a few cities around, and immediately laughed.

He looked at the people around him, and said solemnly: "I have a plan. We can't just run with our tails in this way. This is too shameless. We have to give them another good job."






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