Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 823: Thunder Killing

The 823rd chapter thunder is murderous (seeking votes)

"A Lich is catching up from behind~!"

With this yell, everyone stood up with a bang, and then turned around and ran to the window behind. They looked out to observe the enemies they were pursuing.

Young Master Lei Er likes to be lively most, always crowding where there are many people, even if it is eating shit, he runs to the forefront.

This time was no exception. He took the lead, passing several warriors, archers, and gods to the front. I rushed to the window, then took out the monoculars, opened his eyes, squinted, and looked out through the lens barrel.

At this time, the sun had just risen from the east, showing half of the head on the horizon.

Although the ground was still dark, it was already bright in the sky.

Through the binoculars, you can clearly see that in the far back, under the white clouds, there are more than a dozen black spots flying towards this side, looking like a flock of birds from a distance.

"One, two...seventeen~!" Leo counted it earnestly, and then reviewed one side, then raised his head, looked at Lorraine, and exclaimed cheerfully: "There are seventeen liches in all. , Boss, we have issued this~!"

He just finished speaking, but everyone immediately heard a roar: "Go~!"

Lorraine also kept rolling his eyes. This little hooligan is really optimistic. There are a total of seventeen liches, and he still thinks ‘have it reached? ‘This is obviously the hell~!

I had just experienced a great battle on my side, just dealing with a few liches, and dozens of dark wizards, it was already difficult. Now there are 17 powerful liches on the opposite side.

That was a lich, each of them had a master-level combat power, let alone the dark wizard's vicious and strange spells.

And this is not fighting on the ground. With the advantage of the large number of people, the soldiers and archers can cooperate reasonably while rushing to the Shenyin Throne to start a close battle with them. One side disturbed the cover from a long distance, and the mage fixedly cleared it again.

This is the range of an archer in the air from far away, that is to say, this is just a battle between magicians.

Only Obachem, O'Hid, Lester, Adele, Vera, the betrayed Dark Mage and two other magicians.

Among them, there are only three old guys who can win the Lich. Adele's magic level is not enough to see at this level of battle.

Vera's strength is indeed very strong. It is not a problem to kill a lich in a flash, but if you really fight a single-handed fight, Vera may not be able to beat the lich, because of her actual combat skills and experience and the liches. It's far worse than that.

After all, Vera is the second generation of gods. Following Lorraine bullying and bullying, she has never suffered any crime. There is really no need to work **** her own like a lich, cultivate honestly, and can't fight at all.

This strength, seriously, is less than half of the opponent's.

And once they are entangled by them, I believe that before long, there will be more liches like sharks smelling blood, pounced toward this side.

There is nothing else in the Semitic Big 6, that is, there are many Liches and Dark Wizards, thousands of them.

Maybe, the high priest will also take the sword himself.

At that time, all of my own side will really become dumpling stuffing.

Fighting is impossible. Thinking of this, Lorraine can't help but think of a way to get out.

Next to him, Lester raised his hand and compared it twice to the liches in the distance, but then put his hand down again.

The current distance is still a bit far, although spells can be cast, but the accurate head is definitely not.

Moreover, such a long distance can also allow the opponent to spot easily and then get out of the way early. Simply wasting mana.

And Obachem is also anxious: what should I do now?

At this moment, everyone understood, and looked at the liches flying in the distance with solemn expressions. I saw that their figure gradually grew bigger.

Although this war fortress is known as an invincible war machine, it is far inferior to those liches in terms of degree. Especially the Liches are trying their best to catch up.

At this time, Lorraine already said to the magician next to him: "Raise the height, let's fly into the clouds."

The magician immediately agreed, and then ran off quickly.

Immediately everyone felt a shock, and then the war fortress had risen sharply, with a sharp roar, trembling and flying towards a cloud not far away.

In a few breaths, this huge war fortress reached the high cumulonimbus cloud.

Although the cloud is not big from a distance, it is a visual error caused by distance. In fact, it is huge.

The war fortress is in front of the clouds, but it is also like the difference between an ant and an elephant.

Under the control of the magician, the war fortress rushed into the clouds without hesitation.

A huge blank passage was left behind it, but immediately, the passage was already submerged and covered by the re-squeezing clouds. Lost in the cloud completely.

The liches were anxious at the first sight, and added again, trying their best to catch up.

When everyone came to the clouds, they suddenly felt a white mist in front of them and couldn't tell the direction.

They immediately let out a sigh of relief: With such a thick fog, even we can't see clearly, and the enemy must be unable to see clearly.

As long as you turn in a few directions, it will be enough for the liches to catch the blind, and the huge cloud is not something they can search.

And flying in the clouds feels very uncomfortable.

Lorraine sneered, and then said to Lester and Osheed: "Two masters, it's time for you to take action."

Lester laughed and said: "Why? Want us to go out and lie in ambush, wait for some of them to hit them, and kill them by surprise?"

With that said, as soon as he pulled O'Hid, the two were about to go out.

The two old men are very interested. After all, there is a phylactery if there is a lich, and that thing is placed in the living room, and Beier has face, and just grabbing other people's things is really disgraceful.

This is fighting in the air. I knocked down the lich, this phylogeny was real, it was my own. No matter where you say it, it's all justified.

Lorraine smiled at this moment, shook his head, and said, "No, not for the time being."

The two of Lester couldn't help but stagnate, and then turned around in confusion.

Lorraine smiled and said: "I want to ask the two of you to use water spells to gather as much water vapor as possible on this cloud. Then use ice spells to condense the water vapor."

The two of Lester couldn't help but looked at each other, then frowned, and said: "At this moment, what do you want to do? I can tell you that the enemy is not too far away from us."

Lorraine smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have my own way. It's just that the sooner the better. The enemy just speaks."

The two snorted immediately. Then they waved their sleeves together.

Gathering moisture, this is a relatively low-level spell, not even a spell. Even a magic apprentice can do it.

They are naturally able to do this little thing as a wizard.

The range that the two magisters can cover is naturally huge, and the war fortress is like a hairdryer that breathes cold breath.

In just a few minutes, everyone felt that they were a lot colder around them, and the mist around them gradually changed from pure white to a little yellow.

In the distance, where he had just flown past, there was even a dark cloud-like black.

At the same time, a kind of fear spread in everyone's hearts. They all keenly felt that there was something awe-inspiring everyone around them, and the powerful force of nature was slowly forming.

That kind of powerful force is not for oneself, once it explodes, it will definitely be shocking.

At this moment, I heard a sharp whistling sound coming from behind, and it was getting closer.

The liches had chased up from behind.

The traces of spellcasting cannot be concealed, especially the two magisters are fully exerting their power. To the Liches, the mana fluctuations from the war fortress are as obvious as a lighthouse in the night.

Everyone couldn't help feeling a little nervous, and gathered to Lorraine's side. Just waiting for the lich to catch up with them, then start to kill them.

After a few breaths, I heard the sharp whistling sound that was already unusually clear, as if it was ringing in my ears.

Everyone tensed their bodies for a while and was ready.

At this moment, everyone felt a sudden light in front of them.

It turned out that the war fortress had rushed out of the clouds and came into the bright sky.

Everyone immediately turned their heads together and looked back.

I saw a trace of flocculent clouds still hung on the tail of the war fortress. The war fortress was like being drenched in water.

And the clouds behind them turned into a cloud of incomparable darkness because of a large amount of moisture.

Lorraine took a look, and then said: "Quickly, throw lightning into it~! The bigger the better."

The two of Lester didn't dare to neglect, and immediately chanted the spell, and as they waved their gestures, a series of red lightning flashes took shape and fell towards the dark cloud.

‘Boom~! ’

A loud thunder sounded.

The black dark cloud had already accumulated a large amount of energy. At this time, like a gunpowder barrel ignited by sparks, the electric ions instantly interacted with each other and exploded.

‘Boom~! ’

‘Boom! ’

A loud explosion sounded like a renju.

Lightning flashed back and forth among the clouds, raging wildly. Like a violent snake trapped in a cage.

Several liches had already reached half of their bodies out of the dark clouds at this time. They struggled and waved their hands, making sharp screams, trying to escape.

But then it was like being caught by an invisible big hand, and disappeared into the dark clouds in the blink of an eye.

Lightning flashed one after another.

Even through the dark clouds, it shone on everyone's faces. You can clearly see their pale faces.

Although every flash of lightning is fleeting, but the powerful power displayed is enough to make everyone who sees it feel a kind of horror that shocks the soul.

The war fortress is very close to the dark clouds.

The release process of violent energy shown by nature is far from what human beings can compare. It can only be called a weapon of God.

In front of it, people feel that they are small and insignificant. As long as an electric flower shoots over, it is enough to turn everyone and the war fortress under them into powder~!

At the same time, everyone knew that the seventeen witches must have died in this violent lightning.

No one can escape from such powerful lightning and thunder~!

There is nowhere to hide.

At this time, the magician controlling the war fortress also speeded up immediately, as if on fire on his butt, galloping forward quickly, for fear that if he takes a step slower, he will be affected by the storm formed by the cloud. Suck it in.

Everyone returned to their senses and couldn't help but sighed: The seventeen witches were exceptionally powerful, even if they appeared together on the 6th of the Semitic, they would vibrate severely.

However, in a quiet time, he was already trapped by the little trap set by Lord Luo Jue, and then all of it was wiped out at once, leaving no scum.


Really poisonous~!

It's too poisonous~!

When they looked at Lorraine, they couldn't help showing a strange look. This uncle was so powerful that he could take advantage of the clouds and weather to easily wipe out seventeen powerful liches with just a few fingers. It's like eating a piece of marshmallow, it's almost like a monster.

The right time, the right place, and the harmony of people, all can kill people, really worthy of the flying eagle war god.

Lorraine saw the eyes of the people and couldn't help but glanced at them strangely, then said: "What's wrong with you?"

Everyone looked at each other, and then they all hit a haha, and then dispersed. They instinctively felt that at this time, if they went to **** Lorraine's flattery, it seemed that this was unnecessary. After all, the gap between this is really too big~!

O'Hid said natly: "Forbidden Curse...Forbidden Curse is a fart in front of here~! What a pity..."

If it weren't for casting spells with Lester, maybe O'Hid could earn the title of Forbidden Magic Mage. There would be no way for them to cooperate.

And Lester also recovered his senses at this time. He was shocked and watched the lightning and thunder and the dark clouds rolling in the distance. He immediately fell and sighed: "What a pity, what a pity~! Seventeen phylacteries, ten Seven Lich Phylograms. All of them are gone now, no one is left~! If this is brought back to the living room..."

But Osheed grabbed Lorraine, and then smiled and asked: "Your kid is full of bad water, and you are still going out, I like it very much. By the way, you really don't stop. Consider the matter with my granddaughter and granddaughter? They are all the best beauties in our place. How many princes and nobles are crying and crying to beg our family."

Lorraine couldn't help but stagnate, and smiled secretly in his heart: Does someone propose to you? Either they are blind, or they are interested in your identity as a wizard and want to pull you back.

But looking at that magician's look of expectation, he couldn't categorically refuse, and he could only give a dry smile.

At this moment, Adele couldn't bear to look at it, and immediately stepped forward, first smiling and saying to Osheed: "Sorry, urgent business."

Immediately he pulled Lorraine aside. As they walked, they could still hear Osheed's long sigh.

Adele pulled Lorraine aside, then looked at him with a smile, and said, "I saved your life, how can you thank me?"

Lorraine smiled lightly, and then said: "Beauty, since you saved me, we have to talk about the rules of the rivers and lakes, and I promise each other. Isn't it OK?"

Adele's eyes widened in surprise for a while, and then murmured: "You are too shameless..."

Before she could finish her words, Lorraine had already laughed, and then stretched out her hand to wrap her arms around her slender waist, and then kissed her fragrant red lips hard.

Adele couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice, then stretched out her hands and punched his shoulders twice. But then a mist of mist flashed across the starry eyes, and then there was a low choke, his body softened, and his arms were already tightly wrapped around Lorraine's neck like a snake.

After a while, the two separated.

Lorraine seemed to be deprived of oxygen, breathing heavily. At the same time, he saw that Adele was just light and breezy. She stretched out her hand a little shyly and wiped Lorraine’s lips gently. He wiped off his own lipstick on his lips.

Lorraine felt very strange: The woman's lung capacity seemed to be less than that of a man's. Why is it that I am a little hypoxic every time, but they are all okay?

At this moment, a soft cough came from the side.

Adele couldn't help but shook her body, then her pretty face blushed, and then she said in a panic, "I...I still have something, you talk, you talk..."

With that, he walked away quickly.

Lorraine couldn't help but sigh, then turned his head away. I saw the elf ranger Lombard standing beside him.

He stepped forward respectfully and said: "His Royal Highness, news has come from the Falcon. The tiger has left the mountain, and the high priest has left the coastline and came to Nei 6. It must be presiding over the hunt for us."

Lorraine was overjoyed immediately and said: "Ha, that **** old bone, he finally couldn't stand it. As long as he comes out, then everything will be easy."

But after another thought, he was shocked: the high priest personally dispatched, and the group of witches he just met must be a reinforcement unit sent by him. And the other party chased him for such a long time, they would definitely send someone back to the high priest. As soon as the high priest received the news, it must be fire.

In other words, it is likely that in the next second, the high priest will appear in front of everyone.

He immediately shouted at Lester's magicians: "Quickly, we will descend immediately and find a place to hide~!"

Following his order, the war fortress immediately fell downward.

Lorraine stuck out his head against the cold wind of Ling He must find a place to hide for the war fort in a very short time.

He stared wide and looked at the passing terrain: the valley ahead, no, too small. The forest is no good. Immediately, a dazzling reflection appeared in front of him.

Lorraine couldn't help feeling a move in his heart. He immediately pointed to the throne of God Seal and shouted: "Just there, hurry up!"! ~!






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