Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 251: Painful Search and Spoils Conference

Sheng Erduo pointed to the Lan-bit girl in the car. Every time I said, the foot of the city guard went down by one point. The color on his face is also green.

Although he doesn’t know awe axiom, but fortunately he is not a fool, he still knows awe


His Royal Highness Ruman's eldest princess. Daughter of the Murder King Julius, that. Ruman’s murderous madman, the bloodhand butcher is so cruel, all Almohad people can be said to be known.

He is in a good mood. If you are in a bad mood, you must kill. If you don't kill a few times a day, you won't eat well. Can't sleep, even the stool is dry.

Moreover, wherever we go, weeds and roots are cut to kill people cleanly. Even the little mouse in the mouse hole had to be pulled out and strangled to death.

Master Lester, the Great Sorcerer of Forbidden Curse, not to mention.

It is said that when the Almohad army invaded, he still didn't plan to take action. But I don't know that it was the man who suffered from the plague's brain cramping, and he ran to a tree in front of his house. It's a little small. The result was annoying that old pervert.

He waved his hand, a blizzard was frozen, and the empire lost 70,000 soldiers, and 70,000 soldiers were buried in Xuehai, and they would never be born back to their homeland.

There is also a genius magical girl once in five hundred years,

No matter which one of them was, he could not bear the weight of his life, but now he was offended all by himself.

Gudora felt dizzy, her legs softened, and she suddenly sat down on the ground.

And on the other side. The people looked at the few people with a surprised look. They found that none of these people seemed as scary as the rumors said.

The daughter of the Murder King Julius was so noble and beautiful.

The granddaughter of the Great Sorcerer of Forbidden Curse is not a fangs, a weird person who eats children, but a kind of style. Qiaoxiao Yanran, like a vixen who won't pay for his life.

And that genius magical girl who had met once in five hundred years looked innocent and charming, with a little bit of natural daze, like the legendary lady of the heavenly palace, out of the dust, without a trace of the dust of the world.

Lorraine ignored them and made a gesture to the guard next to him.

At the moment, the two guards walked over to the Throne of God Seal, pressed Gudola's hands back, and then kicked his feet in his knees.

Gudola immediately whispered and knelt to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, one of the guards raised his hand and drew the long sword from his waist, took a glance at the back of Gudola's neck, and then raised the long sword high.

Only then did Gudora woke up, knowing that they were about to chop off his head in the street, and his heart was broken in shock. Looking at Hilldo, he hissed: "My lord, help me, my lord. Don't forget. I gave you several antiques two days ago.

Hilldo was shocked immediately. He raised his hand with a whip and drew it over to the Divine Seal Throne. He shouted angrily: "Shut up! You dog has only come to death, and you dare to frame good people indiscriminately. It's a shame to die.

He cursed a few more loudly. He secretly relieved when he saw Gudora closing his mouth interestingly, then rolled his eyes and said to Lorraine: "Your Excellency, he ran into your carriage, indeed Damn it. But now, after all, he helped us with our affairs. If you think that's not the case, let's save him a dog's life. If you have your hands and feet, then exile him to the far north savage land."

Lorraine looked at the straightforward soldier and couldn't help but snorted lowly, and said, "Hildo, do you think I did this just to vent my anger?"

Hildo couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said in his heart: Is there a second explanation for this? Since Prince Joey, and the experience of the people in the temple, in the world, who does not know the heart of Lord Lorraine. The money owed may not be paid back, but revenge will not come sooner or later.

Lorraine sighed and said, "Hildo, we were used as guns by them. If you don't believe me, I'll bet you with a diamond. Why don't you? Don't pretend to be poor, but I know you bring your men I ransacked several jewellery shops. Now everyone buys jewellery and runs to your headquarters. It makes my brothers jealous. It is said that someone will hit your black gun when they are going back."

Hilldo smiled bitterly and murmured: "I actually didn't grab much. When they went, they had already transferred most of the treasures. They just took a little tails."

He is here. Seeing Lorraine's eyes, he couldn't help but pause. Then he said: "Your Excellency, what are you going to say?"

Lorraine smiled faintly. Then he raised his hand and pointed at Gudora, and said, "You think this fat man is really that honest. Give us the things that have been suppressed?"

Hilldo was taken aback for a moment, and said: "What do you mean?"

Lorraine said in his chest, "I said, I'll bet you with a diamond. This **** is definitely playing from it, and corruption has deducted a lot of things."

Hearing this, Hill couldn't help but startled again. Then he turned his head and kept looking at the army.

Lorraine whispered in his ear again: "Look around again, to what extent the people hate them, if you don't take the opportunity to kill a few puppies like Gudola.

Those ordinary people will remember all their hatred on us.

Although they dare not know how to do it, they will release our cold arrows and knock our sap in secret. At that time, you don't want to come out to drink and fight to make chicks again. "

Hildor couldn't help but stunned again, then turned his head and looked at the people around him. One by one, they gritted their teeth and showed a fierce look. Looking at the city guards, he almost wanted to rush to God. India Throne, tore them to pieces.

Hildo's heart shuddered, thinking of the terrible consequences of being caught in the People's War, he couldn't help but burst into cold sweat. He couldn't help but waver in his heart, and said very weakly: "But he is doing things for us, so he has to cut it off. It seems something is not good, right?"

Lorraine sighed. Said: "It's really because he's doing things for us. That's why I have to take this opportunity to kill him. Otherwise, once it is announced. Maple Leaf Danlin has so many scholars and so many smart people, but let a few The soil buns were cheated, our faces are really lost!"

He paused. Then he waved his hand and said: "You don't need to say more, I'll take this notoriety."

Hildo finally couldn't speak, and the horse neighed and walked to the side.

At this moment, the long street was silent, and even the fallen leaves were clearly audible.

All the people also seemed to feel the atmosphere hidden in the air, as if they were waiting for the thunder that will inevitably appear behind the dark clouds. They all looked at Lorraine with bated breath, waiting quietly, waiting for him. Final decision

Did they redress the grievances and hatred for these innocent people, or did they indulge those corrupt officials and continue to oppress themselves, forcing everyone to take up arms and fight with them in a cruel struggle.

Lorraine looked around, then lifted his chin indifferently, and the guard next to the boat motioned.

The guard lifted up the bright and chilly Chang Chuang immediately, then roared and slashed down the long sword forcefully.

The sharp sword light flashed like lightning from the sky, and the stabbing people could hardly open their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, blood spurted out, and Gudora's fat head had been chopped off, rolling around like a football on the street, soaking the ground with a bright red.

Everyone saw the **** scene. Surprisingly, there was no sound, as if I could not believe it. After a while, someone gave a low voice.

Then everyone reacted, then clapped Lorraine and cheered loudly.

The cheering sound resounded through the long street like a tide.

Some even raised their hands. Exclaimed: "Long live the earl. Long live the earl Lorraine!"

Seeing the crowd cheering so enthusiastically, Hildo was shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that in just a few days, these people would hate these people to such a deep level.

Lorraine looked at everyone's frantic eyes. But he kept sneering in his heart.

Adele looked in the carriage. I couldn't help feeling very strange, and said: "Listening to the cheers of those people, why does Lorraine seem unhappy?"

Catherine glanced at it, pressing on Leo, who was so excited, not to let him stick his head out to watch the **** scene. Then he said: "Do you think they are cheering to Lorraine?"

Adele was taken aback for a moment and said, "Isn't it?"

Catherine said coldly: "They wanted to slap Lorraine and clean up all the city guards for them. That's it."

Adele couldn't help but pause, thought about it, and then couldn't help sighing quietly. Said: "You guys who play politics, it's really practical"

She paused, and then a little worried and said: "Then Lorraine will get hot, promise them?"

Catherine smiled and asked, "What do you think?"

At this time, I saw Lorraine Senran order outside: "Gudora led the crowd to block people in the street, intending to kill and rob, murder the official, and punish him. However, the rest of the accomplices who assisted him as torture should also be convicted."

He paused for a while, and then continued: "Grab all the city guards for me. The team officer went to his hands, and the rest of them all beheaded my right hand and expelled the city guard."

The nearly a hundred city guards heard his words, and all were frightened. One after another loudly begged for mercy: "My lord, we dare not, forgive me, forgive us"

Lorraine glanced at them in disgust and yelled in a low voice: "A bunch of bastards, I knew it would be like this. What did you do? Didn't you still kill me and grab someone?"

The cavalry saw Lorraine's face tense. Knowing that he was really angry when he was walking, one after another rushed forward. All those city guards whose faces were ashen ashes were arrested. Then, amidst their yelling and begging for mercy, they cleanly cut off their arms one by one.

For a while, blood flew across, soaking the ground, and it was red.

The broken arms were piled up indiscriminately on the street by the soldiers. It was as big as a small hill.

The crowd onlookers saw his ruthless method, and they all forgot to cheer, and all were frightened. Holds his breath. The fear of life caught his attention and caused Wuwang disaster.

Lorraine looked at it and snorted in satisfaction. Then turned and walked towards the carriage.

He came to the door of the car, thought for a moment, then turned around, and ordered: "Commander Hildor, send a few brothers to go to Gudola's house to copy, and you will know if I was right.

Hildo reluctantly agreed immediately.

He watched Lorraine get into the carriage. Leaving slowly, I couldn't help but a little doubt: Could it really be that Gudorak had deducted most of his belongings as he expected, but only turned in a small part?

At this moment, an officer next to him came over and said, "Sir, where are we going now?

Hilldo thought for a while, then gritted his teeth. Said: "Give me all to go to Gudora's house to copy the house. I'd like to see if Lord Lorraine is really as expected. If I leave, I will be convinced in the future. If not, then I will. See how he pays me"

At the moment, he grouped his horses and led a group of cavalry away. In the sound of rolling iron hoofs like thunder. Disappeared at the other end of the long street.

At this time, the people saw that the Armory Leaf Danlin Legion left, and there was no one else around them, so they had the courage to walk towards the city guards who fell on the ground and screamed and walked over to the Throne of God Seal.

Those city guards rolled around on the ground in pain, screaming miserably, and begged them: "Help me, help me. For the sake of compatriots, please help me."

The people looked at each other, all indifferent, staring coldly at their miserable appearance, one by one like a stone heart.

Someone cursed in a low voice: "When you searched our property, insulted our wives and daughters, and beat our old people and children, you have never considered it for your compatriots. Now you still have the face to ask us to help you? dream"

His words were like throwing a lighted match into a barrel of oil.

Immediately afterwards, someone in the crowd yelled: "Kill them, kill them. Killing them will only bully the weak and fear the hard, and kill the corrupt officials who bully us."

Afterwards, everyone screamed, and the voices gathered, like a blood-devouring beast in the depths of Nine Nether Hell.

A crowd of people lifted up clubs and benches one after another, and rushed to the throne of God Seal to those city guards. Hit them mercilessly.

They can't help but scream. Then, ignoring the pain in his hands, they got up from the ground one after another, like bereaved dogs. With his tail clamped, he ran away quickly.

A group of people had been bullied by them before, but now they acted very ruthlessly. They all shouted and chased after them.

Under Lorraine's order, Hildo personally took a group of cavalry and rushed to Gudola's house.

Sure enough, as Lorraine said, a large number of searched treasures were copied from his home, and besides this, a diary of Gudora was found.

In that diary, Gudora, an officer of the Abdwad City Guard, the capital of the Almohad Empire, wrote with extreme grief that he was threatened by the Maple Leaf Danlin Army, in desperation. Searching for the people’s property with a very compassionate mood, scraping away their last copper plate, and molesting their daughter.

In the end, full of pain, I divided up more than half of the searched property into my own pockets, and when this country is in crisis, the great nation is in crisis.

And at the same time. Under Lord Lorraine’s suggestion, the Maple Leaf Danlin Army used the inefficiency of city guards to search for the people before the current reform, and the policy of pulling the hatred value very much, began to launch a huge and powerful target against Abdwa. The German aristocracy's activities of recovering stolen goods and subsidizing payments.

This activity immediately won the approval of the hands and feet of everyone, including the Almohad.

First of all, the ordinary people don't have to worry about these Maple Leaf Danlin guys, searching for their own property like they are crazy.

Second, everyone knows that those nobles are indeed rich in oil and water.

Take one of the ministers of finance as an example. When he entered Abdwad from the countryside, he had a pair of socks in his pocket except for his clothes. It's just a few years. There are now dozens of manors all over the country.

The pocket money his son throws out every day is enough to buy a pair of socks for everyone in the country.

This is still a bit more honest. Let alone the rest. Both are wealthy, with a lot of mistresses and three tits.

If there are not a few villas and luxury homes at home, and few luxury carriages inlaid with gold and jade, hardly dared to say hello.

Every day, I am a fan of drunkenness. Every night is Yan Wu Yingge. They change the law every day, squandering money from the people.

Each one is rich with fat and oily, you take a knife and slash them on their stomachs without bleeding. Instead, a layer of white fat was exposed.

The Maple Leaf Danlin Army had heard the rumors a long time ago, and was extremely jealous of them. When they entered the city, everyone was cheered there, but most of them grabbed some floating wealth.

Many cunning nobles have long seen a couple in the limelight, and have already transferred their precious possessions away. Especially this is a point that makes Fengyedan ​​feel extremely annoyed when it is applied up and down.

Under the correct leadership of Lord Lorraine, he rode out all at once. They are under the help of the villain. Search for the nobles who fled to the country.

Because the nobles of Almohad squeezed the people too hard. In order to take revenge, the civilians of Almohad risked their lives and voluntarily led the way and arrested people for the Maple Leaf Danlin Army.

Under the guidance of those people, the Maple Leaf Danlin Army gained a lot. They caught many nobles who were hiding in the countryside and had no time to escape, and robbed a large number of treasures.

Although there are also gritted teeth without spitting. Refusing to confess to the location of his treasure, Lord Lorraine just let them out, under Leo's supervision, wearing a tight-fitting training suit, jumped a hundred leapfrogs. Then he climbed another twenty floors and drank water. Then walk from above


The pain of muscle strain caused by excessive exercise at once is definitely not one. Nobles who are used to enjoying life can bear it.

Many people just practiced for a day, and they are foaming at the mouth right now, and give what they want

The war is coming soon. Go there quickly. Before the green shoots of the trees grew in the spring, the Almohad Empire largely restored his peace.

However, the situation of this huge empire that once dominated the Madidorm Sea has undergone earth-shaking changes in these few months.

The emperor Almohad, who was once invincible and claimed to be a member of the gods, stabbed the hornet's nest named Fengye Danlin, who defeated the Demon Million Coalition a thousand years ago, without stealing any sweetness. He was almost stung to death.

Thirty thousand people from the Maple Leaf Danlin were placed in a powerful empire, invincible and invincible since the battle. Played a myth.

The governors of Almohad’s provinces even shouted out, for the empire, not for the emperor.

"The slogan can be described as deafening in this age of theocratic sovereignty above all else.

They packed their own in gorgeous gift enterprises, tied them with beautiful ribbons, and gave them to the Fengye Danlin people, along with a majestic queen.

The humiliated Almohad empire that once made the Ruman empire fell into a sudden decline and fell into a long period of civil strife and strife.

The commander of the Maple Leaf Danlin Crusade Army, General Wabador, who is known as the chief of the Paladin, wears the gorgeous halo of a peerless general. His name is magnificent and will remain in history forever.

But in this battlefield, even in this era, General Wabador is still not the most shining, the wizard Lexter conceals the light of all heroes of this era.

For thousands of years, another forbidden magic mage, one person, one spell. Solving a war is the ultimate dream of all mages and the eternal theme of all adventure knight novels.

It seems that the only shortcoming of Lester may be that he is too old. And I was very afraid of my wife, so I didn't tell any stories that I had to tell with any peerless enchanting.

And this side. The old and ugly Earl of Winpear and the Earl of Lorraine, who was called a model of nobility by His Majesty Leo. The reputation is much louder. (Actually, Leo the Great was very proud to say at the time: My boss is a classic of successful little white faces)

So much so that later historians struggled to turn over Lester's case, trying to find some scandals. But all failed. From the age of sixteen, this poor fellow was eaten to death by his wife.

In general. What happened in the past few months can excite future generations of young people for several years, and let those history professors eat for a lifetime.

The Almohad Empire, which had restored its calm, looked the same on the surface as before, and even in the eyes of many Almohad civilians, they lived better than before.

Of course, these people would not understand the undercurrent surging behind the sun. Now Queen Almohad can control only a few provinces in the Shali Valley, and this is because the Maple Leaf Danlin occupying forces are helping them maintain it.

And several large provinces in the south, under the influence of General Amor and Hadu, were already in a state of disobedience. Even waiting for the retreat of Fengye Danlin's occupying forces.

In order to avoid the situation that the Allied Forces of Maple Leaf Danlin spent a lot of effort, but let General Amor and Hadu pick the peach of the Almohad Empire, especially to maintain the chaotic status of the Almohad Empire, making Almo The Had Empire was unable to dominate the Madidorm Sea anymore, and a new peace agreement was quickly formulated by the participating parties and the Almohad Empire. It was imminent.

Actually. Since the end of the war was officially announced and Ye Danlin changed from a crusade to an occupying army. The backbone of the coalition, that is, the troops sent by various kingdoms and empires in the name of mercenaries, not only snatched gold in Almohad, but also worked hard. Grabbing political gains is compared to the bits and pieces in the pockets of the little soldiers. These are the big money-making businesses.

Almohad was a little settled, and there were people from all walks of life, with the aspirations of kings and nobles, up the Shali River.

General Wabador for Lorraine

"The war is political. He Xushen thought he also knew very well that these guys wanted to take advantage of the things that were not available on the battlefield now, and these were decided before Fengye Danlin sent troops.

At the headquarters of the occupying forces, General Wabador’s daily task is to meet these guys, listen to their complaints patiently, and then throw them all out.

But since the envoy came here, General Wabador has not had a good night’s sleep. These guys are deliberately flattering General Wabador, but they are full of scheming and it is very difficult.


General Wabador has never been like this before. He feels that he needs Obahem so much. Although playing politics is the talent of the clergy, Silmelia, who now leads these pastors, is caught by the military police. He was unambiguous, and occasionally pulled the sidelines to protect Fengye Danlin's student army. But in general, she is a silly eldest sister with a solid eye.

The other people Wabadol couldn’t believe it at all, and Lorraine didn’t see rabbits or hawks at this time. It was no good that he would not take these troubles to himself. In Lorraine’s own words, “I’m the one now. Soy sauce, you bother you."

The occupying army headquarters guarded by the Knights Templar looked very grand. In fact, this was originally the military headquarters of Almohad. The solemn knights dressed in full suits and held long swords to separate the two sides of the gate. Adds a very murderous look here.

A convoy composed of Fengye Danlin cadets came from the front. There are cavalry in front and on both sides, and they surround the number of carriages in the center. These Fengye Danlin cadets have obviously been arrested as volunteers and become the welcome team.

Brother Xun Bo of the convoy stopped at the door of the occupying army headquarters, and a group of glamorous nobles jumped from the carriage.

Just like all the educated expatriates, these people kept saying hello, eagerly holding each other's hand and smiling and said: "Jump, where are you not dead yet?"

"How can it be. If you are alive, I won't die."

"I didn't fall into the sea when I came."

"The weather is bad today, there is only the sun. It would be great if you were killed by thunder."

General Wabador waited for them at the gate of the occupying army headquarters. He had a headache watching the scene where they were so enthusiastic as soon as they met. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his brow vigorously.

In fact, meetings like this kind of meeting have been held for several days, but everyone's schedule is very fixed.

Eat breakfast. Go to the venue and have some greetings like "hello to your mother", and then quarrel in the venue. When the noise was so dry, it was almost time to eat lunch again.

Then in the afternoon, the quarrel continued. When it was time to palm the lamp, I would say goodbye to the blessings like "Sleep tonight, you pig head", and go back to accumulate energy and fight tomorrow.

This kind of seemingly endless, meaningless meeting other than showing everyone's poisonous tongue and vital capacity, will toss General Wabador enough.

Lorraine, Catherine, and Leo, who have the home court advantage, have already arrived at the venue early. The homes of the old Despis they occupied are basically on the edge of the palace, only one street away from the military headquarters, Lorraine They still ran out early in the morning to eat breakfast at one of the most famous restaurants.

Catherine, as the natural envoy of the Grand Duke of Julian, the eldest princess of the Ruman Empire, and the subordinates of the Grand Duke of Julian, are the troops who have sent the largest number of troops in this crusade to perform the most important logistics and maritime tasks. This charming young lady went here for one, and the weight was sufficient.

Moreover, next to Catherine is the future Emperor Ruman, His Majesty. Known as a genius child, Leo, whose deeds have resonated with the rich and powerful in various countries recently.

For Grand Duke Julian, he dared to throw his darling out during the war, and flutter with the army on the battlefield. The nobles of all countries admire them, and they are also cultivating successors. Some kings can only breed mentally retarded, and some kings breed a group of hypocrites. Others can only raise a bunch of dead backs,

Lorraine, as the commander of the highest-ranking student army in the occupying army, had to squat in the meeting place, giving advice to Fengye Danlin and Duke Julian, and more importantly, helping Duke Julian.

Vera and Leo hid behind Lorraine and Catherine, each holding a large bag of dried fruits and eating happily.

Vera grabbed the hard-shelled things in her hand, then stretched out her white tender hand, and squeezed the nut shell open with a slight squeeze. Leo looked envious.

With his strength and teeth, he couldn't do anything about these things, seeing that he was inferior to Vera at this point. This made Leo very discouraged.

Although I am tired of the endless quarrels between the envoys of the countries, Catherine and Lorraine have nothing to do about it, but yawn and watch them quarrel every day.

this day. As usual, the envoys who soon finished their greetings walked into the venue and sat around the long tables.

General Wabador sighed and sat down on the main seat, and said, "We will continue the meeting. Where did we talk yesterday?"

An officer next to General Wabador reminded in a low voice: "General, it is about the reparations and tariffs of the Almohad Empire."

"Oh, that's right." General Wabador nodded and said, "Then you all come to state your opinions. Let me talk about the conditions of Fengye Danlin first."

General Wabador flipped through the documents in his hand and said: "I won't say much about the current trophies. According to the old rules, whoever holds it counts.

As for the things you get, how to divide it is your own business, whether to give it to the soldiers, and how much it is for you to see, but what I want to say is that the soldiers have opinions because of your distribution. The occupying army headquarters and other troops will not control it.

In a word, divide your own cake and wipe your ass. "

The messengers below whispered and talked, the messengers on one side shrugged indifferently, and then nodded to each other.

On the other side, he was reluctant.

One of the envoys stretched out his hand and said in response, "Is this bad? The occupying army is a whole, not a joint army. Of course, the spoils must be distributed according to the principle of the whole.

everybody knows. The Quan Ye Danlin Cadet Army led by the Earl of Lorraine and the knights of the other two principalities have always been in the forefront. Of course, the gains are more than those of the infantrymen who are walking slowly, but the battle is fought together. Should the principle of fairness also share benefits? We can hear. The Earl of Lorraine found a treasure map and made a fortune. "

Upon hearing this group of guys hit their idea on their heads, Lord Lorraine, who was lying on the chair half lying soft and collapsed, straightened up like Lord Lorraine without bones.

He looked at the envoy, and said in his heart: If you dare to hit Lao Tzu's idea, the uncle will never spit out what he eats.

He pursed his lips and was about to refute the man, and immediately felt that Catherine next to him stepped on her foot under the table and took his eyes to fatten General Wabador. Lorraine immediately understood: General Wabador is a board. Dean of Ye Danlin, and the strength of the pure Maple Leaf Danlin Academy that he led.

Fighting the idea of ​​one's subordinates is the idea of ​​attacking General Wabador, the students of Lou Ye Danlin said. It was General Wabador who agreed that they divided our money away. Don’t even want to get involved in the academy. Even the cleaning lady can despise Wabador a hundred times.

Lorraine pretended to cough, then retracted into the chair, and saw that General Wabador had blown up his hair.

He has a dark face. Looking at the messengers coldly, and then knocking on the table hard, he reprimanded unceremoniously: "How can you believe the rumors? I also heard that Porelli's cavalry regiment copied Almohad's treasury? "

A messenger on one side shouted: "I wronged that damned treasury, there are no rats, Lord Lorraine and the Marquis of Sebane can testify."

Another person also said loudly: "In fact, everyone got the same. When we came, the grandchildren ran away early. When we didn’t find the door, a few gendarmerie teams came. I didn’t mean you. , Who had the wicked idea to let the gendarmerie come in first?"

General Wabador coughed vigorously at this time, Lorraine secretly smiled, this guy hit Wabador naked in the face

General Wabador glanced bitterly at the messenger, and said: "You can testify to the military police. The Earl of Lorraine and others have not captured anything in Abdwad.

You can trust the justice of Hillmelia, the daughter of the **** knot.

As for the spoils captured by individual soldiers on the battlefield, we can no longer take away from the soldiers? "

General Wabador stared at the envoys fiercely, and continued fiercely: "Doing this kind of thing. You will be stabbed.

Everyone watched. Can't help but sweat all over. This is not a suggestion, but a clear indication of how could it be threatened by such a rogue means?

Immediately afterwards, I saw the expression of Wabador's oblique army turning, and said indifferently: "Of course, if the soldiers of the Principality of Porelli have no objection, we Fengye Danlin will also approve this approach."

The messenger of the Principality of Porelli saw that he was pushed out by General Wabador, and was immediately unambiguous. He slapped the table and shouted angrily: "I'm not afraid to tell you that our Principality of Porelli has suffered more than a thousand casualties on the battlefield. Now this is not enough even for the pension. Are you also sharing our pension? Our casualties are all orthodox knights, not from you, but the militias who only drank dung

The messenger on the other side pointed angrily at the messenger of the Principality of Porelli and said, "I, you only sent two thousand people in total, and this is all casualties? Where did the Porelli cavalry come from?"

"Damn, it's not all cats, scratches and dogs bite, so you can't pay for treatment. Now the price of medicine is so high!" The envoy of the Principality of Porelli said naturally.

Lorraine and Catherine all laughed.

Another messenger echoed the statement of the Principality of Porelli, saying: "Let's not talk about how much we didn't get, but we won't spit it out when we eat it. You can bite me if you have the ability."

The messenger on the other side slapped the table, stood up and pointed to his nose and said: "*, when I dare not, come here I won't kill you.

"No matter what virtue. Believe it or not, I squeeze you with one hand."

"Come on, who is afraid of who!" The messenger here rolled up his sleeves.

"Hit him a bitch."

The messengers on both sides stood up slapped on the table, yelled at the opposite side, and then picked up the water glass, fruit, and plate in their hands and slammed them towards the opposite side.

Catherine held Lorraine's hand under the table, and ran her fingers on Lorraine's leg, and turned to Lorraine's ear. He whispered: "Yesterday these guys only moved their mouths. I didn't expect to mention money, but now they are all started.

Lorraine leaned back on the chair and squinted his eyes, and said: "I have already earned the share of Ye Danlin anyway. Whether it can be made is more about General Wabador. Let's make it ourselves. You can't spend your whole life. Sun, beach, bikini! I'll come.

Catherine snorted immediately, and then pinched Lorraine's thigh, which made Lorraine sweat. She Qiaoxiaoyanran asked softly: "Oh? I don't know who the bikini is.

Lorraine hurriedly said: "Place name, place name, there are good beaches."

Vera, who was sitting behind Lorraine, leaned over to Lorraine. ! Putting his head on Lorraine’s shoulders, he said coquettishly, “Master gives me a salary increase. Master gives me a salary increase.

Lorraine raised his hand and patted Ji Vera on the head, and said, "Okay, okay, I will increase you ten times."

"Master, you are so kind" Vera got excited, and shook her head against Lorraine, almost pushing Lorraine off the chair.

Looking at the quarrel and chaos in the venue, and then at Lorraine's laziness and comfort, General Wabador felt bitter in his heart, and said to himself: This kind of work is really not done by an honest and selfless soldier like me.

He was angry. He waved at the Templar at the door.

A team of Templars ran into the venue in a neat formation, lined up in two lines in the center of the venue under the command of the officer, and then each turned to face the messengers on both sides to separate them.

After being blocked by the tall Templar knights, the envoys on both sides stopped. It's just that the knights' bright armor is covered with apples, rotten pears, and big footprints.

General Wabador waved his hand to signal that the Templars could retreat, then turned around, and said to everyone: "Since there is no agreement on the spoils, let’s keep the status quo.

The envoys from the same position as the Principality of Porelli smiled with satisfaction.

The messengers on the opposite side also knew that it was impossible to let this group of guys be eaten and then vomited out, and they would not do this kind of slapped guns if they changed themselves, but it was not pleasing to see the guys on the opposite side, more important Yes. Now making a noise, putting on the appearance of being treated unfairly, just can increase the bargaining chip for the following negotiations.

After the Templars went down, General Wabador cleared his throat. Said: "Next they will discuss the issue of the distribution of war reparations. In fact, there is nothing to say about this. These are all fixed before we go out."

"The plan, can't you keep up with the changes, do you think? A messenger said below.

Now the envoys on both sides nodded in agreement. This is a real big fat, and it hasn't fallen into anyone's hands. Everyone on the occupying army's eyes are staring at this piece with blood!

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