Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 249: I am Wang Fa?

Sister Lin heard that the sound was wrong and hurriedly poked her head out of the carriage window.

Although the people in the city didn't say a word, they all stared with blood-red eyes. Look at yourself these people.

Some people even murmured and cursed at the Red Maple Flag of the Maple Leaf Danlin that was flying high in the distance.

Lorraine couldn't help but wonder: What's going on? When they entered the city a few days ago, although they weren't welcome in the sidewalk, they were calm and indifferent, and they were not full of hatred like they are now?

At this moment, I heard a violent noise coming from the front.

Everyone in Lorraine looked at the Throne of God Seal. I saw several Almohad city guards in red, under the leadership of a pot-bellied officer, at the door of a household, entangled with that family in a tugging manner.

At this time, the carriage was approaching, and Lorraine immediately pulled the wire rope on the carriage, asked the groom to stop the carriage, and then opened the door. He asked sternly: "What's going on? Who told you to come out and oppress the civilians at will, is there any king's law?"

The officer turned his head, stared at a pair of mung bean eyes, and rolled up and down. I looked at everyone in Lorraine, and then, with the tone that is unique to the lowest-level rogues, shouted: ""! How dare you come out and stand in the way? Where are you guys? Is it too long? How dare to take care of my grandfather's business? "

"Tell you kid, grandpa, I" he paused, then compared his thumb to his nose, and shouted arrogantly, "I am the king on my territory. Even if you are a dragon, you have to give I am a tiger, and I have to lie down."

Lorraine looked at the heroic posture of the snake that he showed, and couldn't help being angry and funny.

At the same time, his heart is also extremely strange. This guy is blind and dares to make trouble on his head. He turned his head and took a look. It turned out that for the sake of concealment, all the signs on his carriage were removed.

Adele was taking up her beauty sleep, and woke up when she heard the noise.

She poked her head out of the car window, and said lazily, "Lorraine, what's the matter? It hasn't arrived yet?"

The voice was extremely soft and beautiful. After people listened to it, the whole body softened, almost the bones turned into water.

The fat man was taken aback for a moment. When I looked up, I just saw Adele woke up, with that charming face with that charming and feeble peerless style."

He saw Adele's full-fledged face, and his mung bean-sized eyes suddenly flashed twice, revealing two lustful rays of light.

He greedily looked at Adele's jade-like pretty face. Then he squinted and said: "This chick is not bad, does it have a husband's family? How about me with the uncle? I am a senior official of the city guards, and I promise you that you will not worry about eating and drinking.

Catherine listened by the side. She couldn't help but gloated, and said, "Yes, Dai'er. Just go with him. Although he is only a dog official, he is also an official anyway."

When the fat man heard the words, he turned his head and saw Kaielyn, and he couldn't help but exclaimed: It turns out that there is a peerless beauty who is comparable to her. I really made a profit.

Thought of this. He almost drooled.

The fat man chuckled lewdly, and then said to Catherine with a face: "You're not bad, or you're going to be the official. Just follow me. Make sure that you will eat and drink." Although Adele was a little bit less angry than Vera to get up, it was indispensable. In addition, he had never received such anger before, and immediately became furious.

She slapped the man's face and shouted angrily: "You don't even look at your appearance, but you dare to hit my grandma's idea. Believe it or not, I killed it with a single knife."

With that said, as soon as he raised his long legs and slanted his waist slightly, he would reach out and touch the knife.

Catherine was also furious, she raised her eyebrows and she wanted to follow along. But right after that, I thought about it again, and then smiled charmingly, turned his head and said to Lorraine: "Lorraine, you see. Someone wants to cuckold you, you can figure it out, we don’t care. ."

Then, he pulled Adele's sleeve and stopped him: "Don't bother with that scumbag, we are also people with boyfriends now, and we don't have to make an appearance on this kind of thing."

Adele stagnated and murmured: "Yes, it would be too wasteful to use it. Murder and arson is not suitable for us gentle and savvy ladies. It is very bad for the skin after a long time. ."

When the warrior heard this, he immediately sweated.

The fat man was stunned. He stared unconsciously and shouted: "Boyfriend? Who is it? Tell me quickly. I'll go and kill him now."

Catherine faintly lifted her delicate chin, pointed to Lorraine, and said angrily: "It's him. You can find him.

If you really kill him with that ability, we will give another beautiful girl

With that, Lavilla got out of the car and made her show her face in front of the car window.

The fat officer looked at Vera with her innocent, untainted eyes, with a charming and innocent look. He looked at himself stupidly, then fluttered his long eyelashes and blinked slowly. , It seems that by now it is still confused about the situation.

That kind of innocence with a little natural innocence is almost extinct in this materialistic and coppery world.

The fat officer was so excited that he almost died to the Throne of God Seal. Secretly asked: Where can I find so many beautiful women?

His whole body was shaking. Then I closed my eyes, settled, and then opened my eyes again to see that they were all there, not doing it.

He could not help praying silently in his heart, toward Zhuo Sen, Hera, Buddha, Monkey King

Ye Niangniang knew all of them. The gods and Buddhas who didn't know all praised them again with the most fleshy words. I don't worry about making them sick.

At this moment, I saw that Catherine had already pulled Adele, pulled her back into the car, and then closed the door tightly with a bang.

When the officer saw that all the beauties in front of him disappeared, he immediately woke up. The usual fierce light was restored in the mung bean's eyes.

He looked at Lorraine, his eyes rolled, and then suddenly he bit his teeth, and then he covered his chest with his hands, "Hey. There was a scream.

Everyone was stunned. Why is he crazy? Difficult to have congenital heart disease?

Not waiting for Wuren to understand.

Immediately after. I saw him take a deep breath, and then shouted: "It's not good. Someone is plotting wrong, and in broad daylight, he is violently resisting the law in the street. Assaulting the sacred law enforcement officers. Come on, come on me. , Defend the dignity of the sacred law, give me all of them and fight them all"

In his crazy clamor, several city guard ruffians in red immediately yelled. Each holding a club and sword" rushed here.

How could Carter's guards dare to neglect, and immediately rushed to the throne of God Seal, and they were punched and kicked.

When the city guards saw this side, they even dared to resist, and they couldn't help but yelled: "Reversed, rebelled. They even dared to resist. This is really a rebellion.

"Hurry up and blow the whistle, ask Ban Ye Danlin to come and clean him up"

"Kill them all, then ransack their homes and destroy them, frustrating their bones"

The sharp whistle sounded immediately and spread across the whole street in an instant.

Immediately after. The Red Guards, who were searching door to door, rushed out.

Some of them threw down the belongings they had grabbed, some vomited out the food they took from the merchants, some people lifted their pants, and then they gathered like water droplets.

For a time. Almohad City Guards with the number three to five hundred gathered on the street.

When they saw the situation here, without saying anything, they drew out the sticks, and they surged up, shouting loudly: "It's reversed, it's reversed. They dare to violently resist the Fa. They really rebelled.

Then, shouting loudly, pounced at the Carters.

Although the guards were brave and powerful, they could only retreat in the face of these many enemies. In the end, he could only fight with the other side bravely with his back leaning on the carriage.

It's just that before the order to kill the Dag, these loyal elite fighters used their swords and scabbards to fight each other at best.

When the city guards saw this, they knew that the other party didn't dare to do it on their own, and now they shouted fiercely and bravely.

Lorraine looked. Involuntarily angry, he pulled the roof of the wagon with both hands, and then folded back, turned over to the roof, and then pulled out the gun.

He looked at the turbulent crowd below and was hesitating whether to shoot. At this moment, he heard a familiar scream.

Lorraine was shocked and looked intently, only to see that one of his guards could not resist in the chaos. He was hit on the head with a club by an Almohad guard, and the blood flowed down.

Immediately after. Several Almohad city guards gained power and did not forgive. Fiercely pounced over the Throne of God Seal, about to knock that guard to the ground.

Lorraine watched them make an unusually insidious attack, and several sticks together. It was all rushed to the back of the head. He wanted to kill the guard in the street.

Lorraine couldn't help but feel angry, and could not care too much, and immediately raised his wrist. One shot went through.

"Boom. A huge sound from the ground sounded, and that sound resounded across the entire long street. The sound of fighting, roaring. The yelling, all other sounds were covered.

at the same time. There was a reddish fire light over a foot long from the muzzle,

Propelled by powerful gunpowder, a piece of iron sand was ejected from the barrel at an invisible degree.

As soon as the countless pieces of iron sand came out of the muzzle, they spread out, and immediately swept the brave and proficient city guards to the ground like Liu Cao.

Immediately afterwards, a thick white smoke rose, covering Lorraine's sight.

After the violent explosion sound, the attack of the Almohad troops suddenly slowed down. The long street suddenly became quiet.

Looking at the guards who lay in the blood, kept screaming and groaning. The city guards couldn't help but look at each other in amazement, for a while.

At this time, Leo also copied the musket and put it in the window, and shouted angrily: "Come on, come on, come one more of the kind, look at Xiaoye, I can't kill you."

At this time, a group of city guards looked at each other, and then suddenly shouted again and rushed over again.

Only this time; most of them went out of work without any effort, just shouting loudly.

"You can't run."

"Those who dare to kill us, the Maple Leaf Danlin Army will not let you go."

"You wait to die"

The older city guard soldiers were extremely slick. They shouted loudly, but they were afraid of death and did not move forward. Just shoving the younger, reckless and ignorant stunned youths, let them come out, let themselves be a shield, and act as a substitute for the dead.

And among those young guys, there are indeed many people who don't have their own brains, and they are a little confused. Just like a hot-blooded chicken with plague, as long as you are pricked to life, you really think that there is no justice in the world, and there is no right or wrong, right or wrong. After a moment of blood surge, desperate.

These guys, under the encouragement of those cowardly and treacherous veterans, are now

Leo laughed extremely angry, and cursed angrily: "There are really **** who are not afraid of death"

At the moment, he aimed at a guy with a hideous face and full of flesh on his face, just like a butcher, and he was about to pull the trigger.

A cold light flashed in Catherine's eyes, and then stretched out her hand to **** the gun to the throne of God Seal.

Leo shouted angrily: "Are you crazy? I'm very accurate."

Catherine screamed in anger. Said: "It is not your turn to shoot now."

Saying, raised his hand with a shot. He blasted past the God Seal Throne.

The city guard immediately screamed like a thunder, spread his hands and flew backwards, and immediately overwhelmed several city guards who ran up behind him. Immediately afterwards, hearing the gunshots rang out again and again, the few people who ran in the front were all Lorraine and the others shot down without mercy.

The Lorraine family has always claimed to be fair and heroic. But "justice has never been associated with cowardice and kindness."

They won't hold hands at these lowly villains

Justia, the goddess of justice, always held a sword. The reason why she was blindfolded was certainly because she had to rely on reason to make decisions, but there might not be too many people who weren’t slaughtered, so she was a little dizzy.

The skeletons on the table pointed to the fragility of life, but they also remind everyone that justice is eternal. Even though life turns into a skeleton, those who hold the sword tightly are not weak.

In order to demonstrate the justice of the world, that hand is always ready to cut off the head of the next guy who is doing evil and blatantly challenging the order of the world. No matter how humble or tall the other person is

See this situation. The guards knew that Lorraine was cruel to clean up these guys. They roared, and they also took out their swords, and used their cruel methods to fight on the battlefield against the scoundrels who approached. It was just a slash.

They chanted a fierce battle. Abnormal bravery

Most of those city guards were transferred from jobs such as the ruffians in the city, or the brother-in-law of the family. Really want to fight, where are these professional soldiers who make a living by killing


The flesh and blood that had been killed by them now flew screamingly. The stumps and broken arms were scattered all over the floor, and there was a miserable wailing on the long street.

The ground was also stained red with blood in an instant. The red liquid spilled out. Ruxishui


Vera raised her magic building at this time, and then whispered a few words, and then immediately, the huge fireball formed on the head of the rod. Facing those city guards, he threw the throne of God Seal.

You know, although her magical control is not good, at the same time, the powerful power of magic makes even Lester a headache.

Now the fireball flew out. It exploded among the crowd of city guard soldiers. There was a "bang. A loud noise."

In that violent explosion, countless human bodies were blown up high like rag doll dolls, and then under the action of gravity, they fluttered and landed on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, a strong shock wave rushed in, like a giant galloping beast, blowing all the people who were still standing to the ground. The dark yellow dust soared into the sky, blocking everyone's sight

The fine stone fragments fell like raindrops, falling to the ground, making a crackling sound. Others caused pain in the body.

In addition to this, a lot of water droplets also fell from mid-air. It fell on people. Some people feel the martial universe, the holy king makes the sacred king, the night kills the god, the seal, the throne seeks the devil, the world, the strongest, the nineth heaven, the strongest abandonment Will the night kill the gods seal the throne to ask the devil in the 9th heaven to be the strongest, abandon the Shao Da Zhou royal family to create the gods He stretched out his hand and touched his face. It was bright red and sticky, and there was a smell of smell. Only then did I realize that it was fresh from the human body.

This violent explosion. The souls who blasted all the city guards were frightened. No matter when and where, magicians are not something they can provoke casually.

Those people have always been cruel, and must

Ran men looked at the crowd with horror and backed away.

Leo wielded a sharp sword angrily, pointed at the city guards, and shouted: "Come on. Didn't you **** **** still be urinary just now? Why are you talking about it? Come on. , There is a kind of come over, have a fight with me, see if I can not kill you bastards"

At this time, I heard the thunderous sound from a distance. It was the roar of the cavalry regiment's iron hoof stepping on the long I heard those sounds. The people onlookers looked at each other. Suddenly they yelled in unison to the people in Lorraine: "Run away, run away. The Knight Corps of Maple Leaf Danlin is here, and they are all murderous demon kings. You can't leave anymore."

As he said, they threw out the debris from the shop in the home one after another, and threw them onto the street, so as to hinder the brave rush of the cavalry. Buy time for the escape of Lorraine.

These people may be weak. It may also be a feast, but for the heroes who really speak and act for them, he does not hesitate to provide the greatest help as much as possible.

At the same time, the man started a fight and then hid beside him. The fat officer who asked everyone to go up and die was rejuvenated with youthful vigor.

"Ah" he jumped up all at once, more than three feet high, then pointed at the people in Lorraine, and shouted: "Don't you want to escape. Banye Danlin's army is here. Some of you will feel good at that time."

The monthly pass for May is over 100, haha, thank you all. It's really something that Hulao didn't dare to think about before. It seems a bit embarrassing to say that. There is a chapter in the evening.

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