Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 242: Target: Treasury

At that city gate, it fell sharply. All the arrogant ruffians present rioted in the city of Abdwad, the city of gold and ivory. The hole is now open.

The golden treasure inside, like a light veil covering the whole body, which can cover a perfect girl, is waving to us with a shy smile

Under the excitement, some people even ran their horses and ran a few steps forward, which immediately aroused the anger of everyone. They shouted loudly.

"The turtle sun wanted to sneak away. Kill him, kill the bastard.

"Let his cold arrow, give me the cold"

Come back, come back quickly, brother Danger, don't run anymore,"

These ruffians are babbled and yelling.

In the next Xuan, unanimously, countless sharp arrows all aimed at that person's back, followed immediately. There was a creak of bows and crossbows.

The voice was dry and unpleasant, numb to the scalp, and cold behind the back.

The dense forest of arrows are all shining with icy cold light, showing that these rascals are not playing bad games.

This is not surprising. Everyone wants to go in and grab things. The hands are fast and the hands are slow. Of course, they have their own skills. But this sneak cheating, breaking the rules, is entirely your personal fault

The reason why a rule becomes a rule is because anyone who dares to violate it will kill everyone unceremoniously.

You know, this kind of regulation does not exist in the weak. And between the weak and the strong, there can only be between the strong.

Because the weak do not need rules to regulate at all, and between the weak and the strong, the strong can bully casually and play whatever they want. Therefore, there is no need for rules.

Therefore, the rules exist, and they can only exist among the strong.

And these rascals are all cruel, without a good person, the rules between them are of course more regular.

To a large extent, it is also for this reason that the so-called great turmoil must have great governance. Because after the chaos, the weak are almost dead, and the vast majority of those who can survive are cruel ones. They all know the importance of the rules, and no one dares to cross the thunder pond half a step, so they will inevitably rule.

The ruffian who ran first heard the "crunchy, squeaky" sound of death behind him, and immediately calmed down. Then he turned his head stiffly.

He saw the dense cluster of arrows, and immediately knew that as long as he ran a half step forward, he would definitely be shot into a sieve by everyone. Immediately his face was pale like a ghost crawling out of **** with a net.

He quickly raised his hands and said, "Don't get me wrong, brothers, don't get me wrong. It was my horse who was shocked just now, please don't get me wrong."

After hearing this, everyone ignored him, pointed to the man's nose, and yelled at him again.

"There is a way to let your horse run for the Lord and you run twice"

Well, do you think the grandpas are all kids who don't understand farts? "

"Go back, don't go out **** ashamed"

"It's Porelli again, you guys who don't have enough to eat, what can't you do. Go to hell."

Amidst the crowd's curses, the man had to lower his head, turned back dingy, and hid in his team, not daring to say another word.

Lorraine and other officers looked at the scene full of friendship with cold eyes, and neither ordered nor stopped.

Seeing a group of soldiers supervising each other, no one dared to take a step forward. At this time, some of the officers finally couldn't help it. Said: "Gentlemen, I think we should reach an agreement sooner. Once the gendarmes have reacted to the investigation, there is nothing we can do anymore.

Someone next to him reminded in a low voice: "You forgot to say that the nobles are miscellaneous. They are a bunch of coyotes who can chew bones."

Everyone immediately grinned and laughed. These guys from the regular army look down on the private soldiers themselves.

What's more, they later witnessed those guys who even snatched the iron bowls from ordinary people's homes, and then tied them with ropes and hung them around their necks. When they marched, they made almost deafening and tinkling noises. He looked down on those coyotes.

After everyone laughed. Looking at each other again, they laughed and said nothing.

Lorraine looked at it, and couldn't help cursing in his heart. This group of turtle grandsons was really waiting to get something ready, and didn't want to take responsibility.

It's just that his old man didn't talk, just smirked. In order to avoid future investigations by the gendarmerie: Who did you think of the robbery? Everyone pointed their fingers to their noses, pushing away all their responsibilities.

But even so, the officers laughed at each other for a long time, and in the end they all cast their eyes on him.

Someone said: "Earl, this is your highest rank, and it is also a direct line of Fengye Danlin. It's up to you to say a word. It's really too late anymore."

Another person next to him also said: "Yes, count, you made a great contribution. In addition to this lightning raid, Abdwad was captured. With so much credit, I will be held accountable. Hit your board and lift it high. It falls gently. It will definitely not hurt your bones."

Lorraine snorted coldly and shook his head again and again, saying, "No, no. This kind of thing hurts the reputation value. Sir, I am a person of noble character, and I value my reputation very much. Once my reputation is damaged. The money you spend so much won’t come back."

All the officers heard his words and almost lost their breath. Both are cursing in their hearts: Now in the world, who doesn't know Lord Lorraine who has cramped skin? Just the group of Almohad magicians who were playing with dying, have seen your old man's shameless methods.

There are even rumors: Your old man scraped up the land, the sky is three feet high, and the ground is seven minutes thin. Even the roof of Lord Pluto has been exposed a big hole. When it rains on a cloudy day, Lord Hades Have to spend a long time because of the rain leak

It's just that the smarter ones also understood the meaning of his words. Preemptively said: "Count, then you think your reputation, if you spend a lot of money, can you buy it back?"

He is very clear in his words, and there is more "a lot" in his words than Lorraine.

The officers also woke up immediately, and they couldn't help cursing in their hearts. This **** blood sucker, but also looked at Lorraine expectantly.

Luo Shen thought for a moment, then stretched out his hand to compare, and said: "50%!"

All the officers immediately cried out in pain like pulling their teeth, and shouted one after another: "50%? You go to robbery."

Lorraine looked at them and said, "Or we all continue to work here?"

The officers immediately closed their mouths. The city gates over there are all open, and it is like a girl who is stripped of her clothes waiting for herself. If it is still exhausted at this time, the real thing is that her body is not good and she is not a man.

Lorraine sighed for a long time and said, "Do you think that 50% is so much? Don't even think, am I asking for this for myself? After I go back, I have to go up and down to prevent anyone from making trouble for us."

A group of officers looked at each other, and then said: "According to the old rules, 30%. Otherwise, everyone will do nothing and just consume it here."

Lorraine thought for a moment, and then nodded rather unwillingly, and said, "Very well, let's just set it up. Each grabs its own, others occupy the site, and others are not allowed to go. It avoids conflict. As for Grab more and less, then it depends on everyone's ability. You know?"

Everyone looked at each other and had no objections, so they agreed.

They followed Lorraine's proposal. After discussing a few more words, they simply divided the area, and did not continue to argue, and then returned to their own troops.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers who watched eagerly nearby knew that they had reached an agreement immediately, and there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers.

Lorraine also returned to his team. Then he looked at the open gate and roared: "Brothers, the treasure is waving to us. Let's go in.

Immediately pinched the horse's belly, took the lead and rushed towards the city.

Behind him, thousands of cavalry all roared and drove their horses like a torrent of steel, roaring towards the city.

When the iron hoof passed by, there was a thunderous rumbling sound, and it swooped over like a tide, as if to drown the city.

As soon as he entered the city, the billowing torrent scattered all around, along several avenues. Divided into a number of small teams, tacitly killed in other directions.

Lorraine took his direct line of troops and rushed to the forefront. Has never encountered the slightest resistance.

Along the way, I saw that Abdwad at this time was already a doomsday scene. Unusual chaos in the city. There is a turmoil everywhere,

The shop closed the door tightly, but someone kicked out a big hole on that door. The contents had been looted, and only a mess was left.

On the street, many sturdy men with tattoos and fierce expressions wandered around, carrying blood-stained knives, guns and sticks in their hands, or holding a large pile of looted items.

When they saw the army coming, they shouted one after another, then threw the things down and scattered them quickly. Some guys are reluctant to grab the things, can't dodge, and are directly knocked over by the horse, and then turn into a pool of fleshy mud in the rolling iron hoof.

Lorraine didn't care about these little things. Because of this. Those who came out to hang out at that time basically didn't have a good thing. They either robbed them while they were in the fire, or they wanted to rob them while they were in the fire.

He led everyone through the street, across the bustling street, the magnificent mansions, row upon row of tall buildings, and rushed towards the west of the city.

Along the way, rampage, extremely arrogant.

Because of motion sickness, Leo also changed into a war horse and sat in the arms of a guard. His eyes widened with excitement, and he carefully looked at the city his father wanted to enter in his dreams.

He watched Lorraine galloping across the street without hesitation, he couldn't help being surprised. Then he yelled, "Boss, where are we going? How good is the target here? It’s a shame to have it. If you leave it to others, we won’t have something to grab

Lorraine looked back at him, and then shouted: "Come with me. The place we go is ten thousand times better than here. Don't look at these little money."

Leo was taken aback, and exclaimed: "Where is that place?"

Lorraine smiled coldly and said, "I have already inquired about before I came here. Almohad's treasury is just west of the city."

Everyone heard this. All were shocked immediately.

Lorraine looked at it, and couldn't help shouting: "Brothers, hurry up with me, eating meat and soup is all about it this time."

The crowd yelled and agreed, and then followed Lorraine's body.

Rushed into the street like a wind. Towards the heavy land of the treasury, rushed straight to the past

As an excellent fan of the violent transfer of ownership of goods, and also known as a robber, during the expedition, Lorraine had already worked **** this city that had been built before the Ruman Empire was founded. The research is extremely thorough. Although I can't fully understand those avenues, I still know a lot.

He led the crowd through a few streets, and then turned a few more turns. After a while, he saw a huge building like a castle appear in front of him.

Lorraine shouted angrily: "Brothers, here we are."

Right now, the horse rushed over.

When I arrived at the door, I realized that this place is indeed a major country, and there is actually a white-headed old officer guarding here. Not like other places, all were scared away.

Although he saw the army rushing like a tsunami, his face was blue in shock, but he still stood motionless in front of the door. He shouted loudly: "Who is here, this is a heavy land of the national treasury, it is forbidden to enter"

Just under the fear, the voice sounded harsh and hoarse.

Everyone in Lorraine looked at the closed door, all stopped their horses, and then looked at the man's green face, laughed loudly.

Lorraine wiped the sweat from his face, and found that the sweat and the dust on his face had been mixed together and turned into plaster. Then he grinned and said: "I know that you are the treasure of the treasury here. Otherwise, we won't come yet."

He doesn't talk too much nonsense. He waved his hand immediately and said: "He knows he is doing his duty, he is still a man. Don't take his life, throw me aside."

The soldier next to him immediately rushed forward, and without a word, he put the man aside.

At this time, some guards rushed up and opened the heavy door. Everyone hurried in immediately and all broke in.

Lorraine came to the towering courtyard and looked at the tall warehouses all around. I slightly estimated it in my heart, and looked at the gold coins with a volume of at least several hundred thousand. It seems that I am really here

The soldiers next to him looked at them, and they also looked demented. Calculating in my heart, how much money should I have in it?

After a while. Lorraine reacted first. Angrily shouted: "Brothers, what are you waiting for? Bash me the door"

As his voice fell, he heard a joke, and saw that Vera opened her big sapphire eyes and clenched her white and delicate fists, before she rushed forward. Then he carried Zhu Jiao and swayed gently, the black patent leather shoes on his feet that matched the white socks had already kicked heavily on the heavy door.

Immediately afterwards, I heard a "boom", and the door was kicked by her and flew straight into the warehouse. After a long time, I heard the sound of "Bang, a crash. I don't know she will How far is the door kicked out?

Everyone looked at the cute little girl today, and then at the dark Kumen, immediately sweating profusely.

Vera glanced intently at the warehouse, her faint eyebrows frowned, turned around, and cried out suspiciously, "Master?"

Lorraine heard something wrong with her voice, and couldn't help but sink in her heart: "What's the matter?"

Vera raised her hand and said, "It's completely empty inside, not even a copper plate!"

Lorraine couldn't help being shocked, and said, "What did you say?"

He hurriedly walked over and looked inside. As expected, Nuo's warehouse was empty and there was nothing.

Lorraine turned around and looked at the soldiers next to him who were also surprised. He couldn't help but exclaimed, "What are you waiting for? Hit me all the other Kumen too"

At the moment, the soldiers rushed over, and opened the rest of the Kumen. Suddenly there was a painful cry like pulling a tooth: "Empty, empty. I am also empty here."

In the anger, all the officers and soldiers red eyes. They shouted angrily: "What's the matter? Who is it? Who is it? Which **** robbed us of our money. Let him come out. The flower is broken."

Look at them, if this time, the **** lord has crawled out. They would also be divided into chaotic blades without hesitation.

Lorraine calmed down, thought for a moment, and then shouted to the guard next to him: "Go"

At the moment, a soldier turned and left.

After a while, they pushed the old officer over.

Lorraine looked at the officer and shouted angrily: "Where is the money?"

The officer looked up, then replied with difficulty: "Where" is there any money? "

Lorraine was taken aback and said, "What do you mean?"

The officer said: "As early as six months ago all the money in the library was lent and misappropriated by the officials.

A lot of IOUs were left in the tent. "

Hearing what he said, all the officers and soldiers' eyes dripped with blood, and they couldn't help but yelled: "These **** dog officers, don't fall into our hands. They must be turned into meat sauce, then feed."

"Click their day"

"A Thousand Knives"

Lorraine ignored what they said, and just sighed and said: "Okay, then tell me, who has the money now?"

There is a chapter in the evening, please ask for another ticket!

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