Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 240: ~ No. 241

Lester tightened his lips and looked at the enemy in front of him with a cold expression. With the light flick of the fingers, the robe went without wind, and hunted. Immediately afterwards, a whirlwind that was visible to the naked eye slowly rotated around him, slowly lifting him from the ground.

The head full of white was constantly dancing in the gusty wind, and there were countless black strands flying towards him around him. It looks like a demon.

A breathless feeling of suffocation. Focusing on him spread out in an instant, and the huge clamor on the battlefield seemed to weaken a lot.

Countless soldiers who are fighting **** feelings feel the martial universe, the holy king makes the sacred king, the night kills the god, the **** seal, the throne seeks the devil, the world, the nineth heaven, the strongest abandon The Shao Da Zhou imperial family moves the universe to kill the night god, God seals the throne, and asks the devil, the strongest world, the nineth heaven, abandons the Shao Dazhou imperial clan, the strongest, the night kills the god, the **** seal, the throne, asks the devil, the world, the strongest In the same way, he involuntarily slowed down and looked to this side.

At this time, the red ball of light on the front end of the magic wand in Lester's hand became brighter and brighter, and later it was almost as if the sun fell on the ground, and the stinging person's eyes were hurt.

I don’t know who called Yiping: "That’s forbidden spells."

The voice suddenly penetrated the noise of the battlefield. Into the ears of everyone.

There was an immediate commotion among the people who were fighting the Armament Ye Danlin Army. Although the news was blocked in the country, the news that was told to everyone every day was all foreign people living in dire straits. The only thing in the world was that the scenery was just right.

But the Seventy Thousand Army Expedition Tool Ye Danlin. But Old Despi alone ran back with a few entourages in embarrassment.

Although the old Despi escaped back later. The Almohad Royal blocked the news, and Old Despi hid himself from seeing anyone.

But 70,000 soldiers, that represents more than 70,000 families, hundreds of thousands of Almohad people, these people are constantly asking about the expeditionary army.

The man who escaped with old Despi. After the war, the merchants who came out of Fengye Danlin kept leaking out all kinds of news.

These people who were looking forward to the family's return gradually learned that Almohad's expeditionary army was destroyed in a blizzard, and those who were lucky enough to survive the naval battle did not run away.

Then there were rumors that Old Despi betrayed his men in exchange for his escape.

The governors and generals of Almohad quickly got the definitive news that a fleet was destroyed, and those fleets that had cost a lot of money to build. Now waiting to be sold in the port of Danlin Mechanical Leaf, like a tender beauty to be auctioned in a brothel, seducing the appetite of the perverts of all parties, especially the archduke Julian, the mortal enemy of the Almohad.

And all of this is the result of a magician's forbidden spell. After this battle, the name of the Lesterer resounded across the continent, and people seemed to have returned to the myth that gods and demons were fighting for hegemony and heroes thousands of years ago. era.

The only exception is the Almohad. After the governors spread out the news with ulterior motives, the entire Almohad empire, from top to bottom, only felt chills and fear.

They were heartbroken that the incompetent nobles and officials of Almohad had ruined 70,000 Almohad's heroic children.

They are terrified that the curse-forbidden mage and the entire Armament Ye Danlin are determined to retaliate. Not only that, those countries that have no grudges against Almohad are now all looking at the cheap, vying to fall into the pit.

The emperor moved a battlefield for his male favorite, pushing the entire empire into the abyss!

Now, for the Almohad on the battlefield, the Gunye Danlin is a few dozen miles before the city of Budwad, right in front of them, and the cursed mage is in the opposite crowd, waiting Kill them all.

When they were driven out of the house with whips and clubs, no one told them how terrifying a Forbidden Magic Mage was. When they stepped onto the battlefield, those supervising teams would only drive them forward, and they would not tell them that in front of a group of mages, these infantry soldiers were like a group of ants, which were slaughtered.

Now, looking at the dazzling light ahead. Feel the martial universe, the holy king makes the sacred king, the night kills the gods, the seal, the throne, seeks the devil, the strongest, the nineth heaven, the strongest, abandons the young, the god, the throne, the strongest The power of night killing god, **** seal throne seeking the devil, proud world, the strongest abandonment of the Shao Da Zhou imperial clan, will be the strongest night kill **** god seal throne, the strongest, abandoning the Shao Da Zhou imperial clan on the battlefield, The Almohad stopped, and even the supervising team was stunned. The soldiers unconsciously stepped back, looking at the surrounding soldiers with fear.

A flame suddenly rushed out among the Almohad soldiers, instantly covering up the light of all spells. Lorraine could feel the heat wave from it after the formation. With the flame as the center, Almoha was within a hundred feet All virtue fell to the ground.

Then the flames dissipated, and several fire dragons shot out from the flames, fanning toward the Almohad crowd.

The entire battlefield was shrouded in red light. Every person's face reflected by the fire is red, and the armor and weapons are also like fire.

Lester sighed with satisfaction, and said to himself: "Well, it seems that this combination spell still needs improvement."

The flames ravaged the crowd, and the Almohad behind was completely frightened. I stared blankly at the human-shaped torches howling hoarsely, running, and finally fell to the ground. It became a pile of black coke.

Many people threw away their weapons and sat on the ground blankly, too scared to stand up.

The people who were watching the fire all over and rolling on were right by their side just now, and those screams hoarse and screaming straight through the soul, people will never forget them forever.

Now these living people can't help but secretly rejoice: if they stood a little bit too far, now those black humans lying on the ground curled up are themselves.

The Almohad returned to his soul at this time, and then thought that the people on the opposite side are living cannibals, far from being able to defeat them who have never touched a weapon in their lives. Staying here is likely to die. And the emperor and the noble bureaucrats will live well.

"Damn, we have our own family, I don't want to.

Some people shouted: "Those who are officials are deceiving us. Let's stop giving them our lives. Let's go back."

Immediately afterwards, with a shout, "Go"

Many Almohad dropped their weapons, turned around and fled back.

The supervising team immediately became furious, desperately to stop those who ran away, carrying a sword to find those who said this,

When their swords and clubs fell on these people again, these Almohad people stared at them angrily and shouted: "Kill these nobles' doglegs, they will only push us to send them."

The Almohad people were immediately rude. Raising his fists and weapons, he rushed towards the supervising team, took out the last bit of courage to survive, pressed these doglegs to the ground, and slammed the weapons viciously on them.

Seeing these Almohad kill the supervising team, the officers and the supervising team behind did not say anything, dropped their weapons, turned their heads and ran.

The Almohad yelled, "Don't let them go, don't forget how these officials oppress us"

The Almohad turned and chased these officers and the supervising team, and ran with their backs to the battlefield.

Almohad's army, like an avalanche, collapsed all at once. The plains in front of the crusaders were all Almohad fleeing.

But the Almohad Imperial Forest Army, who fought against the crusaders on the Diren line, still stood tenaciously here.

Lorraine and the others had already noticed the chaos in the Almohad team, and saw their soldiers start to kill those of their own, and then turned and fled for their lives. The tenacious army in the center was left behind. General Xinxiner shouted loudly with a wave! "The cavalry broke from the two wings"

The cavalry deployed on the two wings rushed into the battlefield shouting loudly.

For a while, iron flow rolled. Sound like thunder

Seeing the cavalry of the Crusaders coming up and chasing their ass, those Almohad ran even more


After dispersing the Almohad near the battle line, the cavalry all turned around and charged behind the Almohad who was still fighting stubbornly.

At this time, Lorraine commanded the infantry to change their formation, ordering the Chinese army to slowly retreat a few steps, and the two wings of the infantry to move forward, forming a four-crescent formation, gradually surrounding these Almohad from three sides.

The cavalry also felt their rear at this time, and attacked them from behind.

The crusaders surrounded thousands of people.

The Almohad people here are not worthy of being an elite, and they still have to fight the crusaders when they are gradually engulfed. The soldiers who fought the crusaders in the front did not retreat.

At the same time, the others turned around one after another to face the crusaders surrounded from all sides.

However, they were constantly squeezed toward the center by the crusaders, and finally crowded around the embroidered flag in a small area.

Lorraine thought for a moment. Said: "You can't fight so hard, these soldiers put to death will cause us a lot of casualties. Let the wizards, use small-scale spells to cut them a little bit, and the soldiers will surround them."

Lester looked at these Almohad's Imperial Forest Army, snorted and said: "Don't be so troublesome, I'll be enough by myself."

Ready to come forward

At this time, under the banner of the Almohad, someone shouted: "We have surrendered. Let's stop the war."

Lorraine and the others looked at each other a few times, and they thought these people would fight to the end.

The Almohad under his banner continued to shout: "Truce, truce, we surrendered

Lorraine looked at General Wabador and asked, "General?"

General Wabador nodded, waved his hand and said, "Go back. Listen to what they say."

The crusade army also preached: "Truce and retreat ten feet."

The two sides kept yelling armistice and truce. The soldiers who were fighting stopped, but still held their weapons to deal with them, carefully watching their enemies, and then slowly backed away a few steps.

The battlefield that was still shaking the sky just now quieted down quickly. The soldiers on both sides kept going to see Zhou's own generals. Wait for the next command.

The atmosphere of the battlefield turned from violent to solemn.

There was a wave in Almohad's crowd at this time. Several people came from under the banner to the crusaders, and Almohad's soldiers gave them a way. And salute them.

Lorraine saw it for a general in armor and a white cloak.

He walked slowly to the front, and a sturdy man ran over from one side. Stop this. General's way,

The armor on this big man's body was full of cracks, his body was splashed with blood donation, and a long wound on his forehead was still bleeding slowly, staining half of his face red.

The big man shouted angrily: "General, why surrender?"

General Sogor looked at him and said calmly: "We have no chance, Al. Opposite is the Paladin and Forbidden Magic mage, we have no chance."

The big man waved the long knife in his hand and exclaimed angrily: "That size we can die here with honor

General Sogar also shouted loudly: "Glory cannot save our country.

Speaking, the general held his shoulder with his hand and said: "We have done our duty for this emperor. Now we should consider our country and our relatives."

"Oh" the big man sighed heavily, threw the weapon in his hand, squatted on the ground with his head in his arms, and suddenly burst into tears. The other Almohad soldiers also thrust their weapons into the ground and sat weakly. He fell to the ground with his head down and did not speak.

Although he did not speak; but in his heart he agreed with the general's words incomparably, for such a crazy dead rabbit emperor. It's not worth going to the **** sand

General Sogar passed the big man, came to the front, and shouted: "I am Almohad Royal Guards Deputy Commander Sogar, Marquis of Vechand, now I ask for permission to surrender."

General Wabador looked at General Almohad on the opposite side, and there was no victor in his eyes that contempted the defeated. But a trace of admiration flashed back, and then softly said to Lorraine: "Lorraine, see if he has not, he is also a true general"

Lester looked at Almohad dissatisfiedly and snorted. Leng Ran said: "If he was a real general, he should have initiated a coup d'etat and killed the Rabbit Emperor.

General Wabador brought Lorraine and several generals to the front, walked in front of Sogor, and said: "I am the commander of the Maple Leaf Danlin Crusade Army, Wabador. Now accept your surrender."

Sogor took off his saber, held it to his chest with both hands, and handed it to General Wabador.

General Wabador took the saber in his left hand and handed it to Lorraine beside him.

Sogor saluted General Wabador and said, "Now we obey your orders.

General Wabador also replied earnestly, saying: "Order your subordinates to lay down their weapons and armors and gather at the place we designated. The officers can keep their personal weapons. In addition, I would like to ask the Marquis to tell me in my account. "

Sogor smiled bitterly and said, "Please allow me to arrange my men first."

General Wabador replied: "Of course." Then he turned to Lorraine and said, "Lorraine, you take the people from the Knights Templar to supervise them to lay down their weapons. Clean the battlefield and treat the wounded.

Lorraine nodded and agreed.

Under Lorraine's order. The crusaders let go of the right wing. Out of a passage, the Almohad walked out of the encirclement, leaving weapons and armors on both sides, thousands of armors and weapons piled up a long row of metal hills as high as one person.

After Lorraine arranged a part of the Knights Templar to guard the prisoners, and then ordered the other armies to disband, everyone hurriedly went to rest and eat to deal with the battle after the arrival of the Almohad in other camps in the afternoon.

Immediately afterwards, he asked the scouts monitoring the two camps.

The scout reported: After the spell of the Lester Sorcerer illuminated the entire battlefield, the Almohad all retreated to the camp.

After arranging and being on duty and taking prisoners, Lorraine and Sogar, as well as several Almohad officers, came to the headquarters of Wabador.

There are two long rows of tables in the headquarters of General Wabador. General Wabador sits at the top of the main seat. On one side sits the generals of the crusaders, and the other is reserved for the Almohad Guards. officer.

Seeing Lorraine walking in with Sogor's people, General Wabador hurriedly got up, then pointed to the opposite seat and said to them: "Sit down, everyone!"

Sogor led his men to salute General Wabador first, then walked over to the Throne of God Seal and sat on the seat.

Lorraine also came and sat down beside General Wabador.

General Wabador said to Sogor: "Your Excellency the Marquis of Vechamp. I admire the fighting will of the Almohad Guards led by you, and I appreciate your wise choice."

Sogor sighed, and said: "It is precisely knowing that it was the Lord of the Paladins who led Banye Danlin's army that I would choose to surrender. Your Honourable General's justice and strictness have been recited by the world."

Lorraine saw Sogar this flattering place. Although General Wabador had no expression on his face, he clearly raised his eyebrows.

Lorraine was slanderous. The old guy Wabadol has a bad reputation in Shiye Danlin. He doesn’t care about his shortcomings. He often has nothing to do with the gangsters. He poses as a rogue and bullies the people of other colleges. He also crusades the army along the way. . The old guy is not less drunk.

Wabadol pondered for a moment, and said: "I have always been very strange. Just now the Marquis reported that he was the deputy commander of the Guards before the battle?"

The Marquis of Vechamp suddenly got a bitter face, shook his head and said: "The villain is in charge. Old Despi asked me to **** him to escape from Abdwad city secretly. But I refused, and he encouraged the emperor to withdraw my position. , I only returned to the deputy commander-in-chief just before the battle. It’s ridiculous that I have been in charge of the Guards for more than 20 years."

Lorraine was taken aback, and said, "That emperor is going to run away?"

When the other generals heard this, they burst into a scream.

The Almohad officer opposite them blushed and didn't speak. They all looked down at the ground, looking like they were looking for a way to get in.

General Wabador waved his hand to calm down his generals, and said to Sogor: "I want to ask Lord Marquis. From here to Abdwad, is there any army of yours? Of course An According to the rules of the battlefield, Lord Marquis does not need to answer, and I will not be embarrassed by it.

Sogor took a breath and said, "It would only be more embarrassing to say it. A few days ago, there were several regular troops from the southern provinces under Abdwad, at most nearly 40,000."

The generals of the crusade were taken aback. If there were tens of thousands of regular troops in Abdwad, then it would be a fortified battle in Abdwad.

Sogor sighed. The tone was full of bitterness, saying: "But when they went to receive supplies, the men in charge of the quarters actually demanded bribes from them. After they failed, they fought with these generals. Speak to Despi, but Despi thought He dismissed these generals and controlled the troops in his own hands. The generals immediately led the troops and left the city of Abdwad."

The generals of the crusade army including Wabador and Lorraine fell on the table in shock. Can you still think about holding money when you are dead?

A general of the Crusade Army whispered in surprise: "Are they a group of hobgoblins?"

General Wabador also froze for a while before he came back to his senses.

He coughed, sorted out his expressions, and said, "What do you think of the other two camps?"

Sogor snorted. Said: "In those two camps, a part of the city defense army and the security squad were sent in. Even we have failed. They will not have the courage to come back to a decisive battle with the general. Maybe the general is going to see it now. There are not a few people left."

Lorraine asked: "That is to say, from here to Abdwad, there is no established army."

Sogol said: "Yes, no, old Despi buried all 30,000 Abdwad defense forces under the city of Meyye Danlin. Those are all the elite children of Abdwad."

Lorraine rolled his eyes. With a care in mind, he said to General Wabador: "I will take the cavalry to detect the other two camps."

General Wabador nodded and said, "Okay, you go and have a look, and then we can decide the next move."

Lorraine immediately turned around and quickly ran out of the Central Army's account. Seeing his appearance, everyone sitting was puzzled. This guy has always been flirting with those beautiful girls like gods, or drinking and being lazy. Why has he suddenly become so diligent?

After Lorraine returned to his camp, he desperately urged them despite the exhaustion of the crowd. Then he ignited the men and horses, took the ballista carriage, and threw all the spokes of the institute aside. Then, under everyone's inexplicable situation, the horse rushed out of the camp.

Everyone watched him go straight down the road, and they couldn't help but feel strange.

Leo poked his head out of the carriage and said, "Boss, where are you going? Those two. The camp is in another direction."

Lorraine smiled coldly. Said: "You just follow me. You must know that Abdwad is already undefended to go late, and the things belong to others.

When everyone heard it, there was a burst of loud cheers. They all felt that they had followed the boss, but they didn’t.

At the moment, they all roared, shaking and neighing together, urging their horses, and galloping down the main road.

Chapter Two Hundred and Forty One

Lorraine ran all the way with his men, along the avenue, straight down Abdwad. The distance of more than forty miles flashed under their feet.

Under his strict orders, everyone beat the horses desperately, and even used the spurs on their feet to stab the horse's abdomen with blood.

One by one, they were exhausted and panting, but none of them dared to relax their nerves. Even if someone lost their horsepower in the middle of the team, the brigade didn't dare to stop at all, and continued to beat the horse like flying, hurriedly advancing.

The people who fell out of the team also had no complaints, they just took the horse, flashed to the side of the road, and waited dejectedly for recovery before following.

They all knew very well, they fell behind, they just caught up and left. But once it ran slowly, other troops caught up. That's not so good.

Like the evil wolves, those grandchildren grab and grab whatever. When the time comes, everyone can only go for nothing this time.

When you turn back to divide things, you have to look at the faces of the other troops who grabbed the things, and speak kind words to them, so that the division will leak the dregs from their hands.

More points and less points are second. The key problem is that Jue Luo Lin and a group of Ye Danlin's direct troops cannot afford to lose this face.

As a knowledgeable. The educated students of Xie Ye Danlin received such a strict education from the first day they entered the school. That is, even if you brag, you have to be more bragging than others. Although this pride is not great, it has almost penetrated into their blood.

It's afternoon. They finally reached the bottom of the dream city.

Lorraine saw from a distance the huge city gate that was tightly closed at the gate of the city, and then he waved and motioned everyone to stop.

The smoke that was raised when the horse was racing hurriedly came over and enveloped everyone. They didn't disperse for a long time, and they kept coughing.

Lorraine looked back, and saw that the faces of everyone behind him were covered with a thick layer of dust. I was washed by sweat again, black and white, extremely brilliant.

The horse under the crotch was also sweating tiredly, even though it stopped, the muscles of the whole body trembled unconsciously.

Lorraine looked at the gate in the distance, and said in a deep voice, "Noramo, take the two brothers up to have a look. The rest, rest on the spot. Make an inventory."

Noramo immediately agreed, and then led the two Templar knights with a war horse, and ran towards the gate of the God Seal Throne.

And the rest of them all jumped off their horses with grinning teeth, moving

Lorraine frowned when he sat on the horse, and felt that the inner thighs of his thighs on the saddle had also been worn out, making it hot and uncomfortable. And as long as you move a little, the pain is like a needle stick, straight into the bone marrow.

He couldn't help cursing in his heart: No wonder people said that they would cramp. Originally this feeling really hurts him

At this time. One of the carriages in the rear team drove over slowly, and I don't know where it went wrong. As soon as the wheel nets turned, it made a toothless sound, which was extremely harsh.

The betrayal came to Lorraine and stopped shortly. Leo was already anxious. He jumped out of it, and then lay on the ground with his mouth open, "Wow, wow, vomiting violently. Obviously, I was motion sick by the carriage.

Catherine looked at it, and immediately felt distressed. She didn't even bother to talk to Lorraine. She ran to the Divine Seal Throne with the corner of her skirt, and patted him gently on his back. He kept cursing: "It deserves it, I said I let you stay behind, you have to fight with me. Are you happy now?"

Leo glanced back at her scatteredly, reflexively trying to refute a few words, but immediately. He hurriedly turned his head back, and retched again. Seeing that, it was obvious that even the lunch of the day before yesterday came out.

He didn't care about quarreling with Catherine, and moaned feebly: "Water, water. Who will give me some water?

Vera hurriedly took out the skin bag with clear water from the car, ran to the Throne of God Seal, and handed it to Leo's hand.

After he took the throne of God Seal, he swallowed two mouthfuls, and then turned back, regardless of the mess, he sat down on the ground and muttered, "Oh my God, it's finally relieved,"

After speaking, there was another "humming" sound like a piglet.

Lorraine retracted his gaze and glanced back at the rear team, only to see that the twenty finely crafted carriages he had equipped for the troops had also suffered a lot in the rush. Now there are only twelve cars left that can move, but they rattle when driving.

Lorraine couldn't help but frowned. But thinking about this kind of road conditions is relieved. Although this kind of highway is not lack of manhole covers, it is often overhauled and repaired. It was full of holes, but it was enough to make the heavy tank of the US army fall apart, let alone a carriage.

After a while, the officers under his command reported the loss of the troops after the dash. Nearly one-fifth of the line was left behind, and compared to a brutal battle of **** fighting, it was not allowed.

Lorraine couldn't help but sighed secretly. The so-called "Those who are profitable from a hundred miles away will be the generals; those who are profitable for fifty miles. The military is half-reaching." This is about his current situation. Note: There seemed to be no cavalry in the Sun Tzu era. Everyone could only run. At most, they were playing horse-drawn carriages. So the cavalry situation should be better.

After a while, I saw a few plumes of smoke rising in the distance.

Noramo returned with the two knights. He came to Lorraine and bowed immediately. Said: "Sir, although the opponent's city gate is tightly closed, there is not a single soldier in the field outside the city."

Lorraine couldn't help but feel very strange. Even if the opponent is defeated, the guards in the city are extremely lacking, but how many soldiers should guard the city gate?

He was looking down and thinking about it.

Leo recovered extremely quickly in his age. At this time, I drank a few sips of water and immediately jumped up and down again.

He listened to the report, leaned over, and asked, "Noramo, have you seen a guy on the top of the city playing the piano in a dishevelled way, pretending to be an artistic act?"

Noramo was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at the other two knights, and said, "There seems to be no one on the city?"

The two also shook their heads again and again.

Leo didn't look at them, and directly turned around and shouted: "Boss, do you think they will play your empty city..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lorraine had already kicked him out with a kick, but he was extremely bored in his heart: I had known this way, I shouldn't have told him these stories. Whenever this little ruffian encountered something, he always contacted the bad guy.

As he thought, he looked at the city gate that was not far away. He was still a little tangled, afraid that the other party would have an ambush, but when Leo said that, he retreated like this, which seemed too embarrassing.

Thinking of this, he immediately waved the long sword in his hand and shouted angrily: "How many ballistas are on the carriage behind? Transfer all of them to me."

The officers of the artillery team hurried over to report: "Sir, many carriages with ballistas were left behind as they ran all the way. Fortunately, three of them followed."

Lorraine gritted his teeth and said, "Three, very good. Three are enough. With these three ballistas. Coupled with powerful explosive crystals, I would like to try how many gates this city has."

He turned his head, strangled the halt of the war horse, and shouted angrily to the officers and soldiers: "Brothers, let's work harder. Today, I have a treat. We must drink and eat late in the best restaurant in the city."

All the officers and soldiers were overjoyed immediately.

There was only money left in these eyes. They were filled with victory. The guys who knew nothing about life and death did not care about fatigue. They all roared, cheered up, jumped on the horse, and guarded the carriages. , Towards the city gate, ran straight forward.

They came to a place a few hundred meters from the city gate and stopped carefully. Then quickly removed the ballista from the carriage and assembled it.

At the same time, a group of magicians flew into the air one after another, prepared the spells in their hands, and watched the surroundings with fear, attacking as long as they didn't move.

Lorraine squinted his eyes and looked at the city carefully with the efforts of everyone. I saw that the city wall was wide and thick, and there were many holes on it, which was extremely dense.

The wide gate below is also extremely wide, more than ten meters long. The carriageway paved with stone slabs in the middle has deep ruts, and there are pedestrian walkways on both sides. Jingwei is clear and not messy.

And that city gate was actually covered with thick pig iron, nailed with iron nails and barbs, it looked terrifying.

But the strange thing is. They were blatantly shouting and making a noise here, but it was true that no soldiers and soldiers would come out on the wall.

Seeing that the ballistas had been assembled at this moment, Lorraine couldn't help but sneered when he saw this. No matter whether they had anyone or not, with this ballista, I would also blast their broken door.

He immediately dialed his horse back and said loudly: "Fire me and blow him up."

Following his order. Several ballistas fired immediately, and a large crossbow with explosive crystals flew out. It slammed heavily on the gate, and there was a violent explosion.

"Boom. Boom boom, boom boom boom

The debris from the explosion spattered and dusty.

There was a toothless noise at the gate, shook a few times, and then stabilized again.

Lorraine saw it and couldn't help being furious, and said: "Continue to blow me up. I still don't believe that I can't beat him."

When the artillery officer heard his order, he was in a panic. Kicked one of the gunners around him, and then went into battle in person, aimed at the city gate, and kept booming.

"Boom. Boom boom boom.

The violent explosion sounded uncontrollably.

At this moment, I heard from afar

Lorraine turned his head to look, only to see a few plumes of smoke rising high in the distance behind him, and the dull thunderous iron hoofs could not help sounding. There was also a faint tremor from the ground, apparently a cavalry was approaching.

Lorraine couldn't help but shocked, and immediately afterwards, he saw the red maple leaf painted on the banner that Shi Fang raised high. Immediately it was wide again.

A group of officers and soldiers looked at them, and couldn't help but pointed to the distance, and yelled: "This bunch of bastards. When fighting, you can't see people, and when you grab things, they run fast!"

These ruffians seemed to be like crows that fell on the head of a black pig in the legend, and they couldn't see the blackness on their bodies at all. I have completely forgotten. Who was in the forefront just now?

Seeing the situation here, the ballistamen nearby stopped involuntarily and looked back.

Lorraine couldn't help getting furious, raised his hand and gave a whip, and shouted sternly: "Keep on bombing! Who made you stop. Believe it or not, Lao Tzu killed you bastards"

A group of gunners immediately woke up. Amidst the officer's cursing, he hurriedly moved the crossbow and reloaded and fired. The sweat is busy, and it is full of joy.

Lorraine watched the billowing smoke and dust rushing towards here, and couldn't help cursing in a low voice: This bunch of **** who can only grab merit

But when you think about it, this seems to be understandable. The people on the other side are all mercenaries transferred from various countries at the expense of General Wabador.

Everyone’s goal is to go to this place to grab money and things, but they are not obligated to give themselves the credit for nothing.

Thought of this. Lorraine sighed, it would be great if these troops were sent by Grand Duke Julian. With Catherine and Leo standing here, the officers one by one will definitely be like the admiral Caput, you have the credit, I will take the blame, and do the supporting role with all my heart and responsibility.

At this time, those few people have rushed to the front. Seeing everyone in Lorraine blasting the city gate here, he immediately gave an order. They all stopped slowly.

Immediately after. As if it had been agreed, an officer from each team rushed out, and the horse rushed over here.

No matter how far away, Lorraine could see the hypocritical smiles on their faces like insurance salesmen.

He could not help cursing in a low voice, then put on a more professional smile than them, and greeted him.

As if making a comment for him, Leo next to him cursed a very vivid and precise sentence that made Catherine all remember the words for a lifetime: "These bad guys laugh so fake, they dare to show off in front of us. Let’s see what we do? We’re professional in selling insurance and not killing you.”

Lorraine and a few of them met together, and smirked with white teeth, so they greeted each other affectionately.

Everyone is a man in the army, and speaks a lot of swear words. Fucked each other and said a few words.

They saw that Lorraine smiled more fakely than they did, and talked further. I couldn't help cursing in my heart: This **** hypocrite, if it weren't for our quick reaction, I would watch you run away and catch up. You **** has already entered the city to make a big fish, leaving us only a little bit of scum!

An officer no longer stayed in Nai, and said, "Count, it’s not interesting for you to do this. Why did you run over first. Although we are working for Maple Leaf Danlin, brothers don’t leave here. After entering the black brick kiln, you can't help but give some soup to the brothers, right? Who are we not to drag the family?"

Lorraine chuckled dryly and said, "Where, where. Marquis of Sebane, I". Our main purpose is to come and explore first and try our best to see if there is anything wrong. All were in ambush. Haha, hahaha"

Sepaen laughed twice, pointed to the far gate, and said: "Count, the intelligence has already said that the defense in the city is empty. They have pulled the Imperial Forest Army out to fight. I don't know what else is in this city. Can you use your body to test the risk? Or, I will try it for you once?"

Lorraine couldn't help but laughed dryly. His eyes rolled. Net wants to turn the topic away.

The other officer next to him stopped doing it, and said in a weird voice, "Why do you try? Why can't it be me Falix?"

Another officer pretended to be a peacemaker and said, "Don't quarrel. I have many people, so I will try."

Everyone couldn't help taking a sip.

Saibaen said: "Hildor, you Porelli cavalry should take a rest. I am afraid that if you are surrounded again, brothers don't have so many troops to save you.

Hilldo was furious and said: "Sebane, what do you mean? You insult me, but you don't insult my troops. To be honest, you were able to fight outside the port of Hafs. Is it better than me? Change you, maybe someone has already made dumplings."

Sebane looked at him coldly and said, "Why, do you want to try?"

Hilldo flushed immediately and shouted angrily: "Try, just try. Who is afraid of whom? Don't forget, you were not my opponent when you were in the academy."

Sebane listened. He was also furious, his face was flushed and almost bleeding came, and said: "Okay. Let's have a look now."

With that, he must turn his horse's head and go back to gather the soldiers to fight with each other.

Lorraine looked. I could not help cursing in my heart: These **** imperialists! It's all such a **** who can unite just now, and now he sees a little benefit, just like a dog grabbing a bone. It's going to bite again.

But at any rate, these people were all hired by Fengye Danlin. If this time, there is really an internal coax. Work it out. The investigation team will be held accountable. The two of them are of course suffering, but they watched that there was no stopping, and took a break to stay out of the matter. There will definitely be some joint liability.

Thinking of this, he hurried forward to explain.

The remaining two officers came over together with the same thoughts. Good or bad This persuaded the anger of the two of them.

Everyone got together again, looked at each other with a smile, and then all asked others: "Brother, look at this situation, what should we do?"

"Yeah. Yeah. What should we do?"

Everyone is innocent and looks like a teenager watching **** for the first time. But it is not letting go. Put forward division opinions.

These scumbags all know that once they give their opinions, if they draw too much to themselves, they will be besieged by several other people.

If you are not besieged by other people, you must reduce your own benefits. In this case, it’s even more than the price of oil in the full warehouse at the beginning.

Just as everyone gave in to each other, they heard a loud rumbling noise from the city gate.

A city gate was finally knocked down. The city of Abdwad is now open to them

Sorry, I came back late, I was in a hurry, only two chapters are in one. read!

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