Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 205: Daisetsu Kou Bow Sword

Chapter 205, Big 164 (Today 4D has been updated, please ask for votes)

Yu Lin stood there and watched for a long time, even his eyes were tired, but Sun Qi was still moving. He couldn't help muttering: "If only you had a telescope."

Vera stood beside Lorraine, tilted her head and glanced at him strangely, "Master, what is a telescope?"

Lorraine took advantage of Bigo's appearance of a single-lens telescope, and said, "It is two lenses that fit into one tube, so you can see far away. You must get one out as soon as you return.

Speaking of later, even a little angry, such a distance is really not easy to observe

Vera "Oh, she said, "Oh, you humans are hemp"

A cold light flashed in Lorraine's eyes, and he raised his hand to give Vera a shudder.

Vera "Ah, she screamed. She covered her head with her hands, tears in pain, and said, "Why did the young master hit people again? "

Lorraine breathed out a white mist. Said: "It's been almost a year now. You are still a human being. If someone finds out that something is wrong, they will peel your skin and hang the flagpole to dry the fish."

Vera's original pink face turned white with a "brush," her hands tightly pinched the corners of her skirt, and solemnly said: "Master, I, I know. From now on, in the future

Lorraine stretched out her hand and squeezed her pretty face, and said, "Just know."

Then he rubbed his fingers, and said in his heart: This girl's skin is still really slippery. Well, I must eat tofu a few times when I look for opportunities in the future. He turned his head, looked at the camp in the distance, and found that there was still nothing moving, and finally decided to take the risk. Said: Be careful, follow me. "

With that, he slid forward with a pole,

He slid forward for a while, even after passing Almohad's camp, which was already half buried in the snow, but there was no movement.

He stopped and observed here, and found that there were no traces of clearing snow in the entire camp, as if no one had been stationed here, it was just an empty camp.

Lorraine took a breath and exclaimed, "Is anyone home?"

The voice spread from afar, and immediately started a group of crows looking for food. They flapped their wings and shouted angrily, "Ah, ah, ah", flying away.

Lorraine waited for Pian Xuan again and found that there was still no movement, and said in his heart: It seems that either they moved overnight or they were all under the snow.

"Wei" Lorraine turned her head. Exclaimed: "Is there any spell that can clear a piece of snow, I need to look below."

Vera took a look, raised her staff, and released a whirlwind spell not far away. The snow on the ground was rolled up and then fell to the surroundings.

For a moment, the cyclone stopped, revealing a tent collapsed by heavy snow and some broken wood.

Lorraine took out the musket, checked it skillfully, and then motioned to Vera.

Vera nodded immediately, and then made a move with her left hand, and immediately a huge fireball appeared in her hand, ready to attack.

Lorraine pulled the tent away cautiously and looked inside, only to see several soldiers huddled together tightly, the already frozen pen stiff.

He turned around and opened another camp, which was also a group of poor guys who had been frozen.

He opened four or five camps in a row, and found that they were all guys who had been frozen, he couldn't help but slowly stopped.

Lorraine stood up straight and looked around. Then suddenly realized that the soldiers in the camps around him must all freeze to death. I am standing among a pile of dead people.

He couldn't help but shiver. Although these people were killed by the magic of Beastster, they were also ruined in their own hands.

But when he turned his head and saw the Mechanical Ye Danlin still standing in the sky, his heart became firm again.

These people are all ferocious invaders. Not worthy of my sympathy. To sympathize with them is to be cruel to yourself. Pity them, as stupid as the farmer who pity the snake

They are irrational and do not know what justice is. Just a **** machine that knows blind obedience. Only burned, looted, raped, and looted. Once the weapon leaf Danlin is breached, it will inevitably become a pile of ruins.

For these inhumane guys. Only with blood and death can they be deterred.

It is precisely because we know the value of peace that we must even take up arms. Otherwise, it will not be peace, but humiliation, blood and mass destruction.

As long as you step back half a step, Maple Leaf Danlin will become a piece of fat among the wolves.

Whoever reads it must rush over to take a bite. At that time, you will face continuous provocations and endless wars, and more blood will flow.

While thinking, he walked deep into the camp for a while. Suddenly found something was wrong. He looked around and then noticed that he had reached the enemy’s army


Although it is silent here. But it didn't seem to have that kind of dead spirits circling, the depressing atmosphere that made people breathless.

Lorraine took a closer look, and then noticed something was wrong. Although some camps were crushed by the heavy snow, they were messier than what they had just seen along the way.

It's just like……

He hesitated for a moment, and found a suitable description in his heart: it was like he left when he fled in a hurry. Although the traces have been mostly covered by snow, the messy mess can't be concealed.

Thinking of this, Lorraine couldn't help but feel shocked. A few steps rushed over. First, Jian Shennian opened a camp, and it turned out to be small. I saw that the camp was empty and no one was there. There was a pile of black ashes left by burning on the ground. Some unburnt wood was thrown in various directions.

Moreover, the furnishings and equipment are much better than those located on the periphery, and they are obviously used by the Chinese military.

Lorraine squatted down and put his hand into the pit and explored it, and found that there was almost no temperature inside. Obviously, after the blizzard started, not long after, he left with the wind and snow.

Lorraine bowed his head for a moment, and couldn't help cursing in his heart: What a bunch of despicable little ones

At this moment, I heard the sound of breaking through the sky above my head.

Lorraine looked up. I saw Lester flying through the air with several disciples.

He hurried up to meet him, and said: "Why are you here?"

Lester snorted coldly. Angrily said: "Why can't I come?"

At this moment, a pretty face turned out behind him, and the man smiled and said, "Lorraine, you have been out for so long and there has been no news. We are all a little worried. So come and have a look. Isn't it a grandpa?"

The voice was soft and crisp, and it was very moving.

Lester's face was green. He snorted again and said, "You are worried about him, but I am not worried about him. I have already said that. This **** is a cockroach, and he won't die anyway. If he really died, I would have opened it. Champagne celebrated

Adele gave him a helpless look, then smiled apologetically to Lorraine.

Lorraine also smiled slightly. He looked at the angry old man, and viciously thought to himself: I'm going to soak your grandson's daughter. What can you do with me?

Lester looked at his granddaughter's outgoing heart, and treated Lorraine much better than himself. He immediately went up and down, but inconvenience broke out, and his heart was extremely depressed. "

With that said, as soon as he raised his hand to the Chinese army's big account, he threw two fireballs in the past and exploded two of them. Big hole.

He continued to shout: "Is there anyone alive? Get one out for me, or I will burn this, you **** doghouse.

Even though Lester is now the Great Sorcerer, Lorraine glanced at him contemptuously, and said in his heart: no culture at all. Can a **** live in a kennel? When this old guy went to school, he must not study well and patronized the bad guys who picked up girls.

Seeing that there was still no movement, Lester roared and continued to mad, raising his hand and threw two fireballs again. Blew on the snow. Immediately raised snow dust in the sky.

He screamed: "Come out quickly" Huh? wrong. "

The corner of his eye suddenly caught a glimpse of the flying debris in the camp, he couldn't help but screamed, and then roared angrily: "Despicable and shameless. Despicable thing, coward, coward."

Adele watched him furiously, her angry face was redder than a comb, she couldn't help but became worried, and whispered to Lorraine: "He" what happened to him? "

Lorraine looked at her pretty face that could be broken by a bomb, and sighed, "Did you not see it? There are dead bodies in the camp in front, but there are none here. What does this mean?"

He paused for a moment, and said in a question and answering question: "This shows that the enemy commander has given up his troops and taken his cronies and sneaked away shamefully.

Adele also showed a despicable look on her face, and said, "This **** guy is real, wait,"

When she said this, she suddenly remembered something, then turned her head and carefully turned her beautiful eyes, glanced around, and said with a trembling, "You, you". Are you saying that there are many dead people in this camp? "

Lorraine shrugged indifferently. Said: "Yes, maybe you still have one under your feet

! "Adele immediately screamed as if someone had stepped on her tail, and then jumped into Lorraine's arms, holding his arms tightly around his neck, almost not touching Lorraine. Strangled to death in the past.

For the sake of your own life. Lord Lorraine forcibly endured the heartache, and did not take it to the door. He was as delicate and smooth as Bai Tiao, plump and soft. He used all the strength of his body to lift her hands from her neck. open.

But in a moment. She screamed immediately, then she twisted her hand, and tightly hugged Lorraine's chest. Those slender legs also tightly clamped Lorraine's waist, like a koala. The calf was still in Lorraine's back waist, locked tightly. Leaving him staring at Venus.

Lorraine couldn't help crying in extreme pain, "Waist, my waist is about to break, come down. My waist

Only then did he remember that this eldest lady seemed not to be afraid of the sky, not even the snake that women feared the most. When telling ghost stories, she was more energetic than herself, but she was just afraid to die hard.


Even during a fight. He also vomited blood with a good heart, and had a missing arm and a broken leg. Otherwise, he would gently break a few ribs to make the opponent die a little slower. Anyway, as long as it is not dead in front of her. Just become cold and stiff. (It seems that this is more vicious, right?)

Lester pretended not to see Lorraine’s gaze for help, and thought very gloating in his heart: It’s unlucky to have you kid

He thought about paying. Said: "This heavy snow has not completely wiped out the enemy, and has missed a lot of fish. What should we do now?"

Lorraine was firmly clamped by Adele’s slender and beautiful legs at this time; he was almost out of breath, after listening to Lester’s question, he couldn’t laugh or cry: "Take someone to see the port, Lian If you have all the rights and airs, let’s discuss how to send magicians out...


Lester snorted coldly, then jumped into the air and flew quickly towards the harbor. The other disciples did not dare to neglect when they saw it. They also chanted their own spells, and the net was about to rise into the sky, when Lester turned and came back.

Without a word, he flew to Lorraine's side with a blue face, and then reached out his hand to lift Adele up.

Adele exclaimed first, his body stiffened, and when he turned back to see that it was his grandfather, he snorted pitifully. Indifferent: "Grandpa"

Lester snorted coldly, raised his hand to Lorraine's nose, and cursed angrily: "Asshole boy, I just figured out that you **** did not take away my granddaughter's poo."

Then, he threw her into the air with a hand shake.

Adele was not chaotic at the moment, and her waist was slanted. He straightened his body right now, and then slowly rose into the air. Seeing the densely packed camp below, he spit out a pink tongue and patted his plump breast in fear. The pair of soft and tender **** on her chest suddenly surged like sea waves.

Lorraine saw it for a while, and almost did not drool.

Lester glanced at him angrily, saw Lorraine lowering his head somewhat uneasily, then turned around, pulled Adele angrily, and flew towards the port.

A moment later, a disciple of Lester came back to report: "There is no ship shadow at the port. However, at the exit of the port, a warship was parked. But the flag seems to be broken. The master is about to go down and investigate. I ask you, what should we do?"

Lorraine thought for a moment, then turned around and walked away. While walking, he gave orders loudly, saying, "Go back to the castle and ask. See who can repair the ship and who can drive the ship. And gather all the magicians together. .

Then order the Knights of the Temple. Let them ride their war horses and chase me up along the river of Jingshui Lake. "

He paused, and then went on to say loudly: "Tell everyone, you must not let a guy slip through the net. Otherwise, no one is afraid of us. Fengye Danlin's diploma is like a pheasant university. Hard to find"

"What?" The magician couldn't help but yelled, and then he understood, eyes

Let an Almohad's pup leak"

As he said, he flew up and flew in the direction of Fengye Danlinbao.

After a few minutes of the boat, there were bursts of cheers in the direction of Piye Danlinbao.

Immediately afterwards, countless shadows eagerly opened the door that had just been cleared, and then rushed

go with.

They were divided into two parts. One part ran towards the port. Seeing that most of them flew through the air, they were obviously magicians who had been ordered.

The other part of the population is extremely large. They saw Lorraine. With a cry, he ran over here quickly.

Lorraine couldn't help but be surprised by Mou Zhong.

Looking at those people, there are not only soldiers, but also the operating residents of the city. There are not only middle-aged men, but even grandparents.

Before he could speak, he saw those people rushing past him. Run quickly towards the Almohad Empire camp. Because the speed was too fast, high snow dust rose up behind them. The choking Lorraine coughed again and again. When he reacted, he turned his head to look. However, in the blink of an eye, the figures of those people have turned into small black dots the size of a bean.

Lorraine couldn't figure it out for a while, and murmured: "What happened to these guys? Are they crazy? But when they came out, they were still fine?.

At this moment, she saw a stunning girl in black fur, and several checkup team members came up to her.

The pure black fur contrasted with the girl's snow-white skin, and it even reflected the girl's beautiful and peerless face.

It was Catherine, the iron governor of the Eastern Province.

She walked over in a hurry and asked Lorraine: "You just planned to go out to pursue Qing.

Lorraine nodded, then took a lightweight armor from her hand and put it on her body, and then said: "I want to understand. The army of ten thousand people dared to attack Fengye Danlin frantically. If we don’t kill all of them this, no one will be afraid that we might be a blind cat or dog who would dare to crawl on our heads and poop."

Catherine thought for a moment, then nodded, and said, "Okay, I see

She is like a gentle wife. Briskly helped Lorraine to fasten the rope of the armor, and then stood on tiptoe again, sent a affectionate kiss gently, and said with concern: "You are a little along the way


Lorraine wanted to say a few words to her. But thinking that time is running out, he agreed, turned and left.

He suddenly remembered something. So as he walked, he asked, "What are the grandpas and aunts from Gangwang doing?"

Catherine smiled sweetly and said, "Didn't it mean that there is no danger? So, they all rushed over to collect the spoils so that they could sell them for money later.

Lorraine immediately remembered the residents who ran out to rob government property when the US army occupied Baghdad. He couldn't help laughing out loud and thought to himself: These ordinary people don't rub the sand in their eyes anytime. (To be continued)

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