Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 204: There is a blizzard tonight (part 2)

Next to Lester, there was a skinny old man who was the dean of the Bow State College, the skinny cardinal Obachem.

Hillmelia's eyes were drooping, and he followed the cardinal, a group of temple knights in heavy armor followed them a few steps away.

See the arrival of these two bigwigs. Lorraine hurriedly bowed to salute.

Not to mention their high status, just because these two big bosses didn't come up and kill the donkey, taking command from their own hands. This kind of grandeur is worthy of respect.

Although Lester and Lord Lorraine are extremely at odds because of his granddaughter," he just snorted carelessly.

The Red Archbishop Obachem looked at Lorraine, gestured with both hands on his chest, and then lightly flicked at him, making a gesture of blessing, saying: "May the gods bless you, I Child."

Lorraine cursed secretly in his heart: This stingy old bastard, just walked around and said that he would not add one in the most basic state. No wonder everyone says that the Vatican is more difficult to deal with than the donkey.

But it's just thinking about it. With a smile on his face, he said: "Thank you, your Excellency. May the glory of the gods shine forever.

With that, he straightened up.

At the same time, the Temple Guardian knight behind them "brushed", drew out the long sword with a sound, held it in front of his chest, and paid a military salute to Lorraine.

The soldiers did not say hello in advance, nor did they give an order. But in that instant, he drew the long sword, with only a soft sound.

Only from this we can know. They are so well-known and highly skilled.

Lorraine looked at these brave warriors, rare and serious, and stroking his chest with his hands, earnestly returning to Ruman's military salute.

After entering the city, he went to see these guys, one. Although he was sweaty and heavy, he still fed the horse first. Then I took a rest for dinner.

And their food is very rough, as if the Holy See never gave them food subsidies, even so, they still eat with relish.

Whether walking or talking, all of them have innocent eyes and firm beliefs.

Lord Luo has always kept these guys away, because life is not fun.

Secondly," Who knows if these rascals who have been brainwashed, do not have their own opinions, and are fanatical like the Hitler Youth League, will it be because they said a wrong word one day, like a wild cat whose tail was trampled on? Screamed "Purify your soul with fire" and then hung myself on the cross in the big square, and put a fire to burn it to death.

The two big men came to the city wall side by side. Adele took advantage of the opportunity that his grandfather could not see, and made a cute face to Lorraine, and Silmelia blinked her eyes concealedly.

Seeing their little movements, Catherine couldn't help "enjoying." She laughed in a low voice.

The cardinal leaned on the castellated wall. After looking at the opposite side for a long time, he said, "You have suffered these days. Hundreds of people have fought against the 70,000 army. But they are still steadfast and unyielding, and they are brave enough to kill the enemy. There must be a strong stroke of yours in the history books of Fengye Danlin. "

Lorraine snorted and muttered to himself softly: "Don't be so troublesome, if it can be realized, I would rather not have this **** name."

Obachem saw the displeasure on his face and said, "I know you want to blame us for failing to rescue. But you also need to know. We received the alert and need to dispatch troops and gather troops. And at that time, Ray. Master Stewart, ah. The Great Sorcerer has also reached the critical moment of breaking through and advancing, and he needs me to protect him."

Lorraine couldn't help but look back at Lester.

Lester smiled and said, "Lorraine, you know that there have been sixty-four great magicians in the thousand years of history. Why can Mechanical Ye Danlin account for half? This is not unreasonable."

He paused, and then said: "I know that with you, in a short time, Fengye Danlin will definitely not be in danger. This is the first point.

Beastster said this. Turned his head and looked at Obachem. Yin·'Ad Obachem also laughed and said seriously: "The second point, we have discussed it. In order to wipe out these enemies who dare to touch my Maple Leaf Danlin, General Wabador has already returned to recruit Legion, block them back. This requires you to be able to hold them firmly here."

Lester continued: "What's more, as soon as we saw that you were almost unable to withstand it, Li Xuan rushed back right away."

He paused, and then continued: "General Wabador said, with your talent for warfare, you would do the same from his point of view."

Lorraine was silent for a while.

The other party has already said what he should say, what else can he say?

From a strategic point of view, there is nothing wrong with them.

In order to achieve the final victory. Able to play a very big Mahjong. It must be by means of thunder. In the future, all the enemies who commit crimes will be wiped out, so that they will not bend their bows to complain. So that Xiaoxiaoren dare not snoop on.

If it was me, I would really do it.

Lester remembered something. He couldn't help but sighed, and said with difficulty: "It's just that I didn't expect that the opponent's great magician would be so crazy in order to break the Maple Leaf Danlin. Fortunately, Luo Linna is not seriously injured, otherwise

At this point, I couldn't help but sigh again.

Lorraine glanced at him, and secretly said in his heart: After so long, that is, this sentence is still dull for a while, and Obahem suddenly asked: "Will Almohad the Lorraine prepare to retreat?"

Lorraine smiled and said: "For them, there are only two options now, either step up the attack or retreat as soon as possible. If the opposing general orders to step up the attack, the soldiers of Almohad would not be so excited. We are today But it left a deep impression on them"

Obachem shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity, we haven't finished the arrangement yet. Now we are stunned. They must be able to escape. Little

Lester tightly held his own magic hook in his hands, gritted his teeth, and said coldly: "If we can't wipe out the enemy, how can we show our academy's methods? No one will be too afraid of us in the future."

Lorraine let out a long sigh, looking at the slowly falling snowflakes in the sky, his heart moved. Wang wanted to talk, and remembered that this method was too cruel. Immediately after. Rowlingna's appearance after being injured appeared before her eyes.

He couldn't help but rush into anger: This is a **** world where the weak can eat the strong, and the only thing that can protect his family is not justice, but more cruel than the enemy.

Others don't say it, only the Grand Duke of Julian is like this. Use **** means to shock the Quartet. When it comes to it, who doesn't feel scared. Who would dare to take a look at Kai?

Seeing his face was blue and white. The look in his eyes couldn't help changing, and the two big men couldn't help but glance at each other. Lester coughed lightly and said, "What? Lorraine, do you have a way?

Lorraine crossed his heart, then turned his head. Indifferently asked, "Your Excellency Great Sorcerer, how do you control the wind and snow now?"

Lester immediately became interested and said, "Go on

Lorraine pointed to the sky, "There is a big dark cloud above our heads. If you can add more air-conditioning to the clouds and turn this heavy snow into a blizzard.

Lester lowered his head in thought for a moment, and then said, "This is a good idea. Maybe not when I was a teacher. But now I can try it."

With that, he flew into the sky. Several disciples did not dare to neglect. One after another followed closely. In order to cast spells for your own teacher. Defend well.

Lorraine couldn't help rising as he watched him, disappearing into the clouds. Only then took his gaze back.

He turned his head and said, "Let the brethren keep warm, maybe there will be a blizzard tonight."

The soldier agreed, turned and ran to the high platform, waving the torch in his hand to the surroundings. Passed the command.

Everyone stood at the head of the city and looked towards the sky.

After only a short time, I saw the dark clouds above my head start to rotate very slowly. A huge storm's eye was exposed in the middle, and through that hole, one could even see stars casting down from the sky.

At the same time, the surrounding wind began to increase slowly.

The robe of the crowd began to hunt, and the wind blew across the treetops. Started out slightly


Gradually, as the wind became stronger and stronger, everyone's robes began to tremble violently, and the sound of the wind began to become as sharp as a whistle.

Later, the wind became stronger and stronger. Almost everyone was unstable on the top of the city. The sound of the wind is getting more and more harsh. Finally it turned into a screaming voice like a devil. Yin·’The glittering snowflakes in the advertisement hadn't fallen yet, they were torn to pieces by the violent wind and turned into fine powder. Then he was caught in the wind, and smashed everyone's heads and faces with no thoughts, a pain in life like a knife.

Lorraine looked at this scene like the end of the world. I couldn't help thinking of the smoke cannon in the northern ice and snow that could instantly freeze people to death, muttering: "This old guy has become a wizard, and now his heart is getting more and more vicious."

As if it was just a blink of an eye, a thick layer of snow has accumulated on everyone, and a thick layer of hoarfrost has condensed on the eyebrows, head, and beard.

Seeing this, everyone rushed down the city and avoided. Then the fire was throbbing, wrapped in thick clothes.

Even so, the biting cold wind was like a beast, screaming, roaring, hitting the doors and windows, and then through the gap, blew in, shaking people unceasingly.

The falling snowflakes have long lost the original poetic and artistic charm, and transformed into a chariot of the cold and ruthless ice queen, raging on this land." Remind the intermission

At dawn, Lorraine climbed to the top of the city, and now the whole world has changed.

There are no cumulus clouds in the sky anymore.

The rising sun rose from the horizon and shone on the snow, causing pain in the eyes of the stinging person.

The soldiers guarded by Maple Leaf Danlin cleaned up the snow all night except for the city wall of Dan Lin. After the shift, they all fell asleep with their tongues out. , There is thick snow everywhere.

Lorraine looked at it, and Fengye Danlin's city gate was half buried.

The corpses of Almohad soldiers who died under the Maple Leaf Danlin city wall were completely covered at this moment.

All the people walking in the Armor Leaf Danlin were wrapped like thick rice dumplings, round and round.

The defenders of the city were gasping for nothing, while chatting, such as freezing to death last night, the wind was about to blow the castle away, and everyone did not bring a small hammer when they peeed. As a result, I almost got frozen and so on. While swinging the shovel hard, shoveling the thick snow on the ground.

The mages under the city were a little idle and a small part of them were in the snowball fight unconsciously. The ten soldiers in the city started to clean up and continue to sweep the road.

Lorraine looked up, and the place opposite the Almohad was quiet, and there was no moving figure.

The entire Almohad camp was buried under the snow, and the wooden camp fence was completely buried, only the spires of the watchtower and a few large tents were exposed.

It was difficult for Lorraine to imagine how Almohad would survive the night last night. It is estimated that many of Almohad's soldiers have not survived at all.

Lorraine secretly said in his heart. If the magic tower is compared to a conventional weapon like a Paris cannon, the spell made by Lester Sorcerer yesterday should be regarded as a weapon of mass destruction in this era.

After he didn’t even know the Lacey Measures Act, he had already applied to the Wizards’ Association for this incident overnight, asking them to give him another one, “The glorious title of "Forbidden Magic Mage." He walked towards the city wall. Especially Leo, who was thickly wrapped and short legs. He couldn't step on the ground with one foot. Later. In order to get on a little faster, he simply rolled up on the snow .

The crowd was almost crawling on the snow and moving, and then they looked at the wizards flying around in the sky with envy.

Among this group of people, Vera is the most excited.

She saw a few senior sisters were busy sweeping snow, grouped up a few snowballs, and flew to the Shenyin Throne secretly. When she saw others, she stuffed them into each other's neck, and then she felt like stepping on her tail. Amidst the screams, giggled and fled.

Lorraine didn’t look like a lady at all, and couldn’t help feeling sullen. But seeing her happy two big blue eyes gleaming like gems, she was extremely happy, and it didn’t disturb her interest. It was opening and closing eyes, pampering her.

The crowd came to the city with difficulty.

The Great Sorcerer Lester descended from the sky, stood beside Lorraine and looked at the Almohad camp, nodding in satisfaction. Said to Lorraine: "Very beautiful snow scene, the first time I have seen such a spectacular scene in so many years."

Lorraine looked at Lester in surprise, and thought to himself: It seems that you created this spectacular snow scene.

Lester then changed his tone and said gloomily: "It seems that the effect is not bad, but I don't know how many of them have been solved at once."

Lorraine asked, is this normal Lester's, then shrugged and said, "Go and see."

Lester looked at the closed gate and said: "Damn, the gates are sealed, how thick the snow is. Who can get out, half of them are trapped inside."

Vera hugged Leo and pulled it to the wall, volunteering to say: "I'm going to see such a big snow, only the wizard can go out."

Lorraine smiled and said, "That's not necessarily true."

As he said, he kicked a pair of wooden boards with the front end raised under his feet.

Leo looked at him, his eyes widened, and said, "What is that, is it fun?"

"It's fun. I'll teach you when I come back." Lorraine continued: "Just go with Vera. Vera's leather jacket is all white and it's easy to go out. I have to approach their camp to take a look. Vera covered me on it."

Vera patted her chest. Said proudly: "Don't worry, young master."

Lorraine put on an all-white straw shirt and a white hat, and tied the snowboard that he made last night to his feet. Because the gate could not be opened, Vera had to drag him to the city.

Lorraine turned back and waved to the people in the city. Practicing ski skills, gallop towards the Almohad camp.

When Lei Ji saw his speed in the city, he couldn't help but stunned and exclaimed: "Boss, I want to play too, remember to go back quickly."

Lorraine waved to him without looking back.

Only then did Catherine and others board the city wall. Catherine glared at Leo and said, "What did you call this morning, what happened to Lorraine?"

Leo pointed to Lorraine's back and said: "The boss has learned a new toy, and he has it by himself. I don't take me with anyone if I play with it. I want that board ski and make it for me."

Catherine and others saw it. Lorraine was holding a snowball fight, slid quickly across the snow on the wooden plank, and looked at him not slow at all.

Adele said angrily: "That guy is so disgusting that he knew this and watched us move around in the snow early in the morning."

"Well, yes." Catherine clenched her pink fist. He sneered and said softly: "What's the hurry? Isn't he coming back?"

Saying that, she smiled. It shows the peerless elegance of a generation of queens.

The distance between Almohad Camp and Fengye Danlin was not close at all, and to be careful. Lorraine made a big circle, passing through the woods on the side, and approaching the enemy's camp.

On this road, there was no sign of life, everything was quiet, Lorraine could only hear his own breathing, the sound of skis creaking in the snow, and Vera's clothes flying behind him. sound.

Hell, Lorraine cursed inwardly, he didn't like it very much.

After arriving at the edge of the woods, Lorraine stood still and carefully observed the Almohad camp not far away, except for the big pig-headed military flag that was hung on the high flagpole and shook in the cold wind. , The entire Almohad was divided into three huge camps of 70,000 people, and there was no movement. Nothing can be seen moving.

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