Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 188: Fire coverage

With the sound of the bugle, there was a dull sound from outside, which was the sound of a few army boots stepping on the ground neatly.

Through the faint white fog, you can see the other side of the horizon, and a faint black line reflecting the metallic luster emerges.

The black line slowly approached and gradually became clear.

Then it turned into a faintly visible shadow.

These black shadows are like an endless tide, slowly surging from the other end of the earth.

In the end, they became an army of nearly tens of thousands.

This elite emperor regiment drove towards the sky with a murderous aura soaring towards the maple leaf Danlin.

The soldiers in heavy armor moved uniformly and marched forward. The line was as neat as they were cut with a knife. The footsteps rumbling, resounding on the ground like thunder.

The steel military boots relentlessly stepped through the dead grass, fallen leaves, and the white snow on the side of the road. Those things were mixed together and turned into black mud in an instant, and then they were stepped into the ground by the soldiers who followed.

Each of these imperial soldiers wore heavy armor, almost full-covered copper helmets with blood-red helmets on them, holding a red multi-layered tower shield in their left hand, holding a throwing spear in their right hand, and a long sword at their waist. The military is solemn.

Every thousand people lined up in a small square, and the commander with white feathers in his head walked at the forefront of the square, and the long dragon composed of dozens of squares was intact.

As they moved closer and closer with their neat and heavy steps, even the earth began to tremble. The people standing on the top of the city can even clearly feel the martial universe, the holy king made the sacred king, the night kills the gods, the seal, the throne seeks the devil, and the throne is the strongest. The strongest abandoning the Shao-Da-Zhou imperial family, martial the universe, and the night-killing god, God seals the throne, seeking the devil, and the Ninth Heaven, the strongest abandoning the Shao-Da-Zhou imperial clan, the god-making god, the night killing God, the seal, the throne, seeking the devil, and the Ninth-Heaven, the strongest, abandoning the Shao Da Zhou royal family To the slight


On the top of the city, the dust that had not been cleaned for many years was still fluttering under the shaking. He kept falling down. The choking guards hiding in the city kept coughing.

When all the imperial warriors came to the city, the forward arrived outside the attack range of the magic tower.

At this time, I heard another bugle sound of "Woo, woo".

Following the high-pitched orders, the soldiers raised huge tower shields and erected sharp war spears, and in a flash, they became an indestructible steel phalanx.

Immediately afterwards, the elite fighters stomped their feet together and shouted at the same time: "Kill

The roar pierced the earth and went straight to the sky.

Everyone in the college received the alarm early and rushed to the city.

But these people who had never experienced war, saw the murderous aura of the opposing army, but they were all pale and stunned. There was only one thought left in my mind: Is this war? If this battle is fought, how long can I live?

These innocent and kind people realized this. They were deceived by Lorraine's empty promises.

They think that fighting is to steal money and things to steal women, but they don't realize that in wars, no one has ever stipulated that they should only steal others by themselves and not allow others to steal their own cheap things.

And when they realize this, others can also grab their own things and kill themselves, they find that they have been tied to a train that has passed 500 kilometers by Lorraine, even if they want to jump off. It's possible.

Thinking of this, these people looked resentfully at the highest point of the city, which is also the most conspicuous command post.

I saw it above the tall tower. Lord Lorraine of the Longyacao family is sitting on the chair, crossing Erlang's legs, holding a glass of red wine in one hand, closing his eyes and resting.

Beside him, a slender and graceful woman was holding a strange instrument, playing music while singing softly beautiful songs.

Even though they were still far away, they could still hear the woman's voice as beautiful as Yinling. Everyone was in the college for a long time. You could hear Miss Adele whose voice was one of the four beauties of the college.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but get angry. One after another secretly said: This chaos war is about to come, but I still enjoy picking up girls here. Really do not live or die.

But what they didn't notice was. Lorraine's actions seemed to be more effective than any comforting speech. Unconsciously, the fear in everyone's hearts gradually disappeared.

At this moment, Lorraine looked out from the gap between his eyes, and saw that the formation of the opposing legion was as neat as a square in a military parade, and he couldn't help but sneered.

What kind of person Lord Lorraine was, and at a glance I could tell that these brave soldiers looked good and powerful. But it lacks a kind of momentum, the kind that has been tested by war. Bloody battlefield, the vigor that the elite soldiers and heroes have for the rest of their lives.

They did not have the determination and courage to regard death as home. Such an army can only frighten the dead people who don't understand. If it is really a war,

Luo Jue's heart widened. Secretly thought: "It seems that this Almohad is nothing great."

At this time, following an order, the checkmates in black robes rushed to the head of the city like wolves.

On their heads were tied a strip of white cloth that read "Gendarmerie," and they carried a thick whip in their hands. When they saw someone who was slow in their hands and feet and didn't keep their posts, they immediately hit the throne of God Seal with the whip and their heads covered. The beaten guys screamed and ran back to their posts.

The officers at all levels also came to sober, each shouting and cursing, kicking and beating their soldiers, and shouted: "Take your weapons. Hurry up and rush to me. Get your post. .Never allow any enemy to defile our academy. If anyone dares to flee, he will be killed immediately."

Like driving a sheep, they waved the small whip in their hands mercilessly, and drove the soldiers to the top of the city. The people sat on the top of the city. They heard the sounds of ghosts crying and howling wolves, but they didn't.

Lorraine even closed his eyes, shrank into the chair, and muttered: "Dale, the singing voice is a little higher. It seems a bit noisy outside. How can I hear your singing voice clearly."

Adele immediately felt a burst of joy after hearing the praise from the person in love.

She smiled sweetly. Softly said: "Okay, just listen to you."

Silmelia saw the bruised noses and swollen faces of the soldiers who were beaten up. She couldn't stand it. She frowned, then stepped forward and said, "Lorraine, you just let them beat and scold the soldiers like this? Isn't that too much? Cruel. Too inhumane?"

When Adele heard someone talking, he didn't want to stop silently because of the finger.

Lorraine didn't open his eyes either. Said: "Continue to sing, such a beautiful song, I am just happy listening to it."

Adele smiled sweetly. Said: "I know, you like it, I will sing to you

He said, plucking the guitar strings of Lorraine, and then sang in a low voice.

Lorraine rolled his eyes. Seeing that Silmelia’s face had turned blue, and there were even signs of fire making thugs and exploding, he sighed gently, and then said unhurriedly: "Melia, mercilessly not in charge, Righteousness is not in control. Look at it clearly, facing the 60,000 army. These people are already scared to death, and they are about to pee their pants."

Silmelia could not help raising her eyebrows when she heard him say vulgarity.

Lorraine continued: "This is war. This is the battlefield. There is no room for cowards. Now they are afraid that the enemy will be like this. They can't coax them down like coaxing children. If you want them to have the courage to fight, the only The way is to make them more afraid of me. Let them know that I am more terrible than the enemy."

"What kind of ghost logic is this?" Hill Sorlia was taken aback, and then laughed anxiously, and said: "This will allow them to win the battle? "

Lorraine took a sip of wine. Slowly said: "No, this way. They will clearly know that they are dead. So they won't panic anymore."

As he spoke, he reached out and pointed towards the city.

Silmelia looked back and followed the direction of his fingers, and couldn't help taking a breath.

Not far behind them, a small group of archers from the supervising team were filed from the shelter.

They lined up an extremely loose line of skirmishers, holding bow and arrow beaters in their hands, waiting, and standing there quietly. The sharp arrow shining with cold light was not aimed at the lower part of the city, but the soldiers above the city.

The soldiers at the head of the city also realized the role of that team of archers, and immediately panicked. But then he calmed down under the unceremonious kicks and angers of the officers.

These soldiers are now completely blocked when they retreat. Even if they are immortal, they will die under the arrows of the supervising team in the hands of the enemy. Besides, there is no other way to think of. It can only be concentrated, angering the enemy on the opposite side.

These people who had never experienced war, under Lorraine's constant provocation, finally passed the panic and fear of the first battlefield, settled down, and could look directly at the enemy in front of them.

Lorraine feels the martial movement of the universe, the holy king makes the sacred king, the night kills the god, the seal of the throne, seeks the devil, the strongest world, the strongest abandonment of the young world, the king of Zhou Qiankun will kill the night **** God seal throne seeking the devil, proud of the world, the nineth heaven, the strongest abandoning the Shao Dazhou imperial clan, will kill the night god, the **** seal throne, the strongest, abandoning the subtle changes in the air, can not help He smiled slightly, closed his eyes, and continued to listen to Adele singing.

Leo lay on the castellated wall and looked at the enemy opposite with excitement. Yelled: "Wow! Many of them are coming up again. Look, look, the big pig-headed flag in the middle is erected. The guy in the middle is dressed in gold, wow, looks like he is rich." .

"Golden Shining" Vera was instinctive, and her lovely little ears stood up immediately. Then he took the throne of God Seal with a stride, squeezed by Leo's side, and shouted: "Where, where?.

After she saw it clearly. Those big blue eyes immediately became heart-shaped, and then he sighed deeply. Said: "It looks really rich"

The two of them kept yelling at the top of the city for hours, and their heartlessness made people smile.

Seeing the movement on the other side, Shirmeinya couldn't help but said: "Lorraine, looking at them, it seems that they are trying to attack. Are you in no rush?"

Lorraine snorted unhurriedly, then opened his eyes and took a look, lazily: "What is the hurry? The two armies confront each other, and the artillery battle is the first. They won't attack so quickly."

He said that. Just heard the sound of another horn on the other side, and it followed. Seeing a large group of soldiers leave the Chinese army brigade. With a cry, he rushed here.

Lorraine saw the unexpected action of the other party. He couldn't help but his eyes widened. He didn't care about the teasing of Catherine next to him. He rushed to the top of the city, looked out, and said in his heart: The other party's command. Is the official a stupid? Actually sent troops to attack so carelessly? Is there any trick in this?

After seeing the opponent running and entering the range of the city-head ballista, he couldn't help but sneered, no matter what tricks he had, there was only a dead end.

He coughed slightly, then slowly raised his left arm. Said: "Pay attention to each gun position and prepare to shoot."

The messenger behind him immediately rushed forward, roaring loudly and frantically waving the flag around him, using the flag language he had just learned to pass the military order.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the sound of a splattering ballista from all around.

Lorraine looked at the soldiers rushing from the opposite side, tightly pursing his lips, calculating in his heart, and calmly said: "Stay, hold steady, the ten soldiers of the empire who are steady have rushed to the bottom of the city. At a distance of about ten meters, the archers from Yu Yizhen were facing the head of the city, and they began to draw their bows and shoot arrows in succession.

The previous practice of Maple Leaf Danlin Academy finally saw the effect at this time.

Seeing the arrow whizzing through the air, without waiting for instructions, the shield players rushed to the front and erected the huge tower shield in their hands.

Except for the ballistaman who slowly moved the muzzle and aimed at the enemy group. The rest of the people also avoided.

At this moment, the enemy is getting closer, and you can even see the hideous expressions on their faces.

Ignoring the rain of arrows, the surveyor around me stuck his head out and reported the distance loudly.

"Sixty meters."

"Fifty meters."

"Forty meters."

The smaller and smaller numbers are like steel needles. Striking everyone's nerves.

Seeing Lorraine, the ballistamen still did not give orders. Although they did not dare to leave their duties without authorization, they all cast doubtful glances at this side.

In the imperial formation, the soldiers who were on the sidelines saw their charge so smoothly, thinking that victory was in sight, they shouted loudly.

Seeing that the enemy was about to rush to the blind spot under the city, it would be too late if he didn't shoot. At this moment, Lorraine waved down decisively.

Kind of very silver. Very Yang Weili's pride came to his heart, and Lorraine thought in his heart that if there is any difference between himself and the invincible admiral who prides himself on the salary thief, he is much more handsome than him.

The anxious messengers who had been waiting next to them waved their flags and shouted loudly, "Fire, fire, fire quickly."

There was a buzzing sound of bowstrings breaking on the head of the city.

Countless crossbow arrows flew out with the grin of death, whizzing towards the imperial soldiers swarming on the ground.

These crossbow arrows studded with explosive crystals shot at the imperial soldiers on the ground. While the thick crossbow arrows penetrated the poor soldiers, the violent magic crystal exploded.

Countless bright fireworks bloomed on the ground, and the loud explosion sounded deafening. The shock wave generated by the explosion swept across the earth like a hurricane, blowing up countless debris.

At that moment, the battle flag on the head of the city looked like a piece of iron that had been smashed. It became stiff and straight. After a while, it slowly dropped again.

Everyone was shaken by the violent shock wave, and they almost fell.

Immediately afterwards, black smoke rose into the sky, filling everyone's sight.

Under such a violent explosion, Lorraine didn’t care about his manners. He fell down and hid under the castellated wall. When the surroundings recovered calm, he slowly stood up and found that he was already on his feet. Covered with a thick layer of lime soil. The ears are also buzzing.

He looked at the billowing smoke and slightly estimated that the effect of this explosion was not less than a salvo of thirty mortars.

He patted the dust on his body, and said: "It's really good enough."

When the smoke gradually dissipated. The two sides looked at the scene again, and they couldn't help but frightened.

I saw that the land covered by artillery fire seemed to have been plowed by an iron plow. The ground was all pits and pits, and countless stumps and broken arms were like crops trampled over by wild boars, lying on the ground randomly.

And, in this cold winter, wisps of white mist popped out from time to time, making people feel sick.

Even though there are a few lucky ones who were not killed or injured by the explosion on the ballista, they were still covered in the darkness of gunpowder and smoke, and their armor had been torn into pieces by the explosion, like rags. Hanging on the body one by one.

They swayed on their faces and walked around helplessly. Like a wandering soul without an owner, he will fall down with the touch of his hand.

In this era, all ballistas with explosive crystals are extremely expensive, and each shot is like a dig. Have these people ever had the opportunity to use this kind of shelling like burning money?

The people above the city head saw that more than a thousand soldiers from the opposing brigade had been killed and wounded after such a salvo. They could not help being stunned by the coverage shooting under the guidance of Lorraine. After half a day, this came back to life.

Immediately after. Cheers sounded like a tide.

They all looked at Lorraine in admiration, almost admiring the five-body cast.

These ruffians have completely forgotten, just now, Lorraine set up a supervising team behind them, forcing them to die.

Lorraine smiled coldly and whispered, "Order them to guard their posts. The enemy was just a tentative attack. The real battle is yet to come, so please don't let your guard down."

The messenger next to him immediately agreed and waved at the other gun positions.

After seeing the order, the officers woke up, and then kicked and beat the soldiers who were excited and yelling, thinking that they had won the war, to wake them up and return to their original positions.

At this moment, I heard another loud bugle sounded on the opposite side.

Immediately afterwards, I saw several roads clear of the army formation.

Dozens of huge machinery covered in oil cloth were pushed out.

In this cold winter, the big guys who are pushing the cars are shirtless and sweaty but still hot. Shouting slogans, we can see how heavy the vehicles are.

Everyone can't help but wonder, what is this? Could it be that the other party has any secret weapons? (To be continued)

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