Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 187: high! It's really high!

He Delya acted strangely, but he still didn't fall down. She dared to be cowardly with pomelo, holding the knife in both hands. She guarded her body tightly, and then slowly backed up a few steps, pulling the distance away.

After listening to Lorraine's words, even though she knew it was not the time, she still fluttered her eyes like silk. She gave him a watery look and sipped lightly, saying: "Look back and find a chance to see if Damn you bastard.

As he said, he gently pulled the skirt with his left hand, one side, deliberately revealing his proud and perfect legs, and then gently lifted. Give a false kick.

Lorraine looked at her strong and slender legs, and immediately felt his heart shake.

However, the corner of their eyes was still staring at Bandol on the opposite side, but it made them feel strange that even though they deliberately exposed such a flaw, the person on the opposite side still did not take the opportunity to hunt down.

The two couldn't help but glance at each other.

Adele bit her bright red lips, a trace of confusion flashed through her beautiful eyes, and she muttered, "Is he really fascinated by me?"

at this time. Seeing Catherine walking over with a crossbow in her hands, she looked strange.

She looked at Adele, her pretty face stretched, and she said disdainfully: "Stop being there! You narcissist. Open your eyes to see clearly, he was shot to death by me."

Talking, stretched out his hand.

The two Lorraine turned sideways and took a look with the light of the torch. Only then did they notice that a sharp crossbow arrow was inserted into Bandol’s back, like a piece of ragged cloth was pierced with scissors. The sharp arrow of the gleaming three-sided armor-piercing arrow has shot through his body, revealing a small section in front of his chest.


That cut arrow. At first, they were blocked by the light, and the two of Lorraine just stepped up their guard, so they didn't notice.

At this time, Bandol's body shook, and slowly fell forward, and fell to the ground with a "hum", the dagger also dropped out, and fell to the ground with a series of "Mang Niang" sounds.

Adele looked up at her original position, and then looked at her own place, and the three of them were in a straight line. Can't help but be surprised: "You really got rid of it, in case he passed by. It may be either I or Lorraine nailed to the ground."

Catherine shook the crossbow in her hand and sighed with regret. Said: "Yes, you are right. I really regret this incident."

Adele heard the ominous meaning of her words, and Huo Ran raised her head and said, "What do you mean?"

Catherine threw the crossbow in her hand to the guard next to her, then clapped her hands, and said with ease in a singing tone: "Nothing else. If you don't like listening, I'll say something else."

Adele immediately became angry and stared at her bitterly.

Lorraine couldn't help but look big.

He stepped forward. Separated the line of sight between Adele and Catherine. To the guards around: "Come on, drag these guys out and bury them.

The guards looked at the corpse in that place, although their faces were extremely reluctant. But he still agreed and walked over.

Adele snorted, then swept the two knives in the air, blew two dazzling lightning bolts, and then disappeared from her hands.

At this time, the soldiers had walked over and lifted the dead bodies on the ground. Clean up the scene.

Adele stepped away, seeing the flash of light on the ground out of the corner of my eye, I couldn't help but walked over to the Throne of God Seal, and reached out and picked up the dagger from the ground.

She used the fire light. Seeing that dagger was gleaming with cold, like a stream of autumn water, carrying a strong chill, and then stretched out his fingers, the sword immediately uttered a crisp dragon chant.

She couldn't help but said, "It's really good.

Lorraine looked around, then said: "If you feel good, you can put it away. Don't let others see it."

Adele thought of Bondor's brilliant skill, and she couldn't help but sigh, "It's a pity that such a hero is so dead."

Catherine was furious, raised her eyebrows, and said, "What do you mean?"

Lorraine saw that these two eldest ladies were again stubborn, and couldn't help but groan lowly, and then hurried up to the paddock, haha, and said: "Everyone is our own, at this critical moment. .We must be united sincerely and united as one. Only when the guns are unanimous, can we overcome difficulties together

After he talked about it, he suddenly touched his words and felt something was not right. Then he remembered that these words were often spoken to his Whampoa students after defeat by the bald headmaster. Then some are not very lucky.

When the two saw Lorraine speaking, they were unwilling to lose points in front of him, so they could not help but snorted together, embracing their arms in anger and turning their heads.

At this time, two guards came over, lifted Bandol's body, and threw it onto the side of the car.

Adele remembered something and said, "Do you know who he is?"

Lorraine shrugged. With an indifferent tone, he mocked and said: "Who knows? In wars, nameless guys have died a lot. If he doesn't die, we might all be dead."

Under the urging of the coachman, the carriage shook a bit, and then was pulled by the horse and slowly disappeared to the other end of the long street.

On the night of December 25th in the Julian calendar 831, the captain of the advance forces of the Almohad Empire and the deputy commander of the Royal Guards Bandol, Domi Achens, fought in disreputable manner because of spying operations. Dead Thousand Weapon Ye Danlin Xueshu Liu

After his death, not even a tombstone was left. Along with the corpses of his subordinates, those soldiers who were particularly angry because of the invasion by Heye Danlin violently threw them into the pit and buried them hastily. Reminder of intermission

Silmelia looked at the carriages, hesitated for a moment, came over and said, "What should we do now?"

Lorraine glanced back and said: "Let's forget it"

He thought for a moment, most of these soldiers are rookies, and the remaining small part are also rations. No experience in removing explosives. One by one, if one is careless, one will be blown up into the sky.

Although I don’t have much experience with this kind of fierce concavity (improvised explosive device), I have also seen "The Hurt Locker" go to other people’s countries, grab money, things, women, oil, and then grab After it's over, I will promote "Love and Peace" against violence and terrorist attacks.

Therefore, knowing some basic knowledge is better than the guys who don't know the fart. I understand in my heart that only if I go into battle myself, can I be safer.

Lorraine thought of this, causing everyone to retreat beyond a safe distance, and then began to check the three carriages one by one.

In this era, although there are large depositories such as Maple Leaf Danlin who have a large amount of knowledge, due to the inconvenience of transportation and the extremely poor knowledge exchange, the big guys are still very inadequate, and the technical level is still at the low level of personal small craftsmanship. In times, even those who make fake eggs can despise them.

Coupled with the rush of time, getting started is extremely rough.

It only took Lorraine less than three minutes to accurately find the hidden door on the mezzanine at the bottom of the carriage.

He took a dagger and easily pried open the sandwich planks. Then I looked down with the light of the fire, and the sweat on my head immediately shed.

I saw it in the middle of the carriage. There was a whole layer of explosive crystals, each of which was the size of a brick. If it explodes, it will immediately turn into powder, and even the corpse will not be found.

He stretched out his hand cautiously, about to take out the crystals piece by piece, and suddenly felt something wrong with the touch of his fingertips. Can't help but move in my heart. Hastily looked down.

Looking at it, I couldn't help being scared. I saw that between the crystals, a contact device was fixed with a thread-like thread. As long as it moved a little, it would immediately explode all the crystals.

Lorraine could not help cursing secretly: These Almohad people are really vicious enough, dying, and they don't forget to harm others. The one who suffers is that he came in person, and if he changed another person, he would be bombed into the sky.

He called the guards and asked for a pair of delicate scissors from Adele. He cut the thin wires one by one like a wire, and then took out the crystals and placed them aside.

He followed the same pattern and removed the crystals from the other two cars, then inspected it again and saw that there was no danger anymore, and he took a breath.

He got out of the carriage, and now that Luo Linna had come over long ago, she put all the magic crystals in a happy face and carefully placed them aside. The pile is the size of a hill.

She watched Lorraine come down, greeted him, and patted Lorraine on the shoulder appreciatively, and said, "Ha, the young man did a good job, this time we finally made a small fortune. But,"

At this point, Luo Linna sighed with a little regret, and then continued: "If it were more, it would be better."

Lorraine couldn't help but his eyes rounded, and he couldn't help laughing and crying: "Sister, if there is a little more, they can blast the city gate without getting close to the city gate, and then by the way, we will also be blasted to heaven and accompanied Sen. Brother, let's play a big game of hemp together."

Luo Linna's eyes flashed, and she said strangely: "Ge Sen?.

Vera hurriedly rushed next to him and said, "It's Zhuo Sen, Senior Sister."

Lorraine couldn't help laughing and pointing to Lorraine's nose, and said: "You should read the gods, not afraid of retribution in the future."

Lorraine glanced at Silmelia in the distance, didn't come over when she saw her, just rolled her eyes, pretending not to see it. I could not help but secretly said in my heart: The daughter of the goddess has been hooked onto the bed by the young master. If you want to suffer retribution, you will have already suffered.

Don't care about this.

At this moment, Luo Linna showed a suspicious look in his eyes. He was afraid of revealing a flaw, he hurriedly punched a haha, and said: "This is what I said from the mouth of a magician, how come I feel a little harsh. Could it be that, Do you want to become a monk?.

Rowrina suffocated, then gave him a sip. Said: "You are a monk"

Then he stepped aside and directed the soldiers to move the explosive crystal away.

Lorraine saw the explosive crystals being taken away by them, and suddenly had an idea, "How do you plan to use these crystals?"

Luo Linna was stunned and said: "How can this be used? Of course it is divided and handed over to the soldiers, so that they can use it to defend the city and blow up the enemy."

Lorraine thought for a moment and said, "I have an idea, you let them put these together"

When he said this, he heard an anxious voice from the side, saying: "My lord. My lord"

Lorraine turned around and saw that a soldier with a red helmet on his head was standing on his side in a panic.

He recognized that this was the messenger of the captain of the city guard, Rivier, and he frowned, hurriedly

That rumor made the soldier leaned slightly. Said: "Back to your lord, our captain seemed to be moving when he saw it on the head of the city. I would like to invite the lord to come and take a look at the Throne of God Seal."

"I know." Lorraine nodded, and then confessed a few words to Luo Linna, asking her to dress up the explosive crystal as she requested, and then hurriedly followed behind the messenger and came to the city head. on.

A tall and sturdy young man hurriedly greeted him. It was the captain of the guard, Rivier.

He saw Lorraine, and said, "I have seen an adult."

If you hurriedly beat your chest with your hand, you must salute,

Lorraine reached out and stopped him. He smiled and said, "Brothers, don't come to this. Even if I walked on your head this time, you can't just use such a shameless method to shame me because of this?"

Rivier was taken aback for a moment, and said, "My lord, what do you mean?

Lorraine reached out and pointed to the opposite side and said, "You have the greatest official position here. If there is a sniper shooter on the opposite side, you will also be shot at first. As a result, as soon as you salute me, their target becomes me."

Rivel's body shook and she was surprised "Ah, there was a sound.

After thinking about it for a while, his eyes shot admiringly, and then he said: "My lord. I'm outspoken, what can I say.

At first I was really dissatisfied with you. But based on what you just said, you know that compared with those of us who have never fought a real battle but only rely on qualifications, you can be described as a battle-tested, experienced, and absolutely capable of leading us. . Next is convinced. "

Lorraine secretly said in his heart: Compared with you stupid big-head soldiers, Master, I have been there for five thousand years, but there have been battles every day. It can be said to be rich in experience, so many years of knowledge than you, just throw a little, it is enough for you guys to learn for half a month.

He didn't say broken, just smiled faintly, then turned to look at the city, and said: "What is the situation now?"

Rivel hurriedly took two steps. Pointing to the lower part of the city and said, "My lord, look at the opposite side. As long as the lights on the magic tower sweep over, there, over there, and over there, although you can't see clearly, they all have a little reflection."

He paused, and said with a cautious expression on his face: "I suspect that there are night attack troops ambushed by the enemy. But for a while, I can't figure it out. I would like you to decide.

Lorraine took a look at the probe. I couldn't help but sneered twice and said, "You have good eyesight. Don't doubt, there must be enemy night attack troops there. They are still waiting for the troops who sneaked into the city to open the gates and rush in in one fell swoop."

"Fraud" the city? "Rivier couldn't help taking a breath, her pupils contracted.

Lorraine realized that these guys had been staying in the city and didn’t know what was happening below. He couldn’t help but smiled and said, “Don’t worry, we have cleaned them up. When the situation was reported back, There will be a document for everyone to give a detailed explanation."

Rivel looked at Lorraine. Now that he looks as usual, he finally believes that he can't show his appearance. This long eyebrow is beautiful. A young man who looks like a little white face really has his own advantages.

There were rumors in the past that the Earl of Lorraine of the Dragon Cliff Grass family was different from ordinary nobles. He was bold enough to venture into Longtan alone, and he could dare to fight with dragons and liches on his own. Not a lie.

Thought of this? , He became more respectful, and said: "My lord, what do you think we should do now? Go out of the city and kill them for a while, or shoot them away with arrows?

Lorraine thought for a moment, and said, "If they are not too much, just staying there, and not attacking them overnight, let them stay there."

Rivel was taken aback again, and said, "My lord, if we fight, we will spare no effort to attack the enemy.

Lorraine sighed, looked at the white air in his mouth, then pointed to the dark sky, and said: "Look at it clearly. Now the air is dripping into ice today, especially in the latter half of the night, almost in the early morning. Everyone has to pee while taking a small hammer, otherwise even Xiaodu will freeze together."

Low production Everyone is rushing to survive every day. Have you ever heard such a lascivious joke? At this time, listening to his image is interesting. I couldn't help it all, but I didn't dare to laugh in front of him. It could only be a turtle, his faces flushed and distorted, looking like a bull's head.

Lorraine pretended not to notice, and continued with a stern face: "Those poor children lie there all night, it's not a cold to catch a cold. They will go back then, and then spread the cold bacteria into the camp, maybe the day after tomorrow they Because of a severe cold and third-stage pneumonia, all of them died.

Revel looked at Lorraine at this time. He almost admired the five-body cast. He humbled his thumb and said, "Big, sir, tall, so tall."

Lorraine heard the familiar words. Unable to stop for a moment, he looked back at him, and found that the captain was indeed very charming as the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Army in "Tunnel War". Reminder of intermission

The next morning, when the sun slowly rises from the horizon. The world has not fully awakened yet, and the earth is still shrouded in a faint white mist.

At this moment, he heard a loud bugle, pierced the gauze-like mist, and awakened everyone. (To be continued)

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