Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 171: Master, don't be afraid

Scarlet Dragon Cavalry Chapter 171 Don't Be Afraid, Master

Lin looked at the man in black and couldn't help feeling a combination of coldness and humming from the soles of his feet. There was also bitterness in the mouth. I really thought that the other party was a ghost.

You must know that although the layout is not bad, it is also a solid cell.

In such a short instant, a dark shadow appeared behind him silently. In addition, in such a weird and dark night, the cold wind blew in through the gaps in the windows like **** winds.

The only dim yellow oil lamp, emitting a faint light. Swaying constantly in the cold wind, leaving a huge and terrifying shadow on the wall.

How does this look. How does it look like a horror movie scene.

Lorraine felt a biting cold, and even his heart was tangled.

He stared at the dark shadow in fear. Waited for a long time. But I saw that the shadow was still motionless.

Lorraine couldn't help comforting herself, this might just be the shadow of a corner, and she was wrong. Then I felt ashamed again, this statement is too self-deceiving.

Although the face of the dark shadow opposite was in the shadow of the cloak, he could still see the light shining in the eyes of the other person under the shadow.

Haolin resisted the shaking and swallowed dryly. The trembling voice said, "What do you want to do? If you cannibalize, you have gone the wrong way. There is a fat man on the other side that is more delicious than me."

At this moment, he saw the dark shadow on the opposite side smile slightly, and then took a step forward.

The footsteps stepped on the floor, and there was a soft noise.

In this dark night, it clearly passed into Lorraine's ears.

The sound was so cold that it pierced his eardrums, just like when the door of **** was opened in front of him, the scorching sound of the lack of oil when the shaft rubbed

Lorraine calmed down instead.

He looked at the dark shadow that was slowly coming from the opposite side, and couldn't help being furious, and thought to himself: "What if it's a ghost? The big deal, Master, I will fight with you.

Thinking of this, he took a big step and walked forward to the Throne of God Seal.

Seeing him coming, the black shadow hesitated for a while, and started to back up uncontrollably.

at this time. The blood in Lorraine's chest became hot.

Regardless of him, he pressed the throne of the **** seal, he didn't care if he was hurt by the opponent, he must figure out whether this ghost was a promotion.

He chased to the side of the wall and saw that the dark shadow on the opposite side was blocked by the thick wall, and could no longer retreat.

Seeing that there was no retreat, the other party slowly raised his head. The light throbbing in the bright mirror eyes. It seemed to challenge Lorraine mockingly.

He took a deep breath, then stretched out his hand.

The tentacles are cold, strong, and somewhat smooth, like a moldy wall with moss.

Lorraine couldn't help but shudder, and found that he really touched the wall

The moon shed its silver brilliance, projecting the flower panes of the room onto the wall.

The wind suddenly stopped, and the silence in the room seemed to be two completely different worlds from the outside. Rao Lorraine was bold, but he couldn't help but pale.

A real ghost turned in front of his own eyes, which was far more frightening than hearing the wailing of countless ghosts.

He couldn't help blinking his eyes vigorously, thinking that the ghost would disappear.

But the ghost is still there. The light in those blue eyes still flashed.

Lorraine looked at each other's eyes, and felt that the light in those eyes was too dazzling for a dead person, and even a bit proud and mocking.

What’s even stranger is that there is another thing in the ghost, which has not been taken away by death. It actually has a gentle, sweet, orchid-like voice.

At this time. The moon, which had just poked its head out from behind the clouds, shined through the gloomy night with its bright light on the lower half of the ghost's face.

She saw her lower collar pointed, her face pale and greasy, smooth and shiny. Not even half a small pockmark, a cherry with a small mouth, dexterous and correct. Among the delicate red lips, two rows of thin teeth are like broken jade. He seemed to be looking at him with a gloating smile.

A curl of her face hung down, and under the moonlight, it showed a faint purple luster. Faintly familiar. It seems that I have seen it somewhere.

There was also a faint fragrance in the nose.

That ghost is also a stunning beauty.

Lorraine couldn't help but be puzzled.

out of curiosity. He also stretched out his other hand.

As a result, he was surprised to find that he had touched a plump and smooth Yuxiaofeng. It was as if there was a beating and fiery heart below that Yu Xiaofeng.

Lorraine just realized, when he just reached out. The result went wrong. Because of the panic, he caught it directly on the wall.

He looked at the ghost. If the other party is really a ghost, then the ghost is really charming. Maybe even the little Red Riding Hood in the holy city, who is called the Pope by everyone, will fight to go to hell.

Because there was a charming wine vortex under the hood of the cloak. There is also a smooth, white, greasy, graceful swan-like neck. It's like a body of flesh and blood.

Immediately after. The large cloak and the hood of the Yin Lin on his head split back. Completely revealed",

Ah ah ah ah,,

A slender tall, perfect body like Artemis, goddess of the hunt.

Lorraine was surprised to see that the other party was not wearing an inch under the cloak, revealing a perfect white, snow-like body. The round frame is the most salaried for children's day, and the tongue is so fascinating that the muscles and mouths lead to the delicate jade feet, slender and straight, and in the heart of the meridian, round and perfect, elegant curved buttocks, smooth The lower abdomen, slender and soft, the bee waist that can't stand a grip.

Na Wei was towering and full of amazing elasticity. As he breathed more and more quickly, his plump chest trembled, full of dreamlike temptation. Almost deadly.

Beautiful neck like a swan. Exquisite chin, tall nose, charming misty star eyes dripping with water, and thick, long eyelashes.

This fascinating ghost is the frosty Silmelia who usually treats him honestly!

She looked at the stunned Lorraine, she couldn't help but two blushes flew up on her face, biting her delicate and delicate cherry lips, gasping for a few times, and a low moan came from deep in her throat, saying: "Dead" hug "me"

Talking. Extending those bright arms that bullied Saixue, Ding Di whispered in a low voice, wrapping Lorraine's head and neck like a snake. The fire pressed tightly.

Her words are full of speech disorders, because "the real dead are completely stiff and lose their mobility. It is impossible to complete complex actions like "holding someone, going to bed".

This fully exposes the truth that the girl of the goddess used to go to school truant and sleep in small classes and did not study well.

But Lorraine fully understood the meaning at once. I felt like something exploded in my head, turning into countless colorful fragments. The whole person is completely lost in the dreamlike colors, like clouds and fog, and bewildered, even if the sky is falling, I can't control it," reminded the intermission

In the dim light, Silmelia squeezed Lorraine's arm tightly with both hands. Then he raised his beautiful neck, raised his head high, his eyes blurred and lost focus.

The whole body bends back vigorously like a bow. Sakura's lips kept opening slightly, as if to make a silent shout.

Then she let out an uncontrollable low whisper from her mouth and nose like a swan, and then, the whole body weakened weakly like a collapse, and fell into Lorraine’s arms, still unceasingly in her mouth. Panting. The delicate one shivered slightly from time to time, and it was covered with a layer of fine crystal clear fragrance.

Lorraine stretched out her hand and gently stroked her skin, and a satin-like delicate and smooth feeling came from the tip of her hand. Silmelia's skin was as crystal clear as jade, as smooth as water, as if she had been stroking a smooth and soft brocade, extremely comfortable.

"After a long time I will definitely go to hell, Sylmelia curled up in Zhilin's arms like a cat, put her arms around his neck, and said in a low voice.

Lorraine couldn't help but be surprised, seeing the look on her face, stroking her perfect back, hurriedly for a while. Anyway, what disgusting people say, what to say. Desperately promised, with his friendship with Zhuo Sen, the king of the gods, that is, Brother Sen. I wouldn't let her go to hell.

"I will definitely go to hell" Silmelia said with a stubborn expression: "I have checked the "Sacred Code", and it is clearly written on it. "Anyone of the gods commits adultery."

When she said this, she suddenly felt a little harsh, and hurriedly changed her view, saying: "Anyone who does this kind of thing will be sentenced to **** by the gods after death."

Lorraine looked at the light shining in her bright eyes, and had to sigh, and said: "Okay, okay. You will go to hell. It's just that

He paused, and suddenly remembered something, he couldn't help wondering: "It's just that you know you will go to hell, why are you still

Silmelia hesitated for a moment, then bit her rosy lip, and said, "Since death is going to **** no matter what, I don't care if I can't keep myself alive. In"

Lorraine couldn't help but suffocate. Is this still the Silmelia who admires the gods and has a firm conviction?

He sighed, and then said: "Melia, those are all superstitions. Do you really think that the gods will write these things boringly? Don't forget, Seng himself is an old hooligan who is full of flowers and grass. "

Silmelia groaned, stretched him out, and said, "Don't speak ill of the gods. They are all watching from the sky."

Lorraine couldn't help being silent, and said in his heart: Leave him alone. Anyway, I made it

Silmelia’s eyes fluttered, and the spring-like index finger drew on Lorraine’s body, and said in a tired voice: "You still have no strength," reminded the intermission.

at this time. I heard a voice calling out the window in a low voice: "Master, don't worry, I'll save Jia."

When the voice came to this, the person next to him covered his mouth. Can only come out


Silmelia was shocked and hurriedly wrapped the sheets tightly and said, "Who, who is outside?"

Talking. Panicked, and compared with his hands, he was about to chant a spell.

Lorraine reached out and held her down, and whispered: "It's Wei, Xiao

After he finished speaking, he realized that it was wrong, he couldn't help but was taken aback, then he couldn't help but laughed bitterly, and said in his heart: My cute and confused silly girl

then. Just get up.

Silmelia saw the look on his face beside her, her eyes changed a few times, then she bit her lip lightly, stretched out her hand to hug him tightly, and whispered: "Don't go, call She walked away. Don't get in the way here.

Lorraine opened his mouth, just about to speak.

I heard a voice outside saying in a low voice: "I'm sorry, Chuan Ba ​​Zuma La is young if you don't understand, you will be a raccoon dog if you cry" hahaha"

The two couldn't help being stiff again.

Vera's doubtful and hesitant voice sounded again: "But the elder", Xiao,

Blankrera's voice came: "Go, go. Don't get in the way here. The president is pin-eyed."

Vera was rather unwilling to say: "But Master"

Blankrera sighed long and said, "You will understand when you grow up. Now I tell you, you don't understand. Okay, don't look again. Don't look."

He hesitated for a moment, and said through the window: "I" let's go first, tomorrow "by tomorrow,"

Before he finished speaking, he heard a sharp wind hung from something inside, slammed it, and slammed it heavily on the window with a loud noise.

Rao was a long-time man with a thick skin, but he shivered in shock.

He saw that Vera was still open with a big clear eye like water, tilted his head and looked inward, his expression was very curious and puzzled, and he could not help but sweat. He hurriedly pulled her up and said, "Go, don't look at it. If you look at it again, there will be needles."

Then, he hurriedly slipped down and disappeared into the darkness.

The two Lorraine heard a panting sound from their clothes, and it was obvious that the two had already gone away. The two could not help looking at each other. Then he burst into laughter.

Lorraine looked at her, hesitated for a moment, and said, "You

Silmelia put a hand between his lips, then smiled charmingly, and brought the rosy cherry lips closer.

Lorraine fell into the clouds again, dazedly not knowing what year tonight is."

The two of them kept tossing until dawn, all exhausted, and then they hugged and fell asleep.

They didn't know how long they slept, and suddenly they heard a noise coming from outside the door, which woke them up.

Silmelia looked up and saw that the sun outside the window had already risen three poles. She immediately took a breath of air-conditioning, her face turned pale with fright, and she couldn't help crying: I played so hard last night and completely forgot the time. .

She hurriedly jumped off the bed, and then felt sore in her legs that she almost fell to the ground.

Lorraine had quick eyes and hands, and hurriedly supported her.

Silmelia reached out and picked up the clothes from the ground, put them on in a hurry, then picked up the clothes on the ground, and threw them to Lorraine indiscriminately, whispering and eagerly said: "Get on now."

She put her hands behind her head and stroked the long show out of her clothes. Turning his head to see Lorraine yawning slowly, he couldn't help but feel anxious, and said, "You are a little bit faster!"

Lorraine said: "This is my room. When do I want to sleep. As long as I sleep, anyone dares to take care of me?"

Silmelia choked and said: "Forget it, I don't care about you."

Lorraine looked at her and said, "It's time, I forgot to ask. How did you get in last night?"

Silmelia pointed to the table next to her and said, "That was a long time ago, when I was a student. I accidentally discovered a secret door there."

She paused, with a strange look in her eyes, and then continued: "Our day" after my advancement. Suddenly understood, just as you said. The gods only need to praise sincerely in their hearts. No form is required. But to obey your heart and soul. It is important not to indulge. But it is also essential not to restrain, only in this way is the right way. "

Lorraine couldn't help sighing, seeing the soft water-like light flashing in her eyes, and whispered: "The Holy See really has a double tower

Silmelia immediately became angry.

She opened her mouth and bit on his shoulder, and then whispered: "Do you know how sad I was every day after that day? Give you so many hints. You don't understand."

Lorraine stunned: "Hint, what hint?.

Silmelia gave him a white look and said, "I ignore you before I see you every day. Isn't this a hint?"

Zhilin could not help being speechless for a while. Finally murmured: "If this is also a hint, the first beauty of the Demon Race, Adeling, also often hinted to me."

Silmelia ignored him, and went on to say: "So I lied about you and told us bad things, let Abbey find you to catch you, and clean up."

Lorraine looked at her, couldn't help but smiled evilly, and said: "Which of us has taken care of whom?"

Silmelia glared at him like a silky took a sip, then looked out the window, and said: "Okay, I won't tell you more, I'm leaving."

Talking. Coming over, Xiang Hips towered high, knelt on the bed, leaned forward and kissed Lorraine on the cheek.

Lorraine felt pity and hugged her and kissed her wildly.

Silmelia's eyes couldn't help but blur, and she hugged Lorraine unknowingly, her soft body couldn't help twisting, her hands were inserted into his thick head, and her breath gradually rose again.

After a while, she woke up sober, struggling to jump out of Lorraine's arms, looked at the sun outside the window, and said: "I" I really left. "

With that said, I'm going to push that hidden door.

Just now. He heard a voice outside the door, and the voice said a word.

Immediately shocked the two people in the room

It’s been a long time since I asked for a monthly pass. (To be continued)

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