Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 170: Beware of crash

Scarlet Dragon Chapter 170 Beware of Crash

, Damn he owes it! Several people couldn't help but scolded

They sat together and discussed for a long time, but they couldn't come up with any good solutions. After all, Fengye Danlin had just given birth to an evil piece, and his alert level was greatly improved.

Now those gangsters in the check team are just like the Nazi SS. Seeing what's going on, he asked first, and if he didn't answer, he immediately threw knives, fireballs, holy light bullets, etc. to the Throne of God Seal. First smashed the opponent to death, and then dragged it back for interrogation. Or just dig a hole and bury the person.

And if Catherine and the others ran to the prison because of such a trivial matter, they could only make the incident worse and worse. If the trouble became uncontrollable, Lorraine would be the one unlucky in the end.

But fortunately. Although Nahua No.16 has been rumored to be haunted, no one has seen what the ghost looks like. And it seems that no evil has ever happened. Lorraine stayed there. There is no danger of life. Just being frightened, it is inevitable to grow a teacher.

These young girls were so soft-hearted, and they were discussing and discussing with a sad face. Before they knew it, almost all of them had become pale, and they could only make a decision. Wait until the morning to find someone to see the situation.

Vera went back to her room and remembered that she hadn't saved Lorraine in time not long ago, and asked him to deduct his wages and not allow himself to eat snacks. She also wrote several pages of guarantee, and her hands were sore. Up. Coming here together, I can't help having a headache, secretly afraid.

She wandered around the room two times anxiously, not knowing what to do for a while.

Vera scratched her slender and smooth length, thinking hard for a long time, and scratching her blue length into a chicken coop, but she couldn't think of a good way. Can't help but feel stuffy.

Then opened the window.

Immediately, a blast of cold air rushed in, causing her to be instantly shaken.

Vera raised her head and looked out the window, the sky was a little bit starry. Bright and dazzling, extremely beautiful. She couldn't help but sighed long, and then made up her mind: no matter how difficult it is, she must save Lorraine, and at the worst, she must say hello and give him some food. In the province, he finds to deduct his wages and make things difficult for himself.

After the little maid made her appointment, she immediately felt much better.

She walked downstairs lightly, and then came to the kitchen with ease, although Vera was a road idiot. But there is also an advantage, that is, no matter where she is, she can always find the right kitchen location the first time.

Vera went to the kitchen, looked around, no one found some food casually, and then packed it all in a brain. Afterwards, he opened the small door quietly, and hid all the way through his unique night eye as a dragon, avoiding several guards. Quietly slipped out of the villa.

The heartless little maid climbed over the wall and jumped outside, not even aware of how dangerous this night is to an innocent and innocent girl today.

She dusted off her clothes. Then he looked at the direction and hummed softly, "Little girl, with a pretty appearance, full of youth, on her face, her eyes are as bright as water and she has her shoulders. Facing the morning sun

She sang here, looked up, and saw that the day was still dark and she couldn't see the shadow of the sunrise at all, but she didn't care. She continued to hum the song: "Happy singing, Dai Yun's time, enjoy the good time , Laugh, don’t hesitate, have a cheerful heart, on the green grassland"

Along the avenue. Stepping on the black patent leather shoes worn on his slender feet, he walked briskly.

Black patent leather shoes stepped on the bluestone road, the footsteps were clear and loud.

After she appeared, she immediately became playful and took a few steps. Have to jump on it. With the song, it is like accompaniment music.

The white socks that didn't stick to the dust on his feet kept shaking, and it was clear how far they were in the dark night.

Only when she came to the intersection and stood still, she suddenly realized that she had encountered a huge problem, that is, she didn't know the road at all.

Vera couldn't help but to side her head, scratched a few times, and whispered: "Damn it, this" what should I do? "

She thought for a moment, and then slowly closed her eyes, wanting to feel the martial force of the universe, the holy king made the sacred king, the night kills the gods, the gods, the throne, the gods, the world, the nineth heaven, the strongest, the youngest, the great Zhou, the royal family The king of the night kills the gods and the gods seals the throne of the gods and the gods in the world Ask the Demon Ao Shi Ninth Heaven to be the strongest to abandon the position of Lorraine from the youngest clan of Zhou.

at this time. Suddenly, I heard the noise of leaves above my head.

Vera couldn't help being surprised, and whispered, "Who?"

in the mean time. He quickly drew out his huge wand, leaned down, and was ready to fight.

The tree immediately stopped shouting

Vera carefully squinted her eyes and looked up at the tree.

I saw a chubby figure lying in the middle of the thick branches. If she hadn't had a pair of bright night eyes, she would almost neglect that person to the God Seal Throne.

Vera remembered the safety precautions Lorraine had taught herself before, pointed the magic wand in her hand carefully to the dark shadow, and whispered: "I'll be your name, or I will be welcome.

After speaking, he said in a low voice, he was about to shoot a fireball.

The person on the tree couldn't help but yelled: "Don't throw fireballs. I'm a good person, come out is" Huh? Are you not Vera? scared me

Talking. Jumped off the tree in a big way.

Vera was a little familiar with the other party's voice, and she blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at the man carefully. Hesitatingly said: "You are".

At this time, Old Rong seemed to be curious as well, poking out his head from behind the clouds, Liu Qingliangxin did not let it down in October, and it happened to shine on that person's face.

Vera looked at the person's face vaguely familiar, after watching for a long time, a person suddenly jumped out of her mind. Pointing to his nose in surprise, he exclaimed: "Are you Elder Blankrera?"

The low fat man saw Vera put down the wand in his hand and wiped the sweat from his head. Nodded and replied: "You **** girl, do you recognize me now?"

Vera looked at his figure, her bright, watery eyes flashed with crystal tears.

With a sore nose, she threw what was in her hands, and then opened her hands and rushed to the Throne of God Seal, almost crying, and said, "Elder, where have you been these days? Why are you all beaten? Is it swollen like this? Who did it? We seek revenge from him, hey"

Before she could finish her words, she felt a violent thud on her head. She screamed in pain, clasped her head in her hands, and squatted on the ground. Then he looked at Blankrera with tears in his eyes and said, "Why are you hitting me?"

Blankrera glared at her angrily and cursed in a low voice: "You **** girl, don't move your mind. Who dares to fight with me, is it impatient to live? I eat my own flesh these days. Coming up."

Talking. He hugged the fat on his stomach, breathing hard.

"Huh?" Vera rubbed the swollen bag on her head, tilted her head and looked at him, wondering in her heart. Said: "Elder, I haven't gone back these days. Are fat people popular over there now? Do you still fly like this? Be careful of crashing! I heard the young master said that they had just dropped a crappy president two days ago. Unlucky house"

Blankrera slapped her again, and said, "What are you talking about?"

He paused, seeing that Vera was still puzzled, he couldn't help but sighed, and then patiently explained: "The other day, didn't I have been edited by the crazy gangsters of the Magic Academy? The pictures and graphics are posted all over the street, and I am afraid to go to the bathroom. After all, they are really stingy, just such a little thing, they can’t catch

He complained in a low voice, and then continued: "So I came up with this method, deliberately eating fat, so that they can't recognize it. How about, elder, am I very smart?"

Talking. Twisted the waist of the chubby bucket and turned twice. Like a kid doing something proud on the net, waiting eagerly for Vera to praise herself.

Vera and Leo have been together for a long time, how can he not tell, and immediately slapped him as he wanted.

Since Vera came to Lorraine's side, she found this flattering to be very useful, of course she was painstakingly researching. In addition, there is a master Lorraine who often educates and instructs him, and he opens his mouth when he opens his mouth, and his technical level is advancing by leaps and bounds, even reaching the internationally leading level.

After flattering, the old man who was shooting grinned, his eyes narrowed and Bei was happily not found.

Vera took a look and took the picture again. It was impossible to guarantee that the little old man would not have a heart attack. Then he turned the subject away and said, "By the way, elder, you don't sleep at night, why did you run into the tree to play?"

Blankrera bluntly said: "This is not to eat a little fat. I haven't come out to steal girls' underwear for many days. For fear of ruining the technology, he saw Vera suddenly widened the clear and bright pair. Without a trace of worldly red eyes, he suddenly woke up and hurriedly said: "Uh" I'm all right, come out to sun the moon and breathe in the fresh air. Haha, hahaha"

Talking. Extending his arms and doing a few chest expansion exercises to show how much Elder Blankrera loves life and nature.

Although Vera was innocent and charming, she was not a fool either. She looked at Blankrera's dry smile and blinked her eyes, wondering: "Really?.

Blankerella immediately became angry, and the fat tiger body was shocked, and he whispered: "I said it was true, it was true. By the way, why did you run out again? Well, look at Lorraine at home, Be careful that he was abducted by another bad woman. When the time comes, you won't find a place to cry!"

Vera glanced at him in surprise, and for a while, she couldn't figure out why she would cry if Lorraine was abducted, but at the next moment, suddenly remembering what she was going to do, she immediately stomped her feet and said: " Elder, Lorraine was arrested by the check team. I'm going to see him, and you have to help me out."

Blankrellach said: "He was caught? He is a dead monkey with his fur so fine, how could he be caught? Where was he caught?"

Vera thought for a while, and finally answered honestly: "I forgot why. But I know he was caught at No. 76 Danlin Road.

"Number seventy-six? Why did you take him there?" Blankrera groaned, and then said with difficulty: "Vera, do you think I am so old? This kind of fight saves people. Things don’t fit my identity

Although Vera is not a popular business, looking at the light in his eyes, it is exactly the same as when Leo wanted to eat free food. How can he not understand what he meant, and immediately said: "What do you want?"

Blankrera smiled strangely and said, "I heard that you have started a company and the business is very good?"

Vera looked at him, scratched her head questioningly, and said: "But we are all the windmill mills, you

Blankrera let out a long sigh and reminded: "You don’t still make bicycles there.

Vera couldn't help but looked at him embarrassedly. The beater said in a voice: "But that thing is very expensive, I don't have any money."

Blankrera said quickly: "You don't need to spend money, as long as you go and say hello for me, so that I can get the goods in advance."

Vera suddenly took a breath and patted her huge breast. Said: "It's just a small matter? You didn't say it earlier. It's very simple, it's on my body."

then. Picked up things. Said: "Let's go."

Talking. He walked to the side path, but after two steps, he turned his head and found that Blankrera was standing at the other crossing, looking at him dumbfoundingly.

Vera couldn't help her tongue, and hurriedly turned back.

She followed behind the old dragon who knows the way in Blankrera. Don't worry about getting lost.

The two walked along the street and alley. In the middle of the journey, Blankrera brought a picket team that had escaped several patrols.

They walked for a long time, and finally stopped in front of a small building with a hill back and close to the woods.

The two hid in the shadow of the big tree beside the road.

Vera closed her eyes and felt it seriously, then pointed to a window that was still lit with faint light, and said affirmatively: "Master is in that room."

Blankrera looked at the probe, and found that a patrol was swaying past the front and hurriedly retracted their heads.

He whispered: "Here are some of the Holy See's repeat offenders. Lorraine is so miserable now? Has he got here? Is it the battle of the soul sword? Is the Holy See's dead bald heads to be held accountable? ?"

Vera couldn't help losing her face in shock, and almost cried out in a hurry, and said, "That" what should I do? I heard the young master say that this is going to be tied to a frame. Then it was put on the main square and burned to death. What should I do? Elder, are you thinking of a way? "

Talking. He pinched Blankrera's neck and kept shaking. As he pinched, he rolled his eyes and almost lost his breath.

Blankrera desperately broke free from Vera's clutches.

He gasped for a few breaths, the net settled, and he saw Vera turning around twice, and then biting her teeth. Tightened his pretty face, slowly raised the magic skills in his hand, and whispered a few words, the violent fire element continuously gathered on the head of the stick. Obviously she intends to blast a big hole in that small building and rescue Lorraine.

Blankrera couldn't help but startled. This is Maple Leaf Danlin, with many high-level warriors like dogs, and cardinals everywhere. Even high-level magicians are also a place for criticism. If you really want to fight, even if it is as strong as him, you can only slap your head.

He hurriedly snatched the wand away, and said, "What are you panicking? Let's go and see it first, and it's not too late to accompany you! If it's not, you can get into trouble.

Vera thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

Blankrera led her, and the two cautiously bypassed several guard posts. Hiding in the shadows of trees and buildings, came under the window. Then climbed up.

Vera came out of the window and saw a gap exposed in the window, she couldn't help but squinted an eye. Look inward through the gap.

Just looking at it, his eyes widened in shock. Reminder of intermission

Lorraine was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling blankly, and counted 500 sheep in a low voice, but couldn't sleep.

I didn't know how to figure it out, but the investigation felt that he was going to be arrested.

He kept thinking about the words before Abbey's departure, "Here is the line. The room that has been haunted, dare to say bad things about us, you just wait for the luck!"

It's just the conscience of heaven and earth. Although he did not say bad things about the investigation team, he said it in private. Never was so heartless enough to let them hear.

He couldn't help thinking: Could it be that it was the battle spirit sword? The bald people in the Holy See are looking for trouble for themselves?

at this time. I heard a strange sound somewhere. It was like the sound of some kind of sharp nails scratching the wall.

Lorraine couldn't help being surprised. Suddenly, I remembered the part of Abel's words that I had ignored. "This is the haunted room."

Thinking of this he couldn't help but shivered and sat up from the bed.

Uncle Luo has never been afraid of the heavens, the earth, even the vixen, but he is only concerned about the ghost. There is hair in my heart.

Subsequently. There was a sound of footsteps that seemed to exist and did not appear. It was like a ghost, and it was the first time for an affair aristocratic lady to go to a tryst. Lightly on tiptoe, quietly stop one step at a time. I was afraid that her shoes would make a quiet voice.

Lorraine knew that this was just comforting himself, but he still grinned.

"Suddenly. A cold wind blew in from the gap in the window, and the oil lamp on the blowing table shook unceasingly.

Lorraine hurriedly walked over to the Throne of God Seal, and placed the lamp in a sheltered position nearby.

But as soon as he turned around, he felt his blood stagnated, and his scalp was numb.

I saw a black figure wearing a black scarf as if entering through the thick wall, standing opposite him. Looking at himself coldly, the blue eyes are shining with light" (to be continued)

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