Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1452: Return to the Caribbean

When Iskander and his wife were sitting at the dinner table, the Caribbean Seaport Guard had already started a day's work.

At this moment, ships are coming and going in and out of the Caribbean harbor, creating a lively and busy scene. Regardless of the war in the ordinary Caribbean, who is struggling for life at sea, their only goal is to support their family.

If you are serious, you can make more money during the depression of the Semitic industry.

The soldiers of the garrison were working among the busy crowd. The past Caribbean saw these soldiers digging holes or building fortifications, and their eyes flashed with anxiety.

The war, after all, is not over yet.

These soldiers worked hard to build fortifications under the command of their Pig Head Captain... uh, Captain Le Ruien.

It can be seen that the soldiers are not very interested in this work. They are all listless and drowsy, working like they are performing slow motion.

Le Ruien waved his fat hands on one side, and yelled incessantly, "Brothers, brothers, hurry up and work."

"Time waits for no one. There are not many days left. Human beings may call in soon."

"Sweat more in normal times and bleed less in wartime. Only when the fortifications are repaired can we defeat the enemy..."

Listening to his passionate speech, a soldier next to him finally couldn't bear it, questioning and asking: "Sir, this Atlantis heard that the distance between the two sides is tens of thousands of miles, so wide, how can humans say they just call Have you ever fought?"

The people next to each other immediately echoed.

"It will take three to four months for the boat to run."

"I heard that there are sea monsters bigger than mountains, coquettish mermaid with big mimi, and dragon and whale beasts that can knock the ship over. easy to come over."

"Our fleet has to sink hundreds of ships each time."

The soldiers dropped their work. Gathered together and talked about it.

Le Ruien immediately stared at his Madoka. Arms akimbo and shouted angrily: "You **** know what a shit~!

Humans are very powerful. Haven't you seen that millions of expeditionary troops have been defeated by them?

Not even a living person came back, and the thousands of warships that went out were all **** sinking. "

Hearing his words, the soldiers fell silent. Someone couldn't help but sighed long.

When the expeditionary force set out, many of them exited the sea through the Caribbean port.

At that time, there were thousands of sails racing and ten thousand ships competing for flow. They have all seen it.

The Semites can be described as having a strong military capacity, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers embarking on the expedition with high morale.

Not to mention there are so many war fortresses.

At that time, thunderously flew overhead. The sky was covered with the sun, and the entire Caribbean city was blocked by their shadows.

Just by looking at the scene, it was already scary to pee.

With more than two hundred war fortresses, razing a city is as simple as playing.

The Semites believe that there is nothing in the world that can block so many war fortresses.

I originally thought that this time I could defeat human beings, grab their things, grab their women, grab their money, but...

But so many troops went out. Then no one came back.

After a few months, only one message was returned. They were all wiped out by humans.

All, it means that none of them have been wiped out by humans in the human continent.

When the news came back, all the Semi people were shocked.

They couldn't imagine how such a powerful army would be gone without it?

I think back then, the first Weisheng War was fought for more than ten years, and it almost wiped out mankind.

And when he retreated later, there was also Kalidan, the No. 1 Titan of the Semi tribe, who led five hundred warriors to guard the bones of the dead, blocking the human pursuit of the army and ensuring the smooth retreat of the army.

But this time it only took one year, and they all died.

Just throwing a stone into the water, there is still a sound, and millions of armies, thousands of warships, two or three hundred war fortresses made by the lives and flesh of the Semitic people, disappeared silently. , Not even a splash of water appeared.

Although the senior leaders of the Semi have already issued a ban on speech, all ordinary people are not allowed to raise the matter again, and even threatened to behead their heads if caught.

But there is no impermeable wall in the world, not to mention there are black band members in the Semitic continent.

The news of the defeat quickly became widely known. Despite the strong denials of the Semitic leaders, the Caribbean is a seaport city.

It means that there are people from all directions, well-informed, and the people here are well-informed, no one pays attention to the orders of the government.

In their words, if the government's words were taken seriously, everyone would stop living.

The more the government denied it, the more people believed it.

Therefore, when everyone is fine, they often discuss this matter academically.

After a while, someone asked, "Sir, when do you think the humans will call?"

Le Ruien thought for a moment, spread his hands helplessly, and said, "Who knows? Maybe next year, maybe... maybe tomorrow."

As he said, he showed a fierce look.

Everyone looked at each other, and then burst into laughter.

Someone laughed and said: "Boss, who are you scaring? How could humans be able to fight over. I have heard that the high priest is beating a huge plate of fried noodles.

Although we were defeated, the old man, the high priest, is still alive. Everything is in the hands of his old man.

He was waiting for the humans to kill, waiting for their ship to reach the sea, and then..."

As the man said, he stretched out his hand to make a gesture of enclosing, and then squeezed it forcefully. Then he said: "Then his old man will show his great power and wipe out all the human beings, not even a scum."

Another person nearby said hesitantly: "Will, but I heard that the high priest seems to be injured. The injury is not minor."

Will glanced at him immediately. Disdainfully said: "That's why I said. The high priest, his old man, is playing a very large plate of fried noodles. He is deliberately pretending to be injured. He tricked the humans to come over earlier.

The high priest is a god-like figure. If his old man sits still, he can wipe out all human beings. "

When the crowd listened, they nodded in awe, because they were educated like this for hundreds of years.

Seeing Le Ruien's approval, someone smiled and said: "Sir, you see, everything has been considered with the high priest. Then we still..."

Le Ruien immediately glared, and reprimanded in a majestic manner: "Pay it back, pay it back, you pay me a fart~!

No matter what, this fortification must be repaired. This is an order from above.

And you guys have to cheer up and make this work better~! "

Everyone couldn't help but sighed in disappointment, and reluctantly picked up the tools.

Le Ruien glared with a pair of triangular eyes and said: "Don't forget, during the last war. Humans invaded the Caribbean. Think about how they treated the residents."

Everyone listened. They couldn't help but shudder, with a horrified expression on their faces.

Eight hundred years ago, under the command of the evil, shameless, and dirty human pope Urban, humans successfully raided the Caribbean city by means of a pirate ship.

In order to avenge the Semitic invasion of the human continent, the hateful humans took the bloodiest means of revenge.

The human knights of the Holy See were like demons and killed at sight, slaughtering the entire Caribbean city and the Semitic people within hundreds of miles around.

It is said that the blood in the Caribbean city was flowing like a small river at that time. People riding horses through the street, the blood flooded the horse's stomach.

According to human records at the time, the sea in the port was dyed red with blood. In the fire that burned throughout the Caribbean city that night, the sea turned into a strange rose red. According to historians, that night was called a demon. night of.

The war that lasted for three hundred years has burned every corner of the Caribbean.

During that period of history, every Caribbean person is familiar with it.

After a long while, someone grinned reluctantly, and said chucklingly: "Let's... we probably won't this time?

My lady, I mean the city lord's house, isn't it... isn't it related to that person? "

After hearing this, everyone couldn't help but glanced at each other, and then they all showed an ambiguous and wretched face, and...Moreover, there was also a trace of regretful smile.

This smile scared the two passing aunts and hugged the basket and walked around the group of guys.

Lingshan's two most beautiful flowers were all deceived by that **** little white face.

This also proves from another aspect the universal truth that "good cabbage is overwhelmed by big fat pigs".

In addition to the severe condemnation and condemnation, everyone was envy and envy for Luo Da Fatty Pig...Bah, and Lord Luo Jue, and there was some admiration.

This little white face is so capable, how did he manage those two domineering women?

I heard that this guy still has a group of girlfriends in humans, including a princess and an archmage.

This guy can not only pick up girls and hold money, but also write old elders' long poems in a horrible manner. If it's just like this, that's all, that guy is at best a little white face and very accomplished little white face.

But he can still fight, which is really unscientific~!

He actually had a hard fight with the high priest in front of the gong.

My God, that is the high priest, the number one strong under the stars, a god-like figure.

That little white face can actually be equal to his old man?

This is really a bit against the sky, just like the super heroes in those legends.

In the novel, no matter how beautiful the scene was at the beginning, those who oppose this kind of person will end up either going back to their hometown to get married or getting married.

This also shows that my lady is indeed a savvy and capable Caribbean. This vision and ability is really amazing.

Picking up one on the street, you can find such a powerful character.

Therefore, everyone regrets Miss Fiona's decision but no regrets, and is quite complacent.

And because of the help of that Sir Alex, a lot of good things were smuggled from the human side.

Many Caribbean people also made a fortune because of this, smuggling this industrial chain can drive the local economic development.

It's just that the war came together later. The smuggling business stopped.

In this case. Although it has been. The Caribbean people all hate human beings, but they still have a lot of favor with Lord Luo.

Le Ruien also nodded in agreement, then shook his head again and sneered: "You guys know a fart.

That... that person is indeed good, but you must also know that he is not the one who speaks over there.

There are also many big people over there. What pope, emperor, king or something. All of them are much better than him.

If the time comes, humans will come over, even if the Ruman is his face, then other people will not look at face. "

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help feeling frustrated: From this, the cheap brother-in-law didn't seem to be too hard.

Someone murmured: "Since there are so many people in charge of him, he must be unhappy. Why don't you give up and come to us? He is a high official who can't control him."

Le Ruien sighed immediately and said: "Be stupid. That's a human being, although we can accommodate him. But which of the big bosses of Akadrien can keep him alive? And that guy still Put a green hat on the prince of Thunder Flash."

Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter. As Lingshiren, seeing the misfortune of Thundershan people, they not only have the obligation but also the responsibility to be happy.

Le Ruien also laughed for a while, and then continued: "In addition to them, there are those necromancers. That person has killed many of them.

Which one of those masters is not a rat belly or chicken intestine, it will be reported. He will not live for two years with us.

On the other side of the people, they all have a broad mind, not so particular. "

Everyone looked at each other, and there was nothing to say at the moment. It's really impossible to wash this place on my own side. Even the Semi people hated the dark mage's urine.

Le Ruien also stood up at the moment and said: "Well, brothers, let's stop chatting here, let's work."

He hesitated for a moment, and then went on: "We have to do this work seriously. It doesn't matter if you slow down a bit. It is impossible for humans to be killed in these two days anyway."

When he said this, he suddenly saw a noise in the port. The people screamed and ran into the city as if they were running for their lives.

Le Ruien couldn't help but sneered, "What's the matter? Are these dead people startled by the donkey?"

What made him strange was that at this time, the soldiers should have laughed at his own joke, but at this time, they were silent.

Le Ruien frowned very much, then looked at the soldiers.

I saw them all with their mouths open and staring at his back.

Le Ruien couldn't help wondering: "What's wrong with you? You were also surprised by the donkey? Damn it, it's not fun, you know? Will, what's the matter?"

Will's lips trembled and he couldn't speak. He just raised a hand tremblingly, and slowly pointed to the distant sea, and then squeezed out the words from his teeth with difficulty: "Yes, there are , There is... a boat~!"

Lerien realized that it was wrong, turned around and looked at the distant sea. His legs softened suddenly, and he almost didn't urinate.

I saw that in that sea, more than a dozen huge warships like a mountain were slowly coming over.

They are like the beasts in hell, while rushing through the waves, while puffing billowing black smoke toward the sky.

Behind them, there are countless ships gushing from below the horizontal line, galloping toward this side mightily.

Le Ruien's mind was blank, staring at the ships in a daze.

After a while, he suddenly reacted and blinked his small round eyes. He immediately sprang up from the ground like burning buttocks, and then slapped the soldiers around him who were still in a daze, shouting angrily: "You guys. Idiot, what are you waiting for. Hurry up, ring the alarm bell, take up your weapon, and get ready to fight~!"

With that said, he had already rushed out with agility that was completely incompatible with his fat body, and while running, he shouted: "Enemy attack, alarm, alarm~!"

The soldiers followed him and ran to the fortress not far away.

As a first-class seaport city, the defense facilities of Caribbean City are quite complete. There are fortresses and ballistas all over the harbor, which can completely block the entire harbor.

At this time, Caribbean City also reacted, and the rapid alarm sounded immediately.

More soldiers rushed out and rushed to their fighting positions.

They rushed to the port turret, and then vigorously lifted the tarp, revealing the ballistas inside. In some places a little further away, several stone throwing machines more than ten meters high can be seen erected.

In just over ten minutes, Caribbean City has become a fortress armed to the teeth.

Under the scolding of the, the soldiers are all ready, ready for the enemy's attack.

But vaguely, one could see the soldiers all pale, and some even shivered.

The Caribbean has been in peace for a long time, and its armaments have been slack.

Although since the news of the defeat came, Lord City Lord ordered his men to re-arm in order to prevent possible human invasion.

These soldiers have also gone through some training, but none of them have fought.

In terms of combat effectiveness, it is only about three geese, just a little bit better than ordinary rascals.

At this time, I saw that those terrifying warships had arrived outside the port.

They all stopped very cautiously beyond the range of the ballista, and then side by side the hull.

Although the soldiers on the fort didn't understand why the other party did this, they instinctively felt the danger and bowed their bodies one after another to prepare for battle.

Although the enemy was strong, none of the Caribbean flinched.

After all, the examples from hundreds of years ago are there, and no one knows if these human races are still as crazy and cruel as before. Once they attack, they will repeat the murders of the year.

Immediately, windows opened on the sides of the battleship, revealing the muzzle of the black hole inside.

The battle will start soon~! (To be continued)

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