Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1451: How is the careerist made

In the wilderness, a black and crushed head of people gathered, and the crowds were many miles away. Lord Lorraine estimated a little bit that he was afraid that no fewer than 30,000 or 40,000 would die. M

Although Lei Erye did his duty extremely conscientiously, he paid the money in one hand, and put people into the city with his seal in the other, neither robbed people of finances nor molested the eldest girl and the little wife.

But after all, there are too many people, and the speed is extremely slow.

Even if Lei Erye stamped a chapter every second, his arm was about to cramp when he was tired, and only a few thousand people had been put in until a bunch of people were busy.

It may be just a fraction of the Caribbean people waiting to return to the city. Lorraine looked at the darkened crowd as if it had not decreased.

As time went by little by little, the sky gradually got late. Those people who were waiting to pay for their stamps ran on the road for most of the day, let alone scared, for fear that the human army would rush to kill them.

Moreover, they waited here for more than a long time. These Caribbean were tired and hungry, and many children in the middle began to cry.

Although some people murmured dissatisfiedly, no one dared to make a noise without opening their eyes to the heavily armed human soldiers and the war fortress suspended above them.

Some people saw that it was not their turn for a while, and immediately found some dry food to fill it up, and some even found some firewood on the side of the road to make a fire for cooking.

Many people who fled brought one or two iron pots and dry food to eat on the way to escape. At this moment, they simply supported the pot, picked up a few firewood, and boiled a pot of hot soup on the spot.

Although everyone is very abiding by the rules, but the sky is getting late, the number of teams entering the city has not been reduced, and people gradually become anxious.

But Lei Erye firmly guarded the intersection, paying with one hand and letting go. Behind him was a group of soldiers like wolves and tigers, and the Caribbean could not help it.

If this goes on, at least you have to wait until the day after tomorrow. This is not an issue either.

Now the weather is getting colder and colder, staying in this barren world. I must have a cold.

Facing the strong war fortress, everyone did not dare to resist, but some smart people also started to think.

An old man who looked very wealthy squeezed through the crowd and came to Leo boldly. The guard immediately raised his gun and stopped the old man. Sternly shouted: "Go back in line."

The old man was startled. He stepped back and waved his hands again and again. Then he kept bowing and said, "Hey, this army master, I...I want to discuss something with your chief."

The guard waved his hand impatiently. Signaled him to go away, saying: "Honestly queue up."

Lorraine took a close look at the old man from behind. He was decently dressed and his hair was neatly combed. It seemed that he was either a little nobleman or a civil servant. And seeing other people treat him with respect. It seems to have a certain prestige.

Lorraine waved to the guards and motioned to let him come.

The old man bowed again and again, walked carefully to Leo, and said: "This young master, I have something to discuss with you. You see it's getting late, the villain thought, are we..."

Leo, who was receiving the money and receiving a cramp in his hand, immediately stared his eyes, slapped his fat palm on the table, and shouted angrily: "Is it something? Why, are you still thinking about not giving money?"

When I heard someone wanted to evade fares. The Xiaobai next to him also shook his elephant's body immediately, and the fat on his body trembled for a while.

At the same time, staring fiercely at the white-haired old man.

The old man waved his hand in fright, and hurriedly said, "Misunderstanding. Misunderstanding. The little master, what the villain means is, do we think about other ways? It can be faster."

Leo was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Other methods?"

The old man wrinkled the wrinkles on his face vigorously, squeezed out a smile, and cautiously said: "Little master, that's it. You have been staring here, and it is too tired. It is getting late, and it is not worth delaying for us. What's your big deal?

We are here to help you collect the money and stamp it. You can send a few people to watch it. We will send the money to you as many times as we have received. "

Leo couldn't help but glanced at him up and down, a look of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

Seeing Leo's suspicion, the old man immediately slapped his chest and said: "Little master, don't worry, if you lose a penny, my old Jon will give you his head. Your people can be watched by the side."

Seeing what he said about being heroic, Leo laughed immediately, then jumped up from the chair, rubbing his sour arm, came to the old man, and whispered: "Go hard, I will give you a kickback~ !"

Old Jon couldn't help being taken aback, and immediately shook his head again and again, and wanted to resign.

Leiou's face changed, his eyes widened, and he whispered: "What? Do you look down on me? You go out to inquire, who is my second master Lei?

But anyone who follows me will never suffer. "

Old Jon couldn't help but felt a little strange in his heart: he came here with the courage, and he obviously discussed with this little fat man how to'optimize the administrative approval process and improve the efficiency of the people's work'.

Why did he suddenly become the little brother of this little fat man?

The plot changes too quickly~!

He wanted to make a few excuses, but looked at the second master Lei, especially the fat elephant next to him with a fierce face, as if he would rush over and kill himself if a word was wrong.

Old Jon couldn't help but shudder, and had to say: "So, thank you Leo Young Master."

After I finished speaking, I felt bitter in my mouth. Originally I just wanted to do something good for the folks, but I didn't expect to be self-defeating. This would really turn into a flashy.

Leo laughed immediately, then climbed to the table and shouted: "Little ones, let me listen. Now, I'll leave this to this..."

Having said that, he couldn't help but get stuck, then turned to look at the old man.

The old Jon hurriedly said: "Old Jon, the villain is called Old Jon."

Even though he is not a flasher, but his expression and tone fell into the eyes of others, and he has already confirmed his flashy name.

Leo muttered in a low voice, and then shouted: "In order to speed up the work. Improve efficiency, I leave this matter to old Jon.

You folks have to listen to him, and you..."

He turned his head to look at the soldiers, and then shouted: "The same is true for you, you must cooperate with Old Jon's actions. You know?"

The leading officer couldn't help but froze. The turning point was too fast, he didn't figure it out.

Immediately he looked at Lorraine. Erye Lei was always more fooling around than he was serious, and no one knew whether his order should be executed or not.

Lord Luo Jue winked immediately and nodded slightly.

The officer immediately felt at ease, then saluted with a ‘pop’, and shouted: "Guaranteed to complete the task."

Leo laughed. Walking up to the officer, he whispered: "Be careful, don't let these cunning dead people fool us."

The officer nodded affirmatively and said, "Chairman, don't worry."

"I'll give you a bonus when it's over." Lei Erye squeezed his fist and waved, then snapped his finger at Xiaobai, and said, "Xiaobai, let's go. Let's go back quickly. Maybe we can catch up with the tomato stir-fry. Egg with spaghetti. I haven’t eaten it for a long time."

With that, he turned and walked towards the war fortress.

Xiao Bai was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the gold coins in the box rather unwillingly. The box in front of the box full of city fees had been carried to the war fortress, and the rest was only half full.

Then he turned angrily, and walked a few steps toward the war fort with his fat butt, but he stopped immediately. Turning back, curling his long nose, he picked up the box, and then happily walked towards the war fortress-if the money in front of him was not taken away, Lord Bai would not be able to sleep.

Uncle Xiaobai personally supervised these money.

Fiona had already accepted her fate, shook her head with a wry smile, and followed Lorraine to turn and walk back.

After Leo and others went to the war fort, the gate was closed immediately.

Immediately afterwards, the war fortress has risen into the air, under the shining sun. Flew in the direction of Caribbean City.

The remaining war fortresses also took off one after another, followed by that war fortress, flying towards the distance.

Only the group of guards with live ammunition remained at the scene.

Old Jon watched the war fortress disappear in the distance, then looked back at the sparkling eyes of the people behind him. There were surprises, doubts, envy, jealousy, anger, and regret in the eyes... all kinds of expressions were different.

When Old Jon saw this, he couldn't help sighing leisurely: The little fat man's thoughts were really vicious. With a few words, he let himself on his thief ship, and he only gave a one-way ticket. I can no longer go on, I can only follow them one by one until dark.

At this moment, a very strong desire arose in his heart. He sincerely hoped that with the help of the human army, Brad could become the emperor.


In the Caribbean city at this time, a busy scene.

At the port, all kinds of ships kept docking and unloading, and then drove away again to make way for the ships behind.

Teams of soldiers alighted from the ship, and then lined up neatly, holding aloft the banner of the union, under the leadership of the officers, heading towards the fields outside the city.

They will camp there, arrange defenses on the spot, and build fortifications to defend against possible surprise attacks by the enemy.

The first thing the human army has to do is to hold this landing point firmly in its hands, and only if it takes root here can it continue to advance toward the inland relying on this place.

The Caribbean Fourth Division...Uh, the Semitic and the Free Army Caribbean Fourth Division were assigned to take charge of the defense of the city because of their native identity.

To put it bluntly, it means to stand guard in the city in a row to eliminate the people's vigilance.

Several people in the three-row squad of the Sixty-one Regiment, standing at the gate of the city with guns in their hands, all looked listless.

Walking along the way, they couldn't help feeling extremely unaccustomed to seeing the empty street and the open doors.

They have been to Caribbean City, but the current Caribbean is completely different from the prosperous city in India.

They also knew that the people in the city saw the human army and all had fled, but the superior had already issued a strict order prohibiting anyone from taking a step into the homes of those people for any reason.

And they were sent out. The patrol is also to implement and execute this order.

Anderson dangling a cigarette, Diaojilang dangling his butt, kicking a cabbage he found on the street. The cabbage had been kicked all the way by him, and it looked extremely miserable.

Because the order is just not to let them enter the homes of the people. But they are not prohibited from kicking things on the road casually.

Therefore, the team leader Sylvie was too lazy to take care of him, just looking at the empty street and sighing in his heart.

What a prosperous place this was once, but unfortunately now all the people are gone.

Although he heard that Lord Luo has been chased down, but in his heart he doubted how many of the people could come back?

He just thought of this. Lamy next to him has already said: "Boss, you said, can these people come back?"

Anderson heard it in front of him, he immediately laughed, and said: "If you want me to say, those ignorant dead people must dare not come back."

Sylvie couldn't help but glared at him. This dog has only joined the human army for a few days, and now it is standing on the opposite side of the Semitic people, and will always label the Semitic people as ‘ignorant’.

Although Sylvie fully experienced the powerful combat power of mankind in the war, after surrendering, he also fully experienced the incomparable human resources and learned their incomparable scientific knowledge. Their reading power has been greatly improved.

At this time, looking back at the Semitic people, it is indeed called ignorance. Just after pulling the stool, without using toilet paper, they have completely beaten them into the ranks of primitive people.

But like Anderson, who always talks about everything and nothing, it is really annoying—after all, the Semitic is his home.

Therefore, he snorted coldly, and said: "Luo Jue has been chased down. It is said that Miss Fiona and General Melun are also there. Can you say that they can persuade the people to come back?"

Anderson immediately closed his mouth. If he had a crow's mouth at this time, he would question Lord Luo, Miss Fiona. And General Melun.

For Lord Luo, he was not too worried because of the distance, but if his words were passed to General Melun's ears, it would definitely make him unable to eat.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a few civilians appearing in the grass on the roadside in front, and he was overjoyed: Through the few civilians, he could draw the attention of his comrades.

Therefore, he pulled the bolt and shouted: "Who? Come out, come out quickly. If you don't come out again, I shot."

After hearing what he said, several people nearby also hurriedly picked up their guns.

Opposite them, several people hurriedly stood up and shouted: "Don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong. Sir, we are all stamped."

The Sylvies couldn't help but glance at each other: What does this mean?

At this time, the people had come to the front and raised their hands tremblingly, so that the bright red seals on their hands were revealed. Said: "Sir, look, look, we have all paid fines, look, this is the stamp that was stamped at that time."

Anderson took a puff of cigarette, then vomited all the smoke on the face of the opposite person, and said, "Speak well. What's the matter?"

Listening to his pure Caribbean accent, the man opposite couldn’t help but raised his head, took a closer look at him, and then exclaimed in surprise: “Anderson, you’re Anderson, brother, it’s me, you don’t remember, the big mermaid restaurant Cook, old."

Anderson stunned for a moment, then took a closer look at the man, then nodded, and said, "Oh, that's right. It really is you."

Lao Gu burst into laughter immediately, and then introduced to the people behind him: "My fellows, don't be afraid, these are all my own, this is Anderson, my brother."

He paused, looked at Anderson again, and sighed: "When I was a soldier and went to the human side, I thought I would never see you again. Unexpectedly, it's great that your kid is back again, ha Haha..."

As he said, he had to reach out and grab Anderson's shoulder.

Anderson blocked his hand silently, then flicked his shoulders lightly. Show your corporal rank.

Lao Gu couldn't help but retracted his hand in embarrassment, then looked at his military uniform, and said, "You... are you going to have a big hair?"

Anderson laughed and said, "It's nothing, but the buddy is the Semitic nation and the Free Army now. This is named by Lord Luo himself. Look, is there any guy in this hand?"

With that, he took the gun in his hand in one fell swoop. After showing off to the crowd, he continued: "This is the magical artifact from the human side, the soul chasing thunder gun for nine days and ten days. Just move your finger gently here, and you can take a few hundred meters away. The man was beaten to death.

Only the most elite troops can be equipped. "

Looking at the rifle, Lao Gu couldn't help but insincerely admired and said: "Awesome, amazing."

He paused, then pointed to the city, and said, "Then I...we..."

Anderson smiled and said, "Although you stamp or something, I don't know much about it, but it looks like this should be Lei Erye's chapter, so go in."

Lao Gu was overjoyed at once, and immediately agreed, then waved his hand behind him.

In the next moment, I saw dozens of people stood out in the grass, all of them were the first batch of stamps, so they returned much earlier. Just looking at the guards here, I didn't dare to come over, but introduced a few bold ones.

Those people lit up their seals one by one, and then walked into the city.

Behind them, Lu Lu continued to see the figures of people on the road.

Although the number of people is small, there is some vitality in the city.

Old Gu looked at Anderson hesitated for a while, and then asked tentatively: "Yes, brother, is that true?"

Anderson was startled: "What is true?"

Lao Gu looked around, and then whispered: "Everyone is saying, our city lord is a big careerist...Bah, baah, is a big politician. In order to be the emperor, he played a big game of mahjong. .

I think at the beginning, three years ago, I had already started decorating, let my daughter seduce that Lorraine and get in touch with humans.

He later reached a secret agreement with humans.

He helped humans here and destroyed the alliance between Lingshan and Thunder.

Later, during the expedition, I secretly acted as an undercover agent to provide intelligence to humans. This is also an important reason why we failed so quickly.

Then, he went to the human side to borrow troops so that the humans could help him become the emperor of the Semi clan..."

If Lord Luo was here, he might be surprised, and he couldn't help but sigh the creative ability of the Semi people.

At that time, he just spoke nonsense, and these people had already used their imaginations and helped him to make up for it. And these are only within a few hours.

Anderson was taken aback, his face changed immediately, and he reprimanded: "Old Gu, what are you talking about. Don't spread rumors indiscriminately."

Lao Gu was taken aback immediately, and quickly agreed: "Yes, yes, yes. Brother, I have something else to do, let's go first, and I will invite you to drink later."

Talking, ran away in a hurry.

Anderson looked at his back for a long time, but after a closer taste, he realized that what he said was indeed reasonable.

If the city owner is not an ambitious man, how can he let his daughter elope with a human? How can there be so many human smuggled goods in the Caribbean? How could human beings surrender as soon as they come over and become that interim president?

There should be only one answer to these questions~!

That is, the city owner is really an out-and-out careerist~!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: "I went, but I didn't expect that the city lord actually played a very big Mahjong~!"

Sylvie immediately reprimanded: "Don't spread rumors indiscriminately~!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qn) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation. .For mobile phone users, please go to m.qn to read.)

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