Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1403: Traitor

The lights in King Kiel’s hall were bright and brilliant. M

Under the bright lights, the noble officials of the Kiel Kingdom rushed to show their courtesy around Chairman Leo.

The hall was full of cheers and laughter.

At the same time, they seemed to have forgotten that King William VII standing not far away, the real King Keele.

At this moment, King William VII's smile was very ugly, and his words looked like crying at first glance. It can be seen that His Majesty's mood is really not very good.

To the nobles, the director Leo surrounded by them was as cute as an angel, with gold coins in his pockets falling from the sky, saving them from hardship.

But to him as a king, the fat and chubby Chairman Leo is simply a devil with long horns on his head and long tail on his ass.

King William VII could not wait to kick this nasty boy out. The life-saving medicine he brought there was basically a noose preparing to strangle him.

Looking at the noble officials who treated Leo as a godfather, William VII could not wait to take a knife in his own hand, hack them to death one by one, copy their homes, destroy their clan, sell their wives and children...

But he could only **** in his heart. William VII knew he was not so capable.

If Ruman Empire is a private enterprise, and Emperor Rudrun has all the ownership, and if one can say in the company, then the Kingdom of Kiel is a limited liability company.

William VII holds a majority stake and serves as the chairman of the company, but the share of other shareholders is not small, and the domestic nobles, large and small, also own their own territory.

This is the sorrow of small and medium-sized countries, with complex internal forces, strong external intervention forces, and strong local aristocracy. The tail is too big to fall. Regularly confront the central government with local governments.

The king is simply a bag, in order to take care of the overall situation, more often must choose and balance.

On the contrary, the big countries are centralized. This is because countries with weak central power cannot exercise effective control over localities. The lysate has already been divided.

Regarding the Kiel Kingdom, it is not the kingdom of William VII who has the final say, he was also forced to do so today.

He clearly knew in his heart the pissiness of the evil capitalists of the Flying Eagle Group. He comes today, and tomorrow he will bear the name of a traitor. but……

But if he doesn't come today, tomorrow they will instigate a coup d'etat among the little brothers below, and the puppies will push a new king out the day after tomorrow.

By the time. Even if he wanted to betray his country, there would be no way out.

Sea water on one side and flame on the other. And he was walking on the wire rope. A little carelessness will fall into a situation where it will be overwhelming.

at this time. Chairman Lei Er smiled and after finishing the courtesy with a group of nobles, he only felt that his throat was almost dumb, his hands were aching, and he secretly said: I said so many things against my heart today, I will definitely have nightmares at night, it’s true. , Why do I have to take a trip by myself. Hurry up and go home.

He stepped aside, took out his 24K pure gold Patek Philippe pocket watch with 387 carats of diamonds, and then turned it on by the bright light in the palace.

Suddenly, a light like a 200,000 kilowatt electric welding machine burst out of his hand, and everyone present could not open their eyes.

The noise in the hall suddenly stopped.

It took a while before they could see the pocket watch in Lei Erye's hand. Under the illumination of the light, the diamond above reflects a dazzling brilliance.

Looking at the chubby little boy, and then at the pocket watch in his hand, the nobles couldn't help but convulse in their hearts. Then secretly yelled in my heart: This **** big dog~!

The pocket watch in his hand alone is enough to cover the total tax revenue of the kingdom for half a year.

Moreover, what makes everyone ashamed is that all of Lei Erye's assets were not obtained by the state's salary, but by his hard work and hard work.

Perhaps it was because they seemed unaware of everyone's envy and envy, or perhaps they were accustomed to being envious and jealous. Lei Erye didn't care at all, just opened the watch cover indifferently and took a look.

Before I knew it, it was already over nine forty.

He couldn't help but rubbed his eyes and yawned.

Although he came from a high-class product like a war fortress, he was quite tired from such a long journey, not to mention, Catherine had always given him a rigid rule that he must go to bed before nine o'clock in the night.

At this time, he was already going to bed, but now there are so many sheep...Bah, baah, so many nobles are all around him, and they are scrambling to flatter themselves.

Although Lei Erye always likes to play hooligans, he is still very serious as the chairman. He never neglects these customers and potential customers.

He wiped his eyes with his hand, then beat his spirits, and turned to look at King William VII, and said: "Dear Your Majesty, you know, there is a famous saying in the Empire that time is money.

So... let's sign as soon as possible. "

The nobles present listened, and immediately uttered a low voice of approval. This little fat lamb was brought to the door by himself, and the slaughter was started one day earlier, and everyone could start eating one day earlier.

King William VII raised his eyes and glanced at the people, waiting for them to lower their heads with guilty conscience under his own eyes, then looked at Leo, gave a strong laugh, and said: "No hurry, Chairman, you are coming to work hard. Let’s take a break and we will prepare to sign tomorrow."

Erye Lei couldn't help but stunned, and then waved his hand carelessly: "It's okay, I'm not tired, I have come to sleep all the way."

As he said, he couldn't help yawning again.

King William VII smiled awkwardly and said: "There are still some technical issues. I need to consult our experts. It will take a while."

There was a burst of fire in Lei Erye's heart. He was very dissatisfied with this guy's chirping attitude, and said in his heart: This chairman is hundreds of thousands every minute, how can the demons have time to accompany you to talk, my girlfriend still Waiting for me to go back to eat.

Under the anger, Lei Erye's two-shot temper was about to break out, and he reached out to touch the briefcase next to him, planning to draw out the contract at that time and shoot William VII. Then he said domineeringly: I don't understand that, Erye, let me tell you.

But at this time, Fiona moved Lianbu lightly and walked up. Then he raised the wine glass in his hand, and said hello to King William with a smile, then turned his beautiful eyes and quietly glared at Leo. Stop Chairman Leo from going crazy on the spot.

If Chairman Leo is going to blow up his hair, maybe something will happen. Anyway, he will never die. Fiona's purpose is to watch Leo.

Under Fiona's beautiful eyes. Chairman Leo Leo had to compromise.

He waved his hand angrily and said, "Okay, okay, then we'll sign again tomorrow. Sign early and sign late. Don't you have to sign all? It's just a waste of time.

As a conscientious capitalist. I really don’t understand you boring politicians, forget it, it’s too late, I go back to sleep..."

While grumbling dissatisfied, he turned around and walked out of the hall.

Rejecting King William VII's repeated kindness in arranging accommodation for him, Leo and Fiona moved directly into the headquarters of the Allied Forces in Kirk City.

What a joke. When Lei Erye used to be with Lorraine, he played with other people's Prism Gate, stealing information when he was fine, listening to a corner, touching a wallet or something. In the CIA, it can be considered a well-known figure.

Arriving in this place, if you accidentally let the soil bun in the countryside play with him a prism gate, you will lose his own face, lose Lorraine's face, and even lose the face of the empire.

After returning to his residence, Chairman Leo was still aggrieved. He threw the four-hundred-page contract on the table, angrily collapsed on the sofa, folded his hands on his chest, and said, "That old guy, it is It's so annoying."

Xiaobai immediately nodded his head up and down beside him, and was in the same hatred with the boss.

Fiona gave a chuckle, picked up the contract on the table and shook it, and said, "I don't look at what conditions you set, **** hell if he can easily agree."

Chairman Leo pouted and said: "I am obviously doing it for their good. I can assure you that this contract is very fair and reasonable no matter what."

"Yo~~" Fiona covered her mouth and laughed and said, "Why, your capitalist's conscience is really awakened?"

Chairman Leo scratched his neck and said domineeringly: "Although I am a capitalist, I also have a conscience. If you don't believe me, my heart is beating for the future of mankind..."

"Bah~!" Fiona was disgusted immediately, and gave him a bitter sip, and said: "You give me a lesson from Lorraine that bastard. It's already not a thing, and she keeps her eyes open all day. Don’t be afraid that God will strike you with thunder."

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to caress his plump breast, and kept going down smoothly.

Leo couldn't help but blinked, wondering why this woman had such a big reaction, and then said: "God, if you really want to thunder and strike, you must first make it higher. The boss is standing there. What am I afraid of? "

"Well," Fiona couldn't help but halted, and then spread her hands, saying: "Conscientious capitalist, let me ask you, this flying eagle group can station security guards along the railway line, what about protecting the safety of the transportation line?"

Chairman Leo said confidently: "I have spent tens of millions on repairing the railway. Of course, I have to ensure the safety of transportation. You don't know that the world is not peaceful, and the robbers are everywhere.

If I don’t garrison...Bah, I don’t deserve security to protect the railway line. A car of goods will be robbed clean before it enters Ruman. Maybe even the locomotive will be dismantled and sold. I will lose for two trips. I lost my pants~!

Fiona nodded and said, "If you make sense, there are too many robbers on the road now."

Even in the Ruman Empire, there are bandits and robbers, not to mention other countries. Basically, in every mountainous forest, heroes have to open cabinets, gather in the howling mountain forests, and do business without capital.

In the future, the Feiying Group's railways will spread all over the mainland, and security is indeed a big problem.

"But," Fiona turned around and said, "garrison troops along the railway line, oh no, it's the security guards. The stationing fees for the security guards along the railway line have to be borne by the locals. This is a bit bullying, right?"

Chairman Leo snorted coldly, and said: "I have killed the bandits for us. What else are they upset about? Our railway security guards don't guarantee the safety of the place. They just provide some funds.

The boss said that there is a precedent to follow. The military expenses of the people who stationed in the country of the United States were paid by the country. Clothing weapons. I haven't asked them for the training fee, and I have already suffered a lot of bleeding. "

Now that Lorraine had said it, Fiona could only roll her eyes and said, "Forget the railway. It is also beneficial to the places along the line, and they will not resist.

Feiying Group loans are secured by tariff mortgages. What about this? "

"Of course I have to have a guarantee for lending money to them, otherwise, what if he runs away with my money?" Chairman Leo shouted loudly, waving his fists, "Do you see what else can be mortgaged in this country? Let it break.

In other words, tariffs can collect some money each year. "

"But look at this." Fiona pointed to the contract. Said: "You have stipulated here that the two sides are the most-favored countries for each other's trade and impose a tariff of no more than five percent on all imports and exports of both sides. If you reduce the tariff so low, what will they pay back?"

Chairman Leo said indifferently: "Pay back slowly, you can always pay back."

"I'm afraid. From now on, King Kiel's annual tariff income. There is no high interest on the loan." Fiona groaned.

Chairman Leo was taken aback for a moment, then scratched his head, with an innocent expression on his face, and said: "This is determined by the following experts, I don't quite understand."

"I don't know how careful you are." Fiona knocked on Leo's forehead and said: "You provide them with loans, but some of them use grain. Tools, irrigation facilities, materials, etc. are paid in kind, and they pay Grain and raw materials are used for the loan. This is in and out, and there is a large profit in the middle.

Ordinary people can only see the benefits of paying debts with money, and do not realize that the scissors gap is exploiting them. In this era, this is a profound economic problem.

Leo gave a dry laugh, and suddenly remembered that something was wrong, and gave Fiona a stern look, and said, "Sister, how do you speak for outsiders?"

Fiona raised her hand and gave Leo another violent shudder, and said angrily: "Which one do you think I am, I just tell you why the king is not willing to sign.

After signing this contract, their entire country is equivalent to saying that they are working for the Flying Eagle Group. "

Leo rubbed his round chin and said, "You mean, that guy William VII can't sign?"

"He dare~!" Fiona frowned, and the tiger's body shook, and said domineeringly, Leo and Xiao Bai shrank their necks at the same time.

In other words, the Flying Eagle Group is also her boyfriend, and she also has some shares in it. Although Fiona is not very keen on making money, whoever dares to block the Flying Eagle Group's way of making money is still different from Daitian's hatred.

Fiona sneered and said: "Unless he, the king, doesn't want to do it anymore. We have 30,000 or 40,000 casualties in the Kingdom of Kiel. How can he send it without signing?

He does not sign, and some people are willing to sign for him. "

"Our soldiers can't die in vain~!" Chairman Leo nodded vigorously, and said: "But changing a king, isn't it that serious? At least we have to wait for the war to end."

Fiona smiled triumphantly. Although she is not a qualified capitalist, she is a qualified aristocratic politician, and said: "No need, he has blocked the way of others. If you let out your dissatisfaction with him now, someone will come soon. He is loyal and wants to replace his throne."

Chairman Leo frowned, seriously thinking about the risks and benefits of replacing a king. After a while, he shook his head and said: "It is very troublesome to operate. If things are not done, it is difficult to close."

Fiona rubbed Leo's head and said, "When it comes to conspiracy, you are still too far away, trouble?

No trouble at all~! "

Women are born conspirators.

Then he said: "What does the coup depend on?"

"Army~!" Chairman Leo said without hesitation.

Fiona slapped her hand and said, "Whose army is in Kirk city and even the entire kingdom of Kiel?"

Leo held his finger and said, "Except for some Maple Leaf Danlin people, the rest belong to the Holy See, as well as our troops."

Fiona sneered and said, "The whole area is under our control. If it is a coup, who can stop us?"

"So...fuck him?" Chairman Leo was already a little moved.

"No," Fiona waved her hand and said, "This truth, that William VII will not understand."

Early the next morning, Chairman Leo was invited to the venue where the pre-ceremony was held.

The layout of the venue was very grand, which shows that it was done with care. The princes, nobles, civil and military officials of the Kingdom of Kiel were all present and dressed up, just like a major festival.

King William VII smiled and introduced Chairman Leo into the venue, with a cordial and enthusiastic attitude, almost different from yesterday's lukewarmness.

When King William delivered a speech, Fiona pulled Leo quietly, glanced at King William, and whispered: "It seems this guy has figured it out."

Leo showed a knowing smile and white teeth.

The **** behind the two suddenly laughed in a low voice, and said behind the two: "I heard that the sound of broken glass came from the palace last night and it rang in the middle of the night."

Leo looked at King William VII and smiled secretly. This guy must have been angry.

Afterwards, the two parties officially began to sign, in quadruplicate, one for the Flying Eagle Group, one for the Kingdom of Kiel, and one for the United Nations and Vatican.

King William VII and Leo wrote their own names on a few and the entourage held the big seal. Chairman Leo grabbed the big seal with both hands and pressed it in the seal box. Then He lifted it high and slapped it **** the contract with a loud "bang".

William VII was shocked and almost jumped up.

It wasn't until Leo put a seal on the contract and then stared at him with big eyes that William VII seemed to wake up suddenly, picked up the big seal, and slowly pressed the seal.

After all this was done, William VII stood up with a resolute expression, and squeezed Chairman Leo’s fat little hand, and finally showed a wry smile, saying: "Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation." Chairman Leo smiled triumphantly and said: "The first one million loan will arrive today. Please pay attention to receiving it."

The Kingdom of William VII looked at Leo's white and tender round face, and sighed secretly, why did the Ruman Empire produce Lorraine and Leo.

But he also confessed his fate. Fighting is impossible. He can only comfort himself and secretly said: At least I sold myself for a good price.

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