Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1402: Thunder 2 God of Wealth

Although the mainland is still full of flames and smoke, the weather has gradually become warmer. m

Before you know it, the human continent is already full of spring.

At the end of March, it is the time when the grass grows up and the eagles fly.

The ground and branches are already visible with lush greenery, and occasionally there are small flowers of various colors dotted in them.

In the desert grass, a fluffy rabbit was lowering its head, searching for food. Suddenly it seemed to have heard something. It raised its head alertly, raised its long ears, and looked into the distance.

In the next second, it seemed to be frightened, rushed away, and disappeared on the other side of the grass.

There was a piece of silence in the wilderness, leaving only the green flowers and plants swaying with the breeze.

Suddenly a violent air current blew, and the flowers and plants on the ground shook violently. Under the blowing of the strong wind, some weeds even uprooted and flew into the air with the strong wind.

Through the weeds flying all over the sky, you can see a huge black figure whizzing past in the sky.

That is a fortress of war.

So far, the highest achievement in magic alchemy in human history~!

Although it is at the rear of the battle line, for the sake of caution, the war fortresses lined up in arrow-shaped formations and flew over the emerald ground at a very low height.

Through the huge flying eagle symbol on the war fortress, we can know that this is the war fortress of the Naian people.

From the window of the war fortress, two chubby heads, one large and one small, appeared, eyes widened, looking at the ground passing by quickly.

"It's really desolate..." Fiona looked down at the empty ground, and couldn't help but sighed melancholy.

Although it is already warm spring, the ground under our feet is still devastated, and the damage caused by the war is vivid.

From their feet, I don’t know how many small villages, towns, and even cities destroyed by the war.

The houses burnt down by the fire were scorched, the surrounding villages were no longer a field, and the villages and towns were also uninhabited, as if they were a forgotten land.

The people who originally lived here were once praised by the nobles as immortal cockroaches. In other words, no matter how bad the environment is, as long as there is a piece of land, they can survive here.

But now, the immortal cockroaches fled to avoid the military disaster at this moment.

Just as Fiona's heart was ups and downs and silently mourned, Chairman Leo next to her raised his neck, and the thief smiled and said: "You don't understand, this is all a business opportunity."

Fiona snorted coldly, glanced at Chairman Leo diagonally, and said: "I don't see where the business opportunities are? There is no one for thousands of miles down there. Who are you going to do business with?"

"Hmph, woman, with long hair and short knowledge. You will follow the trend and speculate in stocks." Chairman Leo glanced at Fiona from the corner of his eye, showing the professional capitalists' disdain for amateur financial practitioners.

Fiona rolled her eyes with anger, raised her fingers and gestured to Chairman Leo's mouth, meaning that if he pulled hatred again, he would tear his mouth...

Chairman Leo slid and hid behind Xiaobai, put his loyal little brother in front, made a grimace, and said, "Good men don't fight women."

Fiona slapped her head in distress, sighed, and said, "There are so many people in Nyan? Why do you want me to look at you?"

"Because you are the most leisurely." Chairman Leo spread his hands, shook his head and said in a loud voice: "The boss is not in a few months, how much do you think you have gained?"

This sentence was like a sharp sword, poking at Fiona's sore spot.

Weight is a taboo topic for girls.

Fiona instantly became mad, pinched her finger, and said loudly: "You kid is looking for a beating."

With that said, we are going to grab Leo.

Leo smeared oil on the soles of his feet, circled Xiaobai and Fiona, making faces and laughing.

After a few laps, Fiona found that something was wrong, and immediately pushed Xiaobai bitterly, and said, "Get out, get out."

Xiaobai grinned and smirked, pretending that he didn't understand.

Fiona kicked Xiaobai with anger. She was panting after running for a few laps. She made up her mind and said secretly: After going back, she must lose weight, lose weight, lose weight~!

Then he gave Leo a fierce look and said: "If you don't tell me the truth today, I will go back and give Nicole your short report, saying that you are evading taxes."

Leo was taken aback, and said in his heart: Didn't things get done well and was caught by this bawl?

Then he said anxiously: "No, I didn't issue false invoices to evade tax. Don't talk nonsense."

"Oh, issuing fake invoices..." Fiona nodded suddenly.

Chairman Leo froze for a while, then waved his hand and said, "Forget it, forget it, since you have asked questions sincerely. I will tell you compassionately.

I ask you, what to do after the war is over? "

Fiona stunned for a moment, and said in confusion: "What are you going to do?"

"Stupid~!" Chairman Leo looked at Fiona with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and said: "Well, you are also a capitalist, why don't you know such a simple question?"

Fiona rubbed her nose in a jealousy, as if she was ashamed that she was not a qualified capitalist.

"Of course it has been rebuilt~!" Chairman Leo shouted loudly, waving his fist, "As an excellent arms dealer, after the war is sold out, it must be rebuilt after the sale. This is good common sense."

Fiona nodded clearly. After the war, everything was ready. Naturally, the first thing to do is to rebuild homes, villages and towns, and resume production as soon as possible.

Although she came from a noble family, she was not deaf to the outside world. As the daughter of the supreme ruler of Caribbean City, she is also very knowledgeable about farming matters.

The so-called one-time mistake, one year-long mistake, this sentence is not for nothing.

At this time, if you don’t pay close attention to spring sowing, then in summer, people will have to starve.

The upheavals of the hungry people are the biggest headache and fear of all rulers of the past. The light ones are thieves all around, while the heavy ones change dynasties.

Especially now, there is a race war between humans and the undead.

The Semites and the undead have raised millions of troops and are doing their utmost to destroy human civilization. At such an important and critical moment, the more we must grasp production, the only way to restore our vitality as soon as possible. Only by accumulating much more power in future wars can we preserve the continuation of human civilization.

Chairman Leo clasped his fingers and said: "They want to rebuild the destroyed buildings, organize the fleeing war refugees to return home, and reclaim the land. By the way, spring plowing is about to begin.

There are no farmers to farm the land, no blacksmiths to strike iron, no merchants to sell things. Where do the kings and nobles collect food and taxes to feed their thugs?

If there is no kid under his hand, there is no double bonus red stick. Why should they be the boss?

Others had already brought knives over, chopped their heads, and grabbed their incense hall.

So, now the nobles in Guangfu District are most concerned about reconstruction, but reconstruction requires money, a lot of money.

You need money to build a house, to hire people to ask for money, to distribute grain and agricultural tools, to get money for these people to eat and work, you see what the land under your feet has become, and they can get money from there. ? "

Fiona crossed her chest with one hand and touched the pointed chin with the other. She nodded slowly, looked at Chairman Leo, who was smiling, and said, "Are you?"

"Yes~!" Chairman Leo nodded, patting his chest, and said: "I have, or we have money, we have a lot of money, we have food, materials, and even labor. These are the vast recovery. The most urgently needed in the region."

After figuring out the little abacus in Leo's belly, Fiona tilted her head and looked at him as if she didn't know him.

Chairman Leo smiled triumphantly and said, "You don't need to look at me like this, I know you admire me, haha, hahaha..."

Xiao Bai also cocked his nose, grinning silly.

Fiona sighed and said to herself: I really want to knock this little ruffian's head open to see how it grows inside.

The occupied area from Ryder City to the Kingdom of Kiel has a radius of more than 2,000 miles, with a population of over 100 million, including more than 300 kingdoms, dukes, and autonomous regions.

When the Semites came, they burned and killed them, and when the coalition led by Lorraine returned, they burned them again.

With the urinary names of those soldiers, one can imagine that these places must have been devastated and ruined by them.

Local aristocratic officials who have no money and want to rebuild, can only do nothing to do, or it takes ten or twenty years to slowly recover.

If the Flying Eagle Group jumped out and said that they were willing to provide them with financial and material assistance, these nobles would not have to offer Leo as a godfather.

As for, why is it a godfather, not a relative.

The reason is simple. People are more filial to godfather than to relatives. Many people have heard that unfilial sons angered their fathers. Who has heard that unfilial sons angered their fathers? Many of them accompany their godfather to sleep.

In the reconstruction process, the benefits involved will be an unimaginable astronomical number.

And what the Flying Eagle Group wants to earn is not just gold coins~!

Chairman Leo said: "I can provide them with low-interest loans and allow them to provide supplies on credit. Of course, this is not without conditions..."

Fiona looked at Leo's chubby face with a squinted smile, curled her lips anger, and muttered in a low voice: "What drag?"

This kid looked more and more alike with Lorraine, with a proud expression when he was proud, and the palm of the person watching it was itchy.

Fiona sneered and said, "The money needed is not thirty-five million yuan. It's in the unit of billions. Do you have that much money?"

Chairman Leo spread his hands and said: "Let's put the long line, catch the big fish, follow the steps of the boss, come one place at a time. Besides, let's rely on a few big gold masters, are you afraid of not having any money, Hilmeria Needless to say, my sister, that is her own, and the Holy See is now our big vault.

If I release now to raise funds for reconstruction, believe it or not Russell and the Elven Kingdom will wave a check and rush over, oh, and Queen Isabella, these people have noses that are better than dogs. "

Fiona lightly lit her smooth and soft minibus, and said in a daze: "I believe now that you are playing a very big game of Mahjong."

Chairman Leo wiped the hair off his head and raised his head and said: "The world of capitalists, you will never understand, this time we will start our enclosure from the Kingdom of Kiel...Uh, rebuilding the business, even the name I think about, Just call Luo Linna's plan.

Flying Eagle Group's plan to unify the mainland begins today. "

Fiona snorted, this kid really did everything in order to slap his girlfriend, and said: "Just don't play off, and you..."

As Fiona glared at Xiaobai, she screamed: "If you don't lose weight, you will become the first fat baby elephant in history."

Xiao Bai was stunned for a moment, and then a longing smile appeared on a round face, his big mouth almost reaching his ears. Obviously, I think it's good to be fat.

Fiona wailed and said, "Who is in this family?"

The ground below the war fortress is getting greener and greener, the vegetation has become more prosperous than before, and even complete villages and small towns appear. It can be seen that the war has not been affected here.

A city's shadow appeared on the horizon, and as the war fortress quickly approached, the city's shadow gradually enlarged.

A few minutes later, when the war fort flew over the city, Leo could clearly see the flag of the Allied Forces flying high in the center of the city and the flag of the Kingdom of Kiel with crossed swords.

This is Kirk, the capital of the Kingdom of Kiel. It was originally stationed here, and it was the Ruman Army led by the Marquess of Marleyton to resist the Semitic attack.

At this moment, the defense of Kirk by the Marquess of Marleyton was replaced by Dean Wabador and his various coalition forces.

The people of the Kiel Kingdom had already received the news that Chairman Leo was about to come, and set a welcome ceremony on the square.

The war fortress landed slowly in the center of the square. Chairman Leo and Xiao Bai appeared in front of the door together and waved to the enthusiastic people of the Kingdom of Kiel on the square.

Tens of thousands of people gathered in the square gave out loud cheers, welcoming the staunch allies of the Kingdom of Kiel, the model of maintaining justice and peace, the hope of mankind, and the guests of the Ruman Empire.

It was 300,000 Ruman soldiers who fought bravely in Kiel that saved the kingdom from evil, terror, and oppressive demons.

The people of the Kingdom of Kiel, especially the residents of Kirk, expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the Ruman Empire. At that time, the battle was under the city.

The residents of Kirk will never forget those days of fright.

And this one is the future emperor of Ruman Empire.

What is even more exciting to the people of Kiel is that it is said that Chairman Leo came to assist the rebuilding of Kiel Kingdom.

You can carry a large sum of cash to give to the Kiirs.

Such an idiot...It should be said that he is a leader of the spirit of internationalism. Everyone likes it from the heart.

Chairman Leo and Xiaobai accepted the cheers of tens of thousands of people on the square like heroes, and said with a smile: "This voice is worth at least fifty coppers a day. It seems that they are also paying for it."

Uncle Xiaobai turned his head in disdain, and gave him fifty copper plates. He must be louder than these people.

Fiona rolled her eyes angrily, and said, "Go, don't scratch your bags."

He lifted his foot quietly, and pushed his toe on Chairman Leo's ass.

Chairman Leo jumped forward, quickly stood still, and glared at Fiona.

Fiona chuckled and whispered in a low voice: "Grace, grace."

At this time, drums rang in the square, and the band burst into a cheerful welcome song, and the king of the Kingdom of Kiel led his officials to greet him personally.

Chairman Leo and Xiao Bai walked down the steps with their heads high, and shook their hands with King William VII of Kiel with their stomachs upright, and then stepped on the red carpet, walking towards the crowd. Royal palace.

Officials and nobles from all over the Kingdom of Kiel had already gathered in the palace. When Leo walked through the gate, there was warm and continuous applause from the audience.

The nobles of the Kiel Kingdom paid their respects to the representatives of the Ruman Empire.

William VII first gave a speech and talked about it for half an hour, looking back on history and looking forward to the future, and focused on thanking the Ruman people for their support at the moment of life and death.

It was very impassioned, and it resonated with the people in the Kiel area, and many of them even shed tears.

But for these uninspiring clichés, Chairman Leo only feels bored, and his eyes are tumbling. If it weren’t for Fiona to catch his clothes tightly behind his back, it might be possible that Chairman Leo was itching for a while. Pay attention to get into the crowd and touch your wallet.

Xiao Bai had no such worries. He had already slipped to the table full of delicacies by the wall to feast on, eating and taking, and the court attendants in front of him were dumbfounded.

"I invite the representative of the Ruman Empire, Leo Leo, chairman of the Flying Eagle Group, to speak." William VII raised his hand to Leo, giving way to the middle position.

Fiona pinched Leo's back, bent slightly, and whispered over Leo's head: "Speak to me, if you talk nonsense, you are ready to endure Nicole's anger and iron fist."

Chairman Leo's body suddenly stiffened, then he pulled his collar, gave a dry smile, took a few steps and said a few opening remarks, and then said: "I am here this time to help our Ruman Empire's most steadfast ally. Our old friend of the Kingdom of Kiel, I bring a contract, the Flying Eagle Group and Ruman Empire, will provide Kiel with all the funds and materials needed for reconstruction."

"Long live the Ruman Empire~!"

"Long live Lei Erye~!"


When I heard that I had money to take, the nobles in the hall instantly exploded.

They pulled their throats excitedly and yelled, wishing to rush up to kiss Leo fiercely: Look what a, what a ally. Spend your own money to build houses for other people's homes.

There are not many such fools now. At this time, I had to yell a few more throats quickly, to stun that stupid...Bah, bah, and stun the Lei Er Cai Shen. Try to get an extra 30-20 million from his pocket.

Leo pressed his hand down, signaled the excited crowd to be quiet, and said: "We will also build a railway connecting Kirk and Ruman in the Kingdom of Kiel. Now, only a few small technical details are left. , This contract can be signed immediately."

The noble officials in the hall shook the sky with joy and respectfully met Chairman Leo one by one, and bowed to the ground to express their gratitude to Chairman Leo.

Some people even bowed their heads like Jin Jian’s most respected Mafia godfather and kissed the ring on Chairman Lei Da’s hand.

King William VII was laughing all the time beside him, but the smile was very formal, and suddenly looked like crying.

Today this day, he can't be happy anyway.

(To be continued) q

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