Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1378: Ruman Defense

As the center of Semitic rule on the human continent, the capital of the De Rossi Empire, and the headquarters of the Undead High Priest, Ryder City has now become the most important city in the western part of the continent.

Emperor De Rossi, as a twenty-five son, killed the king and his father, and successfully seized the throne. And also betrayed his conscience and soul, willing to be the running dog of the demons.

At the beginning of his accession to the throne, he already wanted to understand: He has been stinking to grandma's all his life. In the words of classical Chinese, it is hard to pour out the bamboo of Nanshan, and it is hard to find its sins.

Therefore, he also broke the jar, tore his face, and planned to leave the smell for thousands of years. Just begging for some meat forest wine pool, drunk life and dream of chic once.

Therefore, as soon as he became the emperor, he recruited hundreds of thousands of laborers across the country and spent huge manpower and material resources to renovate his imperial city.

The Semitic generals who gained power in the war also kept racing to encircle the land, whole villages, towns, and even entire cities to **** people and property.

In just a few months, through war and plunder, all the wealth of the western half of the continent was gathered here. The influx of a lot of wealth also made Ryder City become magnificent.

Just a few months after the peacekeeping force's crusade against the De Rossi War, the reconstruction of the outer city of Ryde, which was destroyed by the war, was completed.

In a sense, the peacekeeping forces also helped them. They destroyed the houses and streets of the outer city during the war, which not only saved De Rossi a lot of time, but also helped him save a lot of demolition costs.

Hundreds of thousands of workers worked endlessly under the scorching sun and cold under the whip of the supervisors. The buildings on this land are like mushrooms after the rain, constantly popping up, creating miracles one by one.

Now, there are deep house courtyards everywhere here.

Gorgeous gates, well-manicured shrubs, level lawns, and masonry roads. There are also luxurious buildings.

All of them belonged to the newly advanced nobles, many of them were humans who betrayed their compatriots, but more of them were Semitic.

Xuanhe's military exploits also created a large number of upstarts. Gold jewelry filled their money bank, and handsome men and women surrounded them and served them.

The upstarts who suddenly became rich are living a life of drunken gold and gold, and indulgence.

The upstarts are vying to show off their wealth. Woman, pet, manor.

In sharp contrast to the new city are the slums built with rags and wooden sticks outside Ryde City.

All "low" humans. They were all driven here-many of them originally lived in the city, but when the great demon army came, they deprived them of their property, robbed their houses, and looted their beautiful Wife and daughter.

These people who have become abject poverty in an instant have nowhere to go, they can only survive here.

Even so, Emperor De Rossi still felt that these low-quality dead ordinary people were an eyesore, which seriously affected his interest in admiring the beauty of his city. He repeatedly sent the city guards, known as the number one army in the universe, to drive them away.

But the people who died were of low quality. But their vitality is so stubborn, like weeds, after being cut off, another crop will grow again.

It is extremely headache.

Every day, people die, but because of the retreat of the Holy See of Light, no one buries them at all. They can only let the bodies rot in the slums.

It's winter now. If it were summer, the plague would have already broken out.

The Lich Marcel flew over the slum, looked down at the people who were alive, and smiled involuntarily.

After these people die, what a good necromancer will be in the future~!

Because the Holy See has spared no effort to implement it for thousands of years, all people must be baptized by a priest or priest when they are born, and when they are dying. All must be performed by the priest at the end of the Mass, and the priest must preside over the funeral.

After these kinds of purification rituals, it is difficult for those undead spirits to be re-summoned by the lich and become soldiers of the undead.

This is also the cause of the most headache for the undead.

The power of the undead is that they can summon necromantic warriors anytime and anywhere.

They are like extreme violent players. Every time they use endless forces to consume the enemy, drag down the enemy, and ultimately destroy the enemy.

But now, the Holy See has used this stupid method to destroy their source of troops in a thousand years, leaving them with nowhere to use their powerful magic power, especially the Skeleton Sea tactics they are proud of. , Can only rely on Semitic soldiers to attack.

This also made all the liches feel very depressed.

The Lich Marcel flew forward in the air for a while, and then saw the low and narrow slums slowly disappearing, and after crossing a city wall, a series of luxurious and beautiful buildings appeared in front of him. It is very impressive.

The plants are dense, green and quiet. There are countless fountains rushing in the middle, and occasionally you can see beautiful marble statues scattered in the middle.

Although it only flew over a short city wall, it seemed to have passed through two completely different worlds.

He sighed the luxury of Ryder City now. He came to the steps of the main square, then fell from the sky and walked quickly into the Royal Palace of Ryder City.

Marcel was obviously very familiar with this place, and went straight to the main hall where the high priest was. Before entering the door, he shouted: "Great success, Your Majesty, great success~!"

In the room, the high priest who was looking down at the map and listening to the report from Emperor De Rossi next to him raised his head and said with interest, "Really, this is the only good news in recent times~!"

Several Semitic generals standing next to the wall bowed their heads in shame.

The Lich Marcel stepped forward and bowed, then stood up and said with joy: "We bombed the city of Ruman and its palace, destroying several cities and several palaces along the way. The entire Ruman City was submerged. In the fire.

Moreover, they did not encounter the enemy's large forces, and only lost three war fortresses.

Thanks to Master Herod for the suggestion. We have successfully rooted fear deeply in the hearts of our enemies.

I think their emperor must be terrified. "

Herod smiled to himself, and nodded lightly, as if he didn't care.

He glanced at Edwood next to him, but to Herod's surprise, Edwood looked indifferent.

If I heard someone say something nice in the past, this narrow-minded guy would have jumped up.

"You served as an adviser to the high priest to defeat all the way, and I won a victory as soon as I came. Who is the first person to say?" Herod muttered to himself with pride. The sense of victory overwhelming Edwood.

Then humblely said: "Humans can intercept us every time because of their telegraph networks everywhere. As long as they bypass or deceive the human telegraph network so that they cannot find our tracks, humans cannot accurately predict our targets. "

"Yes, yes, you are too right." The Lich Marcel bowed his hand to Herod in gratitude. The war fortress forces he led never won a real victory and suffered heavy losses. The high priest had already had an opinion on him, but he couldn't find a fool who dared to accept this hot potato.

This bombardment of Ruman’s capital can finally earn him a bit of fame. The Lich Marcel smiled and said: "I heard. Maple Leaf Danlin’s troops are still waiting for us in the sky. It is ridiculous. ."

The high priest smiled, and the liches next to him immediately laughed, looking very happy.

"From now on, we will deliberately let humans see us take off, but we have avoided their detection. We can attack Ruman or Maple Leaf Danlin at will," Herod became a master of warfare, pointing to Marcel: "The so-called Fictitious and real, combining fictitious and real.

Let humans scratch their heads. Can only wait like a silly monkey. They didn't know which one to defend, and transferred the war fortress in two places, just giving us an opportunity.

Our advantage is quantity. The limited forces of mankind are simply not enough to fight us.

Putting aside our quantitative advantage, to attack the enemy's tightly defended Maple Leaf Danlin, is it worth the loss? "

Herod ridiculed the plan to attack Fengye Danlin.

But the liches around them were stern and afraid to speak.

Edwood looked at Herod who was pointing the country. He chuckled in his heart and said secretly: This guy didn't know that he was flattering on the horse's leg, and he made a plan to eliminate the Maple Leaf Danlin. It was the high priest himself.

This is pointing at bald head and cursing bald man.

Herod went on to say excitedly: "I stayed in Ruman City for a long time, and despite the dangers, the rewards were great.

Human beings are a group of simple fools, they are blind and ignorant. Stupid, and easily incited.

The bombing of Ruman City can damage Ruman morale and popular sentiment. As long as the bombing continues, Ruman will soon attack their emperor and their generals. That is, Julian children complained.

As long as we spread some rumors and create some conflicts at the right time, we can make the Ruman themselves mess up.

As the so-called siege is the down, the heart is the top~! "

After Herod finished speaking, he deliberately looked at Edwood provocatively, and saw Edwood nodded with a smile, admiringly said: "Master Herod is right."

He actually complimented his rival Herod.

"Isn't he supposed to be angry at this time?" Herod secretly asked: Does this guy know that he is not good enough, and finally give in.

Herod's words made the Undead High Priest nod and applaud, and said: "It is Herod who understands humans. You have done a good job in Ruman City this time.

This method is good, you can try it. Look at that? "

No one raised objections, the high priest said it was good, but who would dare to say it was bad.

"Okay, just do it like this, Herod, you will command." The high priest nodded to Herod and ordered him to lead the war against Ruman City, saying: "Whatever you need, manpower, materials, army, priority rationing milk.

Veraprani really disappointed me. "

"Yes, the **** seat." Herod bowed and said: "the **** seat does not have to worry, the advantage is still on our side. I believe that as long as we deploy properly, we will surely defeat humanity in a short time."

The Undead High Priest nodded affirming Herod's statement, and said: "The Western Front can only be defended for the time being. I hope De Rossi and Veraprani can get back to the situation as soon as possible."

Then the undead high priest waved his hand to signal the end of the meeting.

Edwood watched from behind as Herod and Marcel walked out triumphantly, while discussing loudly how to give Ruman City a tougher one.

He chuckled and shook his head slightly, with an expression of disdain in his heart, and said secretly: You like the first seat under the seat of God, so let it be for you. Compared with my goal, your ambition is simply worthless.

Funny, this guy thought he had won.

Edwood stretched out his hand to hold Hardu next to him, and said, "General, what do you think?"

Hadu froze for a moment, shook his head and pushed away: "The high priest is wise and martial, Master Herod is resourceful, and I can't keep up with them."

Originally, Hardu’s opinions would not be heard by the Semis or Liches. Since Vantino’s big defeat proved that Hardu’s opinion was correct, no one cared about the views of the former man’s first general.

If the Vantino Semites win, they will show off in front of Hadu. Then he ridiculed "the number one general in mankind, is that nothing more than that, it is still inferior to us Semitic".

But after the news of the defeat came, the Semi generals all avoided Hadu.

Hardu himself rarely opened his mouth again, just like an observer, watching their war.

Edwood smiled and said: "There is only me here, so my husband doesn't have to hide privately. I have been with you for more than half a year. I think I still know you."

Hardu said: "Master Herod's tactical dexterity is really good."

"But?" Edwood smiled.

Hardu smiled and said: "But what's the point of fighting without destroying the enemy's main force?"

Sora has a strong combat power, and he went to attack a city with no military value. This is simply..."

Hardu shook his head. Said: "It is simply giving time to mankind's military expansion."

"Does the air raid on Ruman still have political significance? Back then, you also attacked Ruman." Edwood asked leisurely.

"Political significance? Haha..." Hadu snorted, and said: "Vatican has political significance, Maple Leaf Danlin also has political significance, Ruman City, that is just a city.

I attacked Ruman City in the past, just for the blindfold of a safe escape. What about taking Ruman City? "

Edwood had an enlightenment, nodded slowly, and looked at Herod with a mocking smile.

Bishop Fessi walked to Edwood and said affectionately: "Today is a good day, Master. Is there any time to kill two games. Mr. Hardu, too?"

Hadu shook his head and said: "I can't do it, my chess level is stinky."

"It just so happens that my hands are itchy." Edwood smiled freely and took Bishop Fessi by the arm and walked away.

Herod glanced back before he stepped out of the hospital, and he was secretly surprised: "How did these two people get together?"


The fighting in the southern part of Beiyi Station has gradually entered a fever pitch.

Kik no longer knows how many magazines he has shot, his arm has been numb, just moving up and down mechanically.

The only thing left in his ears is the sharp chirp of the gunshot.

The battle surrounding being at the station has reached the next day. Weir has replaced all the barrels of the machine guns twice, and many machine guns have been sent to the rear for maintenance due to malfunctions.

Only Kik’s machine gun is the best maintained at ordinary times, and the shooting speed is the most stable, and has not failed.

Now the machine gun group of Kik and Vail has become the company's main firepower point, and the firepower of the entire company surrounds both of them.

The Semi people didn't know what they were going crazy, they kept adding troops here, trying to keep them and they finally got down to the North Post.

This happened to take advantage of the intention of the Grand Duke Julian. He mobilized the skeleton division to besiege the post, turning it into a flesh-and-blood mill, consuming the vital power of the Semitic people.

After repeated bombardment by artillery and continuous firing by soldiers, the North Station has been broken into ruins.

All the buildings were blown to pieces by artillery fire, and the large-scale post in the center of the town that was used to receive the emperor's relatives and relatives had already been burnt clean in a fire.

Now the North Post, only a piece of rubble and ashes remain. The Semitic soldiers rely on the trenches and ruins to resist stubbornly.

The first battalion even stormed into the post in the early morning, but the Semitic soldiers seemed to be mad, and rushed up to the muzzle. Even if they were broken into pieces, they would bite off a piece of meat from the skeleton division soldiers.

At the same time, he used bows and crossbows to shoot from all directions in the corner, creating a lot of casualties for the first.

The soldiers of the Skeleton Division were all bayoneted and beaten until they met the enemy.

Seeing that the north station was about to be occupied, the enemy flooded the station with gas bombs, and the first and third battalions had to escape in embarrassment.

After another gust of wind blows away the poisonous gas, the post has been reoccupied by the Semi people, and God knows they came from there.

But at this time all the soldiers knew that the wind blowing away the poisonous gas was not a miracle, but their powerful mage. This south wind wanted as much as possible, and wanted for as long as possible.

Just as Kik aimed at the swaying figure in the ruins, an officer from behind shouted: "Stop shooting."

Kik let go of the rocker and took a breath, and said puzzledly: "What's the matter?"

The company commander ran over at a quick pace, was checked by himself, and patted Kick on the shoulder, and said, "Stop for a while, wait for the signal, there is a big move behind."

"Big action?" Kik and Will stared at each other.

The battlefield fell silent again, and the soldiers on both sides hid behind the bunker, quietly waiting for the next blood stand.

At this time, there was a low, but loud, continuous cry from behind everyone, like something was breathing fire.

Kick and Will couldn't help turning their heads and looking at them. Behind them, long rockets were spraying bright red flames violently backwards, rising diagonally toward the sky.

The red tail flame even burned the sky.

More than a dozen Rockets flew over Kik with roars resounding through the world, UU reading headed towards the rear of the Semitic.

"This is?" Recruit Weier had seen this kind of thing, and was surprised from ear to ear.

"Our dearest Katyusha~!" Kike proudly said with a tone like introducing his beautiful girlfriend: "Rockets have a long range and great lethality. Our security forces' killer."

After thinking about it, Kik added another sentence: "One~!"

"Where are they going to fight? There are no enemies there."

"Artillery, they are fighting the enemy's artillery position." Kik took out a crumpled cigarette from his arms.

This is a high-quality goods traded from a logistics officer with a seized Semitic officer badge.

Kick held the crooked cigarette in his mouth, took out the silver lighter engraved with the skull, and picked up the lid happily, making a sweet, crisp sound, and leaning on the fire to light the cigarette.

Then he took a strong breath, exhaled the smoke, and said leisurely: "It seems that our scouts have finally found their artillery position."

A group of red light suddenly lit up in the distance, and it took a long time for a low explosion to reach Kick's ears.

"Beep~!" The sharp whistle sounded, and the company commander jumped out of the trenches, waved the shotgun in his hand, roared, and said, "Follow me and slaughter those **** demons."

The soldiers of the first and third battalions jumped out of the trenches and rushed towards the post. Kik’s machine guns sounded at the same time, spitting bullets towards the enemy’s position. (To be continued)

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