Red Blood Dragon Knight

Chapter 1377: Ruman Defense


The sharp whistle sounded constantly.

In the wilderness, the harsh whistle sound spread far away.

Officers of all levels got up from the ground one after another, brandishing their revolvers, shouting loudly like fènnù bullfrogs.

"Brothers, follow me~!"

"Ww." "Fiction chapters are updated the fastest.  is 厝ィ峄卣蟮亍!?br/>

"Go on, don't let the enemy run away."

"For Ruman's glory."

"Long live the empire!"


In the sharp whistle and roar, the soldiers of the Skeleton Division and the Flag Guard Division clenched zìjǐ's rifle, jumped up from the ground, followed closely behind the officers, and rushed back bravely.

The squally wind blowing from the south was still whistling, and the biting cold wind lifted the dust on the ground, forming a sandstorm in the low altitude.

Kik hugged the machine gun tightly and exhaled in a deep voice, "Hey~!" He lifted the heavy machine gun of dozens of kilograms from the tripod and threw it on zìjǐ's shoulder, and said anxiously: "Follow me~!"

The deputy Weil pulled the tripod out of the soil, put his hands and feet quickly on his back, carrying an ammunition box in one hand, and ran along with Kik.

The young man of qíguài, or perhaps the noble prince, walked northward unhurriedly.

The charging soldiers hurried past him again, and many of them glanced at him curiously as they were running. He even whispered secretly: "Weirdo."

In this shíhòu, tūrán appeared on the battlefield, still acting like that. In addition to weird people, will it be shíme?

Because of concerns about his safety. An officer also came over deliberately.

He had an expression of dissatisfaction. Pulling the noble son. He shouted unceremoniously: "Go back quickly, don't run around on the battlefield, you brothers, you will add chaos."

The officer regarded the opponent as the young nobles in Ruman City.

There are many such cubs in noble families. Usually eating, drinking and having fun, méiyǒu had a little military quality, and when he heard that there was a war, his head became hot, and he ran to the archduke's door. He blocked the door and asked to join the army to fight.


Do you think the war is played at home?

If yīdiǎn didn't know his skills, and went to the battlefield, didn't he give the other party heads for nothing?

Typically, they are all teammates who are cheating their father~!

Although most of them were driven back, there were still many people sneaking into the battlefield, dreaming that they could also be like the flying eagle war **** Lord Luo yīyàng, or the legendary paladin yīyàng, and become famous in World War I .

Therefore, on the battlefield encountered such a cub. The officers all had a terrible headache.

Those people basically have a good father behind them, even if they are just a baron. It's not that poor soldiers like them can offend, so it can only be a good persuasion.

It's just that no matter how he persuaded him, the **** little white face didn't speak, but looked at zìjǐ like an idiot.

This made the officer feel so angry that he almost gave up, allowing the **** to run around on the battlefield, and then being killed by the demons or stray bullets from here.

At this time, Kik ran past them with the machine gun on his shoulder, he also looked at the little white face curiously, and was about to continue running. Out of the corner of his eye, tūrán caught a glimpse of a huge sapphire ring in the opponent's hand.

The ring was full of blue light, and there seemed to be a kind of magical water waves flowing in it.

He had seen this kind of thing once, and he had seen it in the hands of an old magician in the hands of shíhòu who worked in the manor.

Kike couldn't help but moved in his heart, then stopped, looked at the other person up and down, and said: "This gentleman, the wind just now... did you do it?"

Maris smiled and nodded. In order to prove zìjǐ, he waved his hand again, and went out with another violent wind.

"Let me just say it~! Grandma's, the bald gang of the Holy See were shy and said that this is a miracle just now. What a shameless group of gods." Keike muttered, then nodded to him: "Thank you what."

Then quickly keep up with the troops.

The officer pángbiān was also a little bit silly. The other party is a magician, and looking like this, he is still a high-level magician, but zìjǐ regards the other party as an idiot, and persuaded him for a long time here.

In the eyes of the other party, he must have regarded zìjǐ as an idiot.

He didn't have the face to stay any longer, saluted, and then ran off in a hurry.

With the interference of méiyǒu poison gas, the first battalion crossed the wilderness within a few minutes of shíjiān and approached the newly lost position.

"Second company on the left, three companies to cover and shoot, and four companies on the right~!" Battalion Commander Chavez was doing reconnaissance at all. He just glanced at the terrain, and then gave the order where they were originally their zìjǐ positions, and they were his soldiers. We dug it out one by one, and people are more familiar with this place than they are.

The soldiers of the first battalion quickly followed the command of the battalion commander.

The rifleman of the third company knelt on one knee, raised the gun in his hand, aimed at the Semi soldier in front, and then shook the trigger.

Crackling gunfire sounded continuously.

The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

Kick climbed up a small hill, looked at the trench not far away, immediately stopped, and said, "It's here~!"

Weir plunged the tripod into the ground, and Kick quickly put the machine gun on, inserted the magazine and aimed a little, and roared: "Cubs of the demons, eat your grandpa's bullets~!"

Immediately, he shook the handle and fired violently.

The machine gun chirped crisply and cheerfully.

The bullets spilled like raindrops, hitting the edge of the trench accurately, making a heart-pounding chirp.

The Semitic people who occupied the position also did not show their bullets. They raised their bows and arrows and started shooting outwards, but the strong wind swept all the arrows back.

Under the cover of the firepower of the third company, the soldiers of the other two companies quickly approached the trench position.

At this moment, the Semitic soldiers crawled out of the trench, raised their swords, and shouted, rushing over like a tide.

After repeated brainwashing by the officers, all the Semi soldiers firmly believed that in the hand-to-hand combat. The brave Semitic soldiers are unparalleled in the world.

Just rush up. Infiltrate the enemy's formation. You can easily defeat those young and cowardly soldiers who only dare to hide in the trenches~!

Seeing the demon soldiers swarming from the opposite side, the Nian'an soldier rushed to the front with a grinning smile, and then pushed the bullet of the shotgun in his hand with a "click" and squeezed the trigger severely.

A ball of orange flames spurted from the muzzle, and the Semitic soldier on the opposite side fell to the sky.

Immediately, the soldier quickly pulled the handguard under the gun and shot out the bullets one by one. Until the barrel is completely cleared. Then he retreated.

At this moment, the soldiers in the second row rushed up.

The machine guns of each group were also counted, set up, and fired at the Semitic soldiers tens of meters away.

To shoot dense crowds at close range, the machine gunner does not even need to aim, just shake the muzzle zuǒyòu.

A few tens of meters can run in a few seconds on weekdays, but now it is the distance between life and death. Human beings can't fight against the barrage.

Under the volley of powerful firepower, the Semi soldiers who had not made a few steps just fell to the ground one after another, and the rest of the soldiers were not seeing the situation. Immediately turned around and ran.

The morale of the Semitic soldiers quickly dissipated, and they quickly crossed the position. Retreat directly north.

The soldiers of the Skeleton Division chased after them, regained their lost positions, and then opened fire on the escaped Semitic in the trenches.

The artillery at the rear fired at the right time, and the cannonballs screamed and flew towards the Semitic who fled frantically, and the orange-red flames continued to explode in the crowd.

On both sides of zuǒyòu, dìfāng a few miles away, there was the sound of rumbling cannons.

Ruman’s army is besieging from three sides.. In order to advance quickly and break through the human defense line, the Semites have invested three divisions and more than 10,000 people here.

Kik was shooting the Semites' ass, shouting excitedly.

Pángbiān’s Weier swiftly inserted one magazine after another into the machine gun, grinning and laughing. Whenever he saw a Semitic soldier falling to the ground, he yelled: "Hit, hit."

At this moment, he suddenly caught a few dark shadows of qíguài from the corner of his eyes.

"Is that shíme?" Weier raised his head and looked towards the sky, only to see dozens of black figures piercing through the clouds, diving down towards the ground.

"It's a war fortress~!" Vale yelled, "Alert, alert. There is a war fortress in the sky..."

The company commander not far away also shouted loudly: "Air raid, concealment, concealment~!"

The soldiers who were enjoying the fight quickly retracted into the trenches, squatted against the earth wall, raised their heads and looked at the sky above them.

The black war fortress of the undead raced slowly over the position, and the number was no less than hundreds.

But they did not méiyǒu fired on the ground. The Ruman soldiers were all hidden in a tunnel like a spider web, and they were not visible from the sky. Then they turned a corner and flew south.

"The enemy ran away, but where are they going?" Weir asked, poking his head out of the trench, looking up at the war fort.

"Ruman City," Kik glanced at the disappearing undead war fort, and said: "They went to fight Ruman City."

"Gas bomb, pay attention to avoid it~!"

"Retreat, go to a safe area, wait until the poison gas is blown away and then come back, withdraw, withdraw, withdraw quickly~!"

The officers loudly reminded the soldiers that the cannon behind the Semi fired again, ejecting the poisonous gas onto the position that the Skeleton Division had just retaken.

The news quickly tōngguò battlefield communication system reported to Grand Duke Julian of the headquarters.

On the whole front, the besieged Semitic people were resisting, and the Semitic generals continued to increase troops to the salient, intending to hold this point.

Looking at the battle situation on the map, Grand Duke Julian pulled zìjǐ his usual treasured hair, and said helplessly, "Tug of war, it's really troublesome."

The enemy's countless troops filled this hole, but zìjǐ didn't have much mobile force left in his hands.

The Grand Duke hesitated whether to increase troops, suddenly...

‘Well, Ang..."

The cry from low to high sounded, and the sharp and high-pitched voice resounded through the clouds.

The Grand Duke was stunned for a moment, and said in his heart: This does it sound familiar?

"Air defense alert~!" Someone yelled, "Demon clan air attack."


The former bustling streets in Ruman City have become quiet and deserted. There are still many pedestrians on the streets, but they are far from comparable to the bustling streets of the past.

It is these pedestrians. Also in a hurry. There was a worried expression on his face. From time to time, he raised his head and looked north.

From that direction, there was a deep thunder. The people in Ruman City were all zhīdào. It was Lord Lorraine’s artillery roaring. This war is about the fate of nearly a million residents of Ruman City and the pattern of the guānxì to the mainland in the next thousand years. Jìnháng who is just outside the city.

Although a large number of people in the city retreated south and left the city of Ruman, many militiamen from all over came in again.

Emperor Rudrun vowed not to leave the city of Ruman. All the nobles and male children in the city did not dare to leave, so they could only stay in the city.

So the population of the city has not decreased much.

Until now, the tōngguò Saibo River is still transporting food to the city on the canal south of the city.

The Ruman people on the road will draw a cross on their chests and pray to the **** of light, hoping that the group of Tu Laomao from the east can win this war.

Conscience of heaven and earth, Lord Lorraine’s security forces have just drove into shíhòu in Ruman City, and the dead people in the city are still laughing at their lingua franca with a dìfāng accent.

Now, I can't wait to hug a soldier from the Eastern Legion and give him a kiss.

Life in the war is also to be lived, nobles can hide at home to eat and drink. But ordinary people have to go out of their homes and go to work to make ends meet.

Sylvia is such a little tailor. In Zìjǐ’s home in the outer city, he runs a clothing store.

Customers are mainly small shop owners who are neither rich nor poor.

It's just that her business has been deserted a lot recently, and in these turbulent years, she is thinking about making new clothes.

Sylvia touched the hard gold coins in her pocket. How long will the income of méiyǒu last without zhīdào? She has to save this little money.

Turning the corner of the street, a group of soldiers of the Imperial Guard rushed past, with two wounded soldiers covered in blood on the carriage in the middle.

Sylvia stepped aside and stopped by the side of the road, looking at the grave guard soldiers. She held her hands on her chest, lowered her head and said in a low voice, "May the God of Light protect you."

A guard soldier who passed by gave her a grateful look and lifted his hat slightly to thank the lady.

When the soldiers disappeared in the street, Sylvia shook his head, cursing the **** undead high priest and demons secretly in his heart.

Then walked into a grain store.

The white and fat boss lay weakly on the counter, flipping through the ledger while sighing. He saw Sylvia coming in, but nodded and said, "Madam, you are here."

In the past, the boss would welcome him warmly.

Sylvia put the basket on the counter and said, "Hello, Mr. Hall, I want twenty catties of rice."

The grain shop owner turned around and took out a few buckets of white rice from the big wooden barrel, measured it on the scale, then poured it into Silvia's box, and said, "Three silver coins."

"Ah~!" Sylvia couldn't help exclaiming, and said, "It's up again?"

Boss Hal seemed to be taken aback. He bowed to her anxiously and said, "My grandmother, how dare you, look at the notice on the door panel, the Prime Minister has ordered it, dare to stock up and drive up prices. Beheaded,

Yesterday I secretly went to see it, and my head was almost full on the Caishikou public announcement wall.

Don't you hurt me. "

"Obviously twenty coppers are more expensive than last time." Sylvia was both discerning, and even méiyǒu was deceived by this **** profiteer. I planned to continue bargaining, but looking in the direction of the owner's finger, I saw a striking notice on the door panel.

"The purchase price is expensive. There is a battle outside, and the boatmen are afraid to go out." Boss Hal explained in a low voice: "It was the Prime Minister who sent soldiers to supervise them and chopped off several heads before they started working again. of."

Sylvia sighed, took out three warm silver coins from his pocket, reluctantly placed them on the counter, stepped into the basket and turned and left.

"Oh, yes," Boss Hal stopped Silvia, and said bitterly: "In a few days, you don't want to come to me to buy food."

"For shíme?" Sylvia frowned.

"When the food is sold out, I will close the door. From now on, the government will sell the food in the city." Boss Hal sighed and said, "We can't get food in a small shop like ours."

At this time, a scream of tūrán screamed and spread throughout the city in an instant.

"Ah ah ...... ...... Aung Aung, hum hum ~ ~" As strange bird cry yīyàng voice sounded over and over again.

Boss Hal raised his head and looked out the window, and said puzzledly: "Is this shíme voice?"

Sylvia froze for a moment. Suddenly remembered what zìjǐ that husband who was a military officer once said. Immediately turned his head and ran out. As he ran, he said loudly: "The air defense alarm, the demon is coming, you hurry up and hide in the basement."

Hal froze for a moment, and then his face changed. He shook his body and ran fast, shouting: "Wife. Wife, you stinky lady, where are you dead?"

The demons are calling, hurry, take our son and go to the basement..."

Sylvia trot all the way with the basket on her back, and walked quickly to zìjǐ's house, thinking of her daughter who was only a few years old in her heart.

Immediately, a black shadow passed over her head, and Sylvia raised her head, only to see a black pyramid building. Flew from a height of one hundred and ten meters above the ground.

That...that should be the war fortress of the undead~!

A green light flashed on the war fort, and a dark spell dragged a long tail. Fly from the air to the ground.

Just two blocks away, a cloud of smoke rose from the ground, and Sylvia could hear a dull boom.

Afterwards, dozens of war fortresses flew over Silvia like a flock of vultures.

They whizzed and hovered, unscrupulously firing at buildings on the ground.

Dozens of lǜsè, black, dark red **** of light fell from the sky, smashing the house into pieces.

There was billowing black smoke from the city, and at the same time several fires emerged.

The people on the street panicked.

Screaming, crying, screaming... kept coming.

The feared citizens knocked down the roadside stall, kicked over the seat basket, running around like headless flies,

Like a large-scale meteorite rain, more and more dark spells flew to the ground, and within a few minutes, countless smoke and flames rose in Ruman City.

Sylvia bit her lip and ran towards Zìjǐ's home as fast as she could. The black smoke rising in the distance made her very nervous, and that was the direction of her home.

She didn't push too many passers-by, and even a soldier stopped her and shouted at her: "Madam, that's the air-raid shelter over there."

Sylvia was also pushed away and almost fell to the ground.

She stumbled into the street of zìjǐ's house. I saw a small courtyard not far away was blown up by dark spells, half of the courtyard was turned into rubble, and the house collapsed.

The zhōuwéi was full of people, struggling to pull through the ruins, trying to save people from inside.

An old woman was sitting on the ground and her family was still in the house.

A team of soldiers ran over quickly, drove the citizens who were rescuing people, and said loudly: "Go to the air raid shelter, hurry up, wait until the airstrike has passed before you come to save people."

Then a soldier carried the howling old lady on his back and quickly evacuated from here.

The light of dark spells still flickered above their heads.

Sylvia secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Fortunately, this is not the zìjǐ house. She smashed away from the zìjǐ family and shouted: "Katie, Katie."

The méiyǒu people agreed.

Sylvia's heart sank, throwing a basket of rice on the ground, madly ran out of the house, looking for zìjǐ's daughter on the street, and shouted: "Katie, Katie~!

Did you see my daughter? Who saw Katie? "

"Mom, I am here." A childish voice came from behind her.

Sylvia turned around and saw a muddy, dirty daughter. She couldn't help crying. She stepped forward and grabbed her daughter's hand and ran towards the air-raid shelter, saying: "Go, don't stay outside. ."

The so-called air-raid shelters were actually just the cellars of a wealthy merchant in front of them, and at the moment it was crowded with people who came to take refuge.

"They are besieging the palace~!" The person standing at the door shouted emotionally, and he saw the war fortresses of the undead all flying towards the palace.

A group of young people crowded around the door, poking their heads and looking towards the sky.

"What about our war fortress?"

"That is, where is our air force?"

"I heard they went to support the battle of Vantino."

"Don't Ruman City need Vantino to be more important?"

At this time, a loud explosion sounded, and an undead war fortress above the air-raid shelter turned into a ball of burning down to the ground.

The Lightning Squadron, Flying Wing of the Security Forces, is a war fortress with a pair of wings spreading oblate shape, swiftly across the sky, and the eagle emblem on the side is very bright and eye-catching.

The nose of the lightning squadron war fortress kept spitting out huángsè flames, and the undead war fortress hurriedly scattered and avoided, while still firing on the ground.

Their purpose is not to fight the Lightning Squadron, but to bomb Ruman City.

"We are fighting them~!" An excited shout came from the door.

The people in the cellar followed and cheered loudly.

"Hit, hit, hit another~!" The young man squeezed in front of the door, waving his hat and cheering loudly.

Ten minutes later, the sound of the air defense alarm stopped.

The rapid footsteps of soldiers sounded on the street, they were rushing to put out the fire, rescue the injured citizens, and pack the bodies of the dead. (To be continued.)

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