After smashing the fourth-level puppet, Li Zhirui moved toward the depths of the tunnel. Not far away, he saw a completely sealed jade box.

I don't know how many years ago these ruins were, but the spiritual objects can still be preserved?

Li Zhirui used a vine to open the jade box, and saw a trace of surprise in his eyes when he saw the spiritual object inside, which although much dimmed, had not completely lost its aura.

This method is really beneficial!

The same is true for the fourth-level puppet. After so many years, it can still exert its full strength.

In the jade box was a fourth-level fire spiritual object. It was neither a spiritual species nor in line with Li Zhirui's spiritual roots, so it was of no use to him.

But reaching here is not the end of the tunnel. Li Zhirui looked up and couldn't see the end at all, so he could only keep moving forward.

Just a moment later, Li Zhirui encountered another puppet, a fifth-level beast-shaped puppet!


When Li Zhirui walked into the attack range of the puppet, the puppet was instantly activated, as if a fifth-level white tiger appeared in front of him.

You have all the magic power but no realm, how dare you act evil in front of me? Li Zhirui said with disdain in his eyebrows. He gathered the laws of purification with his hands and turned them into an unbreakable rope to tie up the puppet. No matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't stop it. Break free.

The fifth-level puppets are naturally invincible when facing other monks, but in the face of the law, just like those Nascent Soul monks, they have no power to fight back!

This time, Li Zhirui did not choose to smash the puppet. Instead, he carefully explored the puppet's body, found the core where the spiritual stone was placed, and took out the spiritual stone.

After all, no matter what, this is a puppet made of fifth-level spiritual materials. Although it cannot deal with the god-transforming monks, it still has an unparalleled deterrent effect on other monks!

What's this?

Li Zhirui lowered his head and looked at the unique-shaped crystal in his hand that exuded colorful spiritual light, with curiosity and doubt in his eyes.

Judging from the amount of spiritual energy contained, the colorful crystal stones are ten times richer than the top-grade spiritual stones! It can be called the best spiritual stone.

But the problem is that there is no such thing as the best spiritual stone in the Xuanyuan world.

If I had known that the puppets were powered by crystals like this, I should have been gentler beforehand. Although he didn't know what it was, there was no doubt that it was a treasure. For a moment, Li Zhirui regretted that he had struck too hard and took the fourth-level puppet. Hit to pieces.

Putting the crystals and puppets away, Li Zhirui continued walking deeper into the tunnel.

After walking for a while, Li Zhirui saw a 'jade box'. He opened it with a vine and found that it was filled with colorful crystal stones that he had just obtained!

As soon as the dazzling and gorgeous crystal appeared, even the dark tunnel became a lot brighter.

Li Zhirui took a rough look and found that there were about fifty pieces.

If one crystal is exchanged for ten high-grade spiritual stones, then these crystals are worth five million low-grade spiritual stones! This is a very huge wealth.

Next, Li Zhirui encountered no more puppets blocking his way, but the tunnel was extremely long. He walked for half an hour before he came to a stone door with carvings on it: Rising Sun, One Person Achieves Dao, and Roosters and Dogs Soar.

Li Zhirui stood in the distance and spawned a few vines to easily push the stone door open. It was pitch dark inside and he could not see clearly what was going on inside.

You know, with Li Zhirui's current level of cultivation, seeing in the dark is nothing, but now he can't clearly see the scene behind the stone door.

He had to use the light technique to dispel the darkness. Under the bright light, even with Li Zhirui's knowledge and character, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Looking at it, you can see that they are all white bones that have been wasted by time, leaving only a few fragments. They are not only densely packed in the empty and vast underground palace, but also piled up to one foot high!

The number of these broken bones that have lasted for countless years is frightening, not to mention that there are more white bones that have been washed away by the torrent of time and turned into dust.

Is it possible that all the monks who disappeared in the rumors died in this underground palace?

Li Zhirui frowned and said to himself: Who arranged the puppets outside? Why do they do this?

Due to the strange situation in the underground palace, Li Zhirui did not go in personally, but used the slender vines as his eyes to explore the underground palace.

Isn't this underground palace too big?

Li Zhirui had now spawned thousands of vines before he reached the boundary of the underground palace. After some calculations in his mind, he found that the east and west of the underground palace were ten miles apart!

No wonder it can accommodate so many monks.

After a long period of exploration, Li Zhirui controlled the vines to get several things from the underground palace and learned a little about the situation.

In the center of the underground palace, there are nine tall, carved but incomplete stone pillars, which spread outward. At intervals, there are nine identical stone pillars, a total of eighty-one.

Apart from that, there are only a few things taken out from inside, all of which are jade boxes that are still well sealed.

Li Zhirui opened one of them at will, and there was a jade slip inside. He used a little bit of his consciousness to carefully explore the jade slip, and only when he was not in danger did he start reading the content.

What a fantastic idea! It actually got the approval of so many monks! After a while, Li Zhirui saw the jade slips, his tone full of emotion.

This jade slip explains why they gathered here because of the plan proposed by a certain god incarnate, One person will attain enlightenment, and chickens and dogs will ascend to heaven.

To put it in layman's terms, that person felt that if any of the transformed gods successfully survived the thunder tribulation, they would ascend immediately, and they could use the power of the formation to take all the monks away with them.

This seemingly outrageous plan actually got the approval of many monks, including some transformed gods.

Then the plan began to be implemented. Countless monks worked hard for it. It took hundreds of years and countless resources to finally perfect this sixth-level formation called the Nine Heavens Yuan Miao Ascending Immortal Formation, which exceeded the upper limit of the Xuanyuan Realm!

After more than ten years, some people finally began to overcome the tribulation and withstood the thunder tribulation of ascension.

The prerequisites for the plan have been completed. They only need to use formations to bind countless monks and ascendants, and then they can ascend together.

Whether the plan is successful or not will be known by looking at the corpses on the ground.

As for the reason why this land has changed from the most prosperous place with the richest aura in Xuanyuan Realm to the desolate ancient state of Shaoling, it is also the fault of the Immortal Ascension Formation.

Because the amount of spiritual stones needed for the sixth-level formation was so huge that none of them could satisfy it, in order to ensure that the formation was foolproof, they directly connected the formation to a large number of spiritual veins.

Anyway, as long as they ascend successfully, they can leave the Xuanyuan Realm. So what if their spiritual veins are overdrawn?

Unfortunately, they failed, for reasons that are not entirely clear.

But although their plan failed, the formation was activated, a large number of spiritual veins were drained, and the original green mountains and green waters instantly turned into quicksand, swallowing up the monks' mountain gates and clan lands! Created the present Huanggu State. (End of chapter)

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