On this day, Li Zhirui, who was out to relax, unknowingly walked to the quiet and deserted back mountain, stood at the foot of the mountain, looked at the stone towers from a distance, and couldn't help but pause.

Because of the existence of demonic cultivators, they were worried that they would dig graves and refine corpses. Xuanyuan Realm was accustomed to cremating the dead and using their ashes to worship them, so they no longer buried them in their graves, but built spiritual pagodas.

Although there is no need to worry about the invasion of demon cultivators on Ten Thousand Immortals Island, the strong aura can easily transform corpses into corpses. Therefore, the Li family also uses spiritual pagodas to worship clan members who died due to various reasons.

The moment Li Zhirui climbed the back mountain, the world seemed to be covered with gray mist, becoming gloomy and depressing.

Climbing up the steps from the foot of the mountain, the older you are, the more quaint the stone pagoda becomes.

Li Zhirui walked slowly among the towers. In fact, he didn't know most of the tribesmen here, but when he saw the most primitive stone tower covered with moss, he suddenly stopped.

Standing in front of the door for a moment, he reached out and pushed out the door that had been covered in dust for many days.


A harsh sound broke the silence that enveloped the mountain behind.

Li Zhirui walked in with heavy steps and looked up at the familiar yet unfamiliar names, Li Shiqing, Li Shilian, Li Shiren, Li Shiting...

His eyes were getting sadder and sadder, and he murmured softly: Second Grandpa, I haven't come to see you for so many years. I don't know if you blame me.

Hundreds of years have passed. I believe you have successfully reincarnated, right? Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to find your reincarnation. I hope you don't blame me.

In fact, Li Zhirui had never heard of the existence of such secret techniques. It was just a memory from his previous life that made him think that the Xuanyuan Realm existed, but he didn't know it.

Besides, even if there is such a secret method, can it be found? If found, how to solve the mystery of the womb? What should be done if it is a hostile force, or even no longer a human race? In short, there will be a series of problems.

However, the family is now developing very well and is very powerful. The Li family is no longer a small family that can be bullied by others, but an overlord with a radius of tens of thousands of miles! I am now a cultivator of the gods, and Feng Wu and Sheng'er are also Already a Nascent Soul...

By the way, the family also gave birth to a junior with Tianlinggen, and he is also very outstanding...

Li Zhirui stood alone in the stone tower and talked a lot, as if he could tell them all about the family's development over the years.

It's getting late, and I should go back. I'll come to worship you next time.

Li Zhirui raised his feet and was about to leave, when he suddenly saw a very familiar name in the corner - Li Zhiyue!

Because the Li family worships people according to their seniority, although Li Zhiyue has the highest cultivation level in this stone tower, he is the youngest in seniority, so he was placed in a remote corner.

Seeing her ashes, Li Zhirui suddenly remembered something and murmured: I will help you get revenge!

If Li Zhiyue hadn't had her calf cut off and completely lost the opportunity to go further, she might not have died.

The culprit is a fourth-level puppet in a certain ruins in the Ancient Prefecture!

Over the years, Li Zhirui was either busy practicing, trying to become a god, or had other things that caused him to forget about this matter.

Now that I think about it, I don’t plan to delay it any longer!

After Li Zhirui left that day, he went to Daqing and said, Daqing, I went out to do some errands and will be back soon.

Brother Jiu, do you have anything important to do? Daqing looked at him curiously.

In recent years, Li Zhirui has devoted himself to cultivation and rarely leaves the spiritual realm. Now he actually wants to go out, which is really abnormal.

I suddenly remembered an old matter that has not yet been resolved. It will come back soon. Li Zhirui did not explain in detail, asking Daqing to pay attention to the family's situation, and left Wanxian Island directly.

What on earth is going on that makes Ninth Brother rush all night long? He can't wait even one night!

Unfortunately, Li Zhirui has gone away, and it is useless for Daqing to remain curious.


Huangguzhou, as you can see from its name, is mostly desolate desert, and the word ancient means that it has a long and profound history!

It is said that a long time ago, this place was the realm with the strongest spiritual energy in the Xuanyuan Realm, which was even better than the current Central Realm.

But I don’t know what the reason was, maybe it was an earth-shattering battle, or maybe it was a sudden disaster.

As a result, in a very short period of time, the surrounding area turned into a desert, and a large amount of quicksand swallowed up the bustling mountain gates. The monks who did not react were buried by the yellow sand, along with countless spiritual objects.

Therefore, many years later, there are still people who can still find undiscovered ruins, and some of them are monks who have made a fortune.

But more people still died here and became a little pale in the yellow sand.

Based on the jade slips given to him by Li Zhiyue, Li Zhirui successfully arrived at the ruins and removed the covering boulders.

A deep underground tunnel appeared. Looking at the dark entrance, Li Zhirui whispered to himself: Is this the place where Zhiyue lost her leg and finally died?

Back then, Li Zhiyue was trapped in the golden elixir and was eager for success. She wanted to challenge the fourth-level puppet, but she was unable to break the shackles at the moment of life and death.

Unfortunately, not only did he fail, but he also lost part of his calf.

After all these years, no one else has discovered it. Li Zhirui looked around calmly and walked in.

Because the previous three tests were all solved by Li Zhiyue, Li Zhirui walked for about a quarter of an hour before he saw the fourth-level puppet.

It's just a fourth-level puppet, but it actually caused Zhiyue to lose her life. Li Zhirui looked at the humanoid puppet with a big sword next to him with a cold expression.

When Li Zhirui got closer, he suddenly discovered that there were two animal bones beside it.

One had a thick turtle shell, and the other was obviously some kind of spiritual bird.

This is...the spiritual beast contracted by Zhiyue!

Li Zhirui looked sad. When the two spirit beasts returned Li Zhiyue's body to Ten Thousand Immortals Island, they left quietly. He guessed that they wanted to take revenge.

Unfortunately, not only did they not avenge Li Zhiyue, but they died at the hands of the same puppet.

You deserve to die! Li Zhirui's calm tone contained strong murderous intent.

Taking action with anger, Qingguang turned into a blue dragon and roared towards the puppet.



The puppet was only stopped for half a breath with the big sword, and was smashed to pieces by the terrifying force.

The body made of fourth-level spiritual materials was also shattered by Li Zhirui's blow.

Li Zhirui didn't even glance at the fragments. He walked straight towards the two animal bones and put them away with a solemn expression.

Zhiyue, after many years, I finally avenged you.

The apologetic voice echoed in the empty and dark tunnel, and it took a long time to dissipate. (End of chapter)

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