Rebuilding the Xiuxian family

Chapter 744 A blessing and a curse

The uncontrolled Ghost King is even more dangerous, like a wild beast, cruel and ferocious, attacking crazily.

Although Li Chengsheng has tried his best to weaken this ghost king, it is still at the fourth level and its strength is far above him. If it were not for this great formation, I am afraid he would have been suppressed long ago.

'no! This can't go on like this! ’ He felt a sense of urgency in his heart. The longer he delayed, the more dangerous he would be.

Li Chengsheng desperately activated the formation and launched various violent spells to attack the Ghost King. Fireballs that covered the sky, meteorites falling from the sky, and exploding solar fires were all used by him as long as he could cast them. .

But the Ghost King was like a towering and solid barrier, blocking him as solid as a rock, giving him no hope of shaking.

Gradually, the offensive slowed down.

‘It’s my imagination that I actually think I can defeat the fourth-level ghost king. ’ Li Chengsheng laughed self-deprecatingly, and his consciousness slowly sank.


The three spirit beasts noticed something was wrong with him and hurriedly shouted loudly.

The Divine Turtle Zhenhai, who was ordered by Li Zhirui'er to cultivate at all times, suddenly showed his power in the sea of ​​consciousness and forced out several black energy.

I was actually affected by the evil spirit of this ghost king!

Fortunately, there were reminders from the spiritual beasts and the existence of the method of visualization. Otherwise, if he continued to be depressed, he might become the ghost king's ration.

After waking up, Li Chengsheng completely integrated his mind into the formation, as if he had turned into the sun in the sky, the most powerful, the most yang, the most pure and powerful.

In a daze, he seemed to have touched a trace of the law of the sun.


A mysterious voice echoed in Li Chengsheng's mind, and his whole feeling changed drastically.

Brother, have you made a breakthrough?! the three spirit beasts shouted in surprise.

Li Chengsheng was also stunned. He didn't expect that he would break the bottleneck so suddenly!

From then on, the door of Nascent Soul is open to him. After returning, he only needs to practice for a period of time and recharge his batteries before he can lead the thunder tribulation!


When Li Chengsheng came to his senses, he couldn't help but burst into laughter. He was so excited that tears filled the corners of his eyes.

He has been practicing outside for so many years, gone through countless hardships, and encountered several dangers. Finally, he ventured into the fourth-level secret realm and won the Great Fantasy Dream Fruit from a large number of golden elixirs. Only then can Nascent Soul have hope!

Unexpectedly, on the way home, he offended a Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator and used the extremely precious Distracting Jade Slip to escape. However, he was hunted down by a fourth-level ghost king.

Fortunately, good fortune and misfortune depend on each other, and good times come!

This crisis actually allowed him to break the bottleneck!

A Yang, A Li, Yang Li, prepare to leave the formation. I will use this formation to bury this ghost king with a bang to thank it for helping me break through!

Despite Li Chengsheng's nice words, the actual situation is that they have been delayed here for too long. They seem to be thousands of miles apart, but for a Nascent Soul monk, it only lasts a moment when he explodes with all his strength. If he waits any longer, I'm afraid that demon cultivator is about to catch up.

After that, he threw a large number of spirit stones into the formation plate and took the lead in breaking away from the formation, followed closely by the three spirit beasts.

It wasn't until they were dozens of miles away that the four of them stopped.


There was only a deafening roar and explosion, and a brilliant fireworks bloomed in mid-air.

Brother, is the fourth-level ghost king dead? Ayang asked uncertainly.

Li Chengsheng looked far away, but the billowing smoke blocked his sight. However, he didn't hear the ghost king's voice now. He thought it had already fallen.

Let's go! Return to Ten Thousand Immortals Island quickly! I can't wait!

In order to avoid being troubled by others and delaying his journey, he did not put the spirit beast into the spirit beast bag, and rode on the spirit boat together, flying towards the family.

at the same time!


Wang Zhonghe, who finally got rid of the distraction, was about to sense the location of the Wangui Flag when he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was like gold paper, and his whole body was shaky, as if he was about to fall down.

Impossible! How could my ghost king be killed by a small golden elixir?!

Wang Zhonghe shook his head wildly in denial, unwilling to accept this fact.

Although the Ten Thousand Ghost Flag is not his natal magic weapon, it is an important magic weapon closely related to him that has been practiced for hundreds of years, not to mention how much energy, effort and financial resources he has spent on promoting the Ghost King to the fourth level.

Now that the core of the magic weapon has been destroyed, his soul has been injured, and all the hard work he has done before has been wasted!

The main reason to blame is that the golden elixir demon cultivator did not tell Li Chengsheng's spiritual roots and the attributes of the spirit beasts when he reported it, otherwise Wang Zhonghe would never have given him the Ten Thousand Ghosts Flag.


Filled with rage, he flew towards the Wangui flag as fast as he could.

Unfortunately, by the time he arrived, Li Chengsheng had already disappeared. There was only a carbonized corpse lying aside, and not far away, there was a mangled black flag.


I don’t know how far away I am on Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

Li Zhirui, who was practicing Qiang, suddenly opened his eyes and immediately took out Li Chengsheng's life tablet. He was relieved when he saw that it was still intact.

In fact, when the distraction jade slip was activated, he felt something. He was just practicing and could not be distracted. He could only wait until he completed this round of practice to check the situation.

Fortunately nothing happened!

But then again, if something really happened, it was such a long distance away, not to mention that Li Zhirui didn't know Li Chengsheng's location at all. Even if he knew, he wouldn't be able to arrive in time.

I don't know how this kid has been living these years and when he will come back.

Because of the interruption of this matter, he had no interest in practicing for a while, so he simply stepped into the space and planned to relax.

Looking at the lush spiritual plants and elixirs all over the mountains and plains, Li Zhirui felt extremely satisfied. It was precisely because of the existence of this mysterious space that his path of cultivation was so smooth.


As he looked at it, he felt something was wrong.

He has not entered the space for several years, and Xiao Cang is also practicing in the outside world. In the huge space, there are only a few nests of spiritual bees working hard to collect nectar and pollinate.

Even if he didn't use spiritual stones to induce birth, some low-level elixirs should have matured for several rounds. The spiritual seeds were scattered everywhere and the elixirs grew wildly.

Li Zhirui deliberately left a large open space near the low-level elixirs for them to grow.

But now, although elixirs are growing in the original open space, they are not chaotic, but rather orderly, as if they have been specially organized.

When did space have such a function?

Thinking of this, he unconsciously squinted his eyes and said softly: Or are there other creatures in the space?

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