The world says that demonic cultivators are ruthless, but it is not surprising that there are several unique demonic cultivators born out of such huge numbers.

And this is the case with the Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator King Zhong He. They were born to three children from the same mother, and all have three spiritual root qualifications. They grew up together since childhood, escaped death many times, and have a deep relationship.

Not to mention that his two younger brothers sacrificed a lot to push his eldest brother to the Nascent Soul realm. Wang Zhonghe had been thinking of ways to let his two younger brothers break through, but he suddenly heard the bad news!

One can imagine how angry he was.

Wang Zhonghe looked at Li Chengsheng with resentment in his eyes, and his voice seemed to come from under the Nine Netherworld, saying: I will not let you die easily, this will only make it easier for you! I want you to be in the pain of not being able to live or die at all times. Among them, I want all your relatives and friends to die in front of you!

Before he finished speaking, a big black hand appeared out of thin air and grabbed Li Chengsheng.

The gap between Yuanying and Jindan is like a chasm!

Li Chengsheng had no ability to resist at all and could only run away in confusion. If he remembered correctly, there was a Nascent Soul Sect more than a thousand miles away in the northeast. As long as he ran there, he would be safe!

Want to run?!

Wang Zhonghe sneered, and in a flash, he appeared only a few miles behind Li Chengsheng.

'It's a pity that I don't have the Earth Escape Talisman in my hand, so I can only use the distraction jade slip my father gave me. ’

Li Chengsheng tried to escape with his own power, but reality told him that it was impossible to succeed. Doing so would only put himself in danger.

I have no choice but to use my last resort to save my life.

When the distracting jade slip was about to be activated, a shadow that was identical to Li Zhirui emerged from it and said, Sheng'er, are you in trouble again?

Excuse me! The situation was urgent, and Li Chengsheng didn't have time to explain so much. After bowing, he ran away into the distance.

Ha! There is actually a Nascent Soul father, but even so, you can't escape this disaster!

Even so, Wang Zhonghe turned around and ordered the demon cultivator next to him who was like a dead dog: Follow me. If you lose someone, you must know what the consequences will be.

Although the distraction's strength is only one-tenth of the main body's and is no match for him, it can still be done by pestering him for half an hour.

Half an hour! People don't know where they have fled to, so they can only place their hopes on this waste.

Don't even think about escaping. You have a trace of my magic power left in your body. No matter how far away you are, as long as I have a thought, you will be like a bomb, exploding into a bloody mess!

If he was distracted, he acted as if he hadn't seen anything, and allowed the golden elixir demon cultivator to chase Li Chengsheng and fight with Wang Zhonghe.

He didn't have vine spiritual seeds in his hands, so he could only use magical powers to entangle them. And because his magic power was limited, he couldn't squander it as he did, so he was a little constrained when it came to using his hands.

Fortunately, the distraction is only needed to buy more time for Li Chengsheng's escape, not really to defeat the demon cultivator.

On the other side, Li Chengsheng ran as fast as he could without paying any attention to the Jindan Demon Cultivator who was chasing after him. He didn't stop until he flew thousands of miles away in one breath.

Run away! Why don't you run away? The demon cultivator shouted bluffingly.

We are just dealing with a defeated general. Is there any need to escape? Li Chengsheng looked at him with disdain.

Hmph! Do you think I don't know that you have two third-level spirit beasts in your hands? But with them, you still surrender and capture them, so as not to suffer physical pain.

After saying that, the demonic cultivator proudly held out a black flag. For a moment, a strong wind blew up and evil spirits gathered. It was clearly noon, but the surrounding world became a little gray.

I saw an evil ghost with a green face and fangs emerging from the black flag, exuding a fourth-level aura!

This is the Ten Thousand Ghost Flag refined by Wang Zhonghe, but in order for the Ghost King to advance to the fourth level, all other ghosts became nourishment.

Li Chengsheng's face changed drastically. He didn't expect that the Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivator would give him such a precious magic weapon. But the next moment, he calmed down because he found that the ghost king's aura was frivolous, and it looked like he had just broken through. The kind that didn't even have time to consolidate.

‘If that’s the case, you might not be able to fight! ’

The combat power of ghosts is inherently weaker than those in the same realm, and this is a fourth-level evil ghost that has been enslaved by others. It has almost no intelligence at all, and its combat power has been reduced a lot.

In addition, Li Chengsheng has the spiritual root of the sun, A Li, A Yang, and even the third spiritual beast Yang Li Firebird who has not been exposed, one by one, they can all restrain ghosts!

Moreover, he also has in his hand the fourth-order formation tailor-made for him by Jiang Fengwu - the Pure Yang Four Fire Formation!

Under the circumstances, it is really possible to defeat this fourth-level evil ghost that has just broken through!

My thoughts change all over the place, all in the blink of an eye.

After thinking about the pros and cons of both sides, Li Chengsheng no longer thought about escaping, but was eager to try. Maybe he could defeat the fourth level with the golden elixir realm!

Even if it's just a ghost.

Ayang, Ali, Yangli, set up the formation!

The crimson formation disk flew out from Li Chengsheng's hand, and the formation flags automatically settled into position. The four of them each stood on one side. In the blink of an eye, a fourth-order formation was formed in an instant, trapping all the demon cultivators and ghosts in it.

There is a big sun hanging in the sky above the formation, exuding a strong aura of the solstice, and below is a sea of ​​four-color fire. Their source is Li Chengsheng's elixir fire, and the natal spiritual fire of the three spiritual beasts.

Yang Qi filled the entire formation.

This scene shocked the demon cultivator. He did not expect that a small golden elixir cultivator would dare to take the initiative to attack the fourth-order ghost king.

As for Li Chengsheng's reservation and the third spiritual beast, he didn't take it seriously at all.

I don't know what to say, I don't know whether to live or die!

With a cold snort, he urged the Ghost King to attack.

If Mr. Wang hadn't left the magic power in the Ten Thousand Ghosts Flag, he wouldn't have been able to activate it for long based on his cultivation.

I saw the Ghost King holding a heavy sword with a strong ghost energy, as if ten thousand ghosts crawled out of it. The rich cold evil spirit made the nearby spiritual fires become weak, and then he slashed at the formation.

The formation swayed slightly for a while, but quickly calmed down.

Take a hit from me!

Li Chengsheng, who presided over the formation, summoned huge fireballs. Each fireball contained the spiritual fire of the sun and the fire of Nanming. The most pure and pure fireballs were able to restrain ghosts.

Are you tickling the Ghost King? The demon cultivator controlled the Ghost King to continuously smash the fireballs while mocking him.

But the next moment, the smile on his face froze!

He slowly lowered his head and saw that a fire spear had pierced his chest from behind at some unknown time. The heart that should have been beating continuously was exuding a burnt aroma.

Ahem, you... Before he could finish his words, he fell down, fell into the blazing sea of ​​fire below, and disappeared.

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