In this realm where Qi-training monks make up the majority, Foundation-building monks are rare, and golden elixirs are legendary existences, it’s no wonder they reacted this way.

After all, if you accidentally offend the other person, you can even kill them casually just because you don't like them.

When Xiao Qing saw this, his face darkened. He never thought that one day he would be shunned by others.

If Li Zhirui hadn't told him not to mess around, Xiao Qing would have wanted to catch the people in front of him and ask them why they were so afraid.

Li Zhirui originally thought that the strength of the foundation-building monks was low enough and would not panic these young monks, but he made a mistake.

Even the guy who delivered the spiritual wine was trembling when he walked and didn't dare to raise his head at all.


Seeing him put down the spirit wine and run away, Li Zhirui called out to him and asked: I once heard that there is a big river here that is rich in clams and pearls. Why can't I find it?

Strictly speaking, this clam bead is not a spiritual object, it is just contaminated with some spiritual energy, but because of this, it is very popular among low-level female cultivators.

After all, the price is low and the effect of whitening and beautifying the skin is quite good. Therefore, it is somewhat famous among the nearby casual practitioners.

Senior, I don't know. About a hundred years ago, the Baiyu Sect discovered a vein of spirit stone in the Bailang River. In order to better develop the vein, they cut off the river from the upstream.

After decades of digging spiritual stones, I discovered that the rivers on both sides of the mine had been filled up, and slowly the entire river disappeared. The man explained hurriedly, for fear that he would speak too slowly and cause this incident. The dissatisfaction of a foundation-building senior.

Li Zhirui frowned when he heard this. Is it because of this? Then do you still remember the location of the river?

Although it was a bit strange for him to ask about clam beads before, it still had a reason. But now that the river channels are gone, those river mussels will naturally become extinct. However, he acted like he was asking questions, which immediately aroused unrest. The young monk's curiosity and speculation.

‘Could it be that there are other treasures in Bailang River? ’ This is what most people think, but in Li Zhirui’s face, they don’t dare to talk about it out loud.

Yes, I have a map from a hundred years ago in my hand. If you need it, senior, I will get it and give it to you. The shopkeeper hurried over and said respectfully.

At this time, the shopkeeper was both nervous and excited. Who would have thought that a tattered map that no one wanted would actually receive the friendship of a 'Foundation Building Monk'.

But when Li Zhirui got the map, the shopkeeper was disappointed. Want to gain his friendship with just a map? It’s too simple! So I gave the shopkeeper a few hundred spirit stones and left the tavern directly.

Brother Jiu, I haven't finished drinking the spirit wine yet! Xiaoqing couldn't help complaining as soon as he went out.

You can still drink that low-level spiritual wine with great taste.

Li Zhirui said casually, then changed the subject and said: Our appearance is still attracting some attention, so we should rush to the source as soon as possible to find the treasure place.

After that, the three of them left in a hurry.

After they left, the tavern became more lively than before, and everyone was discussing the purpose of Li Zhirui and the others.

I must have gone treasure hunting, otherwise how could I suddenly ask about the channel of Bailang River.

So what if I'm hunting for treasure? That's a foundation-building monk. Let's run over and find death.

With so many of us, maybe we can snatch one or two treasures back from the hands of the foundation-building monks, and then we can distribute them.

Ha! Don't die outside then.

Although it was very dangerous, the treasures attracted them. In the end, many monks ventured to leave and headed to the Bailang River to prepare for a fight.


This is it!

Xiao Qing looked at the surrounding environment and found that there was very little difference from the treasure map. It could even be said that except for the missing river, there was no other difference. The source was still a deep pool.

I don't see anything special about it. He really couldn't figure out why he would hide spiritual objects in such a place.

The three of them groped around in the deep pool, and it didn't take long before they found their destination.

A cave completely covered by silt at the bottom of a deep pool!

The three of them spent a lot of effort to restore its true appearance. It is no wonder that no one has discovered it after so many years. The silt actually has the effect of deceiving spiritual consciousness.

It can be regarded as a treasure, and it was put away casually.

Li Zhirui looked at the dark cave in front of him, which would be able to accommodate one person, and his expression became very wary. In such a narrow place, if an emergency situation occurs, it will be impossible to fight!

But the treasure was inside, and he was really unwilling to turn around and go back now.

Brother Ninth, how about we go in and take a look first?

Daqing said: My defense is strong, so let's take the lead.

It's okay. I'll take the lead. If you encounter danger, you can hide in the space immediately. Li Zhirui rejected Daqing's suggestion and immediately walked towards the cave.

The tunnel became wider and wider as we walked, and in the end it even opened up a large space.

There was no danger inside, and no treasures were seen. There was only a huge coffin placed in the center, surrounded by dense formations that looked extremely mysterious.

Isn't there a high-level zombie in the coffin? Xiao Qing guessed.

After all, the surrounding environment is indeed difficult not to remind people of zombies.

Be careful!

Li Zhirui reminded the two of them, and then he spawned vines to open the coffin. He also wanted to see what monsters and monsters were inside.

Hahahahahaha, I'm finally resurrected!

A zombie with a green face and fangs jumped out, but judging from his extremely high intelligence, it didn't look like a zombie.

You must know that it is very difficult for zombies to develop spiritual intelligence. If they break through the third level, they will only have weak intelligence. Until they break through the fifth level, their spiritual intelligence will be the same as that of ordinary people.

Boy, tell me what year it is now. The zombie ordered unceremoniously, not taking Li Zhirui seriously at all.


Li Zhirui said coldly: A zombie of only the fourth level dares to yell at me. I really don't know how to live or die.

With Da Qing and Xiao Qing by his side, he has unparalleled confidence in his own strength!

Okay, okay, then let me see how I don't know how to live or die. The zombie seemed to have heard some big joke, with obvious sarcasm and ridicule on its stiff face.


I saw a vine suddenly rising from the ground, swinging with terrifying force and hitting the zombies.

But the other party didn't move at all, and even the vine broke due to the reaction force!

Hahahaha, with this strength, are you tickling me?

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