Both Feng Wu and Xiao Qing said they had no impression, but Da Qing did... Li Zhirui muttered to himself.

This means that it should be a place that Xiaoqing has been to before the contract. After all, the high-level monks have excellent memories and powerful souls, so there is no possibility of negligence or omission.

Even if you forget it for a while, it is because the memory is too huge and complicated and you can't think of it in a short time.

Before contracting Xiao Qing, it means that Li Zhirui was just a young Qi practitioner at that time and had visited very limited places.

After focusing on this area, an answer suddenly appeared in his mind, and he said in surprise: Bailang County!

That's right, it's the upstream source of Bailang River!

At the beginning, the Li family was just a foundation-building family and a vassal family of the Beast Control Sect. Li Zhirui had lived in Bailang County for more than ten years and had followed his elders there. Later, in order to survive and continue, the whole family moved to Datong. Ten Thousand Immortals Island on Rong Island.

But hundreds of years have passed since the Li family moved here, and he was the only one left in that group of tribesmen, so he didn't think about it for a while.

As for Li Zhixuan, another member of the Zigzag generation, she was born after coming to Wanxian Island and had never lived in Bailang County.

Of course, over thousands of years, mountains and rivers will also change. Li Zhirui didn't know how many years ago this treasure map was handed down, but the signs and terrain on it were all consistent with the Bailang River in his impression. The treasure chest The location is right at the source!

After hearing what you said, Brother Jiu, I also remembered it! It is indeed exactly the same as Bailanghe! At that time, Daqing had a weak mind and could not recall the relevant memories at all if he did not search for it deliberately.

Then are you going to find this treasure?

Jiang Fengwu frowned and said: I remember Bailang County is twenty thousand miles away. Although this distance is not too far, it is also the territory of the Nascent Soul Sect. If nothing is gained, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

She has been married into the Li family for so many years, so she naturally knows the relevant information.

I believe in my spiritual sense. This treasure map should be real.

Hearing this, Jiang Fengwu knew that Li Zhirui had made up his mind. He could not persuade him, so he had to leave it to him.

But thinking about his current strength, unless he encounters an ambush by the ancestor of the gods or the digital Yuanying, under normal circumstances, there is no need to worry about his safety.

Then please be careful.

Don't worry, I'll be back soon.

They were just looking for a treasure. Li Zhirui didn't think there was any danger and planned to take Xiaoqing and set off directly.

But unexpectedly, Daqing took the initiative and said, Brother Jiu, I also want to follow you.

Then let's go. He didn't think much about it, let alone refuse, and readily agreed.

Instead, Xiao Cang was released from the space. He has now reached a critical period. He doesn't know when the thunder tribulation will come. Put him in the space. In case Li Zhirui is practicing outside, it is inconvenient to release him. Tribulation.

Overcoming the tribulation in the wild is still a bit dangerous after all. Even if the three of them help protect the law, there may be oversights, not to mention problems such as insufficient spiritual energy in the outside world.

After Xiao Cang broke through to the fourth level, he could be regarded as catching up with Da Qing and Xiao Qing. Not to mention that they were already on the same starting line, but at least the gap was not that big.


Li Zhirui took Daqing and Xiaoqing and quietly left Wanxian Island and headed straight for Bailang County. Although hundreds of years had passed, he could remember the route clearly for some reason.

Twenty thousand miles was very far away for the Li family who was still building the foundation. He was frightened along the way, for fear of encountering any enemies. Fortunately, the journey was safe in the end, and he also discovered Yunyu on the way, opening up a new path for the family. A source of wealth.

But to Li Zhirui now, these 20,000 miles are nothing, let alone worrying about any dangers he may encounter.

Brother Ninth, after the family became stronger, why didn't you go back and have a look? After all, it is the ancestral land of the family. Xiao Qing asked curiously.

There was a hint of confusion in Li Zhirui's eyes, and he didn't know why. Maybe it was because of the distance? Or maybe it's because of time?

At first, the family didn't care about the secular people who stayed in Bailang County. Later, as the old people passed away one by one, no one mentioned it anymore.

Now that so many years have passed, I don't know how many secular clan members there are, let alone whether they have the blood of the Li family.

Shaking his head, he cleared away these thoughts and said: Things and people have changed a long time ago, and even the mountains and rivers have changed. There is no need to do such boring things.

The rest of the journey became quiet until they set foot on the land of Bailang County.

The spiritual energy is so thin?

Li Zhirui's impression was also a little blurry. The Li family's life was indeed not easy at the beginning, and they were squeezed by the Beast Control Sect.

We are here to hunt for treasure, other things have nothing to do with us.

But when they came to the location of Bailang River in their memory, they found that the big river had disappeared!

This... Li Zhirui frowned. He had thought about the river changing its course, but he had not considered the river disappearing!

Because in his impression, Bailang River is a big river, and it is close to the boundless sea. It has abundant rainfall, so it is impossible for it to stop flowing or disappear.

It seems like we need to find a market place to get some information.

Originally, he could always find the source by following the river, but now the river has disappeared and is surrounded by flat land. Li Zhirui can't find the location of the river at all.

It didn't take long for them to find a dilapidated market. After walking in, the three of them couldn't help but frown. The area was very small, probably less than one mile.

There is only one north-south street in Fangshi. The shops on both sides are somewhat decayed. There are quite a few monks walking on the road, but all of them are Qi practicing monks.

This strength is too poor. Xiao Qing muttered.

Is the strength poor? Li Zhirui repeated in his mind, it was very bad, but how different was the original Li family from these people?

If it weren't for good luck, the Li family would have grown up and they would still be struggling to survive like them.

Let's go, find a tavern and get some news.

He had just discovered that except for a few shops selling elixirs and magic weapons, the entire city was full of taverns and brothels, and the business seemed to be quite good.

As soon as Li Zhirui and the other two entered the tavern, the originally noisy hall suddenly became quiet.

Although they have restrained their aura, even if they are just foundation-building monks, they still put great pressure on these minor Qi practitioners.

Brother, bring me some good wine. Xiao Qing greeted loudly as if he didn't feel anything.

As for the table where the three of them sat, the monks nearby hid as fast as they could away from the god of plague.

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