There may be various reasons why Da Qing is tempted, but it is undeniable that the fact that she comes from the Green Turtle clan is definitely a very important factor.

Daqing described the environment of Ten Thousand Immortals Island and his status in the Li family in detail, but Qinggui had no reaction to these.

It wasn't until Daqing took out various elixirs from the storage ring that she came closer and asked with her consciousness: What are these?

Her ability to be keenly aware of these elixirs was of great help to her growth.

These are spiritual pills that can speed up our cultivation and allow us to break through as soon as possible. Daqing's eyes lit up, and he immediately pulled Li Zhirui out and said, My contractor is an alchemist. He can refine many kinds of spiritual pills. Dan!”

If you are willing to be with me, you will never be short of elixirs in the future!

Qing Gui's heart was moved. She suddenly felt that Da Qing was quite good-looking. Among the demon clan, there was no reserve at all. She agreed to Da Qing very directly, saying: If you don't keep your word, I will join in.伱!”

Because Da Qing is still hiding his cultivation, Qing Gui doesn't think he is very powerful.

Okay! Daqing was ecstatic, and immediately sent over the second-level elixir in his hand, saying: You take these elixirs first, and after a while, we will leave the secret realm, and then find a way to return to Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

Daqing has a low-level spiritual plant jade medal on his body, and there is a group of cloud fish specially kept in it to satisfy his appetite.

When leaving, it will be just right for the green turtle to enter, and also to take in the spiritual pond and the green lotus.

Qinggui didn't quite understand the meaning of these words, but she didn't care. She immediately picked up a spiritual pill and swallowed it, feeling the rapidly growing mana in her Dantian.

It really works! Qinggui said happily: If there are enough magic pills, I can make a breakthrough in a few years!


Divine Thunder Mountain, the sect’s main hall.

After this period of investigation—the reason it took so long was mainly because they had to go around the Snowy Mountains and spend most of their time on the road—they finally knew the true purpose of the Xuan Bing Sect.

What a Xuan Bing Sect, let us attract the demon clan and explore the secret realm by ourselves! A group of elders, especially the elders whose Jindan relatives and friends had died, were particularly angry and wished they could fight with the Xuan Bing Sect now.

Unfortunately, this is impossible!

Not to mention that the Xuan Bing Sect was more powerful than them, but just because of the distance between the two families, a war could not break out.

It was precisely because Xuan Bing Sect saw through this that they plotted against Shen Lei Mountain without any fear of retaliation.

Okay, stop talking about these nonsense! Leader Wen shouted impatiently, and said with a gloomy face: Hurry up and let the monks guarding the border go back to their homes.

After all, these monks consume a lot of resources every day, and all of these resources are supplied by Shenlei Mountain!

It can be said that in this operation, Shenlei Mountain not only lost a large number of monks, but also spent a large amount of resources, a large part of which was used to compensate various forces.

No matter what the cause is, people die because they responded to your call. You can choose not to compensate, but you have to bear the corresponding consequences, such as people's hearts.

Even if True Lord Yunlei is now in charge of Shenlei Mountain, he does not dare to lose the hearts and minds of all the vassal forces. Although they can be suppressed with powerful force, this is not a long-term solution.

In the afternoon of that day, Li Zhirui and others received the order to retreat from Shenlei Mountain. They could choose to go home directly, or they could choose to go to Shenlei Mountain to receive compensation.

But the Li family has no choice, because none of their clan members have died!

Although everyone was injured at the beginning, they were blocked in the end and no clan members died.

After several hours of flying, the group returned to Ten Thousand Immortals Island that night. Li Shilian, who was originally practicing, flew out immediately after hearing the noise.

Zhirui, why are you back at this time? Although Li Shilian had already known through the life cards that no clan members had died, he was completely relieved when he saw with his own eyes that everyone returned safe and sound.

But when he looked around, he didn't see Li Shiqing and Li Shiren, and asked doubtfully: Where are the second brother and Shiren? Were they left behind by the Divine Thunder Mountain?

Grandpa Lian... Li Zhirui shouted, but he didn't know how to speak to him.

Did something unexpected happen to the second brother? But his life card is still in good condition! Seeing his reaction, Li Shilian felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Don't worry, I'm fine. Li Shiqing, who was supported by Li Shiren, replied in a weak voice.

Second brother, you... When Li Shilian saw his appearance, his pupils shrank suddenly, his face full of disbelief.

Zhi Rui, what on earth is going on!

Li Zhirui had no choice but to tell what happened to them.

After listening, Li Shilian didn't speak for a long time because he didn't know what to say at all.

In the end, it was Li Shiqing's cough that broke the dead silence at the scene, but it also touched everyone's hearts and quickly asked him to go back to the cave to rest.

This battle is really... Li Shilian smiled bitterly and said sourly: Even if you become a member of the Jindan family, you are still something that others can throw away.

Grandpa Lian, don't worry, I will definitely make Shenlei Mountain pay the price! Li Zhirui promised with a serious expression: At the same time, I will also try my best to buy back a life-extending pill for Grandpa Second!

The Life Extension Pill is an extremely precious elixir, with the lowest grade being the third level. Its value is even greater than that of the Gold Formation Pill.

The third-level life extension pill can increase life span by twenty years, and the fourth-level life extension pill can increase life span by fifty years...

But no matter what kind of life-extending pill it is, its value will not be less than one million spiritual stones, and it is impossible to buy it with spiritual stones. It must be exchanged for various precious spiritual objects.

Even in Shenlei Mountain, if you want to get a life-extending pill, you have to spend all your efforts and methods.

Of course Li Shilian knew the value of the Life Extension Pill, but he understood that this was Li Zhirui's intention, so he couldn't say anything more and said: Your injury has not healed yet, go back quickly.

Two golden elixirs in the family were injured. In order to prevent Yuan Mingzong from knowing the news, Li Shilian directly sealed off the clan area. Except for some clan members who had something to do, no one else was allowed to leave.

Time flies, and more than a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

I wonder how Daqing is doing?

On this day, Li Zhirui, who had healed his injury, opened his eyes, felt the contract in the sea of ​​consciousness, and sighed helplessly.

This contract can only let him know whether Daqing is still alive, and there is no other information at all!

He decided that if Daqing hadn't come back in another month, he would venture into Taixu Prefecture to find Daqing's whereabouts!

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